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| Next Page (Nov-16-2008 13:16)

Oregon Guard Soldier Joins Capitol War Protest (VIDEO)

An Oregon Guard soldier joins the 24-hour vigil protesting a deployment to Iraq in 2009.

(SALEM, Ore.) - An Oregon woman protesting a national guard deployment to the Iraq War was arrested Friday night by Oregon state troopers. Political activist Michele Darr of Corvallis is no stranger to capitol demonstrations; she spent months outside the capitol in protest of the Iraq War in 2003.

Advocates taking part in the vigil and fast say Michele Darr's Civil Rights were violated when she was arrested, and Saturday the list of advocates on the capitol steps grew to include an Oregon soldier who is part of the scheduled deployment. News of the arrest prompted Richard Portelli, a soldier in the Oregon Guard, to join Darr's cause.

Attorneys say the state law that allow police to arrest Darr conflicts with federal laws that grant the public, rights to access public property.

Read Full Article (Sep-11-2008 20:38)

Lost Gear Means Slowing of Video Reports

The mystery of the missing gear continues to impact and delay video reports coming from Iraq.

(BALAD, Iraq) - My video reports are at a bit of a standstill at this time as my main pack containing much of my video gear is lost somewhere in Iraq. I thought it was important to relay this information to those who are becoming accustomed to seeing new reports every two or three days.

I left the Marine Corps Air Station at Al Asad, Iraq five days ago enroute back to Balad. I was scheduled to go straight to Tikrit where I was to embed with the Army's 101st Airborne. With luck this will still happen, but with each day the gear remains missing, an accompanying level of frustration builds accordingly.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2008 14:00)

Crossed Swords of Baghdad, Iraq: a Window into History (VIDEO)

The crossed swords over Baghdad, one of Iraq's most recognizable sites, are a story of previous war with Iran and a failed dictatorship.

(BAGHDAD, Iraq) - Crossed Swords of Baghdad, Iraq It is still an active war, but the International Zone of Baghdad is calmer than at any other point in Iraq's recent history. One place most Americans would recognize from news clips and photos is Saddam Hussein's parade area where troops passed under massive crossed swords.

They are, quite literally, a direct reminder of the former dictator.

Andrew Hanselman is a Public Affairs specialist with the U.S. Army in Baghdad. He says the swords are a painful reminder of the late Saddam Hussein, and that they are actually molded after Saddam Hussein's wrist or hands.

Read Full Article (Aug-21-2008 19:23)

California National Guard To Conduct Largest Unit Deployment Since Korean War

This unit has already served one year-long tour to Iraq from April 2004 to 2005

(SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. ) - A farewell ceremony for approximately 850 California National Guardsmen from the 1st Battalion, 185th Armor will be held Friday, August 22nd, at the National Orange Show Fairgrounds in San Bernardino, Calif.

The soldiers, from throughout California, will leave for Fort McCoy, Wisconsin after Friday's ceremony where they will spend approximately two months preparing for their year-long deployment to Iraq. This is the largest California National Guard single-unit deployment since the Korean War.

Read Full Article (Aug-19-2008 14:37)

Salem-News Follows Oregon Soldiers Departure For Iraq (VIDEO)

Tim King is embedded with the 2-641 Aviation group; watch for his ongoing series from the Iraq war zone

(FORT BENNING, Georgia) - Oregon Guard soldiers from 2-641 Aviation on their way to a deployment in Balad, Iraq have spent the last week at Fort Benning, Georgia preparing for their deployment in the war theater. The weather has been warm and humid but they say the training is essential toward their preparation.

Staff Sergeant Chris Fisher with the Oregon Guard says it’s a change from Northwest living.

"It’s hot and muggy here, that’s for sure, it is quite a culture shock and a weather change from being on the west coast."

Read Full Article (Aug-08-2008 03:41) Will Go to Iraq With Mobilizing Oregon Guard Unit (VIDEO) reporter/photojournalist Tim King covers the mobilization ceremony of a military group that he will deploy to Iraq with to cover in-country for the next several weeks.

(SALEM, Ore.) - We are happy to announce that I will have the honor of joining a group of Oregon Guard soldiers from 2-641 Aviation who are deploying to Iraq to work in the aviation sector at Balad. The soldiers were officially mobilized this week.

This will be my second opportunity to be embedded with an Oregon Guard unit at war. I spent the winter of 2006/2007 embedded with the Oregon Guard in Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2008 15:29)

Long, Hard Job Ahead for Wildland Firefighters in California

National Guard forces are working with firefighters in an effort to bring the hundreds of early season fires to a close in this dry state.

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) - Dry and hot weather conditions across central and northern California are increasing the difficulty for firefighters. They continue to battle hundreds of wildfires sparked by dry lightning and thunderstorms two weeks ago. So far, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection reports hundreds of fires have been contained, but hundreds of other fires continue to burn and they now threaten a number of communities. forecasters report that the fire in Santa Barbara County is threatening as many as 200 homes in Goleta. Farther to the north, the Big Sur fire has scorched more than 60,000 acres, and it is only 3 percent contained at this point. Among the communities and homes threatened by the wildfires, is the historic town of Big Sur and the town of Lucia. The Associated Press reports that authorities ordered the remaining residents of the communities to leave after the out-of-control wildfire jumped a fire line and threatened more homes Wednesday.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2008 13:29)

California Wildfires Lead to Presidential Declaration for Federal Aid

Smoke has been sent downwind from the fires, resulting in hazardous breathing conditions for California residents. Parts of Oregon and Nevada will also be impacted.

(SALEM, Ore.) - The President issued a declaration today ordering federal aid to supplement state and local firefighting efforts in response to wildfires. Meteorologist Kristina Baker, says California's Department of Forestry and Fire Protection reported early Sunday that over 1,400 fires have ignited across the state since last weekend's devastating lightning storm.

"The fires have charred over 356,000 acres and destroyed 29 residences. The number of homes that remain threatened stands at over 7,500. Firefighters are desperately trying to contain the 29 large blazes across the state that could destroy these residences."

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2008 01:29)

California National Guard Continues Battle against Northern California Wildfires

Several states have sent National Guard resources to California to help fight the fires started by lightning strikes.

(MATHER FIELD, Calif.) - California Fires 6-27-09 The California National Guard (CNG), with support from National Guard equipment and personnel from various other states is currently providing twelve rotary aircraft, eight fixed-wing aircraft, and more than 200 personnel to assist in extinguishing various northern California wildfires Friday.

There are currently 12 rotary-winged aircraft fighting various northern California Wildfires. These include eight aircraft from the CNG and four from other states.

Read Full Article (Jun-24-2008 19:08)

State Militias Join California National Guard Planes in Battling Wildfires

The Walker Fire which involved 8,600 acres is at ~5% containment.

(MATHER FIELD, Calif.) - A C-130 Hercules aircraft drops fire retardant chemicals on a wildfire.  Photo: California Air National Guard The California National Guard (CNG), with support from National Guard units from other states is currently providing six rotary aircraft and five fixed-wing aircraft to assist in extinguishing various northern California wildfires today.

Yesterday, the CNG assisted first responders with successfully containing the Napa fire with the following air assets: four UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters from Los Alamitos Joints Forces Training Base and a CH-47 from Stockton Flight Facility, which are both equipped with fire suppression devices. The CNG also provided support with one heavy expanded mobility tactical fuel truck (HEMTT), one government vehicle, and personnel to operate these vehicles.

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