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About Afghanistan articles Page 27

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PAKISTAN: Taliban Threaten Associated Press Journalist Eye on the World report.

(HONG KONG) - Both the President of Pakistan and The Associated Press have an obligation to protect journalists like Ashraf Khan. A death threat has been issued against journalist Ashraf Khan with The Associated Press in Pakistan, by the Taliban.

His family has also been threatened in this shocking incident that is not being adequately addressed by the management of AP.

Read Full Article (Mar-23-2012 07:28) Under Attack Over Articles Revealing Suspected Illegal Nuclear Weapon Use

Individual makes numerous false claims and they are landing everywhere; this article offers clarity about our reports.

(SALEM) - Not actual image of Roger Helbig It has come to our attention that an individual by the name of Roger Helbig, has been going to great effort to damage our reputation over reports.

These are reports referencing the possible use of illegal weapons-grade nuclear arms in both Fallujah, Iraq and Gaza, Palestine.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2012 22:59)

24 Hours to Help Bradley Manning Win Human Rights Award

In the meanwhile, Manning’s attorney insists all charges must be dismissed after the government’s refusal to provide vast amounts of evidence and key witnesses.

(FORT MEADE, MD) - Bradley Manning on 16th March 2012 at Fort Meade. Bradley Manning trails by only 400 votes for Global Exchange's "People's Choice" 2012 Human Rights Award.

PFC Bradley Manning, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower, has spent more than 660 days locked up while he waits for the government to prepare its case against him.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2012 18:45)

PTSD Psychotic Soldier Kills Afghan Civilians: SEQUEL

PTSD is mental illness. Mental illness may be psychosis.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Veteran Phil Leveque The unfortunate act of Sgt Bales in Afghanistan is horrible in the extreme but it was not only expected but preventable. Infantry Sgt Bales is/was a gung ho soldier by any measure. I was an infantry Private under the likes of Sgt Bales and know a real soldier when I see or hear about one.

He did three tours in Iraq performing excellently and getting head wounds and part of his foot shot off. After all that, getting sent back into a hot combat zone was totally irresponsible.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2012 12:06)

Bringing Truth to the Youth: AE911Truth University Outreach Repeats its Success at St. Mary`s College

Indeed, a million Muslims have died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Americans have lost many civil liberties, because of the lies regarding 9/11.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - St. Mary's College in California The explosive 9/11 evidence may be coming to a college near you. AE911Truth will be targeting the college speaking circuit in 2012, and there are plenty of ways you can help.

Here is how one professor has made a difference for the last five years.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2012 00:29)

Combat Private, The Most Important Man in Battle

Combat Infantry Badge: The shield and spear for all behind him.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Combat Infantry Badge Most readers won’t believe this but the bemedaled colonels and generals far behind the front lines have virtually no concept of what it’s like to live, sleep and survive in the mud or a muddy foxhole with little sleep.

It's usually accompanied by little food or water, and virtually none of the small mercies of normal life.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2012 13:23)

WTC 7 Blueprints Exposed Via FOIA Request: Building Plans Allow for Deeper Analysis of Skyscraper`s Destruction

Structural Drawings / Shop Drawings Available for Download.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - WTC-7 sequence The Freedom of Information Act Office at NIST recently released over 2,600 electronic files pertaining to World Trade Center Building 7.

These files include original structural design drawings, shop fabrication drawings and steel erection drawings of the third skyscraper to fall on 9/11, and are ready for architectural and engineering professionals and students to analyze.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2012 05:07)

Murder in Afghanistan

Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales named as suspect in Afghanistan massacre.

(MELBOURNE) - Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, left, in Fort Irwin, CA 2011. (United States Army) The revelation of Sgt. Bales’ identity comes (The Lookout) after criticism from Afghan President Hamid Karzai about the lack of U.S. cooperation in investigating the massacre. Karzai also questioned whether just one American soldier was involved.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2012 04:45)

Radiation Risk to El Toro Marine Veterans

Marines may have unknowingly been exposed to radiation in Hangar 296 at closed California base.

(IRVINE, CA) - Marine Corps danger The former Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, California is an EPA Superfund, closed by the Marine Corps in 1999 and most of the former base sold at a public auction in 2005.

There may have been as many as 300 Marines and more unknowingly exposed to radiation from 1969 to 1999 in the Wing Supply Support Division attached to MWSG-37, MCAS El Toro.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2012 04:26)

The Elimination of the U.S. Marines

With two major air bases on the west coast already closed, new substantial cuts to the Marine Corps look like the beginning of the end.

(SALEM) - U.S. Marine in Iraq, 2008 - photo by Tim King In an increasing age of mercenary warfare, many will find massive reductions in the U.S. Marine Corps more than alarming.

Those of us who write about this legendary military organization have seen the writing on the wall for some time. The reasons are not perfectly clear, but I suspect we have a decent fix on what is taking place.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
