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About Agent Orange articles Page 11

Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Dec-11-2011 15:58)

Vietnam Blue Water Navy: One step closer for VA benefits

The American people needs to be aware of how this horrible herbicide has infected thousands of Naval personnel. We served onboard ship in the Vietnam war zone. We too were infected by agent orange dioxin.

(MEDIA, Pa.) - U.S. Navy A new step forward is achieved for the Blue Water Navy of the Vietnam War. Vietnam Navy veterans who are infected with presumptive exposure of Agent Orange Dioxin soon may realize benefits from Veterans Affairs (VA) compensation for agent orange disability.

Those Navy veterans, known as Blue Water sailors, who never had boots-on-ground, hopefully will see day light at the end of the tunnel.

Read Full Article (Dec-07-2011 22:10)

Agent Orange (Dioxin) Second Generation: Effects on children of Vietnam Veterans

The children of Vietnam Veterans are the innocent victims of Agent Orange Dioxin.

(MEDIA, Pa.) - Agent Orange being sprayed in Vietnam. Some Vietnam veterans who have had or now has diseases brought on by Presumptive Exposure to Agent Orange Dioxin are not alone. Many children of Vietnam Veterans conceived during and after the War are also infected by Agent Orange Dioxin. This is the second generation. Will there be a third generation?

Some members of the Armed Forces are recognized by the Veterans Administration (VA).

Read Full Article (Dec-06-2011 20:51)

Group Needs Help Locating C-123 Veterans

Please get the word out to any former C-123 crew and their families to go to the web site and engage on the issue.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - C-123 Agent Orange Vietnam Through a coincidence of timing and chance I recently met a retired USAF officer who has never forgotten the aviators’ duty to take care of one’s aircrew.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2011 18:18)

The Second Bush Plan for a Fascist Coup of the US

News from US Citizens Against Fascism.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - GW Bush In 1933 Prescott Bush, who made the Bush fortune in Nazi Germany, attempted a Fascist coup in the United States on behalf of himself and various corporations.

He wanted a system like Hitler's and Mussolini's here. He was not executed or imprisoned. The House Un-American Acttivies committee did nothing. The Justice Department did nothing.

Read Full Article (Nov-29-2011 14:45)

History of Agent Orange

Video explores a root problem in American culture, called Monsanto.

(DA NANG Vietnam) - This video is from the documentary “The World According to Monsanto.” It gives us a history of Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War, as well as used on American fields for several years for agriculture use as a herbicide.

Monsanto brought us Agent Orange. Yet, farmers are still trusting this company’s assurance that GMOs are safe, that widespread use of Roundup is safe and that GM seed will save us all from an overpopulated planet.

Read Full Article (Nov-27-2011 14:07)

Agent Orange on Okinawa - New Evidence

“This, to me, is a red flag. What are they trying to hide?” - Wayne Dwernychuk, chief scientist formerly in charge of identifying dioxin hotspots on past-US bases in South Vietnam

(OKINAWA) - Agent Orange by many accounts, was stored at Okinawa during preparation for the war in Vietnam. In September 2011, The Asia-Pacific Journal published my research into the presence of US military defoliants, including Agent Orange, on Okinawa during the 1960s and early ‘70s.

The article catalogued the storage, spraying and burial of these dioxin-tainted chemicals on 14 American installations...

Read Full Article (Nov-24-2011 15:49)

An Open Letter to British Athletes and the 2012 Olympics

Olympic Games set to compete in a stadium surrounded by a curtain of shame made by Dow Chemical.

(LONDON) - Time to boycott the Olympics again Next year in East London the two Olympics will be held when sportsmen and women from many countries will compete against each other in many fields of sport. This will be an opportunity to meet your competitors and to establish friendships.

Unfortunately, the Stadium, in which the opening and closing ceremonies will take place and field events held, will be stained in blood.

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2011 13:33)

Parliamentary speech by Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon on Agent Orange

by Lee Rhiannon in Parliament, Speech, Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security, Health - Adjournment speech, Tuesday 8 November 2011

(NEW SOUTH WALES) - Agent Orange Senator RHIANNON: Earlier this year, I attended the launch of Agent Orange Justice.

This is the Australian section of the international campaign to hold the United States government responsible for the disaster it created for millions of Vietnamese people as a result of its 10-year spraying of the chemical weapon Agent Orange.

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2011 13:15)

Basic Problems of Human and Environmental Consequences of Toxic Chemicals/Dioxin in Vietnam

Vietnamese scientists, in their research, have discovered alteration of genes, chromosome, protein, immunodeficiency among those with historical exposure to chemicals/dioxin and with high concentration of dioxin in blood.

(HANOI) - Doctor Le Ke Son is the Deputy Director General of The Vietnam Environment Administration. With about 80 million liters of herbicides, containing at least 366 kg dioxin, the chemical/dioxin war by the America in Southern Vietnam is the largest chemical one in the history of humankind.

The high and very high concentration of dioxin residues in the environment, animals and humans, at present, in some hot spots is clear evidence for the long-term impacts of chemicals/dioxin, confirming the origin of dioxin from warring herbicides used by the US.

Read Full Article (Nov-08-2011 10:29)

Vietnam approves Czech-funded Agent Orange project

During the Vietnam War, the communists quietly shipped deadly chemicals to the ‘imperialist’ Americans through back channels.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved a project funded by the Czech government to aid victims of “Agent Orange”.

It's the notorious defoliant and extremely toxic dioxin compound used by the US military in its herbicidal warfare program during the Vietnam War that left some 500,000 children with birth defects and killed or maimed as many adults.

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