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Sep-28-2007 05:49printcomments

Congress Condemns Ad As War Rages On

When the only thing our elected representatives can agree on is to silence war critics, the critics get louder.

DoD photo by Airman 1st Class Nathan Doza, U.S. Air Force
DoD photo by Airman 1st Class Nathan Doza, U.S. Air Force

(SALEM, Ore.) - Have you heard about the full page ad that ran last week in the New York Times? Who hasn’t?

A clever, if not distasteful satire of General Petraeus’s name was probably expected to raise a few eyebrows and provoke thoughtful, conscientious political conversations, but has turned into a would-be national atrocity. For the first time in our lifetimes, a newspaper ad has Congress by the tail, but the message seems to get louder each time it’s repeated.

The headline was “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?” Apparently it’s a crime to call a General a name. No matter if you agree or disagree with the ad. How did this piece of newsprint make it to the agenda in both the House and Senate?

Last week, US Senators actually delayed debate on the war in Iraq in order to condemn's ad in the New York Times. This week, they were joined by the House.

A sensitive matter to say the least, the presentation of General Petraeus in the ad as a possible betrayer of the American people had to be expected to bring high criticism. But it's not unique in it's antagonistic tone. Even so, MoveOn has been taken to task. A question that keeps mounting is: who’s next in line?

The political action group is not showing any signs of flinching though, in fact, instead of intimidated, they seem emboldened. MoveOn has announced a new project, Americans for Exit, which they believe will prove to Congress that Americans from all walks of life are fed up with the Iraq war and are counting on them to stop it.

In the past week, Congress has voted down three separate proposals that were created to help support the troops, and lead to an end to the war. But Wednesday, the House did manage to join the Senate in condemning MoveOn for the recent ad.

The politic action team from says they were appalled. They say Congress, "didn't condemn Vice President Cheney when he falsely connected Al Qaeda to Saddam Hussein. They didn't condemn Colin Powell when he lied about WMD to the United Nations. They didn't condemn President Bush when he started eavesdropping on American citizens without a warrant,” the group added.

“They still haven't done anything to change President Bush's war policy. But yesterday, the House voted to condemn a newspaper ad — and Congresswoman Darlene Hooley supported the measure.” Political Action is entirely funded by its members. They have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. That, however, does not mean the group doesn’t have it’s preferences. And, 3.3 million members of are standing firm on their convictions.

“We’re 70% of the country. We vote, and we’re fed up with the war,” says a release from the Political Action Team. “Congress may not be doing its job, but that means it's all the more important for us to do ours.”

“This new project will remind our representatives that those of us against the war are America—we're teachers, factory workers, lawyers, moms, dads, students, secretaries, and dog owners. We need to make it crystal clear that we will not stand down or relent until the war ends.”

As part of the new project, members of the organization across the nation are sending in photographs and recording voice messages about ending the Iraq war that will be a part of a new ad campaign, and delivered to members of Congress.

In a recent Rochester NY Op-Ed, members of say they spoke out to set the record straight. “Consistently and falsely portrayed by some media sources as 'far left,' we represent a broad cross-section of average Americans. We care deeply about the same issues most Americans do, and are proud to use the organizational power of to carry out our responsibilities as citizens."

The group says this administration ignored pleas from the world community and invaded Iraq without moral or legal basis.

"The result has been devastation and quagmire in Iraq, an increase in global terrorist violence and a more dangerous world. We are dedicated to bringing our troops safely home and rebuilding the international alliances necessary to address the real terrorist threat. And as the media have amply reported, this is the view of the great majority of Americans.”

Arguably, opposition to the war is growing by anyone’s standards. says Republicans are going all-out to marginalize and silence this vast group. Some would say that it causes more distance between the ideals. Without getting closer, we seem to get further from resolution and cooperation among our own people.

On Thursday, Senator Barbara Boxer said, “Even though we're still caught in the middle of a disastrous civil war in Iraq, the right-wing continues to block every effort by Democrats in the Senate to bring our brave troops home. They even blocked a common-sense amendment sponsored by my colleague and Vietnam veteran Jim Webb that would give American troops as much time to rest at home as they do fighting in Iraq."

“And just last week," Boxer continued, "Republican Senators delayed debate on the war in Iraq in order to single out and condemn's ad in the New York Times. Where were the Republicans when the Swift Boaters attacked John Kerry's military service? Where were they when Democratic Senator Max Cleland -- a triple amputee after his service in Vietnam -- was attacked in TV ads comparing him to Osama bin Laden?“

This is not just a Republican issue however. With leading democrats like Oregon’s own Congresswoman Darlene Hooley voting to support the measure condemning, we are compelled to step back and look at the bigger picture. Who has America’s best interests at heart?

There may be legitimate reasons that Congress did not approve the 3 proposals for changes regarding the war. But instead of providing steadfast tenacity to the health of our nation, they spent their valuable time chatting amongst themselves about the do’s and don’ts of the advertising business. Are useless resolutions the only thing Congress can agree on? As the leading democratic nation on the planet earth, we set an example. And this is the one we set this week.

The proposals Congress did not approve were: 1) Levin-Reed amendment to provide for a reduction and transition of United States forces in Iraq; 2) Webb-Hagel Amendment to specify minimum periods between deployment of units and members of the Armed Forces deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom; 3) Feingold-Reid Amendment to safely redeploy troops.

Allowing our leaders and our citizenship to be distracted from the real issues, like gracefully getting ourselves out of the serious mess in Iraq, must not be permitted. Our priorities as a whole must be people.

Our country is experiencing something completely new to us. How we demonstrate our abilities to govern with surety and level-headedness will determine our future with all the world. Back-biting and name calling are not attributes to impress. Shallow discussions about newspaper ads when we are at war are embarrassing. This country is serious business, and it needs to be run by adults.

If it’s time to redesign the strategies, so be it, but it appears that we may need a completely new game board.

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Henry Ruark September 30, 2007 4:45 pm (Pacific time)

Dell et al: This one just happened to pop up, and hadda share it with you, in all sincerity: "The trouble with most folks isn't so much their ignorance, as knowing so many things that ain't so." : Josh Billings - [Henry Wheeler Shaw] (1818-1885) American humorist and lecturer

Henry Ruark September 30, 2007 1:24 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Contrast continues to build: It's now obvious Move.On is shaking up the neocon-WHouse foundation cooperation. Newest opponent group (UNnamed here purposely) is formed by four billionaires; Move.On has 3.3 MILLION Americans already signed on as members...and more joining every day, now. Can you imagine WH strangle hold it takes to compel that Congressional vote vs Move.On, while many GOP protesters deserted WH to support child healthcare anyhow ? GOP-leader in that effort expected 30 in House to choose SCHIP, and vote was 45.

Anonymous September 30, 2007 1:13 pm (Pacific time)

Let MoveOn get just a little bit of an edge, and these crazies from the GOP will try to say "oh you've gone too far" or "you're losing support" but in reality it is just the tiniest dose of what the right has been giving us for years. Truth is, MoveOn is winning and they are gaining support. They're far more into Christian values than the religious right, the "let's go bomb people" and "I support war" crowd are a bunch of mixed up losers, you can't be a Christian and support war, it is NOT POSSIBLE.

Henry Ruark September 30, 2007 8:59 am (Pacific time)

Dell et al: Want "see with own eyes" re Bush/Cheney further "empire" plans ? Here it is, by famed writer Hersh, in NEW YORKER series noted for probing-fact: Annals of National Security Shifting Targets The Administration’s plan for Iran. by Seymour M. Hersh October 8, 2007 "In a series of public statements in recent months, President Bush and members of his Administration have redefined the war in Iraq, to an increasing degree, as a strategic battle between the United States and Iran. “Shia extremists, backed by Iran, are training Iraqis to carry out attacks on our forces and the Iraqi people,” Bush told the national convention of the American Legion in August. “The attacks on our bases and our troops by Iranian-supplied munitions have increased. . . The Iranian regime must halt these actions. And, until it does, I will take actions necessary to protect our troops.” He then concluded, to applause, “I have authorized our military commanders in Iraq to confront Tehran’s murderous activities.” Dunno where you stand re pushing that red button, Dell, but it is clear where most of the others in the world do. Do you now openly endorse such attack on Iran ? This in-print for your rapid convenience in reply, not even having to use URL...

Henry Ruark September 30, 2007 8:32 am (Pacific time)

