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| Next Page (Jun-09-2014 07:27)

Outrage Grows as Ireland`s Top Doctor Warned Leaders About Infant Mass Graves

Dr. James Feeney, the health board’s Chief Medical Officer, visited Bessborough to investigate the horrific death rate in the home, where 100 out of 180 babies born there had died.

(DUBLIN, Ire.) - As the anger over the treatment of unmarried mothers and babies in Tuam, County Galway where 800 babies ended up in a mass grave has increased, other unmarried mother institutions are again being examined.

The doctor who shut down the unmarried mothers home run by the Sacred Heart nuns in Bessborough, County Cork in 1951.

Read Full Article (Mar-30-2014 11:01)

In the Asylum, all you can do is Laugh: Preparing for the Great Debate, or Some Such Thing

“Soldiers on both sides should shoot their officers and go home”. - George Bernard Shaw

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Lunatic Asylum Church Decades ago, during my first sojourn to the Emerald Isle, my backpack and I ended up on the steps of a strange establishment called “The Walnut House”, on the outskirts of Limerick.

I was exhausted and broke, and not especially picky about where I'd rest my head, so I ignored the odd look in the proprietor's eyes and paid for a night.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2014 12:49)

St. Patrick`s Day

Let's have a toast to Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - St. Patrick's Day On March 17th, the Irish, the more than 70 million world-wide who claim Irish heritage, and the Irish-for-a-day, will be lifting a pint of Guinness, or something stronger, to toast Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. I bet corn beef and cabbage will be on many a menu.

And many will be wearin' the green. Why is it celebrated on March 17th? One theory is that is the day St. Patrick died and is now celebrated as his feast day.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2014 02:47)

Hindus Critical of Bono`s Half-Hearted Approach to European Roma Apartheid

Oscar nominated socially conscious Irish musician Bono, known for his activism, has been Time Person of the Year.

(RENO) - Bono of U2 Critical of half-hearted approach of rock band U2 frontman Bono towards the Roma (Gypsy) apartheid in Europe, Hindus have urged him to get involved more passionately.

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, however, commended Bono, 53, for at least bringing up the Roma issue...

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2014 22:55)

Sexist Culture Still Bars Women from Driving in Saudi Arabia

International Women’s Day (March 8th) sees women in the desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia with little to celebrate.

(DUBLIN) - A strong system of customs and laws in Saudi Arabia keep women heavily reliant on men for their basic day-to-day survival. A song satirizing Saudi Arabia’s driving ban for women, ‘No Woman, No Drive’, has the desert kingdom rocking. Dozens of Saudi women’s rights activists have been in trouble for defying the driving ban by staging "protest drives".

In the past, women have had a grim acceptance of their lot, but old ways are quietly being questioned for nowhere in the Koran does it say women cannot drive or lead a normal life.

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2014 11:04)

Jack Gleeson is Leaving the Bloody Series `Game of Thrones` Because He Feels Repugnance to His Character

When not immersed in filming or professional commitments, Jack studied philosophy and theology at Trinity College Dublin. He also dedicates his free time to work with the humanitarian organization Goal.

(MADRID) - Game of Throne star Jack Gleeson Game of Thrones is a fantasy novel written in 1996 by the American George R. R. Martin, winner of the Locus Award in 1997. He is the author of the series A Song of Ice and Fire, where the bloody series Game of Thrones is based.

HBO premiered the corrosive series Game of Thrones, after months of waiting and a great promotion. This is a big production, with a budget of $60 million.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2013 12:56)

Press TV Interviews Anna O`Leary, Political Commentator in Ireland About Developments in Gaza

Here we are with no fuel. The sewerage is on the streets of Gaza because the power plants are out. It is such a big humanitarian crisis and we the people of the world must push America, must push Israel. These are the two parties that are behind it.

(DUBLIN) - Anna O'Leary Press TV has conducted an interview with Anna O’Leary, political commentator, Ireland, about Amnesty International saying the Israeli siege of Gaza for many years is collective punishment of all Gazans.

Amnesty International has called on Israel to immediately lift its siege on Gaza.

Read Full Article (Oct-10-2013 23:42)

Dissolving Ties with Rome

A Special Report from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its affiliate, ITCCS Ireland (submitted by ITCCS Central with the help of Mary Hennessey and Ciaran Ui Niall)

(DUBLIN) - ITCCS Four years ago, this city on the Liffey River hosted the formation of the ITCCS: a grassroots movement that has successfully prosecuted and deposed one pope and rallied survivors of church crimes in twenty one countries.

Today, Dublin is once again witnessing the birth of an historic movement, an offshoot of the ITCCS: a network of Roman Catholic priests who are aiming to break away from Rome, and establish an independent Irish Church that is free of any complicity with the crimes of the Vatican.

Read Full Article (Sep-22-2013 20:02)

Spiritual Reclamations Across the World Inaugurate New `Jubilee Revolution` - Debts, Laws Nullified

In Ireland, Canada and America, catholic clergy have already announced their plan to disaffiliate from Rome and establish their own national, congregationally-based churches, according to Not in Our Name (NON), a Dublin based group.

(ROME) - ITCCS Traditional elders, shamans and clergy gathered near the Vatican today and in at least six other countries to inaugurate a new spiritual regime that nullifies and replaces the Church of Rome, as well as "ungodly laws and economies".

Invoking divine authority, the closed ceremonies culminated twenty one days of global prayer and fasting on behalf of "all of the victims of a false church and its spirit of lies and murder".

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2013 16:43)

The Return of Kevin Annett

Recorded five days ago...

(SACRAMENTO / COUNTY CLARE, Ireland) - Kevin Annett in Ireland is not just an organization of reporters and photographers, some of our team members have heroic tendencies and are highly controversial. One of these razor's edge activists is Kevin Annett.

He exposed the Genocide of Native American children in Canada; along with (International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State), and Kevin has forced great change inside of the Catholic Church, he was recently nominated for the Nobel Prize.

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