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About Afghanistan articles Page 17

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SEALed & Delivered: Account of Abbottabad Ensnares Obama in Impossible bin Laden Scenario

"He looked very young, he had black hair" - Matt Bisonette, Navy SEAL, author of 'No Easy Day'

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - This man owns the house next to the 'bin Laden' residence Dead terrorists tell no tales. That might be the beginning and end of it, however bin Laden did tell a tale and it had absolutely no connection to what George W. Bush told the world later on the very same day.

Those of us who have been to Afghanistan know that around Jalalabad, every tenth guy walking down the street dresses like bin Laden.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2012 13:22)

Eleventh Year of Societal Deconstruction -View from South Asia

19 days after the attack on South Asia, the Patriot Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush without any discussion.

(CHENNAI, India) - WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 are the buildings in gray. How many western soldiers want to stake their lives to capture global resources for corporations in which they would not have one red cent to share?

Their life is not worth even a cent. When they die, the US and NATO bugle will blow; if they survive, they will beg.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2012 17:34)

9/11: Eleven Years On And Still Many Questions Remain

Reinvestigate 911, along with many 9/11 families, first responders, firefighters, pilots, scientists, architects, military officers, CIA and FBI whistleblowers, are calling for an independent re-investigation into 9/11.

(LONDON) - Some became suspicious when the BBC and other media announced the collapse of WTC7 before it happened. Its eleven years since the world changing events of 11 Sept 2001, used to justify wars abroad and erosion of civil liberties at home.

Read Full Article (Sep-01-2012 21:26)

Israel Assassination Attempt on General Dempsey in Afghanistan?

News agencies buried the failed attack...

(BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan) - Bagram Air Base Afghanistan, Jan 2007 photo by Tim King Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, Chairman of America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, shocked the world when he told Netanyahu that America wanted no part of his scheming against Iran.

Dempsey was the subject of an assassination attempt in Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2012 14:58)

Deployment Health News for 31 August 2012

Updates on health-related issues faced by the military.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Afghan child shakes US soldier's hand while 2nd kid gives thumbs up The following news articles are offered as a service to DoD health care beneficiaries and their health care providers.

Articles are selected for dissemination solely based on the military health relevance of the topic.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2012 23:43)

Backgrounder: NATO Air Crashes in Afghanistan in 2012

Roundup of this year's incidents...

(KABUL Xinhua) - Helicopters in Afghanistan, photo by Tim King Two soldiers with ISAF were killed Thursday morning in a helicopter crash in southern Helmand province.

This report includes the coalition's air crash incidents in Afghanistan so far in 2012.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2012 13:28)

President Barack Obama Vs. Osama bin Laden: Obama Won

I shudder to think of the consequences to President Obama if the attack had been a failure.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Obama vs Osama Despite the fact that President Obama is accused of being a Muslim, he is/was totally instrumental in causing the death of one of the most powerful, most important, most dangerous Muslim Terrorists in the world.

A new book, detailing the account and the death of this tyrant, may be about to hit the streets: may be a big mistake.

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2012 15:51)

PTSD/TBI: A National, Medical, Moral, Financial Catastrophe

We are in worse trouble than anyone has imagined.

(SALEM) - Military vehicle in Iraq that struck an IED The Oregonian carried an article about Army Combat Veteran, Theadore Jones, “Correcting for Veterans” on Tuesday, pointing out the disgraceful treatment of out battered and bruised medically disabled veterans.

He was hit with bombs and grenade 7 times in Iraq in 2004. He is 100% disabled with PTSD and other injuries.

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2012 13:45)

Suicide and the Soldier

"We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex..." - President Dwight Eisenhower

(SASKATCHEWAN) - Soldier with a setting Afghan sun - by: Tim King Eleven years ago, the NeoConservative Bush administration started its so-called endless war on "terrorism."

What they did was provoke by decades of anti-Muslim, anti-Arab and blindly pro-Israel US foreign policies.

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2012 01:39)

17 Civilians Beheaded by Taliban for Mixed-Sex Party

The Taliban, who openly beat women and girls in the street, maintain a medieval view of flirting or any open displays of affection between men and women.

(KABUL) - File photo of Taliban Fifteen men and two women were found beheaded in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province on Monday, punishment meted out by Taliban insurgents for a mixed-sex party with music and dancing, officials said.

The bodies were found in a house near the Musa Qala district, about 75 km (46 miles) north of the provincial capitol, Lashkar Gah, said District Governor Nimatullah, who only goes by one name.

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