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Local Families Needed for Exchange Students

The students are well screened and qualified by ASSE. Families can choose their students from a wide variety of backgrounds, nationalities and personal interests.

(SALEM) - foreign exchange students ASSE International Student Exchange Programs (ASSE) is seeking local host families for international high school boys and girls.

These students are 15 to 18 years of age, and are coming to this area for the upcoming high school year or semester. These personable and academically selected exchange students are conversant in English, bright, curious and anxious to learn about this country through living as part of a family, attending high school and sharing their own culture and language with their newly adopted host family.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 20:54)

Continuing the Legacy of Lies at the NYT

This is truly an extinction level event dragged out over time by lies and purposeful mis-information by people like these Psychopaths at the NYT.

(LOS ANGELES) - A view of grating (R) and the inner wall (L) of the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)’s tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Hmm, when they lie, they still let info drop.

The Times included this factoid: "was just two feet deep, rather than the 33-foot level estimated by Tepco officials when the government declared the plant stable in December."

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 18:44)

Deadly Syndrome Stalks the Mexican Elections

“The existence of insecure zones in some regions of the country hurts social harmony and could eventually inhibit the development of democratic life,” - Leonardo Valdes Zurita, president of the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE)

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Former Mexico City mayor and 2006 presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Call it the Michoacan Plus Syndrome.

Exposed during last fall’s elections in the Mexican state of Michoacan, kidnappings and other crimes against actual or potential political candidates are now surfacing in Mexico’s state and federal elections scheduled for July 1.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 15:56)

The Unhurried Dawn

And so I will continue to conduct the pointless rituals, and speak the passing words, on the corpses all around me, and I will not wonder on the purpose of it all. For, impossibly, death has never had dominion, and it never shall.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Emerging dawn The first dead Indian baby I ever saw was also the first one I ever baptized.

His name was Albert Gomez. That’s what his mom and dad called him, at least, because he died in the womb and finally emerged the morning I arrived at Port Alberni General Hospital to pretend to console the shattered couple.

Read Full Article (Mar-31-2012 13:27)

Library Rally Set for April 11th to Protest Near-Shutdown

Make a sign saying: WE LOVE LIBRARIES!

(SALEM) - Salem Library As a two-term library board member, I need to alert all citizens that our Salem Public Library is facing serious budget cuts and we need your help to reach a viable compromise. We're told that city officials will seek a 6-hour week for the W. Salem Library this year, way down from the present 31 hours.

If this happens, our main library can be next on the chopping-block.

Read Full Article (Mar-30-2012 04:53)

Not a Fable

“I tear the wings off helpless little butterflies.” -
Gustav Meyer ran Section Y for the Canadian government, and it wasn’t insects he ripped apart.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Nanaimo Indian Hospital, circa 1948 Even after microfilm came along, the secrets were stored in long manila file folders tucked randomly throughout the acres of shelves of at least four different departments of the government of Canada.

It was reasoned that no-one would ever bother looking there, even if they did learn of the secrets, which was unlikely.

Read Full Article (Mar-29-2012 15:42)

How Jesus Came To Guanajuato

Unwelcome truths in lonely gibberish.

(SASKATCHEWAN) - Guanajuato, Mexico Mexican history is a little complicated for a gringo, but it's manageable once you realize that it's more religiously straitjacketed than American history and almost as hilarious as Canadian history.

But it's necessary to decipher the past, at least that of the State of Guanajuato, because of the recent royal visit of Pope Benedict XVI, nee Joseph Ratzinger who first honed his disciple skills as a mere boy in the Hitler Youth.

Read Full Article (Mar-28-2012 15:48)

CDC to Announce New Autism Rate of 1 in 88, and Believes CDC Likely to Declare `No Public Health Emergency` and `No Epidemic`

Canary Party calls on Americans to demand that federal health authorities call this what it is, an autism epidemic...

(WASHINGTON DC) - Autism 1 in 88 This week, the Canary Party expects CDC to announce a new autism prevalence rate of 1 in 88. Boys are diagnosed with autism at four times the rate of girls, meaning 1 in 48 boys.

That new rate would be an increase from the previous 1 in 110 reported two years ago by the CDC’s Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2012 18:06)

Trayvon Martin vs. PFC Johnson, LeVena Lynn

A poetic tribute...

(CLEVELAND) - Lavena Johnson and Trayvon Martin There are so many names, so many stories we have followed where Black Americans are at the receiving end of injustice; cut down in the prime of their life.

Luke and I have each written at length about LaVena Johnson's loss and what it means; now young Trayvon Martin is forced to join this list of sacrificed people in a nation that never healed from its inception as a slave trading government.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2012 14:25)

Some Districts Resist State Open Enrollment Change, While Others Embrace it

The Eugene School District, for example, opened up 1,725 seats to new students, while it currently serves 16,000.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Oregon School enrollment Oregon K-12 students have until April 1 to apply for transfers to public schools that opted into the state’s new open enrollment law.

School boards and districts had until March 1, 2012 to decide whether or not they would accept new students from outside their district based on the recent open enrollment policy put into place by the legislature.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
