(Sep-28-2013 20:17)
Between Barbarity and Exclusion, Circumcision: the Worst of Racism and the Greatest Crime Against Humanity
Michel Herve' Navoiseau-Bertaux
(Sexual mutilation, an unconscious ultra-racism masked behind religion, tradition, culture and folklore)
Whereas most cultures respect the human body, a minority (20% of humanity), destroys the specific organs of autosexuality (the foreskin, and sometimes the clitoris).
The frequent use of the same term to designate both mutilations shows that circumcision and excision have the same end. However, the horrible havocs of excision are only the tip of the iceberg of sexual mutilation.
Read Full Article (Jul-10-2013 12:28)
`Female Genital Mutilation` International Day on Zero Tolerance...
Diane Walsh
"Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a violation of basic human rights principles, as stipulated in Article 24.3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child...
Female Genital Mutilation is a heinous crime still perpetrated against girls. On February 6 2011 throughout the day, the entire world community is being asked to chant together a resounding "No!" in unison with all activists against female genital mutilation.
This date marks the 8th International Day on Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation.
Read Full Article (Jul-04-2013 01:15)
Circumcision From the Perspective of Protecting Children
Eran Sadeh for
I was shocked. I realized that the Jewish motivation for circumcision was diminishing sexual pleasure, the same motivation as the one behind female genital cutting.
My name is Eran Sadeh. I am Israeli. I am Jewish. I was born 43 years ago in Tel Aviv, a healthy baby with a perfect body.
8 days after I was born one man held my tiny legs down while another man cut a part of my penis off with a knife.
Read Full Article (Jul-03-2013 11:20)
Tim King Discusses Song Featured at San Francisco Pride Parade
Intro by Lisa Spaulding
Tim King and Agron Belica say, "Leave Those Babies Alone"!
Tim King of introduces the Bay Area Intactivists where Agron Belica's brilliant and powerful song "Say No To Circumcision, Leave Those Babies Alone" helped rock 1.2 million + people at the San Fransisco Pride Parade this past weekend.
The Bay Area Intactivists are beautiful people pouring their hearts and souls into spreading awareness to the "many" misconceptions of routine infant circumcision!
Read Full Article (Jun-23-2013 20:41)
Intactivists Contingent in San Francisco Pride Parade
This year's event will feature the song, "Leave Those Babies Alone" by Ace, from the Newsic Revolution album.
Members of Bay Area Intactivists will march in the San Francisco Pride parade to raise awareness of the human right to genital integrity.
Bay Area Intactivist Jonathon Conte said, "We welcome all who wish to put an end to infant circumcision and other forms of forced genital cutting to join us as we carry signs and hand out goodies. More details about this event will be posted here in the future."
Read Full Article (Jun-16-2013 15:27)
Wall St. Journal Publishes Circumcision Debate
Ronald Goldman, Ph.D. says some circumcised men and clinicians report psychological harm, including "anger toward parents and others, sexual anxieties, reduced emotional expression and empathy, low self-esteem and avoidance of intimacy."
The Wall St. Journal today published a debate on male infant circumcision between Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., executive director of the Circumcision Resource Center in Boston, and Ronald Gray, a circumcision advocate and researcher.
Goldman, the author of Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma, noted that most of the world rejects circumcision "as harmful genital surgery, like removing other natural, healthy, functioning body parts."
Read Full Article (Jun-09-2013 14:45)
International Physicians Protest Against American Academy of Pediatrics` Policy on Infant Male Circumcision
Includes the anti-circumcision songs, Leave those babies alone and Day after day by Ace. and Jonathan Conte's presentation of the SHAME award to AAP.
There are no compelling health arguments in favor of circumcision, while it can have serious long-term urological, psychological and sexual consequences.
Performing medically unwarranted circumcision of underage boys conflicts with good medical practice. Male infant circumcision conflicts with child rights and the doctors’ oath not to do harm.
Read Full Article (May-30-2013 11:33)
Sexual Mutilation and the Moral Order - Part 1-4
Michel Hervé Navoiseau-Bertaux
This information was presented in a lecture in the University of Keele (UK) at the 10th Symposium of NOCIRC 4 September 2008.
Below are the links to the 4 videos of Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau's paper about sexual mutilation: "Sexual mutilation and the moral order"
This was given as a lecture in the University of Keele (UK) at the 10th Symposium of NOCIRC 4 September 2008.
Read Full Article (May-21-2013 11:14)
Israeli Intactivist Group Produces Hebrew Materials
Israeli anti-circumcision activists are busy and their efforts constant...
One subject we cover frequently at is the stark reality of circumcision of boys and girls.
Our articles examine the physical and emotional implications...
Read Full Article (May-12-2013 13:26)
Circumcision is a Push Towards Genocide
Sigismond (Michel Hervé Navoiseau-Bertaux)
Why Genocides? (the psychoanalytical theory of genocide)
Circumcision is a push towards genocide.
Of the thirteen genocides of modern times, twelve involved circumcised peoples on at least one side and three on both sides.
Read Full Article