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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-07-2010 14:27)

Amputee Has His Artificial Leg Ripped off by Police

57-year old farmer Slammed in Makeshift Cell during G20 Summit.

(NIAGRA, Ontario) - John and Susan Pruyn at home in Thorold, Ontario, away from the G20 summit. Photo by Doug Draper. John Pruyn wasn’t much in the mood for celebrating Canada Day this year.

How could he be after the way he was treated a few days earlier in Toronto by figures of authority most of us were brought up to respect, our publicly paid-for police forces who are supposed to be there to serve and protect peaceful, law-abiding citizens like him.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2010 19:31)

Amber Alert Issued in North Dakota

The suspect vehicle is a Brown 2007 four-door Ford Taurus with Saskatchewan tag number 250-FMA.

(REGINA, Saskatchewan) - 4-year old Samantha Martyn is the victim, the suspect is Christopher Martyn. The State of North Dakota issued an Amber Alert Tuesday afternoon 6 July 2010 after the girl was reportedly abducted in Regina, Saskatchewan Canada on Monday (07-05).

The suspect is believed to be in South Dakota with the victim and the victim's mother. The girl's mother is also believed to be in danger.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2010 17:09)

Canada in the Twenty-First Century

Daniel Johnson's critical analysis of Canada - as his home country celebrates 143 years.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - For those of you who think I’m only critical of the U.S., here is an unabridged piece I published in Calgary’s FFWD Weekly newspaper on July 1, Canada Day.

On July 1 we celebrated Canada—143 years as a nation. Through those fourteen decades (put that way, it doesn’t sound all that long), much has changed—both inside and outside our borders.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2010 18:32)

They Gave Away the Store

I am not optimistic about America’s future because of its ingrained attitude of “every man for himself.” If I was an American, I would be afraid. I would be very afraid.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - That’s what American politicians and business leaders have done. You, the ordinary citizen, are left behind to suffer and fight your fellow citizens for scraps of whatever you can get, and resent it if some other deprived citizen is given support. I deserve help, they don’t.

That seems to be the dominant creed of most Americans today.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2010 16:35)

Who are You?

I’m putting this out not as an answer or conclusion, but as food for thought for the reader.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Earth from above We all believe we are individuals with free will. This is the second most dominant myth of our society (the first being that there is a physical world “out there”).

These are topics that most people never think about and when they are raised, as I am doing here, the automatic, unthinking, reaction is denial.

Read Full Article (Jun-26-2010 20:47)

Women Preparing for Gaza Sail: We Won`t Fight Israel

One of hundreds of female volunteers planning to sail to Hamas-ruled territory with diapers, milk, medical supplies and clothes says, 'Our only weapons are faith in the Virgin Mary and in humanity'

(TEL AVIV YNET) - End Gaza blockade "We have diapers, a lot of diapers, we have milk, we have treatments for cancer in children and medical supplies and clothes. If they fight we will not defend ourselves.”

Those words from organizers of an aid flotilla from Lebanon to Gaza, were shared with The Times in an interview published Friday.

Read Full Article (Jun-26-2010 20:38)

G8 Says Gaza Blockade Not Sustainable

Over 1.5 million Palestinians are living under a relentless Israeli siege that has now entered its fourth year.

(TEHRAN PRESS TV) - Palestinians girls light candles as a protest against the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip in ‎Gaza City on June 26, 2010. The Group of Eight nations say Israel must lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip and allow aid through to its impoverished Palestinian population.

"We urge all parties to work together to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1860 and to ensure the flow of humanitarian and commercial goods and persons, to and from Gaza," the final communique said late Saturday.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2010 05:25)

Recipe for Revolution / Reconstruction / Renewal

If millions of Americans were to stop paying “obligations”, there aren't enough collectors, lawyers and courts to go after them all.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Revolution In the sixth century BCE, Athens was on the verge of either chaos or revolution, much, in the view of some, like America today.

The Eupatridae, the aristocracy of birth, controlled the government, owned most of the land and used its power to drive the poorer farmers into debt during bad seasons.

Read Full Article (Jun-05-2010 15:34)

Don`t Forget the Rabbits

It’s long past the time for Americans to get with the program and live as if they share the planet with others.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - The European rabbit in Australia In my last story on the Gulf disaster, I mentioned the unexpected consequences of Thomas Astin releasing 24 non-native rabbits onto in his land in Australia.

Read Full Article (Jun-01-2010 04:26)

Remembering The Dead

Lives are not given in war, they are taken.

(GOLD RIVER, B.C.) - Service for an American Lieutenant from Utah in Afghanistan named Scott Lundell. Yesterday was Memorial Day in the United States where I happen to be. Its origins lie in the Civil War and it was first proclaimed in 1868 by the Grand Army of the Republic to honor the Civil War dead.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
