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| Next Page (May-01-2014 13:31)

Experts Warn Consumers, Farmers Major Changes Coming in Food Production & Prices

New Reports Spotlight Growing "Food Security" Worries for America

(WASHINGTON DC) - Food costs Matt Russell is a fifth generation Iowa farmer. All of his life he's watched the weather and worked the land.

Lately, he's seen ominous changes in the climate: A multi-year drought. Five hundred year floods. Snow in May. Enormous rains followed by months of nothing but dry, blue skies. Summer temperatures falling to the 30s. Then, days and days soaring into the 100s.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2014 14:57)

But for the Grace of God

I will always wonder what happened to the very sad woman and the happy little guy named Simon.

(OKLAHOMA CITY) - Woman begging in the street Today, when I was out running errands I saw an older woman and a young boy panhandling on the side of a very busy street. Yes, I admit, it was the young boy that gave me pause.

The woman was holding the boy’s hand and with her other hand was holding up one of those handmade, brown, ragged cardboard box signs. It was written in such a way I could not discern her plea but that didn’t matter.

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2014 02:17)

Incredible but True: Rich Countries Use Digital Media Less than Poor Countries

The richest countries occupy lower positions because its population is not predisposed to using digital media. In contrast, poorer countries use digital communication above average, because they are more motivated to use the four variables when compared with the quality of its infrastructure.

(MADRID) - Internet keyboard The agency Mindshare has conducted a study on the digital behaviors of people in 33 countries around the world.

The objective of this research is to know what really pushes humans to approach a digital communication environment and what motivations they have when in front of the screen.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2014 18:01)

Why is New York`s Mayor - A Self-Proclaimed ``Progressive`` - Challenging School Choice for Minorities and the Poor?

Giving poor and minority students a choice of where to go to school----a choice which more affluent students already have---should be a natural cause for a "progressive" like Bill de Blasio to embrace.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Bill de Blasio New York City's mayor, William De Blasio, repeatedly tells us that he is a "progressive," committed to making life better for minorities and the poor.

Yet, ever since coming to office in January, he has launched a crusade against a vehicle which has the ability to rescue poor and minority children from failing public schools.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2014 20:32)

New Data: Oregon`s Teen Unemployment Rate Tenth Highest in Nation at 27.4 Percent

Minimum Wage Hikes at Federal and State Level Will Only Worsen Teen Jobs Crisis

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Oregon State Capitol Today the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) called attention to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showing Oregon, at 27.4 percent, has the tenth highest teen unemployment rate in the country as of the end of 2013.

Nationally, teen unemployment has been above 20 percent for over five years.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2014 00:34)

Indian Christians for Narendra Modi as PM in 2014 Poll

The Forum of Indian Christians, PCLM, and UCDF - wants to create better cordial relations between Hindus and Christians, the joint statement concluded.

(NEW DELHI) - Narendra Modi A nationwide preliminary sample survey by Christian organisations indicates that Christians have “no objection to Narendra Modi becoming the Prime Minister of India through legitimate democratic procedure.”

"If a political party recognised by the Election Commission of India chooses Narendra Modi as the Prime Ministerial candidate, there is no reason why Christians will have any objection".

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 17:33)

What`s the Federal Poverty Level for 2014?

HUD income limits, which are calculated for metropolitan areas and counties in Oregon as well as the state as a whole, establish eligibility for a variety of housing programs. The table thus shows the maximum income that families of various sizes can have and still qualify for various housing programs.

(SILVERTON, OR) - Little girl living in poverty The federal government has released the 2014 Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, better known as the "federal poverty level." Oregon uses the guidelines to determine eligibility for some public assistance programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). See the new guidelines at OCPP's page What Is Poverty?

How low is the new federal poverty level?

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 14:23)

Anonymous - #Operation Safe Winter in Salem (VIDEO)

What #OPSAFEWINTER hopes to accomplish is a more forgiving system for the most challenged around the world who do not have any place to go.

(SALEM) - Anonymous - #Operation Safe Winter in Salem Last Sunday in Salem, a group of people from many different backgrounds joined together in solidarity with other communities in what is called "OPPSAFEWINTER".

"OPPSAFEWINTER" is an idea supported by people who want to help others in need, as well as supporters of the Global Community known as Anonymous.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2014 10:05)

NILC Protests Senate Conservatives` Attacks on Poor Children

On 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty, senators cynically pit unemployed and veterans against kids

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Poverty, Oregon In a cynical political ploy, conservative senators are pitting millions of children and their families against the unemployed and retired veterans by proposing to reduce the number of people eligible for the refundable Child Tax Credit (CTC) in order to pay for extending unemployment benefits and repealing military pension cuts that were part of the recent budget deal.

The extension of unemployment insurance benefits has traditionally been considered an emergency item that does not require a budgetary offset.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 23:38)

Salvation Army Reopens Updated Lighthouse Shelter

In addition to building renovations, The Salvation Army has updated its resident program to include life and job skill classes, counseling, and a Christian-based recovery group.

(SALEM) - The Salvation Army plans to re-open its Lighthouse Shelter in Salem, Oregon The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center plans to re-open its Lighthouse Shelter after completing updates on the over 50 year old structure located at 1901 Front Street in Salem.

Invited guests and the media have a one-time opportunity to tour the complete facility on January 7th during an open house. Residents start moving in on January 8th.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley