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Benny & Sid Presents Chapter 5 of the New Serialized Graphic Novel The Hummer

The latest edition of Salem's only original online cartoon strip.

(Your City, USA) - The Hummer #5 Some guys drink Pepsi and some Coke. Some guys drink beer and others champagne. But the important question is what do you drive?

Do you buy cars from other countries or do you support the auto-centric economic backbone of the good ole U. S. of A?

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2010 23:56)

Benny & Sid Presents Chapter 4 of the New Serialized Graphic Novel The Hummer

Sustainable means can you make that next car payment.

(Your City, USA) - The Hummer #4 Ever find your eyes wandering over the pages of the new car advertisements? Does your mind estimate your car's life expectancy whenever you fill the tank and check the odometer?

Does the sound and feel of a new car door closing tight and pretty send shivers of auto-lust up your spine? Do not feel shame.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2010 23:53)

Benny & Sid Presents Chapter 3 of the new serialized graphic novel The Hummer

The latest edition of Salem's only weekly online cartoon strip.

(Your City, USA) - The Hummer #3 The purpose of an automobile is to get the rider from point A to point b safely and without incident. But that's never been true. Cars have been about style and class and social display since the earliest days of the horseless carriage.

Why else would people spend so much of their income on vehicles built more for heavy construction than for carrying a bag of groceries home from the store or conveying the family down to McDonalds to don the evening feed bag?

Read Full Article (Mar-10-2010 18:41)

Benny & Sid Presents Chapter 2 of the new serialized graphic novel The Hummer

Here's a secret I'd like to share: Cheap goods are just as out of reach if you don't have a job.

(Your City, USA) - The Hummer Episode #2 By Glen Bledsoe Buy American! I think we'd all like to do that. We'd all like to be able to do that. But what can you buy that's made in America?

What manufacturing industry hasn't been free to move overseas to avoid the cost of labor, the cost of paying workers what it takes to raise a family? These same industries are now puzzled as to why they have no customers.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2010 19:06)

Benny & Sid Presents The First Chapter of the New Serialized Graphic Novel The Hummer

There is one hero who understands our place on this planet. He's called The Hummer!

(Your City, USA) - The Hummer #1 Those who once were hawks are now a bunch of lily white doves. Those who were born to show the world how to make a profit talk about things like charities, civil rights and worst of all saving the earth.

Nobody needs to save the earth. It ain't natural. God put man on this planet to eat a cheeseburger, pump a little oil and--most of all--to make a buck. So what if he steps on a couple of tulips? What do we think we are? A bunch of gardeners?

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2010 18:39)

Benny & Sid presents The Final Chapter of the Serialized Graphic Novel The Truant Officer Featuring the Mysterious Futoko

Futoko has no regrets about the decisions he has made. Do you?

(Your City, USA) - The Truant Officer #22 The players said their lines & moved into final positions. The house lights are down. Amber and rose lights illuminate the stage, but the audience still perceives the scene only in jarring slashes of black and white.

Futoko has spoken, but he has also listened. Futoko has taught, but he has also learned.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2010 19:42)

Benny & Sid presents Chapter 21 of the serialized graphic novel The Truant Officer featuring the Mysterious Futoko

(Your City, USA) - The Truant Officer #21 The battlefields are the schools, and the children are the ones who are to be liberated--not liberated from teachers or from the system of education itself, but from the laziness of ignorance, the slothfulness of expecting someone else to teach them what they should be frantic to learn on their own.

Students need to be freed from behaving in such a way as to require the force-feeding of education like some comatose car accident victim brain-dead and on life support with lessons pumped into their stomachs six and a half hours per day, five days per week.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2010 19:07)

Benny & Sid Presents Chapter 20 of the Serialized Graphic Novel The Truant Officer Featuring the Mysterious Futoko

Futoko does not bother with political correctness. Futoko does not soothe. Futoko only pursues truth. Who is the enemy?

(Your City, USA) - The Truant Officer #20 Who is the enemy? Is the enemy the one who questions what you believe? Or is the enemy the one who showers you with false praise while waiting for you to falter so that he may slip a blade between your ribs?

Futoko may be many things but he never praises when he perceives a flaw. He never coats his words with a candy shell so those who do not wish to hear the truth have an excuse to swallow their pill of ignorance.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2010 19:13)

Benny & Sid presents Chapter 19 of the Serialized Graphic Novel The Truant Officer Featuring the Mysterious Futoko

Salem's only original weekly cartoon strip!

(Your City USA) - The Truant Officer #19 I don't blame teachers for their classrooms of non-learning. They do the best they can given the circumstances. If students were hungry to learn the teacher's task would be simple.

However with America's entitled attitude teachers must beg students to study, reward them with candy when they haven't caused too much trouble during recess, cajole parents into turning off the tv so that students can spend 15 minutes learning their math facts and practicing their spelling.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2010 09:25)

Benny & Sid Presents Chapter 18 of the Serialized Graphic Novel The Truant Officer Featuring the Mysterious Futoko

Salem's only original online comic!

(Your City, USA) - The Truant Officer #18 What makes us who we are is often not pretty. It is the forge and the hammer which beat us into shape. Everyone has scars from experiences which color their character decades after the incident. Who can forget the cruelty of being bullied, the injustice of becoming the random target of irrational aggression?

When the victim becomes angry and violent himself we mourn the ruination of a potential citizen of merit. When the victim vows to disassemble the system which encourages the bullies we must celebrate him as a hero.

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