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About Colombia articles Page 2

Page one | (May-09-2011 16:15)

Chávez is More Fanatically Islamic than Al Qaeda

“Chávez and his gang” are “strange bedfellows” - Carlos Alberto Montaner

(BOGOTA, Colombia) - Carlos Alberto Montaner (Image from the Machetera blog) Gracing the pages of various Spanish-language newspapers yesterday and today is an article entitled “Bin Laden in Latin America”.

Written by exiled Cuban columnist and author Carlos Alberto Montaner, whose claims to fame include referring to Eduardo Galeano’s acclaimed Open Veins of Latin America as “the idiot’s bible”, it might be more appropriately titled “The idiot’s attempt to turn Hugo Chávez into bin Laden by way of an irrelevant Ethiopian”.

Read Full Article (May-05-2011 20:39)

Re-Demobilized Colombian Paramilitaries to Sign Free Trade Agreement with U.S.

Colombia's emerging realities...

(BOGOTA, Colombia) - (Photo: EFRAIN PATINO/AFP/Getty Images) Two years ago, my friend Amelia and I hitchhiked from Ecuador through Colombia to Venezuela and back over a period of four months.

Read Full Article (Aug-10-2010 13:16)

FARC to Join Global Jihad

Uribe already sees eye-to-eye with the Israelis on a sufficient number of issues to discredit the flotilla probe as an impartial endeavor.

(ISTANBUL) - Alvaro Uribe avoids retirement. The four-member United Nations panel appointed to investigate the May 31 Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara which killed 9 people is scheduled to have its first meeting today.

An August 3 AFP article noting the “surprising U-turn from the Israelis” in deciding to support the flotilla probe—a rare instance of Israeli cooperation with the U.N.—fails to note that the U-turn is perhaps not so surprising given the appointment as panel Vice Chairman of outgoing Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, whose expertise in the realm of security will thus not be lost with the end of his presidential term.

Read Full Article (Apr-07-2010 13:36)

First Ever Photograph Confirms Colombian Hummingbird

There have been occasional unconfirmed sightings by birders visiting the reserve and its environs since 2000.

(LOS ANGELES) - Colombian hummingbird The first ever photo of a living Santa Marta Sabrewing is the first confirmation of the continued existence of this spectacular hummingbird in over 60 years.

The Santa Marta Sabrewing, classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as Endangered, is endemic to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and is at high risk of extinction.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2010 20:28)

Colombia: 196 families Near Barrancabermeja Displaced Again

"Tell us where we are supposed to go" - Displaced Resident

(VILLA DIGNIDAD, Colombia) - Over the last four months, 196 families have occupied an area called Villa Dignidad on the outskirts of Barrancabermeja in search of better living conditions.

Read Full Article (Jan-10-2010 00:48)

Eva Golinger Describes Curacao as the Third Frontier of the United States

US combat plane violated Venezuelan airspace Friday.

(CARACAS, Venezuela) - US P-3 warplane Friday's violation of Venezuelan airspace by a US military plane is another example of the escalation in provocations against Venezuela and evidence of the danger US military presence in the region represents.

The US plane had flown over a strategic Venezuelan military base on La Orchila.

Read Full Article (Nov-08-2009 14:00)

Biodiesel Fuels Displacement in Colombia

"Biofuels have become 'very in vogue' these days" - World Bank Latin America Development report, 2008

(SALEM, Ore.) - African Palm oil Biofuels are divided into biodiesel (plant-based oil), and ethanol (plant-based alcohol). The number one source of biodiesel is African palm oil. Demand and production of biofuels are growing globally.

The U.S. government is taking steps to switch to biodiesel in national parks, public school districts, utility companies, NASA, USDA agencies, and all major branches of the U.S. military.

Read Full Article (Jul-18-2008 11:38)

Miss Universe Outcome: An Unusual Pattern of Correlations (VIDEO)

Strange coincidences parallel world history.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Dayana Mendoza of Venezuela is Miss Universe Maybe I am a little slow at the draw here, but strange ironies and coincidences in this week's contest for the most appreciated woman in the world.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2008 16:13)

Rescue of Ingrid Betancourt From FARC May be Among Most Daring in History

Independence day has its own reality for several people freed last week from Colombian guerrillas.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Sometimes life is as awesome as it is tragic, and that is no easy competition in this day and age. Last week's surprise rescue of Ingrid Betancourt from FARC, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, shows that even a highly remote long-shot can be reality and that people are brave, very brave, in their willingness to help an innocent person regain their freedom.

Betancourt is a 46-year old French-Colombian politician, former senator and anti-corruption activist, who was kidnapped by the FARC on February 23rd 2002 while campaigning for the presidency.

FARC has held several hundred people hostage over the years, as bargaining chips for their political maneuvering.

Read Full Article (Apr-14-2008 13:17)

Supporters Gave 8 Times More To House Members Voting Yes on H. Res. 1092, Resolution

Supporters Gave Average of $6,000 to Each Member on House Committee on Rules Voting Yes.

(BERKELEY, Calif.) - The House voted 224-Yes to 195-No to remove a rule that would force a vote on the US-Colombia trade agreement within 60 legislative days.

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