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About Canada articles Page 9

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Random Acts: the Man from Iron Mountain... Up In Michigan

There's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. ~Scott Adams

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - 1935 Chevy The year was 1959. We were driving, in fact moving, my wife and I and our two small boys, from Edmonton to Toronto.

Second day out, in Manitoba, we pulled into a rest area a few miles from Portage La Prairie.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2012 11:13)

An Appeal to the People of Iran and the World

Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper must be charged with crimes against humanity.

(BRUSSELS) - Kevin Annett Barely three years ago, my aboriginal friend Johnny Dawson was beaten to death by three policeman in Vancouver, Canada for leading occupations of local churches that murdered more than 50,000 children in their "Indian residential schools".

The official cause of Johnny's death issued by the Vancouver Coroner's office made no mention of his broken nose and shattered jaw.

Read Full Article (Oct-15-2012 14:31)

Convening of The International Common Law Court of Justice

Thirty two officers of church and state have been issued Public Summonses by our Court.

(BRUSSELS) - Hello. My name is Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice, and I am the chief consultant for the Prosecutor's Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice.

Today is Monday, October 15, 2012, and marks the formal online convening of the five sworn judges of our Court, from Canada, the United States and Belgium.

Read Full Article (Oct-10-2012 12:26)

Warning: This Article Contains Graphic Human Rights Abuse in Canada

Canada has a long history of violence and human rights abuse. (This is's 25,000th article)

(TEHRAN) - Canada has a long history of violence and human rights abuse. In June 2008, Canada officially apologized for forcing 150,000 aboriginal children into ghastly residential schools where they were abused sexually, psychologically and physically.

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2012 16:41)

Urgent Update and Notice from The International Common Law Court of Justice

The Court will convene as planned on Monday, October 15, 2012 at 9 am pacific time.

(BRUSSELS) - Scales of justice Thirty two officials of church and state were issued official Public Summonses by our Prosecutor's Office on September 21, 2012 to respond to charges made against them. They were given ten working days to reply, and that period of time has now elapsed.

As of today, only one response has been received by the persons named in these Summonses, from Dr. John Milloy, a researcher for the Canadian government's so-called "truth and reconciliation commission".

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2012 14:37)

It`s a Yogi Berra market... Gentlemen Prefer Bonds
(All others buy stock)

When the rank and file are climbing on the caboose, you'll see me jumping off the locomotive.
- Joe Granville
The Kansas City Guru

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Famous press photo of Yogi Berra Yogi, thou should be behind the plate at this hour.

We need your insight, Yogi. You should be saying something like: "So many people are nervous about the stock market these days, that it's hit a new high."

Read Full Article (Oct-07-2012 23:00)

A Bi-polar History of Canada The 18th Century: The Age of Reason (at least in Europe)

Canada has no colonial history -Prime Minister Stephen Harper

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Early  Colonial history of Canada The 18th Century history of Canada is divided into three brief periods of peace, following three treaties – the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748 and the Treaty of Paris in 1763.

Except for the Treaties, it was pretty well a continuous war, whenever the English and French weren't resting or doing wars in Europe.

Read Full Article (Oct-05-2012 12:02)

A Bi-polar History of Canada

The 17th Century:
C'est La Guerre (Pretty much)
The 17th Century belongs to Canada.
- Samuel de Champlain

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Two faces of Canada Samuel de Champlain is considered the main figure in 17th Century Canada, although the English textbooks don't seem to think he was all that great.

Actually, he's an unlikely choice as poster boy, because most of that Century was about wars (French-English, French Scottish, and even on one occasion, French-French), and the famous Frenchman was more a lover than a fighter.

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2012 20:47)

The Canadian Holocaust

Churches in Canada have been officially indemnified and exonerated from any liability in crimes against humanity.

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - John Waller in pillory I have personally surveyed twenty-eight mass grave sites across Canada that are holding the bones of children.

Last November we began to excavate and repatriate some of these remains from the Church of England residential school in Brantford, Ontario, from whence more than half of the Mohawk children that were imprisoned there never returned.

Read Full Article (Sep-24-2012 10:54)

An Open Letter To Ken Bear Chief

Is it really wrong for a 'white' person to rally to the side of Native Americans?

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Ken Bear Chief It's now a year or two since you appeared on Kevin Annett's blogtalk radio show "Hidden From History."

On that occasion the principal discussion centered around your work as a paralegal and point man for a law firm in Yakima, Washington, working tirelessly to organize native people in order to pursue class action suits against the churches...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
