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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Apr-15-2014 12:22)

Ukraine Falling to Economic Warfare and Its Own Missteps

There has been no movement by the Ukrainian military to make good on its ultimatum; indeed, the messages have been unclear and contradictory.

(LONDON - Violence in Ukraine As protests in Ukraine's eastern region turned violent on Sunday leading to the death of a Ukrainian security officer in a shootout with pro-Russian militia, Kiev threatens military action while Moscow flexes its geo-economic warfare muscles.

Pro-Russian militia groups have seized government buildings and police headquarters in Ukraine's eastern city of Donetsk and Slovyanks--where the shoot-out took place--and despite a Monday morning ultimatum by the Ukrainian government, these groups have shown no sign of giving in.

Read Full Article (Apr-13-2014 10:48)

President Vladimir Putin`s Letter to Leaders of European Countries

President Vladimir Putin is obviously not giving into the World Order that Washington wants. He talks big… he talks tough… he talks sense!

(DUBAI) - President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are proving to be rational leaders and true statesmen compared to their pathetic counterparts in the US, France, Germany and Britain.

The US Foreign Policy is irrational.They want countries to be subservient to them and they don’t want Israel’s actions or ambitions questioned in the Middle East.

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2014 12:33)

Stop Playing Politics With Veterans

The American people are urged to write, call their members of Congress and Senate and demand they take positive action providing VA benefits to those in need.

(MEDIA, PA) - Veterans Our legislators in Washington must stop playing politics with our veterans, this is especially true of Vietnam war veterans. Will the game playing carry over to our veterans of present day wars?

Will they too become pawns? Veterans have few friends in Washington. Just like the Vietnam veterans, today’s veterans will face what we are up against, little to no support.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2014 13:08)

Plumlee`s Thoughts for Today... Life Under a Puppet President

We as a Nation are now on our knees in confusion and mistrust. We have been beaten down by the very political structure that we created.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Obama puppet president Yes. I used the term, "Puppet President" and will not retract.

In my opinion. Our President and his administration, have demonstrated their weaknesses and lack of strength.... Our President is not strong... He is not a leader...He can't think on his feet and has demonstrated to the American people that he cannot rally the troops or the citizens behind him.

Read Full Article (Apr-09-2014 16:20)

Kelly Derricks: Voice for the Children of Vietnam Veterans

Kelly has battled severe health issues since she was born that continue today. Some of her illnesses are presumed to be associated with the inter-generational effects of Agent Orange.

(PHILADELPHIA) - Kelly Derricks Kelly L. Derricks is the daughter of deceased Vietnam Veteran Harry C. Mackel Jr. Harry died in 1982 at the age of 37 after being exposed to Agent Orange while serving two tours in Vietnam in addition to a tour on Johnston Island.

After serving with the United States Air Force, Harry went on to serve the City of Philadelphia as a highly regarded and awarded officer of the Stakeout Unit with the police department. Kelly was only seven years old when her father died.

Read Full Article (Apr-07-2014 13:21)

The Human Message of a Car Spot Hits Americans

Too often, in war and in peacekeeping missions, the families in which some of their members has left suffer excruciating pain of absence, an irrepressible fear of what might happen. And a constant, agonizing thought that pierces the soul and leads to suffer, to mourn, to pray …

(MADRID) - Oprah Winfrey A spot of vehicles of the brand 'Jeep' , has shocked the U.S. public and, therefore, has been chosen as the best spot of the year.

In this story, the narrative rises. The first thing we see is a dark screen and then we see a written sentence: "We wait. We hope. We pray. Until you're home again.”

Read Full Article (Apr-04-2014 11:38)

A 15-Year Murder Spree

"The notion of a 'humanitarian war' would have rang in the ears of the drafters of the UN Charter as nothing short of Hitlerian, because it was precisely the justification used by Hitler himself for the invasion of Poland just six years earlier." —Michael Mandel

(WASHINGTON DC) - helicopter sunrise Fifteen years ago, NATO was bombing Yugoslavia. This may be difficult for people to grasp who believe the Noah movie is historical fiction, but: What your government told you about the bombing of Kosovo was false. And it matters.

While Rwanda is the war that many misinformed people wish they could have had (or rather, wish others could have had for them), Yugoslavia is the war they're glad happened...

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2014 11:55)

The Most Profitable Gas in the World

The smart investor will realize that there is no better time to invest in Ukraine's energy sector. Once it is transformed, the best opportunities will have been seized.

(LONDON - Ukraine oil There is only one certainty in Ukraine: The energy sector must and will be transformed, and how long this takes will depend on who ends up in the driver's seat and how serious they are about becoming a part of Europe and reducing dependence on Russia.

But by then, investors will have missed the boat.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2014 03:42)

“Most people thought of us as part of the anti-war movement, but we never protested against the wars. Not once. But we very effectively poisoned the anti-war well.”

(SALEM) - Westboro Baptist Church at a protest in Hood River, Oregon. On March 24, 2014 I was contacted by a man who claimed to be a member of the Westboro Baptist Church, the “God Hates Fags” military funeral protestors. He claimed to have information that “Americans need to know”.

He warned me that I could suffer consequences if I chose to report it. He said that I was chosen because he had read some of my stories and believed that I would report it and that would have the courage to publish it.

Read Full Article (Mar-31-2014 09:40)

Against the Loneliness of Innocents

Military conflicts are one of the primary causes of the crisis and the AIDS pandemic is the second. Next are the weather disasters...

(MADRID) - The reality of South Sudan "We share illusions" is the slogan of a notice published in newspapers of wide circulation. The aim of the campaign is to sponsor children in many countries who live in extreme poverty. This advertising campaign was promoted by the Spanish NGO Intervida.

It is known to all governments that the Declaration of the Rights of the Child states that "The child shall be protected against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation."

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
