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Pakistan Hospice Center Celebrates 50 Years While Struggling to Survive

“To work and live at St. Joseph’s Hospice has become my life, and I am grateful for it,” - Sister Margeret Walsh, from Ireland, the hospice administrator, who came in the 1960s when the hospice was founded.

(RAWALPINDI, Pakistan) - St. Joseph's Hospice in Rawalpindi St. Joseph’s Hospice, in Rawalpindi, celebrated its 50th anniversary recently. Pakistan has a population of more than 180 million people, including around five million Christians, a few million Hindus and other religious minorities.

The word hospice is Spanish, and it means a place where the sick are treated and cared for as long as it takes, till they recover and can go back into active life in the society.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2014 10:54)

American Legion Post #1 Supports Veteran Health Motorcycle Outreach Mission

Portland post supports our efforts to educate Veterans.

(PORTLAND) - Tim King's Suzuki GFS1200 Bandit The American Legion Post #1 in Portland made a generous donation to Operation Red Dragonfly,'s Veteran Health Outreach Mission that is taking place for the second year in a row. editor Tim King will traverse the nation, giving talks about critical life and death issues affecting all Americans.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2014 19:59)

Oregon State Rep Kim Thatcher Contributes to Motorcycle Veteran`s Outreach Mission

I strongly appreciate the donation from Kim Thatcher, I hope it inspires others in Oregon to do the same...

(SALEM) - Oregon State Rep Kim Thatcher and Tim King State Representative Kim Thatcher is the first Oregon politician to contribute to Operation Red Dragonfly.

It is my personal outreach mission to educate Americans about the impacts of military base chemical toxic contamination on Veterans, their families, and civilians who are affected due to residential proximity to polluted bases, many of which are closed, yet no less lethal.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2014 14:57)

But for the Grace of God

I will always wonder what happened to the very sad woman and the happy little guy named Simon.

(OKLAHOMA CITY) - Woman begging in the street Today, when I was out running errands I saw an older woman and a young boy panhandling on the side of a very busy street. Yes, I admit, it was the young boy that gave me pause.

The woman was holding the boy’s hand and with her other hand was holding up one of those handmade, brown, ragged cardboard box signs. It was written in such a way I could not discern her plea but that didn’t matter.

Read Full Article (Mar-26-2014 12:37)

Please Help Orphans and Vulnerable Children Organization (OVC Rwanda)

It has rained so much here, pray for our orphans who have no place to sleep... be blessed

(KIGALI) - OVC Rwanda The organization Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Rwanda, currently named OVC Rwanda, is a non profit organization which cares orphans and other vulnerable children, disabled or living desperate.

OVC Rwanda was created in 1995, just one year after the genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in Rwanda where many children were living in trouble out of dignity. Emmanuel Uwamahoro, himself as a former orphan, greatly contributed to its foundation and its development.

Read Full Article (Mar-19-2014 10:35)

Dayton Fire District Receives a Year Supply of Toilet Paper from Charmin

Charmin is donating nearly 50,000 rolls of toilet paper to firehouses in every state. Each firehouse will receive 960 rolls, which is a year supply of toilet paper for 20 firefighters.

(DAYTON) - Dayton, Oregon fire dist Today, as a part of the Charmin Relief Project, Charmin is donating 960 rolls, which is a year supply of toilet paper for 20 firemen, to the Dayton Fire District in Dayton, OR.

It is part of a nationwide donation to one fire house in every state – that’s nearly 50,000 rolls of toilet paper to 50 firehouses in 50 states.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2014 16:36)

Help a Brother and Sister With Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Any donation would be greatly appreciated by the family.

(FRISCO CITY, AL) - Alexus & Zane I am writing in honor of a friend of mine's grand kids. They both suffer from Spinal Muscular Atrophy. They are having their 2nd Annual Walk-n-Roll for SMA in honor of Alexus & Zane Saturday, April 26th, 2014. I am writing to see if any of you would like to donate to the SMA foundation in their honor. The SMA has been very helpful to Becky and Edward Dick, the parents of Alexus and Zane.

The family is also preparing cook books with southern recipes for sale in April. The cook books will be $20. If you would like to order one, let me know and I will let Becky know.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2014 19:40)

Help an American Who Served in Vietnam

I took the same danger... while bringing to the soldiers a welcomed visit from home.

(SALEM) - Lesli Moore Dahlke When I first met Lesli Moore Dahlke, I was duly impressed. Here is a Vietnam Veteran who didn't serve in the Marines, or the Army, but the USO.

She was bathed in Agent Orange, the chemical the USA used to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam; contaminated again, and again...

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2014 13:14)

Here is Tom Brokaw`s `Greatest Generation` in 2014

"I don't know why I have to fight so hard for him to be treated with respect and what I feel he should be entitled to..." - Linda Young, daughter of WWII Vet

(SALEM) - WWII Veteran, Carl Dealis Beam of Carthage, Texas. Linda Young describes herself as a proud daughter of a wonderful man, Carl Dealis Beam of Carthage, Texas, who served his country twice in his lifetime, both in World War Two and Korean War.

She says the pride she feels in her father makes the treatment he is receiving all the more difficult. In fact she says she is, "...also ashamed of the way his government and his country has repaid him for that service."

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 11:35)

Much Needed Donations Repel The Danger Of Saint Joseph Hospice`s Closure

Seeing the rising urgency among the donors of the hospice and their demands for more donating options, Lucy O’Donoghue-Friends of the Hospice Coordinator announced that a paypal account has been set up facilitating the donors.

(RAWALPINDI) - St Joseph hospice in Pakistan The Saint Joseph’s Hospice, Rawalpindi had been running low of funds to the verge of closure. The expenses of running this charitable institution working exceeded far beyond funds available past few months so much so that the administration had announced possible closure of the Hospice.

In this regard, Sister Walsh was determined to keep the hospice running said: I will fight to keep the hospice open, as closing seems too painful an option.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley