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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-27-2010 02:22)

The Day I Flew Wing to Wing with a Soviet MiG-17

"I spent 20 years in the U.S. Air Force learning to fight these things, and now I own one" -MiG Pilot Bill Reesman

(SALEM, Ore.) - From time to time I unearth old archival material and this one, an aerial show from a historic Russian jet fighter, I think, is a gem.

On this particular day, I was able to shoot a story on Bill Reesman's red MiG-17 the best possible way; from a Lear Jet!

Read Full Article (May-26-2010 13:06)

A Critical Resistance Boycott: Arizona and the Big Picture

The theft of a continent is not a closed chapter in human history (Nor has it become legal simply because of the passage of time).

(PHOENIX, Az.) - Boycot Arizona The first rule of any boycott is to keep your eyes on the prize; translated, this means never lose sight of the problem, the objectives, the solutions and the bigger picture.

Arizona is speeding towards an apartheid state. Some of this rush has to do with repressive laws (including the legalization of racial profiling and the elimination of ethnic studies) passed by the Republican-dominated legislature and recently signed by the governor.

Read Full Article (May-25-2010 01:07)

Human Rights News: Mexico`s Other Disappeared

In the aftermath of a mass disappearance of migrants, several governors are asked to aid in the search.

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Juan Fernando Rocha Mier A Mexican lawmaker is demanding that government authorities pay more attention to a case of 31 missing migrants.

Juan Fernando Rocha Mier, a state legislator for the National Action Party (PAN) in the central state of Queretaro, said the same “emphasis” should be placed on locating the disappeared migrants as on safely returning former presidential candidate and millionaire lawyer Diego Fernandez de Cevallos.

Read Full Article (May-18-2010 16:35)

Arizona Sheriff Calls New Law a `Nightmare`

Estrada opposes Arizona's new "Papers, please" law, calling instead for a more realistic, compassionate response.

(WASHINGTON D.C. MSNBC) - Sheriff Antonio Estrada In 2005, John McCain sponsored comprehensive immigration reform that would have offered a path toward citizenship for illegal residents.

"No wall, no barrier, no sensor, no barbed wire will ever stop people from trying to do what is a basic yearning of human beings all over the world, and that is to have better lives for themselves and their families," the Republican senator from Arizona said.

Read Full Article (May-14-2010 16:48)

Letter to the Editor: John McCain - `The Man Who Was`

It is truly sad to see how the leprosy that American politics has become, has eaten away “The man that was”!

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - Senator John McCain America certainly owes a debt to John McCain. He endured things as a POW that we cannot even begin to imagine.

Read Full Article (May-13-2010 01:11)

Boycott Over Immigration Threatens Economy, Jobs:
Welcome to Arizona, Amigo

What do Arizona's Real Estate Agents Think? Arizona, Get Ready to Take it in the Shorts!

(LOS ANGELES) - Arizona hate "Tear Down the Wall" is the chant being heard by increasing numbers of Americans, as the U.S./Mexico border comes increasingly into view as a modern day Berlin Wall.

But nothing, absolutely nothing, has stirred emotions like Arizona's new criminal profiling law.

Read Full Article (May-06-2010 23:24)

Arizona`s New Immigration Law

Arizona has about 1.7 million residents of Hispanic or Latino origin.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Arizona flag Arizona's new immigration law makes it a state crime to be in the state illegally; immigrants have to carry alien documents, and police can to question anyone they suspect is in the U.S. illegally.

Given the meaninglessness of so many of the potential criteria that law enforcement might consider, e.g., eating a burrito, wearing coveralls, speaking Spanish, the one that may end up counting most is race.

Read Full Article (Apr-27-2010 23:11)

Special Report: The Arizona Effect

Mexico's President says the bill represents an obstacle for the solution of common problems in the border region.

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Mexican President Felipe Calderon In a controversial move, Arizona’s state legislature and Governor re-injected the immigration question back into the center of US politics.

SB 1070 gives local police authority to demand documents from any individual suspected of being in the US illegally.

Read Full Article (Apr-23-2010 17:24)

Oregon Coalition Condemns Discriminatory New Law Passed in Arizona State

Arizona: "Its a dry kind of hate"

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon's Immigrant Rights Coalition condemns the decision of Arizona's governor to sign the most extreme legislation anywhere in the country to deal with the nation's broken immigration system.

SB 1070, signed into law this afternoon, will require local police officers to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are undocumented immigrants.

Read Full Article (Apr-14-2010 13:09)

Medical Marijuana Expected to Qualify for Arizona Ballot

Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project will turn in more than 250,000 signatures today to place initiative on November ballot.

(PHOENIX, Az.) - Arizona flag Today, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project will submit more than 250,000 signatures to the Arizona Secretary of State’s office in order to place medical marijuana on the November ballot in Arizona.

The initiative requires 153,365 signatures to qualify for the ballot. Once the initiative qualifies, Arizona voters will be asked on November 2 to vote yes on the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act.

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