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| Next Page (Sep-30-2014 12:28)

Oregon Farmers Ending Hunger Host First Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Eat some hot soup and bid on an empty bowl, it will be fulfilling!

(SALEM, Ore.) - empty bowls Farmers Ending Hunger, an Oregon non-profit led by Marion County resident John Burt, partners with area farmers who donate extra crops of fresh ingredients to be processed and transported to the Oregon Food Bank for use in the emergency relief food boxes.

The group is hosting its first Empty Bowls fundraiser (dinner and auction) on Saturday, Oct. 4 from 6-8 pm. The event is $15 and includes a bowl of soup and a slice of bread.

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2014 13:01)

Study Finds More U.S. Consumers Need Food Safety Education

Cross-contamination and insufficient cooking are the most common risks found while observing the handling and preparation of raw poultry. Study Finds More U.S. Consumers Need Food Safety Education

(SALEM, Ore. ) - BBQ Food Safety Just in time for the peak of grilling season, results of a new study show that most consumers need to improve food handling and preparation practices in their own kitchen to help minimize the chances of foodborne illness.

The study, conducted by University of California, Davis, emphasizes the need for increased food safety education for consumers and contains some surprising results based on observation of meals prepared at home.

Read Full Article (May-01-2014 15:59)

EPA Seeks Comment on Proposed Decision to Register Enlist Duo Herbicide Containing the Choline Salt of 2,4-D and Glyphosate

Public comments on the EPA’s proposed regulatory decision must be submitted no later than May 30, 2014.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Typical leaf distortion as the result of 2,4-D The EPA is making available for a 30-day public comment period a proposed regulatory decision to register Enlist Duo containing glyphosate and the choline salt of 2,4-D for use in controlling weeds in corn and soybeans genetically engineered (GE) to tolerate 2,4-D.

Weeds are becoming increasingly resistant to glyphosate-based herbicides and are posing a problem for farmers.

Read Full Article (May-01-2014 13:31)

Experts Warn Consumers, Farmers Major Changes Coming in Food Production & Prices

New Reports Spotlight Growing "Food Security" Worries for America

(WASHINGTON DC) - Food costs Matt Russell is a fifth generation Iowa farmer. All of his life he's watched the weather and worked the land.

Lately, he's seen ominous changes in the climate: A multi-year drought. Five hundred year floods. Snow in May. Enormous rains followed by months of nothing but dry, blue skies. Summer temperatures falling to the 30s. Then, days and days soaring into the 100s.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2014 12:51)

Today`s Science Has Found That Mixing Honey and Cinnamon Cures Most Diseases

Interesting stuff!!
Cinnamon and Honey

(LONDON PakAlert Press) - Cinnamon and honey Drug companies won’t like this one getting around. Facts on Honey and Cinnamon:

It is found that a mix of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also note honey as very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2014 11:20)

How ``Extreme Levels`` of Roundup in Food Became the Industry Norm

Seven out of 10 GM-soy samples tested surpassed this “extreme level” (of glyphosate + AMPA), indicating a trend towards higher residue levels.

(OSLO Independent Science News) - Pesticide warning sign Food and feed quality are crucial to human and animal health. Quality can be defined as sufficiency of appropriate minerals, vitamins and fats, etc. but it also includes the absence of toxins, whether man-made or from other sources.

Surprisingly, almost no data exist in the scientific literature on herbicide residues in herbicide tolerant genetically modified (GM) plants, even after nearly 20 years on the market.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2014 15:10)

Illinois Legislators Honor Right of Consumers to Buy Farm Fresh Milk

Nutrition Education Nonprofit Issues Rebuttal to Public Health Assertions about Health Risks

(WASHINGTON DC GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Farm fresh milk cow A proposed bill in Illinois banning the sale and distribution of natural or "raw" milk, is not going anywhere this session after legislators heard from

"thousands" of natural milk proponents. The restriction, which was introduced as an amendment to an unrelated bill, would have banned the sale and distribution of raw milk in Illinois. The sponsor, Daniel Burke (D-23rd district), chose not to move the bill out of committee after legislators were inundated with calls and emails from concerned Illinois citizens.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2014 09:53)

Parody For You

Small sheets of paper distributed in the store stated: “How is it legal? So is this a real business? Are you saying Starbucks is dumb?”

(LOS ANGELES) - Dumb Starbucks On the weekend of Feb. 8 through 9, a coffee shop set up in the Los Angeles area had people speculating about whether Starbucks was starting a new trend. Though short and sweet, “Dumb Starbucks” was started up as a comedy act for comedian Nathan Fielder, who stars in a television series, Nathan for You.

As the popularity grew for this new coffee shop, people wanted to satisfy their curiosity.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2014 13:36)

Chihuahua News: NAFTA`s Bad Apples

Historically an important crop in Chihuahua, locally-grown apples confront a deluge of U.S. imports, which reached 237,000 tons in 2012.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Apple Facing ruin, apple producers in the Mexican border state of Chihuahua are mulling an anti-dumpring complaint against U.S. imports.

Unfair competition from Mexico's partner in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) threatens the viability of the local apple industry...

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2014 23:40)

How Not to Get Aid Into Homs, Yarmouk, and to 9.3 Million Syrians Via a UN Resolution

The starving victims besieged in Syria, and all people of goodwill, are demanding immediate, non-politicized humanitarian aid without further delay.

(EL NUBEK, Syria) - Syria map Who authored the seemingly designed-to-fail UN Security Council Draft Resolution on delivering urgent humanitarian aid into the Old City of Homs and other besieged areas of conflict-torn Syria?

When we know this, much may become clearer with respect to the cynical politicization of the continuing civilian suffering.

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