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Salem-News.com (Jul-21-2013 22:47)

Reactor Reax Top Stories

"Reactor Reax" is featured on www.NuclearBailout.org, a Web site maintained by Physicians for Social Responsibility.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Nuclear hazard Another roundup of stories about nuclear reactors, and, as the first article from Business Week indicates, The U.S Nuclear Power Industry's Dim Future.

Other articles examine the cost of nuclear energy, early retirement of nuclear facilities, and the risk that various nuclear power plants around the nation represent.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-14-2013 12:28)

A Spent Fuel Accident at San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump Could Cost a Trillion Dollars

Article by Ace Hoffman of Carlsbad puts a straight face on a severe potential problem that could bankrupt California.

(TASMANIA, Aust.) - San Onofre nuclear plant Some people would be happy to leave San Onofre's 1,400 tons of accumulated radioactive spent fuel, from nearly half a century of leaky, unreliable, expensive and disquieting operation, right where it is.

On an earthquake fault line, in a tsunami inundation zone, amongst 8.7 million of the most beautiful, industrious, peaceful and creative people in the world -- from all over the world -- who live within a 50 mile radius of the waste, and tens of millions more who live just slightly beyond that artificial marker.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley