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Sep-28-2007 09:18printcomments

Democrats Blast Rush Limbaugh's Phony Soldiers Comment

Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, a veteran of the Vietnam War, called the comments a "disgusting attack."

Rush Limbaugh
Photo courtesy:

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Chris Van Hollen today blasted conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on his outrageous comment that soldiers who support withdrawing from Iraq are "phony soldiers".

“Rush Limbaugh’s personal attack on our men and women in uniform is reprehensible. It minimizes the sacrifice our troops in Iraq and their families are making and has no place in the public discourse. Rush Limbaugh owes our military and their families an apology for his hurtful comments that minimize their service to our country.”

  • Excerpt of “The Rush Limbaugh Show” (September 26, 2007, Premiere Radio Networks):

  • LIMBAUGH: "Save the -- keep the troops safe" or whatever. I -- it's not possible, intellectually, to follow these people.
  • CALLER: No, it's not, and what's really funny is, they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media.
  • LIMBAUGH: The phony soldiers.
  • CALLER: The phony soldiers. If you talk to a real soldier, they are proud to serve. They want to be over in Iraq. They understand their sacrifice, and they're willing to sacrifice for their country.
  • LIMBAUGH: They joined to be in Iraq. They joined --
  • CALLER: A lot of them -- the new kids, yeah.
  • LIMBAUGH: Well, you know where you're going these days, the last four years, if you signed up. The odds are you're going there or Afghanistan or somewhere.
  • CALLER: Exactly, sir.

Senator Chris Dodd's Communications Director Hari Sevugan (Dodd is running for the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nomination) released the following statement on Rush Limbaugh's comments impugning the troops: "It's ironic, if not remotely surprising, that Rush Limbaugh - who makes his living shooting his mouth off - would impugn the patriotism and service of American troops simply because they have voiced their opposition to this failed policy. It's clear that he has no idea what the brave men and women of our armed forces are ostensibly fighting for."

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Dale C. October 4, 2007 6:36 am (Pacific time)

The problem with stupid people is that they don't know that they are stupid, and the issue with evil people is that they don't care about people, so when an evil person gets an opportunity to lead a stupid person around by the nose they take advantage of it. So it is that evil people in congress and the MSM are taking advantage of an opportunity to build a lie by words taken out of context to lead the stupid people around by the nose (like the people who proudly declare that they don't listen to Limbaugh, so that when they are being lied to and deceived they don't have a clue what evil people are doing to them).

Anonymous September 30, 2007 4:52 pm (Pacific time)

Henry Please, professional media journals ? I trust the media like I would trust the goverment to run my health care!!! Look at Dan Rather!!! Did he have anything to do with writing these professional media journals ? By the way I broke my bank account dealing with a health scare in my own life I did not turn to the goverment or anyone else and yes I am 1 of the 25 million (Americans) without health insurance and I paid cash and recieved a 40 % cash discount. It sucked and I cried because we worked hard to but the money away but it was the right thing to do!!

Shannon September 30, 2007 4:46 pm (Pacific time)

I would love free health care for every person in the USA and hell for every person in this whole world. (free = raising the taxes on the rich not the wealthy) (By the way are you rich? Because you may be surprized by who they consider rich!!)Heck sign me up for $5000.00 for my kids when they are born too. Why stop there lets give out a free house to every person alive. Oh yeah what about some Tommy outfits because gee its not fair that he has it and I don't. Oh I and I have it feels like jail syndrome so I can't work to contribute but its not fair that I don't have everything that you have so you better not violate my civil rights!!! At what point do people realize it is each and every indiviuals responsiblity to provide for yourself and your family. If a wild fire is heading to my home I am not waiting for the government bus to get me before it reaches my house and poor does not mean STUPID!!! I think we need to look at the dangerous direction this country is headed in. If you want the government to run health care and everything else they will eventually grab for just think another big idiot of a presdident could come along and do even worse but it will be really to late because everyone will be a slave to entitlements to fight back. I have nothing but sympathy for people who need a hand up in this country. I volunteer my time teaching women technical skills so they can to find jobs on the internet and use a compuuter. I believe in programs for shots and dental care for kids in need and glady donate money and clothes every year. You will never slove poverty with handouts and kind and loving society would help with hand ups not hand outs!!! I looked up many pages on Rush's comments and listened to what he said and he was referring to a specific soldier who lied. People need to at least fact check before they jump to judgement he may say things many people don't like but to take sound bites from anyones speach and twist it for your own gain is dangerous and remember it could happen to anyone!!! When Rush gets a 61% break in the price a posts a dd in the NY Post saying disenting soldiers are phonys I will be just as outraged as everyone.

Henry Ruark September 30, 2007 8:42 am (Pacific time)

Shannon: Re Limbaugh, he is widely known in the profession as a big-mouth paid for expensive pretend-punditry open to any bidder with dollars to stuff into his expansive pants. Do you ever review any of the professional media journals ? My file goes back more than 30 years, with some few of mine own stuff in two major ones, strting from early contacts with Gloria Cooper, just retired from Columbia's "book" as Associate Editor. SO I speak from personal experience --what's yours ?

