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Tim King`s interview with Brian Arthur Brown, the author of Three Testaments: Torah, Gospel and Quran.

Revolutionary new book presents together the texts of the Torah, Gospels, and Qur’an; Scriptures that are central to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

(SALEM / NIAGRA FALLS) - Dr. Brian Arthur Brown and Tim King Three Testaments: Torah, Gospel and Quran, a potential publishing phenomenon, is set for release this summer, followed by a seven city book launch tour in September.

Tim King interviewed Brian Arthur Brown, the author and editor, from his home in Niagara Falls.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2012 00:31)

A Panel Discussion on Creating Social Justice Through Boycotts, Divestment, and Public Banking


(PORTLAND, OR) - SUPER allies are invited to a significant Panel Discussion on Creating Social Justice Through Boycotts, Divestment, and Public Banking, which will be taking place on Tuesday, March 13th, at PSU in Room 333 of the Smith Memorial Student Union.

We need as many allies as we can get in the struggle for justice in Palestine, the Middle East, and around the world.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2012 14:23)

Bahrain: Release Human Rights Defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja Eye on the World report.

(DHAKA- Bangladesh) - Human Rights Defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja Bahrain should immediately and unconditionally release Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja from prison.

Mr. Al-Khawaja has been in a Hunger Strike for four weeks, he is now suffering deteriorated health, entering his fourth week without nourishment. In an open letter, Al-Khawaja pledged to stay on hunger strike until “freedom or death.”

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2012 12:54)

America: On the Wrong Side of the World Revolution

While seeds of dissent are sprouting in America in the form of the occupy movements, the lack of vibrant political opposition remains truly striking.

(TEHRAN) - Obama Almost half a century has passed since Dr. King uttered those dire but eloquent words of warning when the United States of America was engaged in a barbaric aggression against the Vietnamese people.

Since then, corporate greed, technology and consumerism have come to reign supreme in the U.S., and the inherent evils of racism, materialism and militarism as we were forewarned by Dr. King appear now to be invincible.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2012 15:49)

Priority Health Care, Early Learning Bills Approved in Senate

Health Insurance Exchange & Early Learning Council head to Governor’s desk .

(SALEM) - Oregon capitol photo by Tim King The Oregon Senate took action today on two major policy initiatives of the 2012 Session.

Read Full Article (Feb-29-2012 14:23)

Nepal: Play an Important Role to Protect Child Rights Eye on the World Report.

(SAYDABAD, Bangladesh) - Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Prime Minister of Nepal Becoming part of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990, Nepal set out on a path, ultimately ratifying measures against the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.

It is time to ratify the third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Right of the Child on a communications procedures.

Read Full Article (Feb-29-2012 02:32)

Nitty-Gritty on Creative Coping

Nuggets of distilled wisdom can guide each of us to conquer our fears and be determined to ultimately prevail.

(SALEM) - Meeting of the Minds It happens that last Sunday night I attended a mens rap group hosted at the Salem Hospital. Our group was quite small which allowed us to get to know one another in depth. Since I was the "new guy on the block", the others were game to probe my mind and engage me in serious discussion.

Some neat insights emerged, well worth sharing with you and your close friends. Here goes:

Read Full Article (Feb-29-2012 01:13)

Letter to the Editor re: School Shooting

Tragedies like this will be avoided when people learn to criticize contempt--in ourselves and others, and make choices for respect for the world and people around us.

(RIVERDALE, NY) - Ohio school shooting victims: Danny Parmertor, Demetrius Hewlin and Russel King My heart goes out to the friends and family of the students of Chardon High School who were shot in the attack by another teenager.

As a person who worked in NYC high schools, I know how much young people need to know that the cause of such violence has been understood and can be changed.

Read Full Article (Feb-29-2012 00:38)

Occupy Salem Forum: Bhutan`s Gross National Happiness - Slated for March 7

Occupy Salem is the local manifestation of the international Occupy Movement.

(SALEM) - Flag of Bhutan Gross National Happiness, rather than Gross National Product (GNP), is the national goal of the small Himalayan country of Bhutan.

Occupy Salem member Laurie Dougherty recently visited Bhutan and will present what she learned about this remarkable concept in an exclusive presentation on March 7 at 7 p.m. in the Oregon PeaceWorks office.

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2012 17:23)

Why the Endless GOP Primary Stories on TV News?

Meaningless... and it won't matter at the end of the day

(SALEM) - Republican podium Why are the mainstream media airwaves clogged all day long with information about Republican Presidential contenders who have absolutely not a ghost's chance in hell of being elected?

Why do the TV networks believe this GOP primary should dominate the news?

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
