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| Next Page (Feb-16-2014 13:46)

VA Ignores Medical Conditions Linked to El Toro

TCA exposure also places a person and increased risk of Parkinson’s disease.

(SOMERDALE, NJ) - MCAS El Toro in Irvine, California I didn’t want to file a VA disability compensation claim. It’s just not worth the effort. The VA’s reputation is terrible.

This is the last place to look for disability compensation and medical help. However, another El Toro veteran after several weeks convinced me to apply for a VA disability.

Read Full Article (Jan-18-2014 01:58)

Irvine Wants High School Students to Suffer Same Fate as Cancer Ridden Marines

Who needs Ninja Turtles when you have Irvine High School, future home of "The Mutants"?

(IRVINE) - Ominous warning painted deep in the bowels of the restricted area of MCAS El Toro An Irvine city council member wants "The Safest City in America" (cough) to build a high school for children on one of the most contaminated land sites in Orange County, the former Marine aviation base, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro.

Of course those who follow this developing story know that Irvine's "Great Park" financial fiasco was outed last week by Voice of OC. Millions and millions of dollars have disappeared in recent years under the watch of former Irvine Mayor Larry Agran and Great Park CEO Mike Ellzy.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2014 15:20)

Voice of OC: Great Park Auditor Details Massive Waste and Abuse

Sparks are flying and yet the real problem with turning MCAS El Toro into a park and housing community... deadly environmental contamination, is still a largely ignored problem. The base is an EPA Superfund site for TCE (trychloroethylene) contamination, and that is just the beginning...

(SALEM) - MCAS El Toro One of Southern California's biggest plagues that we have been writing about for many years, the so-called "Great Park" fiasco, has come home to roost on the city of Irvine's doorstep.

Try to imagine, a Marine Corps base that had the ability to protect California's most populated area from a military attack, was scuttled so that the deep pocketed developers of Irvine could build houses there.

Read Full Article (May-25-2013 13:22)

Marines Failed to Safeguard Water Supply

Lejeune ignored reports that its base wells were contaminated with organic solvents. As many as one million Marines, dependents and civilian workers were exposed to toxic chemicals at Lejeune.

(SALEM) - Military base contamination Camp Lejeune could have used a simple test mandated by the Navy in 1963 to learn that its water wells were seriously contaminated. The AP broke the story on May 19, 2013.[1] (UPDATED MAY 22, 2013)

As early as 1963, the Navy Manual required Lejeune to use the carbon chloroform extract (CCE) test to check the quality of water for base wells.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2013 01:11)

EPA`s Final Health Assessment for TCE and Trichloroethylene (CASRN 79-01-6)

For those who seek to better understand the deadly toxin TCE, trichloroethylene.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - TCE The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final health assessment for trichloroethylene (TCE) to the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) database in 09/28/2011.

IRIS is a human health assessment program that evaluates the latest science on chemicals in our environment.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2013 13:26)

Mountain View CA: TCE Plume Remediation Will Take 100 Years

Irvine Great Park TCE Cleanup: What doesn’t USEPA know and when didn’t they know it?

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Blind monkeys Mountain View and Irvine might be 400 miles apart here in California but they are populated by the same regulatory oversight players and exhibit similar remediation dynamics.

These include, but certainly not limited to nebulous timelines, indeterminate environmental and human health impacts plus vague eventual cost projections.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2013 19:54)

California`s Toxic Secret

Senators are asking tough questions. The heat is on.

(SACRAMENTO Consumer Watchdog) - California toxicity It’s outrageous and it’s got to stop. Top California regulators in charge of cleaning up polluters’ messes own hundreds of thousands of dollars in the polluters’ own stock.

It’s no wonder California has the nation’s toughest environmental laws and the weakest enforcement.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2013 10:09)

Marines Need Funds to Publish Non-Fiction Book

Story of murder, narcotrafficing and environmental contamination written by two Marine veterans.

(IRVINE CA / CAMP LEJEUNE NC) - Betralal of Marines The connection is not a square peg in a square hole, but its damn close.

Marine Corps leadership was involved in murder, crime scene cover-up, narcotrafficking (cocaine, the drug of choice), the shredding of records, and the denial of injuries from exposure to deadly contaminants at both El Toro and Camp Lejeune.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2013 18:09)

Irvine, MCAS El Toro and the Associated Bull

'America's Safest City' has a toxic, dirty secret that local press ignores.

(IRVINE, CA) - MCAS El Toro toxic soup There has to be a term for people who write at length about a subject without addressing the core root of the matter.

I know money is important in Southern California, but if you're dead from cancer it means little. Irvine has a terribly contaminated closed Marine Corps base on its hands...

Read Full Article (Sep-17-2012 11:47)

BETRAYAL: Toxic Exposure of U.S. Marines, Murder and Government Cover-Up

Now on Amazon Kindle...

(SOMERDALE, NJ) - Betrayal: Toxic Exposure of U.S. Marines, Murder and Government Cover-Up BETRAYAL tells the true story of government sanctioned murder, CIA proprietary airlines transporting weapons and cocaine, and injuries at El Toro and Camp Lejeune.

Read Full Article
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