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| Next Page (May-06-2014 11:21)

American Intactivist Urges Denmark to Respect Male Human Rights

All over the world, boys, girls, and intersex children share stories like mine. The context varies, the method of mutilation varies, the language varies, but one thing thing cuts across all of these stories – we resent what was done without our consent. Moral leadership is key to standing strong on the issue.

(COPENHAGEN Copenhagen Post) - M Thomas Frederiksen The Danish people should know that the world is watching your debate on underage ritual circumcision.

This is deeply personal and important to me, as I am myself a victim of this vile practice – due to my misfortune of being born in the United States. Although my young mother was not keen on the idea, a doctor insisted on doing it, and she relented.

Read Full Article (Jan-18-2014 13:36)

Jewish Intactivist Writes Letter to Rabbi: Can you give me back my foreskin?

Open letter to Bent Lexner, Chief Rabbi of Denmark.

(COPENHAGEN) - At the Bris Shalom, the parents washed their son's feet (Brit Rechitzah) as a symbolic sign of Jewish covenant March 1980: a man drives into a neighborhood south of Copenhagen. He stops in front of a terraced house, walks up the stairs to the first floor and into the bedroom where he proceeds to greet the people present. He recites a number of verses – and then he cuts of my foreskin and takes it with him.

32 years later I have grown up to write to you, Bent Lexner, because you are Chief Rabbi and in charge of Jewish circumcisions in Denmark.

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2012 13:24)

On IDF violence: My own private Lt. Colonel Shalom Eisner

And it’s not over because they are still out there.

(TEL AVIV +972Mag) - Shalom Eisner Nearly three years ago I also met a Shalom Eisner at a demonstration. He gashed my head with his blows for no reason.

Then too, like this week, a camera was filming as an IDF officer beat me up. To this day, my own private Shalom Eisner is running free.

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2012 12:56)

New Footage Emerges of Eisner Attacking Activists

Prime minister in Ramallah, Salam Fayyad, met with Andreas Ias, the 20-year-old Danish activist who was initially thought to be the only person who was attacked by the officer.

(BETHLEHEM Ma'an) - Eisner striking another activist with his rifle An Israeli human rights group has released new footage of a dismissed army officer striking activists with his gun, days after his assault of a Danish national drew wide condemnation.

The footage, taken by the Palestinian Authority's official television network and released by the Israeli rights group B'Tselem, shows Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner striking several foreign solidarity activists with a machine gun.

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2012 12:50)

Stupid and Mean and Brutal: Israel`s Settler-Officers in the Glare of Publicity

The more one sees the clip, the more one is shocked. The sheer brutality of this completely unprovoked act makes one flinch.

(TEL AVIV Redress) - Andreas Ias “In blood and sweat / A race will arise to us / Proud and generous and brutal…” Thus wrote Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, the founder of extreme right-wing Zionism, who was also a writer and a poet.

Present-day Likud leaders see him as their forefather, much as Stalin saw Karl Marx.

Read Full Article (Apr-18-2012 16:53)

Rabbis For Violence, Brutality and Abuse

Sooner or later, Israel and its Rabbis will have to face the horrific moral and ethical consequences of maintaining a racist, nationalist and expansionist Jewish State.

(LONDON) - Israeli Lieutenant-Colonel Eisner prepares to attack a a peace activist with his rifle In recent years we have learned about a few sporadic Rabbis who promote peace, justice and humanism.

But more often it seems, Israel’s prominent Rabbis are more openly enthusiastic about violence, brutality and abuse.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 14:33)

First All-Europe Racist/Fascist Gathering Overshadowed in Denmark

“EDL summit in Denmark humiliated by low attendance” - The Guardian

(COPENHAGEN) - anti-fascist rally in Denmark On March 31, some 5000 Danes and a couple hundred like-minded anti-racists from other Scandinavian countries and England marched in Aarhus, to stop the spread of racist/fascist groupings popping up around Europe. Some have ties in the United States.

Their march was a counter-demonstration to the first all-Europe rally against Muslims.

Read Full Article (Oct-31-2010 18:22)

Bob Dylan: `The Brazil Series` Paintings & Drawings in Copenhagen

“The Brazil Series” is exhibited in a large well lit gallery. In a gallery alcove, there is a timeline of Dylan's career.

(COPENHAGEN) - National Gallery of Denmark (Photo by Judi Iranyi) On our recent trip to Copenhagen, we visited the National Gallery of Denmark (Statens Museum for Kunst) for the first public showing of Bob Dylan's "The Brazil Series."

It includes 40 acrylic paintings and eight drawings he created during the period 2009-10.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2009 21:56)

Sarkozy: Failure in Copenhagen Would be a Catastrophe

European leaders expressed themselves in no uncertain terms when addressing fellow heads of state and governments attending the penultimate day of the UN climate conference in Copenhagen.

(COPENHAGEN, Denmark) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy While climate negotiations continued at full stretch in the Bella Center on how to share the burden of carbon emissions cuts and the cost of global warming, European leaders took turns in delivering their peptalks in the plenary hall.

"There is less than 24 hours. If we carry on like this, it will be a failure," French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2009 02:37)

UN`s Ban Ki-moon Lays Out Remaining Hurdles in Copenhagen Climate Talks

Slideshow features photos of Climate Change and the UN Secretary General's involvement.

(COPENHAGEN, Denmark) - Climate Change The outcome of the historic climate change negotiations in Copenhagen hinges on the issues of emissions reductions and financing, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.

He is urging world leaders to use the final days of the talks to strike an ambitious new agreement.

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