(Mar-20-2012 17:15)
Western Media Clouds Obscure Sri Lanka`s Genocide
Political Perspective by Tim King
Graphic Images: As the U.S. steps forward, charging Sri Lanka with war crimes in Geneva, western media create confusion, contradicts facts.
The Washington Post reports: ... religious clergy Monday participated at a ceremony praying for the defeat of a U.N. resolution calling on Sri Lanka to probe wartime human rights abuses.
Sri Lanka's government is trying to defeat the resolution the United States filed over war crimes in Geneva; it was part of an orchestrated campaign to ethnically cleanse Tamils.
Read Full Article (Mar-20-2012 15:12)
Handguns and the Second Amendment
Kenneth G. Ramey
Republicans do not constitute “A well regulated Militia,” and armed individuals alone are not necessary to the security of our free State: the Military, National Guard, FBI, police departments and The Supreme Court have been assigned that role.
Hardly a day goes by that we don’t read of another killing and or wounding of family members, or others, by handguns.
In fact in Arizona, it is legal for anyone to carry a gun, and a year ago a deranged man killed several, including a judge and a child, and seriously wounded a Congresswoman.
Read Full Article (Mar-19-2012 15:51)
International Probe on Sri Lanka Sought
“It is diluted. It wants the implementation of the LLRC which exonerates Lanka of human rights violations and war crimes.” - Tamil activist-poet Thamarai
(CHENNAI, India) -
Sri Lanka must do more than just implement its Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission recommendations; a US- sponsored resolution in the UNHRC demands,
India should go beyond and work towards an independent international investigation, several pro-Eelam Tamil organisations urged here on Sunday.
Read Full Article (Mar-19-2012 15:26)
US-NATO subversion in Syria
Finian Cunningham Special to
Saudi Arabia Is Arming Syrian "Opposition" As Twin Car Bombs Kill 27 In Damascus
Within hours of a twin car-bomb attack in the Syrian capital that left at least 27 dead and 100 injured, a senior Arab diplomatic source has confirmed that Saudi Arabia is arming anti-government factions.
It has been long suspected that Saudi Arabia and other pro-Western Gulf Arab states, including Qatar, are actively fueling the conflict in Syria over the past year.
Read Full Article (Mar-19-2012 07:09)
Calley Vs Manning: Which Army `Criminal` Would You Convict?
Political Perspective by Tim King
One man leads a massive war crime, another exposes a series of war crimes...
If you were a U.S. soldier in a village in South Vietnam murdering children and spraying bullets into the faces of old ladies, you're cool, you are alright, you're William Calley.
But if you follow the teachings of your mother, your teachers and your clergy; reporting what is wrong at all costs for the sake of what is right, then you're Bradley Manning
Read Full Article (Mar-18-2012 18:45)
PTSD Psychotic Soldier Kills Afghan Civilians: SEQUEL
Dr. Phil Leveque
PTSD is mental illness. Mental illness may be psychosis.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
The unfortunate act of Sgt Bales in Afghanistan is horrible in the extreme but it was not only expected but preventable. Infantry Sgt Bales is/was a gung ho soldier by any measure. I was an infantry Private under the likes of Sgt Bales and know a real soldier when I see or hear about one.
He did three tours in Iraq performing excellently and getting head wounds and part of his foot shot off. After all that, getting sent back into a hot combat zone was totally irresponsible.
Read Full Article (Mar-18-2012 12:40)
Mehran Baluch on Pakistan Occupied Baluchistan
More than 95 percent of people in Balochistan still use cow dung and wood to cook their food while Balochistan natural gas is supplied hundreds of miles away to the Punjab.
Addressing the UN Human Rights Council last year about severe human rights issues in Baluchistan, Mehran Baluch, the Baluch representative at the UNHRC, Baluch addressed struggle for liberation from Pakistan.
Baluch's communicated the need to promote and protect all Human Rights and Civil Civil Rights, addressing key issues involving political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right of development.
Read Full Article (Mar-18-2012 00:29)
Combat Private, The Most Important Man in Battle
Dr. Phil Leveque
Combat Infantry Badge: The shield and spear for all behind him.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
Most readers won’t believe this but the bemedaled colonels and generals far behind the front lines have virtually no concept of what it’s like to live, sleep and survive in the mud or a muddy foxhole with little sleep.
It's usually accompanied by little food or water, and virtually none of the small mercies of normal life.
Read Full Article (Mar-17-2012 16:24)
Sri Lankan and Pakistani Intelligence Scheme Against Eelam Tamils
Pakistan is directly involved for the first Time in the act of devastating Tamils.
It has come to limelight that the Sri Lankan Intelligence Agency has been relentlessly hatching diabolical plots with dark intent to ensure the Eelam Tamils should never have a conducive link with India.
It is disheartening to know that the Sri Lankan Government have chosen to our great shock a few knee crooking Eelam Tamils and fielded them in many regions in Europe to implement their dark design.
Read Full Article (Mar-17-2012 06:07)
Guardian: This was a Proper Piece of Journalism
Sam Wollaston Special to
A depressing, numbing film that rang on long after the final credits rolled.
(LONDON Guardian UK) -
Channel 4 followed up last year's damning investigation into the brutal endgame to civil war there.
Focusing on four events, this harrowing film, again presented by Jon Snow, uncovered new evidence about the extent of the atrocities – execution of prisoners including children, deliberate shelling of civilians and depriving them of food and medical treatment, like some kind of medieval siege.
Read Full Article