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Pakistani Christians with False Hopes of Refugee Status

Religious minorities in Pakistan are persecuted under stringent blasphemy law.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistani Christians Religious extremism has gone to its peak since Afghan refugees entered Pakistan.

Due to terrorism, Pakistan has lost thousands of its precious lives and properties. Religious-banned outfits have attacked schools, worship places, parks and even law enforcement agencies and their places.

Read Full Article (Apr-21-2015 15:05)

Remembering Inmates on this Easter

Rah-e-Nijat Ministry is working with prisoners in Pakistan.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistani prison I have been reporting from the country where extremist Sunnis, inspired by puritan Wahhabi teachings, and have been targeting educated and well off Christians.

Religious extremists have established that no other form of religion is welcome in Pakistan. Christians and Hindus are out of the question; these extremists are far from accepting even another sect of their own religion here.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2015 19:19)

Pakistan: Lift the Travel Ban Against Abdul Qadeer Baloch

Human Rights Ambassador William Gomes asks to immediately and unconditionally lift the travel ban

(LONDON) - Abdul Qadeer Baloch I would like to draw your attention to the following case.
On 4 March 2015, human rights defender Mr Abdul Qadeer Baloch, also known as Mama Qadeer, was informed of a travel ban imposed against him.

The human rights defender was attempting to travel to a human rights seminar in the United States with other relatives of persons forcibly disappeared in Balochistan.

Read Full Article (May-10-2014 14:57)

Pakistan`s Christian Labour Movement: AIMS and Objectives

We demand as well those responsible for the deaths of Christians in Pakistan to be arrested and to be send to trial for crimes of rape and murder of innocent people.

(ISLAMABAD) - Muslims destroy a cross in Lahore, Pakistan The Christian Labour Movement is a small organization, We dedicate ourselves to help the minority Christians in the whole of Pakistan for the benefit of the minority groups to better life standards of the Pakistani minority groups. We aim to create better life standards and to help people gain equal rights in Pakistan.

We want to organize demonstrations and help people in Pakistan not to fear for their lives daily.

Read Full Article (May-07-2014 08:34)

Militant Training Camps on Sri Lankan Soil - L. Ganesan

On 5 May Central security agencies claimed that Pakistan’s ISI had plans to carry out terror attacks on two foreign consulates.

(CHENNAI ) - L. Ganesan, a senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) member L. Ganesan, a senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) member warned his party on 5 May 2014 in Tiruchi that Pakistan had chosen Sri Lanka as a base for organising arms training camps for terror outfits and was trying to send militants into India through coastal routes.

He said that Sri Lanka was aware of these illegal activities taking place on its soil, but had not acted upon them.

Read Full Article (May-07-2014 08:19)

Pakistan Hospice Center Celebrates 50 Years While Struggling to Survive

“To work and live at St. Joseph’s Hospice has become my life, and I am grateful for it,” - Sister Margeret Walsh, from Ireland, the hospice administrator, who came in the 1960s when the hospice was founded.

(RAWALPINDI, Pakistan) - St. Joseph's Hospice in Rawalpindi St. Joseph’s Hospice, in Rawalpindi, celebrated its 50th anniversary recently. Pakistan has a population of more than 180 million people, including around five million Christians, a few million Hindus and other religious minorities.

The word hospice is Spanish, and it means a place where the sick are treated and cared for as long as it takes, till they recover and can go back into active life in the society.

Read Full Article (May-03-2014 18:26)

Each one - Teach one

Minorities are divided into two groups, some are in favor of the present electoral system, and others are struggling to restore the democratic electoral system for minorities.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistani Christians Pakistan came into being in 1947 under the leadership of Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Jinnah had repeatedly promised equality of citizenship, but this promise was not kept by his successors.

Pakistan became an Islamic Republic in 1956, making Islam the source of legislation and cornerstone of the national identity, while guaranteeing freedom of religion and equal citizenship to all citizens.

Read Full Article (May-03-2014 16:28)

Sri Lanka Had an ISI Hand in Chennai Bomb Blast?

Tamil Nadu has been targeted by ISI backed by Sri Lanka since Chief Minister Jayalalithaa is against the present regime of the island nation.

(CHENNAI TruthDive) - Chennai Central station Sri Lanka-based links to two suspects with ISI background nabbed by Tamil Nadu police in connection with bomb blasts in Chennai railway station has opened a new revelation to intelligence agencies.

Sources said that a person who was found hiding in the train even two hours after the bomb blast was of Sri Lankan origin. Further interrogation showed that he had links with ISI agent Jafar caught on April 29 by the police. The ISI agent had entered Tamil Nadu through Sri Lankan route.

Read Full Article (May-01-2014 12:42)

Blasphemy Death Convicted Asia Bibi`s Appeal: Delay of Justice is Injustice

Since the accusation, the woman accused of Blasphemy, Asia Bibi is languishing in jail, awaiting her appeal decision. The world is minutely observing this case.

(LAHORE, Pakistan) - LEAD in Pakistan Bibi’s criminal appeal number 2509/2010 ‘Mst Asia Bibi vs The State etc' and murder reference 614/2010 ‘State Vs Mst Asia Bibi wife of Ashiq’ was fixed for hearing before the Lahore High Court Division Bench,Lahore.

Read Full Article (Apr-30-2014 19:27)

PCC Demands Reforms in Electoral System

Christian youth across the country have joined PCC and participated from different areas of the country. Other PCC youth leaders and representatives addressed the conference.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistani Christians Pakistan Christian Congress, the oldest Christian political party re-organizing in Pakistan has demanded to bring reforms in the electoral system for minorities.

Talking to the PCC Youth Conference, PCC chief said that government of Pakistan should take immediate corrective measures and should restore election system for minority candidates as well. Addressing the Youth Conference via video link, PCC chief Nazir S Bhatti demanded PML-N government to bring reforms in discriminatory laws including blasphemy law.

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