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| Next Page (Mar-11-2014 09:28)

Feds Mute on Cancer Incidence Study for Lejeune

ATSDR needs to compute the cancer incidence rate for both bases before ‘opening the champagne’.

(SALEM) - Camp Lejeune in located in North Carolina The Tampa Bay Times reported on March 10th that ‘the feds’ were reluctant to commit to a cancer incident study of Camp Lejeune veterans.

The base wells at Lejeune were contaminated with organic solvents and other toxic chemicals for at least 30 years (1957-1987).

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2014 12:03)

ASTDR Releases Camp Lejeune Health Studies

Cause of death data from 1979-2008 was used to study the Camp Lejeune and Camp Pendleton cohorts.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Camp Lejeune, NC The study evaluated specific causes of death in 154,932 Marines and Navy personnel who began service during 1975-19851 and were stationed at Camp Lejeune anytime during this period.

We also evaluated a comparison group of 154,969 Marines and Navy personnel from Camp Pendleton.

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2014 10:31)

New Study: Toxic Water on Marine Bases Responsible for Thousands of Deaths

Evaluation of mortality among marines and navy personnel exposed to contaminated drinking water at USMC base camp Lejeune: a retrospective cohort study

(CAMP LEJEUNE, NC) - Retired Marine Jerry Ensminger Two drinking water systems at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina were contaminated with solvents during 1950s-1985.

We conducted a retrospective cohort mortality study of Marine and Naval personnel who began service during 1975-1985 and were stationed at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton, California during this period.

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2014 13:46)

VA Ignores Medical Conditions Linked to El Toro

TCA exposure also places a person and increased risk of Parkinson’s disease.

(SOMERDALE, NJ) - MCAS El Toro in Irvine, California I didn’t want to file a VA disability compensation claim. It’s just not worth the effort. The VA’s reputation is terrible.

This is the last place to look for disability compensation and medical help. However, another El Toro veteran after several weeks convinced me to apply for a VA disability.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2014 22:20)

Another Book on Camp Lejeune

We don’t wish the author any bad luck, but we were here first.

(SOMERDALE, NJ) - On April 23, 2013, the Marine Corps Times did a book review of Mike Magner’s “A Trust Betrayed: The Untold Story of Camp Lejeune and the Poisoning of Generations of Marines and Their Families,” due out from the Merloyd Lawrence imprint of the Perseus Books Group in March 2014.

Mike Magner, the author, was never a Marine.

Read Full Article (Jan-18-2014 01:58)

Irvine Wants High School Students to Suffer Same Fate as Cancer Ridden Marines

Who needs Ninja Turtles when you have Irvine High School, future home of "The Mutants"?

(IRVINE) - Ominous warning painted deep in the bowels of the restricted area of MCAS El Toro An Irvine city council member wants "The Safest City in America" (cough) to build a high school for children on one of the most contaminated land sites in Orange County, the former Marine aviation base, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro.

Of course those who follow this developing story know that Irvine's "Great Park" financial fiasco was outed last week by Voice of OC. Millions and millions of dollars have disappeared in recent years under the watch of former Irvine Mayor Larry Agran and Great Park CEO Mike Ellzy.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2014 15:20)

Voice of OC: Great Park Auditor Details Massive Waste and Abuse

Sparks are flying and yet the real problem with turning MCAS El Toro into a park and housing community... deadly environmental contamination, is still a largely ignored problem. The base is an EPA Superfund site for TCE (trychloroethylene) contamination, and that is just the beginning...

(SALEM) - MCAS El Toro One of Southern California's biggest plagues that we have been writing about for many years, the so-called "Great Park" fiasco, has come home to roost on the city of Irvine's doorstep.

Try to imagine, a Marine Corps base that had the ability to protect California's most populated area from a military attack, was scuttled so that the deep pocketed developers of Irvine could build houses there.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2013 03:34)

CIA Connection to DEA Agent`s Murder Too Hot for FOX News?

CIA connection to Enrique Kiki Camarena’s torture and death not reported by Fox’s “The Kelly File”

(SALEM) - “The Kelly File” Enrique Kiki Camarena, a DEA agent and former Marine, was kidnapped, tortured and murdered in Mexico in February 1985.

In October 2013, Luis Chaparro and J. Jesus Esquivel broke the news that Kiki was murdered on orders from the CIA. The motive for the murder was to prevent him from blowing the whistle on narcotrafficking...

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2013 22:28)

Kiki Camarena and Colonel Jim Sabow

Kiki, in his investigation of the drugs for weapons, was a threat to blow the whistle on illegal narcotrafficking of cocaine into the US. Col. Sabow, a straight arrow Marine, tried to blow the whistle on the continued transport of cocaine into the US in an illegal covert operation conducted by the NSC and approved by Bush and Reagan.

(IRVINE) - Kiki Camerana and James Sabow Two Mexican witnesses claimed that Felix Rodriquez, a CIA operative and active player in Iran-Contra, murdered Kiki Camarena.

Rodriquez, born in 1941 in Cuba, was a rabid anticommunist, involved in the Bay of Pigs, later joined the US Army, served in Vietnam flying choppers and was active in the Phoenix program and an early recruit for the CIA.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2013 12:24)

Deadly Chemical Trichloroethylene Now Making Headlines Left and Right

The most common ways of ingesting TCE is by drinking contaminated groundwater, or frequent use of degreasing products such as brake cleaning sprays.

(MINNEAPOLIS) - sign warning of trichloroethylene I spent much of last summer riding my motorcycle around the United States giving talks about trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination knowing full well that most people have never heard of this deadly chemical compound destroying drinking water viability all over the country.

A trichloroethylene site at a General Mills plant in Minneapolis is making headlines this week. The bigger message is that it is far from the only TCE site of growing concern.

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