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About Agent Orange articles Page 6

Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-24-2012 17:50)

Len Aldis - the Man Behind and Often in Front of the News

Len is working to establish further events to raise much needed funds for the Victims of Agent Orange.

(LONDON) - Len Aldis In December 2011 Len Aldis, Secretary of the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society and a small select number of government guests and dignitaries were invited to fly on the inaugural direct flight from the UK to Vietnam.

Len was honoured to be invited as a participant on this momentous occasion in Vietnam - UK aviation history.

Read Full Article (Jun-20-2012 15:46)

The Agent Orange Leak on Okinawa

Buried Stockpile of Toxic Defoliant is Contaminating Futenma Air Base.

(YOKOHAMA) - Okinawa and Agent Orange The U.S. Marine Corps buried a massive stockpile of Agent Orange at the Futenma air station in Okinawa, seriously sickening the base’s former head of maintenance and potentially contaminating nearby residents and the ground beneath the base.

The barrels were abandoned in Okinawa at the end of the Vietnam War...

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2012 16:09)

Agent Orange`s Deadly Legacy Spreads to Japan

"We unearthed over 100 barrels buried in rows. They were rusty and leaking and we could see orange markings around some of their middles" - Lt. Col. Kris Roberts, former head of maintenance projects on Futenma

(MOSCOW, RTV) - white powder used to symbolise Agent Orange The fallout from the US military’s use of Agent Orange may have spread from Vietnam to Japan.

Massive caches of the toxic herbicide were buried on Futenma, “the world’s most dangerous base,” potentially poisoning the island, a Japanese daily reports.

Read Full Article (Jun-15-2012 23:46)

(Dow Chemical) - Letter from the President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour

"The Vietnam war memorial in Washington is 492 feet long. If a similar war memorial had been made for the Vietnamese who died, with the same density of names, it would be nine miles long."

(LONDON) - Agent Orange being sprayed on Vietnam's jungle Len Aldis of the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society has released a letter received from the President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour representing 7.5 million Vietnamese workers.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2012 16:48)

Gates and Monsanto Go After Milk

In the near future, human development can potentially be dictated by corporate America, through the Bill & Malinda [sic] Gates Foundation and their $8.3 U.C. Davis grant.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Bill Gates Monsanto's head of the FDA's food safety division is threatening to get rid of raw (real) milk, and the real reason for this may have reared its ugly head.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2012 14:27)

British MPs Raise Funds for AO Victims

MP Howarth said that he hoped the United States Government and the companies involved will recognise their obligations regarding compensation for all of those affected by Agent Orange.

(LONDON / HANOI) - MP George Howarth Last December, the British Member of Parliament George Howarth, MP, along with a few others, joined us for a visit to Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Jun-02-2012 18:05)

Vietnam Women`s Union Speaks Out Over Dow Chemical Sponsorship of Olympics

"...the Vietnam Women's Union would like to call upon IOC to reconsider your decision to accept Dow Chemical Corporation as a sponsor of the Olympic events"

(HANOI, Viet Nam) - Protesting Dow sponsorship of Olympics The women of Vietnam are raising a voice in objection to the inclusion of Dow Chemical as a sponsor in the upcoming Olympic games.

Read Full Article (Jun-01-2012 01:39)

Monsanto Found Guilty of Poisoning in Pesticide Case (VIDEO)

Historic ruling by French court will likely expose Monsanto to similar scrutiny.

(LYON, France) - A court in the French city of Lyon has ruled US pesticides maker Monsanto was responsible for the poisoning of a farmer who had used one of their products on his crops.

Paul Francois says he suffered neurological problems including memory loss, headaches and stammering after inhaling Monsanto's Lasso weedkiller in 2004.

Read Full Article (May-28-2012 14:29)

Vietnam Joins Protest Against Dow Chemicals

Vietnam joins the protest against Olympic sponsor Dow Chemical, accused of “green-washing” its Agent Orange sins.

(HANOI, Viet Nam) - Len Aldis The organisers of London’s 2012 Olympics call them the Green Games — a monument to best sustainable practice within the sports world.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 18:03)

US EPA Failing to Warn Public of Dioxin Exposure Disease Risk

Those who consume animal fats receive dioxin exposure in excess of the oral reference dose. Exposure in excess of the oral reference dose means that significant disease risk is imposed.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Agent Orange The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published a document titled, “Reanalysis of Key Issues Related to Dioxin Toxicity and Response to NAS Comments”.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
