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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-12-2010 19:57)

Haiti University Memorial

Of some 1,500 schools visited to date in the worst hit areas of Haiti, only 85 had escaped severe damage from the earthquake, which is estimated to have killed some 200,000 people, injured many others and left 2 million in need of aid.

(PORT-AU-PRINCE / SALEM) - Haiti University students at memorial Students, parents and university officials struggled with their emotions as they returned to what was left of the University of Port-au-Prince to mourn the 150 students who lost their lives in last month’s earthquake.

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2010 12:35)

Haitian Doctor Texts While Buried Under Rubble, Groups Searching DR Hospitals

The search is on for a Haitian doctor missing from a local orphanage.

(PORT-AU-PRINCE/SALEM) - The staff of an orphanage in Haiti has contacted in hope of locating a well known doctor who may be in a hospital in the Dominican Republic. Dr. Laine Jo Smith has an orphanage in Laplaine, Haiti.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2010 00:15)

UN Food Distribution Now Reaching Two Million Earthquake Refugees

There have been reports of looting and violence here since the earthquake struck, but today, there were no reports of disturbances as the food delivery began and people were anxiously waiting to receive aid.

(CITE SOLEIL/SALEM) - UN Force Commander Major General Floriano Peixoto United Nations peacekeepers from Brazil along with the United States Army distributed food today in Cite Soleil, one of the poorest and most troubled neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince.

The partnership between American and UN forces strengthens the ability to secure an area while contributing to humanitarian aid on the ground.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2010 19:11)

Haiti`s Quake Survivors Seek Care in Dominican Republic

UNICEF hopes to have safe spaces for all under five children in Port au Prince by the end of the week.

(SANTO DOMINGO/SALEM) - Haitian child in Santo Domingo As the logistical challenges that have hampered the relief effort in Haiti begin to get ironed out, some of the injured have been brought to the Dominican Republic.

The Dario Contreras Hospital in Santo Domingo is the city’s primary care center. Staff there have been mobilized to treat Haitians, especially children who have been suffering from injuries sustained in last week’s devastating earthquake.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2010 14:48)

Oregon Groups Pitch in to Help Haiti (LIVE UPDATES)

Local groups and agencies are helping the people of Haiti and we are updating the list.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) -  Search and Rescue Team Sifts Through UN Mission Rubble As the world works together to aid the survivors of the massive earthquakes that rocked Haiti just over a week ago, Oregon groups are doing their part to assist in the efforts.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2010 18:23)

Helping Haiti`s Earthquake Orphans

The United States is loosening its visa requirements in order to expedite adoptions of 900 Haitian children.

(PORT-AU-PRINCE/SALEM) - Haiti orphans One week after a catastrophic earthquake turned what was already a desperately poor part of the world into a full fledged humanitarian emergency, the staff of an orphanage in the Haitian capital of Port-au Prince are trying to figure out what to do with all the children who have recently lost their families.

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2010 19:46)

Dominican Republic Teams Bring Relief in Haiti (VIDEO)

Dominican aid workers, under the watchful eye of Peruvian peacekeepers, carried on a food distribution operation today (19 January) one week since a terrifying earthquake hit the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince. MINUSTAH

(PORT-AU-PRINCE/SALEM) - Humanitarian workers from the Dominican Republic prepare to distribute food in the slum of Cité Soleil Aid workers from the Dominican Republic, under the watchful eye of Peruvian peacekeepers, spent the day carrying on food distribution operation today. It has been one week since a terrifying earthquake leveled much of the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince.

Death toll estimates are around 200,000 now; the number has grown as each day since the disaster has passed.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2010 20:35)

Game On: Is the U.S. Doing Enough for Haiti?

It is our apparent job to kill for the benefit of the world, isn't it also an obligation to save lives?

(SALEM, Ore.) - 13 January 2010 Port-au-Prince, Haiti UN Photo/Logan Abassi History shows us that the U.S. goverment failed to help its own people adequately after Hurricane Katrina struck the residents of Louisiana, Mississippi and several other states.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2010 13:53)

Ban `Heartened` by Global Response to Help Haiti Quake Victims

The U.S. Government to provide as many helicopters, engineers and medical supplies as possible.

(NEW YORK) - UN Photos from Port-au-Prince, Haiti by Logan Abassi & Marco Dormino The international community’s outpouring of support to assist victims of this week’s devastating earthquake in Haiti is encouraging, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2010 00:30)

Jamaica Will Rely on International Charities to Get Aid to Haiti

Officials believe one of the biggest challenges to Jamaica's aid efforts would be in getting air and sea transporation.

(KINGSTON) - Jamaica responds to Hatian earthquake Ronald Jackson  and Honourable Daryl Vaz Jamaica will be relying heavily on the local branches of international charity organizations, such as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, to help in coordinating its aid efforts to Haiti.

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