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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-12-2010 18:40)

`Most Famous Woman in Afghanistan` Speaks at Canadian Boat to Gaza Fundraiser in Vancouver

"This war is a disaster for both the Afghan and the Canadian people" - Malalai Joya

(VANCOUVER, B.C.) - Malalai Joya, the woman the BBC has called "the most famous in Afghanistan", is in Vancouver to headline a benefit evening for the Canadian Boat to Gaza tonight: Tuesday, 12 October 7:00 p.m. at W2 Storyeum, 151 W. Cordova.

The event at W2 will also feature Victoria-based Gaza flotilla activist Kevin Neish, as well as live music and other speakers.

Read Full Article (Oct-07-2010 16:51)

`Oil, Canada`: Enbridge Sings Proudly

Canada’s Enbridge Energy Partners L.P. Is Hell-bent On Destroying Both USA and Canadian Ecosystems.

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Alberta's Energy Minister Ron (I Am Not A Criminal) Liepert Hey, hey, my, my, the rapacious and greedy search for junkie oil to satisfy the gluttony of world supplies will never die.

And that friendly, peaceable neighbor to the north, Canada, the one that keeps lecturing us how ecologically and politically correct they are?

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2010 10:27)

War and Peace with Ken O`Keefe

Ken O'Keefe and his brothers were the police last May, when they defended their ship, the Mavi Marmara, from Israeli military invaders. Nine men aboard Ken's ship were killed that night.

(SPOKANE, Wash.) - One overnight accommodation on the Ken O'Keefe NW tour happened at an exquisite place of natural beauty called Soap Lake, Washington.

What a contrast that must be for someone who has seen the kind of needless death and oppression Ken has witnessed in this life of his...

Read Full Article (Sep-24-2010 02:46)

Marc Emery, The Prince of Pot, Endures Ongoing Challenges of Prison Life

Jodie Emery announced today that her husband Marc is being punished for two months--for an unwritten rule.

(SEATTLE) - Marc Emery Marc Emery is a name that is becoming synonymous with American injustice.

Read Full Article (Sep-18-2010 23:12)

Political Smoke and Mirrors

Illusions play too big of a role in today's politics.

(GOLD RIVER, B.C.) - Smoke and Mirrors Sometimes political arguments amaze me. Listening to debate on certain issues makes one wonder whatever happened to logic and reason. Perhaps those things are no longer taught in the schools, or maybe the will to win a point is stronger than common sense for many people.

In either event the net result is a dumbing down of society and the attendant poor results that are liable to come from the political process.

Read Full Article (Aug-29-2010 15:25)

Reframing the Environment (1)

The global environment is under assault as never before in history. But on this, America is off the hook; the United States is as much a victim of the environmental degradation as any other developed nation on earth.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Global warming in a hand During the summer heat wave of 2006, temperatures in some of the passenger cars of the London Underground went as high as 47°C (116 °F). Signs at the stations advised passengers to carry a bottle of water to help keep cool. These were extreme temperatures, but it is still routine for passengers on some lines to suffer onerous heat even during a normal summer.

How could this be in one of the world’s richest cities? Can’t they afford to air-condition the cars?

Read Full Article (Aug-27-2010 17:55)

Oil Pipeline Giant Letter Threatens Landowners

Staying Hooked on a Dirty Fuel: Why Canadian Tar Sands are a Bad Bet for the United States

(Washington, DC) - oil covered bird TransCanada will force landowners to surrender their property if they do not accept the dangerous “Keystone XL” oil pipeline on their land, according to a letter obtained by National Wildlife Federation. While the massive 2,000 mile pipeline has yet to be approved by the federal government, they are invoking a Nebraska statute to ensure rapid construction.

Environmental groups are warning the pipeline is almost certain to spill, and that the fuel it will carry known as tar sands is far dirtier and more polluting than conventional oil or gas.

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2010 09:29)

Op Ed: Historic U.S. Facts Reflect Continued Writer-Camouflage

Pundit-Palaver Illuminated by Detailed National Record.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Camouflage laptop “What are your intentions, sir ?” demanded the traditional Victorian virgin when confronted by her canny and contriving seducer. In a second “joke” often used in psychiatry, the judge demands “Yes or No” answer from an accused: “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2010 05:30)

Do We Really Ever Learn Much?

There is no end to excitement in the news this summer, most of it we could have done better without, and after watching similar stuff repeatedly over the years with little real change, one wonders if collectively we ever really learn much.

(GOLD RIVER, B.C.) - Anti-mosque protest Those of us in BC who follow the news certainly have a lot to chew on these days. Down in the US the silly season is in full swing, this time centering on a proposed community centre to be built by Muslims a couple of blocks from so called "ground zero" in New York City.

There are some concerns that the developers may have ulterior motives, such as advancing the cause of radical Islam, yet many do not see it that way.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2010 15:56)

America`s Rotten and Corrupt Foundation

One of the ingredients of American Kool-Aid is the belief in the prescience of the Framers and the profundity of the Constitution they produced.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - American flag I call Americans in general People of the Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid was invented in Hastings, Nebraska in 1927 and production moved to Chicago in 1931. It was sold to General Foods in 1953 and is now one of the Kraft Food brands.

The cultural reference to drinking Kool-Aid refers to the Jonestown Massacre in Jonestown, Guyana where 907 people died of cyanide poisoning which had been put into a drink called Flavor Aid (not Kool Aid).

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
