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| Next Page (Feb-11-2013 10:11) Needs Help From Our Readers

The need is great, please help if you can.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Bonnie and Tim King in Salem, Oregon 2-9-2013 It is important in our view that our news continues because covers several key subjects that are not followed by other news outlets.

For many years now, we have been receiving assistance from our readers. This help allows our humble operation to continue operating.

Read Full Article (Dec-24-2012 02:15)

Help the Homeless Aids Salem Residents Facing a Tough Winter

In its third year, event sees highest attendance yet.

(SALEM) - John Olivera of Steeles Karate The Help the Homeless event in Salem this weekend was a huge success, thanks to the efforts of John and Marci Olivera of Steeles Karate. In its third year, the event fed and provided helpful items to a large number of attendees who enjoyed good cheer and even live music.

After covering the event, some people who had made the trip to attend Help the Homeless from West Salem, asked if it was possible to get a ride back to the homeless camp they reside in.

Read Full Article (Nov-12-2012 11:00)

Resisting Hell`s Maelstrom: Syrian Volunteers Exhibit their Humanity

Despite international politicizing of emergency aid…

(DAMASCUS Al Manar) - A destroyed Syrian Arab Red Crescent ambulance sits amid rubble in Homs Over the past twenty months, as the Syrian crisis continued beyond most early predictions, this observer learned something about the Syrian people that I had known for decades about Palestinians.

And that is their great concern for their countrymen wherever they are found and whatever their current condition.

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2012 20:33)

Help a Human Rights Activist Who Matters

Winter is upon us and one reporter doing important work can use a little assistance.

(SALEM) - William Gomes in Hong Kong I know people are dealing with their own struggles, but I also know that some would not mind supporting the important Human Rights mission of William Gomes. He writes about state terrorism.

His articles and letters to public officials have alerted officials to rogue behavior in their own government at least twice that we know of.

Read Full Article (Aug-14-2012 22:45)

Kaiser Permanente Northwest Awards $9,000 Grant to YWCA Salem

In 2011, YWCA Salem helped nearly 7,000 people in the Salem/Keizer area.

(SALEM) - YWCA Salem YWCA Salem is grateful to have received a $9,000 grant from Kaiser Permanente Northwest on July 26, 2012.

The Grant will help cover the cost of Family Assistants who work the overnight and weekend shifts at the YWCA Salem Outreach Shelter.

Read Full Article (Jul-09-2012 17:22)

APN to Netanyahu: Repudiate Levy Commission Report

"For the sake of Israel’s future as a state that Israelis and their supporters worldwide can be proud of, we are calling on the government of Israel to reject the Levy report...”

(WASHINGTON DC) - Illegal Israeli settlements Americans for Peace Now (APN) joins its Israeli sister organization, in calling on Israel to repudiate the findings of the commission it appointed to address the problem of illegal outposts in the West Bank.

APN calls on other US Jewish groups that support the two-state solution to raise their voices in opposition to this report.

Read Full Article (Jun-04-2012 14:24)

APN Opposes Knesset Bill `Legalizing` Illegal Settlement Construction

"... This week, yet again, Netanyahu shows that he is not serious about peace..." - APN President and CEO Debra DeLee

(WASHINGTON DC) - Israeli settlement builders Americans for Peace Now joins its Israeli sister organization, Peace Now, in its strong opposition to a Knesset Bill that seeks to circumvent Israel’s Supreme Court and retroactively “legalize” West Bank settlements.

These are built illegally on land privately owned by Palestinians.

Read Full Article (May-24-2012 03:39)

Support Four-Year Old Daniel, He Needs a Kidney

How can you resist helping this boy?

(SALEM) - Daniel VanDyke There was a special emphasis at a recent motorcycle gathering in Salem, on helping a young boy who is very sick but has a shot at life, if enough support can be raised to offset the tremendous costs of healthcare.

Money isn't the only thing four-year old Daniel needs, as his mom, Roxanne VanDyke, explains.

Read Full Article (May-18-2012 01:25)

Gaza`s Ark: Building Hope

With your support, the work on Gaza's Ark will start this summer.

(BEARSVILLE, NY) - Gaza ark The Canadian Boat to Gaza, in cooperation, with international initiatives in the US, Australia and other countries, is launching a new initiative to challenge the illegal and inhumane Israeli blockade of Gaza.

This new initiative: Gaza's Ark, will build a boat in Gaza, using existing resources.

Read Full Article (May-16-2012 19:13)

800 Marines Need Your Help - Will you Answer the Call?

Send Marines from the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force care packages.

(CAMP LEJEUNE, NC) - Care packages for Marines Every summer, Move America Forward focuses on supporting one particular unit deployed in Afghanistan.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley