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OSU Launches Online Map of Oregon`s Gardens, Forests and Farms

New map offers opportunities to explore Oregon as an informed visitor.

(CORVALLIS, Ore.) - OSU oregon gardens map An exciting new map brings information to your fingertips. Now the public can easily explore Oregon’s forests, farms, history, public gardens and more this summer through an online map assembled by Oregon State University.

From the Visitors Center at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport to the Summer Farm Festival and Annual Field Day in Ontario, there are multiple opportunities to learn about Oregon’s natural heritage.

Read Full Article (May-11-2016 20:50)

Smoke Plume was Prescribed Burn of 116-acres in Hwy 6 Corridor

This broadcast burn produced a very large column of smoke visible throughout Washington County and potentially neighboring counties.

(TILLAMOOK, Ore.) - broadcast burn The Oregon Department of Forestry conducted a prescribed burn today on a 116-acre site on the Tillamook State Forest near Browns Camp in the Highway 6 corridor.

The burn aimed to remove woody debris that remained after the recent completion of the Fighting Phellini Timber Sale.

Read Full Article (Apr-29-2016 21:40)

BLM Sells Over 13 Million Board Feet of Timber in Linn County

The Bent Beekman and Roaring Toads timber sales totaled $3,238,399.

(SALEM, Ore.) - freres lumber Approximately 13.3 million board feet (MBF) of timber was offered for sale at oral auction by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Salem District, on Wednesday, April 27, 2016.

The Bent Beekman Timber Sale (4,495 MBF), located 20 miles southeast of the town of Scio, in Linn County, was purchased by Freres Lumber Company Inc. for the bid price of $1,739,348...

Read Full Article (Apr-12-2016 13:36)

BLM Releases Proposed Plan to Increase Timber Harvest in Western Oregon Forests

The public has 30 days starting April 8, 2016, to review the proposed RMP. Protests must meet the requirements described in the regulations.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Oregon forest The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has proposed a path forward for local communities in Western Oregon with a plan that will increase job growth, tourism and recreation, and timber harvest, while offering strong protections for the northern spotted owl, listed fish species, and water resources.

Once the proposed Resource Management Plan (RMP) is fully implemented, the BLM estimates that it will be able to provide 278 million board feet (mmbf) per year in total timber harvest.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2016 20:37)

Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Kicks off the 2016 Literacy Project

Because everyone EATS.... agriculture is important to 100% of us.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Myers Elementary Fifth graders in Salem physically tried on different career possibilities at the annual Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Literacy Project 2016 Kick-off at Myers Elementary School this week.

The 2016 featured book Before We Eat: From Farm to Table, and the related lesson feature a myriad of careers available in the Oregon farming, forestry, fishing, and fiber industries.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2016 17:52)

Why Vegan Foods are 2016`s Top Trend in the Restaurant Industry

Veganism is both a practice and a philosophy.

(SALEM, Ore.) - vegetarian food In recent years, the restaurant industry has experienced a significant amount of change with various popular movements related to ideas about food.

One big trend that is expected to rise this year and next is the prevalence of vegan foods in more typical dining settings.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2016 15:50)

Norovirus Outbreak Connected to Yaquina Bay Oysters

Health officials investigating amid recall by company

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon oysters State and local public health officials are investigating an outbreak of norovirus that sickened 17 people who ate oysters from Yaquina Bay earlier this month.

All 17 people, who were among three separate groups totaling 32 people who ate at restaurants throughout Lincoln County, have recovered. One person had been hospitalized. Those who fell ill reported having eaten the oysters between Feb. 12 and Feb. 14.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2015 23:01)

Dave Dahl of Dave`s Killer Bread Has Earned His Rewards

A top choice for bread lovers in Oregon has turned into a "must have" far and wide.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Dave Dahl If you live in Oregon, you know this face. And even if you don't and you live out of state, you've probably heard of him or bought his product. His name is Dave Dahl, and his story is so interesting, so convoluted, I decided it was worth telling from my own perspective.

The first time I ever heard his name, was from my daughter Lisa. She kept telling me about this guy at the Corvallis Farmer's Market named Dave who sells an amazing organic bread called "Dave's Killer Bread."

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2015 14:45)

2015 Ag Fest is Two Days of Great Fun for Families

A day at Ag Fest is one your kids will always remember!

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ag Fest The 2015 Oregon Ag Fest is this weekend in Salem. The 28th Annual agricultural adventure runs from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 25 – 26, at the Oregon State Fair Grounds, 2330 17th St NE, Salem.

Last year over 17,000 people attended Ag Fest. Many were given their first introduction to what agriculture means, and how it is important to each and every one of us.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2015 18:39)

Oregon Farm Bureau says Senate Bill 324 A Will Hurt Oregon Agriculture

The possible impact on Oregon's agriculture may be substantial.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon agriculture As the house gets ready to take a look at Senate Bill 324 A, more commonly referred to as the low carbon fuel standard bill, agricultural organizations express their concerns over SB 324 A to Oregonians.

Jenny Dresler, government affairs associate for the Oregon Farm Bureau, said that while they can't be certain of what environmental benefits SB 324 A would bring, they likely won't be substantial.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin