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Court Pleadings Point to CIA Role in Alleged `Cartel` Immunity Deal

Mexican Narco-Trafficker’s Revelations in Criminal Case Force US Government to Invoke National Security Claims

(COLUMBUS, N.M. The Narcosphere) - Vicente Zambada after arrest. The fingerprints of the CIA have surfaced in a controversial federal criminal case pending in Chicago against Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla, an alleged kingpin in the Sinaloa “drug cartel.”

US government prosecutors filed pleadings in the case late last week seeking to invoke the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA), a measure designed to assure national security information does not surface in public court proceedings.

Read Full Article (Jul-19-2011 03:43)

Moral Progress and Animal Welfare

The world must work together...

(PRINCETON, Aust.) - Animal welfare Mahatma Gandhi acutely observed that “the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 23:30)

Migrant Heartbreaks on the Border

“They come here lacking everything, materially and spiritually” - Leticia Perez, migrant center director

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Skeleton of Mexican migrant Crossings and detentions of undocumented migrants might be sharply down on the US-Mexico border, but many people stuck on the international line face stark conditions.

Despite the well-known dangers and difficulties in crossing the border without papers, migrants continue attempting almost Herculean feats to reach the US. And more than a few die on the journey to the Promised Land.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2011 08:00)

Is Los Zetas Military Cartel Planning a Bloody Revolution in Mexico?

Massive numbers of strategically stashed high impact weapons and uniform caches; intelligence breakdowns; a cartel that evolved from Mexican Special Forces. Mexico's in trouble, the U.S. is in trouble

(COLOMBUS, N.M.) - mage from a raid in June of the Escondido Ranch raid. This article is a description of events over the last three years on both sides of the U.S./Mexican border that reveal covert relationships between the two country's armed forces, and also the needless challenges the Mexican government faces against the deadly cartels.

Mexico would prefer to fight this war without assistance from the U.S. government that is fully undermined.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2011 14:57)

Arizona Fire Impacts Wildlife And Outdoor Recreation

Arizona is currently experiencing one of its worst wildfire seasons on record.

(TUCSON) - Wallow Fire in Arizona As of Saturday, the Wallow Fire in eastern Arizona, which began 9 May, has burned about 400,000 acres, making it the second-worst wildfire in the state's history thus far.

The fire is five percent contained as of this writing. The state is extremely dry and is at high risk of other wildfires until summer monsoon rains arrive.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2011 14:29)

Gabrielle Giffords: Optimal Rehab Leads to Optimal Brain Recovery

Janet M. Cromer is a psychotherapist/healthcare writer.

(CLEARWATER, Florida) - Gabrielle Giffords While Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords engages in intensive rehabilitation following the gunshot wound that left her with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), her husband, Mark Kelly, has trained for two high-stakes missions.

Kelly succeeded brilliantly at the first-commanding the space shuttle Endeavor’s mission to the International Flight Station, then safely home.

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2011 15:10)

Prime BEEF improves living conditions in Afghanistan

"Prime BEEF has allowed me to go take care of my soldiers..." - Sgt. Major Reginald Coulter, Salem, Oregon

(BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan) - Airman 1st Class Tyler Saulsgiver from Travis Air Force Base, Calif. installs a door on a newly built dining facility expansion at a combat outpost, Afghanistan, May 23, 2011. A small U.S. Air Force team known as Prime BEEF, traveled to forward operating bases to improve living conditions at combat outposts in SE Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (Jun-02-2011 16:16)

Tragedy in Yuma: Shootings Leave Five Dead

The gunman's body was located with apparent self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

(YUMA, Az.) - Police line "Wow, murder in Yuma, five dead and the suspect killed himself. The daycare center sent an email stating that the kids were fine, and until that moment I never even considered that he was in danger, just proves that the actions of others are out of your control," said Kristina Grandlund.

Read Full Article (May-25-2011 21:30)

Arizona Cops Blast Marine Veteran to Death on Bad Information

Not allowed to live...

(TUCSON, Ariz.) - Jose Guereña Having survived two tours in Iraq, Marine combat veteran Jose Guereña in Arizona was gunned down in front of his family, inside of his own home, by the Pima Regional SWAT team earlier this month.

They fired 71 rounds in seven seconds, striking him 60 times. This one is far worse than anything I have personally ever heard of, with regard to the rampant number of police shootings we have reported.

Read Full Article (May-24-2011 22:37)

Time May Not Leap Ahead in Arizona, but Solar Technology Sure Has

Five-Megawatt Multi-Technology Solar Installation Project Expected to Generate Virtually 100% of College’s Daytime Electricity.

(YUMA, Ariz.) - Arizona Western Univ Solar event Arizona Western College broke ground today on a five-megawatt solar project slated for completion in October 2011.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
