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RTDNA Urges Pa. Court to Remove Reporting Restrictions in Sandusky Case

RTDNA urges court to amend order to remove the restrictions on reporting the jury’s verdict before adjournment of court.

(AUSTIN, TX) - Sandusky The following letter was dispatched today by RTDNA, a group consisting of more than 3,000 news directors, news associates, educators and students.

The group is expressing the concerns of RTDNA’s members with regard to the June 21, 2012 Order in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Gerald A. Sandusky

Read Full Article (Jun-22-2012 18:16)

Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

Traditional shaman and healer, Brant Secunda, to lead ancient cultural teachings in Alaska

(JUNEAU, AL) - Brant Secunda- Alaska sunset From high up in the sky a bald eagle glides down, over a frozen glacier, and swoops across the coastal waters.

A whale surfaces, so close that the participants who have gathered from around the world feel as though they could reach out and touch its smooth, rubbery skin.

Read Full Article (Jun-22-2012 17:04)

44 Senators Tell Obama To Do Israel`s Bidding

The signees include 25 Democrats and 19 Republicans. These senators represent AIPAC’s honor roll of loyalists.

(CHICAGO) - Image from the movie 'Men in Black' War, as General Sherman once said, is hell. It is also widely perceived to be a failure of diplomacy.

Which would explain why it is that when war-promoting lobbyists want to generate congressional enthusiasm for the next war, all short-term congressional memories must be wiped out.

Read Full Article (Jun-22-2012 16:16)

Reactor Reax Top Stories

Nuclear Waste: Why Environmentalists Are Pressing NRC on Reactor Licenses.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Nuclear spending This week in Reactor Reax: the DoE's loan guarantee programs are the focus of much public attention since Solyndra went bankrupt last year.

CSM explores Nuclear waste, asking why environmentalists are pressing NRC on reactor licenses. Also, feds say design flaw led to Calif. nuke plant woes.

Read Full Article (Jun-21-2012 22:39)

From 1761 to 2012: What has Changed in England?

Lessons from My Ancestor Peter, a Stansted Prison, and a Digger named Winstanley.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - John Waller in Pillory In 1761, author and publicist Peter Annett was arrested on a charge of blasphemy and sedition.

He questioned scripture and Church authority in his news sheet, 'The Free Enquirer'.

Read Full Article (Jun-20-2012 15:46)

The Agent Orange Leak on Okinawa

Buried Stockpile of Toxic Defoliant is Contaminating Futenma Air Base.

(YOKOHAMA) - Okinawa and Agent Orange The U.S. Marine Corps buried a massive stockpile of Agent Orange at the Futenma air station in Okinawa, seriously sickening the base’s former head of maintenance and potentially contaminating nearby residents and the ground beneath the base.

The barrels were abandoned in Okinawa at the end of the Vietnam War...

Read Full Article (Jun-18-2012 18:30)

Inside Mexico`s New Youth Rebellion

Weekend leafleting was just one of many actions carried out by a new youth movement that's shaken up the 2012 Mexican elections.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Mexico's 132 Movement In Aguascalientes, Mexico, a group of young people passed out leaflets to passerby in the city's busy downtown.

A young woman wore a homemade poster that protested the murders of women in the state of Mexico, while her companions distributed leaflets that flashed a satiric image of Enrique Pena Nieto.

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2012 04:14)

An Apple Sprouts in Manhattan: Mr. John Goes to the United Nations, Unfortunately

Gangsters like Ed John don’t like drawing more attention to bad publicity about themselves – especially when they know it’s all true.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - I first heard Ed John’s name mentioned when a large and nasty thug shoved his arm into my throat and bellowed in my ear, “Eddie John is pissed off at what you’re doing here, so cut it out now!”

The ruffian was named Dean Wilson, an enforcer with the Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council in Prince George, British Columbia.

Read Full Article (Jun-15-2012 22:37)

W. Salem Library Struggle Offers Several Alternatives

Next year the struggle will resume.

(SALEM) - Salem Public Library Ah, sweet victory, at least until Spring 2013.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2012 13:35)

New Jersey`s 9th CD Voters Say No to AIPAC

What makes the news from Passaic County so surprising was that Pascrell’s election to a House seat from New Jersey’s new 9th district was not supposed to happen.

(CHICAGO) - Bill Pascrell One election night victory in one New Jersey congressional district does not represent a major shift in American politics. But shifts do occur, and they must start somewhere.

On the night of June 5, 2012, this was the news the Star-Ledger reported from the Passaic County Community College in Paterson, NJ.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
