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Salem-News.com (Nov-19-2013 17:03)

`Shall We Stop this Bleeding?`: A Call from Kevin Annett

Half of the problem is rooted in the fact that church leaders ask their congregations to not report crime to law enforcement - but rather to keep it in the church political system.

(SACRAMENTO ) - Kevin Annett I feel honored to know Kevin Annett, much less serve as his news editor. I know of few people with such passion and dedication toward helping the voiceless, the nameless, the poor. His work for humanity in exposing Genocide and helping befall high ranking members of the Catholic Church for protecting priests that rape children is extremely important.

So many people bemoan the anguish of child sex trafficking, rape and abuse victims, yet 99% of the people do nothing about it.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-19-2013 12:55)

School of Assassins Faces Protest & Congressional De-Funding

The SOA burst into the news in 1996, when the Pentagon released copies of its torture training manuals. The Sept. 21, 1996 Washington Post, in “U.S. Instructed Latins on Executions, Torture; Manuals Used 1982-91, Pentagon Reveals”

(WASHINGTON, DC) - School of assassins The US Army School of the Americas in Ft. Benning, Georgia is a notorious training operation for Latin American officers and soldiers. It’s associated with some of the worst dictatorships and human rights violators in the hemisphere.

For over 20 years, the grassroots School of Americas Watch (SOA Watch) has grown into one of the most dynamic, multi-generational, cross-continental movements against militarism in the Americas (SOAW.org/November).

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Salem-News.com (Nov-18-2013 18:32)

The Monkey Trial of Reverend Kevin Annett

The full account of the Monkey Trial of Kevin Annett follows Bruce Gunn's deposition.

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Monkey trial of Kevin Annett Almost everybody in Canada for almost 20 years has heard about the monkey trial of Kevin Annett. Nobody - least of all the captive Canadian media or the government that underwrote the atrocity that was the root cause of that judicial stage play and later shrugged over the result.

As for the Canadian public, marinated in idiot religion for centuries, to this day can't quite believe that the sanctimonious Churches of Canada with their grape-juice communion and turkey-raffle outreach could possibly be the murderous medieval institutions that Kevin Annett proved them to be.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-18-2013 16:10)

Remains of Suspected Eighth Victim of Serial Killer Dayton Leroy Rogers Identified

Additional tips sought by authorities.

(CLACKAMAS) - Tawnie Johnston Authorities have identified the remains of a suspected eighth victim of serial killer Dayton Leroy Rogers.

Dayton Leroy Rogers (born September 30, 1953), dubbed the "Molalla Forest Murderer," was convicted in seven murders, and currently resides at the Oregon State Penitentiary.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-18-2013 16:01)

BIG SACRIFICES: A Consideration of Flawed Forensics Used to Convict Diane Downs (AUDIO)

New program includes brother of Diane Downs, James Frederickson, who discusses her long-ranging plea for justice on "Crimes of the Century".

(CHICAGO) - Diane Downs (left) with her three children - Danny, Christie and Cheryl (left to right) November 14, 2013 marks the second in our “Crimes of the Century” series on flawed forensics. Spotlighted was the high profile murder and attempted murder conviction of Diane Downs, portrayed by the late Farrah Fawcett in the movie “Small Sacrifices”.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-17-2013 11:27)

Philly Couple, Activist Lawyer File Lawsuit over NSA Collection of Verizon Records

The suit is the first to be filed after the Guardian disclosed last week that a secret court order required Verizon to hand over call data from millions of customers to the NSA.

(PHILADELPHIA) - Charles Strange, father of Fallen Navy SEAL Team 6 member  Michael J. Strange canadafreepress.com A Philadelphia couple and an activist attorney have filed a class-action lawsuit over the National Security Agency's collection of Verizon customers' records.

The suit, filed in federal court in D.C., contends that the NSA's surveillance violates Verizon users' "reasonable expectation of privacy, free speech and association, right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, and due process rights."

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Salem-News.com (Nov-15-2013 15:57)

The Lesser Evil`s Reckless Promises

In October, 2013, he confessed he had been wrong and in November tried to backtrack provisions of Obamacare that people complained violated his pledge.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Barack Obama I suspect history will judge Obama harshly for his recklessness.

Aug. 11, 2009: During the original campaign for Obamacare, after he had taken Single Payer off the table, Obama declared to a “town hall” meeting in New Hampshire that, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."

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Salem-News.com (Nov-15-2013 12:41)

Kevin Annett: Interview with Alfred Webre

Frank discussion about serious issues in the Catholic Church involving child sex abuse and trafficking, and the establishment of a Pope who says he is trying to change policies, while he actually makes the process for children far more difficult.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Kevin Annett Salem-News.com The Vatican, China and Global Crimes: Kevin Annett outlines the most recent and upcoming work of The ITCCS and Common Law Court movement - in an Interview with Alfred Webre that was recorded November 14, 2013.

Kevin discusses the tremendous response they have seen with the establishment of a Common Law Court, in this case ITCCS, the International Tribunal against Crimes of Church and State.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-14-2013 19:58)

Government`s Recent Performance Bolsters Skepticism About Its Role In Society

In mid-November, a Quinnipiac University poll showed Obama with the lowest approval rating of his presidency.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Obama Government's performance in recent days has been dismal. This is hardly new. One of the reasons for President Obama's election, after all, was dismay with President George W. Bush's eight years in office.

During that period we went to war in Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction which turned out not to exist, taxpayers bailed out failing banks on Wall Street, Medicare was expanded with an unfunded drug benefit and government deficits reached all-time highs.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-14-2013 13:56)

Inside Oregon Prisons

Because he resisted the “good cop” strategy and tried to organize interracial groups and activities, Rashid lasted only about six months at OSP and less than another year at Snake River...

(PORTLAND, OR) - Kevin “Rashid” Johnson Most of us don’t get to learn much about our state’s penal system from the inside. But now, Kevin “Rashid” Johnson educates us in the March 2013 issue of Socialism and Democracy , here he exposes the penology practiced in the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin