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What`s Worse Than a Nuclear War?

What can you do? The only way to assure ourselves this global disaster will not happen is to join the global movement to abolish these weapons of mass destruction.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Nuclear world What could be worse than a nuclear war? A nuclear famine following a nuclear war. And where is the most likely nuclear war to break out? The India-Pakistan border.

Both countries are nuclear armed, and although their arsenals are “small” compared to the U.S. and Russia, they are extremely deadly. Pakistan has about 100 nuclear weapons; India about 130. They have fought three wars since 1947 and are contending bitterly for control over the Kashmir and for influence in Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2013 22:00)

Bright Future for Bright Students from France

The Ambassador stated the particular scholarships or grants will certainly inspire better relations between males and females, and can encourage sexual category equilibrium.

(ISLAMABAD) - Phillippe Thiebaund, France's Ambassador in Pakistan, sits down for an interview with's Shamim Masih. Based on the latest overseas standing headline just about all Pakistani educational facilities didn't ensure they are at the top of global entries. Coping with Pakistan's fiscal limitations, any Pakistani pupil can certainly dream to live overseas.

A couple weeks ago, The French embassy reported it is associated with the next round of scholarships or grants on with Rs. 4 million intended for shining and deserving students through 10 Pakistani Colleges.

Read Full Article (Dec-24-2013 14:31)

Land of Child Abusing Clergy, Politicians and Police

The United Protestant Association has been forced to apologise for the child sexual abuse at its Woodlands and Ellimatta homes over nearly 40 years.

(NEWSCASTLE, New South Whales) - The Woodlands Boys Home In September 2013, it was reported that a pedophile ring, which included Christian clergy, sexually abused boys at the Woodlands Boys Home, in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

The home was run by the church. According to one witness: "These men just came, got the boys, used them, and put them back." According to another witness: "These men changed from week to week, suggesting a larger, organised ring.

Read Full Article (Dec-21-2013 01:16)

Senator Kirk`s War Prayer

With shut lids the senator, unconscious of his presence, continued with his moving prayer, and at last finished it with the words, uttered in fervent appeal, "Bless our arms, grant us the victory, O Lord our God, Father and Protector of our land and flag!"

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Iran-Iraq Senator Kirk was praying to Senators Schumer and Menendez, or rather to his god but for their benefit. He was praying in his office where the three were gathered late at night. He was praying for a chance to drop bombs on Iran.

An aged stranger entered the office without a sound, despite the closed door. ...

Read Full Article (Dec-20-2013 00:47)

No Peace Through Military Strength

A response to Catherine Ashton's "To Secure Peace, Be Ready for Battle".

(PORTLAND, OR) - Soldiers paint peace sign by Banksy “The War to End all Wars” never achieved what H.G. Wells implied with this term. On the contrary, World War I not only resulted in the death of more than 16 million humans, it also resulted in a victor’s peace directly setting the stage for World War 2 where an estimated 60 to 100 million people died.

I like to believe that no World War is on the horizon, but I was quite surprised to read the headline of a Wall Street Journal opinion piece “To Secure Peace, Be Ready for Battle. The surprise not so much was the title itself.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2013 21:29)

Richard Dawkins

If Richard Dawkins argues for evolution with a passion and, that “natural selection is a cumulative process with graded ramps of slowly increasing complexity,” then he advocates a creative process that necessitates mind-brain-intelligence, in order to be able to choose and select.

(KELOWNA, BC) - Richard Dawkins Is Biology Professor Richard Dawkins actually a Believer, and doesn’t know it? In a video, at the pearly gate, Dawkins asked the man in the sky; what kind of God are you? Thor-Zeus-Apollo-Yahweh or?

Why did you conceal yourself? This is not a very profound enquiry from a serious scientist.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2013 13:06)

Leading Native American Group Joins Academic Boycott of Israel

The council of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) declares its support for the boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

(SALEM) - Palestinian students in the West Bank (file photo). Years of conflict have greatly impacted the ability of Palestinians to receive an education. This critical issue has now prompted one of America's leading Native American group's to join the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.

The Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, says the decision came after much discussion. In fact they wrote their own declaration of support, rather than simply adding their name to the existing declaration.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 13:50)

Archeology and the Atom

There are other ways to make electricity, namely solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro dams, and there is always conservation.

(ASHLAND, WI) - Ancient city of Idu, Iraq. We have all heard of the city of Idu. Right? Thousands of families living there, carrying out their normal lives, government housed in lavish buildings, written documents, trade, religion, etc.

Well, it was lost. A whole city lost. Idu flourished in the 13th century B.C. We knew it had existed from some ancient Assyrian records, but had no idea where it was. Archeologists finally found it last year, buried in northern Iraq.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 13:35)

Peace in the Pentagon

Would you march against a war if it might ruin your own or a loved one's career? To stretch the definition of war-maker a little, would you take a job with Lockheed-Martin if you oppose war?

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Peace I'm a huge fan of peace studies as an academic discipline that should be spread into every corner of what we call, with sometimes unclear justification, our education system.

But often peace studies, like other disciplines, manages to study only those far from home, and to study them with a certain bias.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2013 12:25)

Oregon Ranks Among Peace Corps` Top Volunteer-Producing States in 2013

“Americans from all across our great country and all walks of life are drawn to the Peace Corps by a spirit of service and a passion for helping others,” - Peace Corps Acting Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Peace Corps The Peace Corps today released the 2013 rankings of the top volunteer-producing states and metropolitan areas across the country.

Oregon ranked No. 4 among states with the highest number of Peace Corps volunteers per capita, with 5.2 volunteers currently serving worldwide per 100,000 residents.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