Henry Ruark September 29, 2007 9:44 am (Pacific time)

Thank you for elegant use of direct and forceful language...but we must forgive some of these persons, clearly brainwashed after three decades of Far Right Neo-Con propaganda, perpetrated by weak "balance" and "objectivity" errors in the ostensibly "free press". Open, honest demo-dialog, properly massaged via enforced cogitation, may just help a bit...but irony and sarcasm might just shorten the process, too.

Vic September 29, 2007 8:07 am (Pacific time)

Yeah shannon , nothing gets my goat like people looking for free health care. Just because every other industrialized nation in the world has it, these whiny lefties think we should too !! That is insane ! We have better things to spend our money, our kids money and our grandkids money on...killing other people's kids and grandkids so that a handful of old white men can make billions. THAT is wise use of money...not going around vaccinating kids and filling cavities like a bunch of bleeding hearts.

Henry Ruark September 29, 2007 7:11 am (Pacific time)

Shannon: Thank you for holding up that very revealing mirror reflecting YOUR views...that, too, is one purpose of open, honest, demo-dialog here. IF enough DO check out Rush, we will ALL win, no matter WHO then loses credibilities. DO miss, however, anything in yrs except "belly-button" rumblings.

shannon September 28, 2007 6:54 pm (Pacific time)

Actually listen to Rush and see what was said. These idiots bring more and more attention to Rush when they pull stupids stunts like this. How many people will sign up and learn more about Rush because they looked at his site to see if he really said these terrible things. These people are so fing stupid it makes me laugh!!! To think with help from weak minded idiots in this country looking for free health care and cradle to grave entiltlements these will be the morons running your lifes. Good luck! I myself will cop a crazy plea and accept the check and let the rest of you people who wants these jerks as your leaders work!!!! Can't wait!!!

Henry Ruark September 28, 2007 6:12 pm (Pacific time)

Joe et al: Apologies...hit button too soon and sent, without sourcing Comment. That one re Nixon and Goldwater and Gold was mine... do believe if you are not proud of comment, do NOT send it. Nothing personal, you understand, since cannot possibly "know" you...except by Comment.. !!

Anonymous September 28, 2007 4:07 pm (Pacific time)

Joe: You really need to be careful whom you use for credibility. That name Nixon never helps for any American-lover, left or right or even in-middle. FYI, Goldwater, one of conservative gods, was one of three informing Nixon that if he did NOT resign, he would be impeached. (Victor Gold's book source for that --IF you know who Gold is, might be meaningful to you even now) Then, too, yr syntax leaves some doubt as to whom you mean to show sworn in or sworn at, in latter part of statement. IF Kerry not already Navy officer, no allegiance owed; if you meant Nixon, raises questions as to his status then --as essential as others later about his sanity. But then perhaps too much to expect you to know, given general tone and content displayed publicly here.

Sue September 28, 2007 3:04 pm (Pacific time)

By the way, I cannot comment on this broadcast of Limbaugh's. I try not to listen to him.

Sue September 28, 2007 3:03 pm (Pacific time)

Joe: Here is one article that shows the credibility of the Swift Boat Vets. Read it, check the facts and get back to us.

Joe September 28, 2007 1:36 pm (Pacific time)

By the way, can someone let us all in on provable lies told about John Kerry by his fellow swift boat veterans? Let's start with his river cruise to Cambodia under orders by Nixon before he was sworn into office.

Joe September 28, 2007 1:34 pm (Pacific time)

I heard the entire conversation Rush had. He was referring to one guy recently convicted of trying to pass himself off as an Iraq veteran. In truth, the guy -- Jessie Macbeth -- had become a poster boy for Air America and the hate America left. Rush also identified another guy that was writing a phoney blog, and got caught at it.

A Veteran September 28, 2007 12:42 pm (Pacific time)

Rush Limbaugh has no business deciding who is and who isn't a "real" soldier since he never served at all. Take it from me, most soldiers in Iraq wish none of it was going on, just because they serve does not mean they endorse policy, all they do is what they are ordered to do. Oh my God, and the ad is attacked by Congress! Right wing means "phony" American and "phony" Christian, in a nutshell. This guy's reign of terror needs to end.

Henry Ruark September 28, 2007 11:32 am (Pacific time)

To all: For entirelu authoritative report on factual coverage of how this whole "big picture" really plays out, "see with own eyes" at: This one, by Consortium and famed longtime-proven reporter Parry, lays out the realities of media coverage, placing such as Limbaugh precisely where they really stand, while doing same for others painting the same picture, too. See for yourselves, with whatever cogitation perhaps then forced an intended impact here.

Henry Ruark September 28, 2007 11:23 am (Pacific time)

Mike M: IF you have credible reference for any such accusation, sir, we appreciate your direct reference to it here via URL. We await that courtesy, and will then "see with own eyes" for further open, honest dialog as indicated. Meanwhile, anyone checked out Limbaugh participation in patriotic armed forces service in uniform, under orders, and in fire-danger ? No umbrage intended, only seeking actual fact.

Mike M. September 28, 2007 9:58 am (Pacific time)

And the "phony soldier" who Rush was referring to was? Try Jesse MacBeth - a total PHONY! Every liberal politician who mentioned this LIE in Congress owes Rush Limbaugh an apology for perpetuating a LIE about what he actually said.

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