Dell et al: You presume to ignore 30 years of American history, sir. (PDFs on request). IF you bother to seek them out, those published pages will prove without further question that the GOP is now pirated by neocons aiming to further subdue the middle class, preparing for precisely the same kind of corporate fascistic capture defeated precariously in FDR's time. Many of the references are from former GOP leaders: Gold, Brock, Goldwater, et al,et al, often cited here with ISBNs. If and when you submit yourself to review of reality you may then perhaps seek out tne Naomi Klein book THE SHOCK DOCTRINE ISBN-10:0-8050-7983-1 OR are YOU, perhaps, also a world-renowned author of many well-received previous works noted for precise and deep research and documentation ? This one was researched in depth for more than three years right here in Oregon by the author's chief assistant, and it has deep appreciative reviews from Le Carre, Zinn, Hersh, Scahill --even Studs Terkel !(Among others on both sides of the presumptous aisle we allow to divide us by well outmoded political correctness currently, never learning how eventually misleading that is. I would hesitate to take on such a panoply of successful and well-received name-writers, sir, if I were in your place. To whom do you turn for your own guidance, sir ? Names, works, ISBNs, URls please... this is open, honest dialog here, and we WILL first listen, then respond, but we prefer published fact rather than "belly-button" ramblings. IF you are still open to learning and sharing some further cogitation, start with the Klein book; it will both horrify and thoroughly frighten you while, perhaps expanding your own views.

Dell September 30, 2007 7:02 am (Pacific time)

You're a real nut-case! I'm sure you would like to think that 70% of Americans agress with you (MoveOn) get a grip. The whole organization is so far out of touch you are now begining to distance the one's you praise. MoveOn has morphed into a propaganda machine without an operator. What a bunch of nuts!

Henry Ruark September 29, 2007 4:20 pm (Pacific time)

Hey, Mom ! Never forget these words --and who said then, when...: "....if by a liberal they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, their civil liberties.. if that is what they mean by a "liberal" then I am proud to be a liberal. " Four sons, all "in the media", over the years. We have family story: "We warned them...but they did it, anyhow !" ONE daughter, last to arrive.// ---John F. Kennedy

Mom of four September 29, 2007 12:37 pm (Pacific time)

MoveOn is left leaning, that is the "crime" they are guilty of, and so am I and so is everyone I know and love and care about.

Henry Ruark September 29, 2007 10:06 am (Pacific time)

To all: Entire pattern-of-incidents here well-explained by long-known psychological syndrome known and researched in depth as well-established "authoritarian personality". For full public-record details, here's our "see with own eyes" URL: Happens Parry here explains Dr. Robert Altemeyer, famed researcher expert on right-wing authoritarianism, whom I once interviewed in Chicago.

Henry Ruark September 29, 2007 9:39 am (Pacific time)

To all: As repeatedly pointed out here, "wit, wisdom, will of the people" WILL eventually prevail -- or the Second American Revolution will arrive. Only repeating what my old Dad insistently instructed me 'way back in the Thirties, after leaving Baltimore SUN where he was investigative reporter, becoming corporate accountant --and regretting decision all the rest of his days.

Vic September 29, 2007 8:01 am (Pacific time)

Couldnt have said it better Neal !

Janet September 28, 2007 11:20 pm (Pacific time)

Too bad the Congress in our country cannot help but get wraped up in the same trivial issues as the rest of us "regular people". Our government should be keeping their eyes on the important issues and not things that they have no right or reason to waste their time on. Move On is just one of many...

Neal Feldman September 28, 2007 6:31 pm (Pacific time)

Move On's ad only asked a question. Since when is a question 'treasonous'? Those who rail against it clearly have no idea of what free speech is. Then there is Limbaugh with his direct assault on the honor and integrity of every single soldier who has the audacity to not agree with him. If this does not highlight the ignorant hypocrisy of the neocon noise machine nothing will. Ah well...

Sue September 28, 2007 10:17 am (Pacific time)

I agree with you Henry. It is sad isn't it? I never thought I would see my beloved country end up in the hands of people like this. I guess I am a little naive.

Henry Ruark September 28, 2007 9:48 am (Pacific time)

Sue et al: Yr insights continue to be sharp and on-target. Motivation for Gen. P report entirely evident for anyone ever "in the military": his whole career hangeth on that response. IF you think media under pressure, check out what is everyday, everyway working understandings in all armed forces worldwide. Which is why dictators, here and elsewhere, can rely on the product of such pronounced and obvious fear of consequence --that's reality wherever force overwhelms democracy.

Sue September 28, 2007 9:02 am (Pacific time)

Amazing they have so much time on their hands that they are able to waste it on this vote. Why didn't they have time to vote on condemning Rush Limbaugh when he called Senator Hagel, Senator Betray Us? Where were they when the Swift Boat Veterans 'for truth' were bashing Senator Kerry for his service during Vietnam? I do not exactly support the way Move On made their statement, but they do have that right. I know I felt betrayed by the general because his testimony was so different from all the reports coming from national and international organizations. I felt like he was just giving us the propaganda that has been coming from this administration for 7 years.

Henry Ruark September 28, 2007 8:40 am (Pacific time)

To all: For those who forget --or never knew-- their nation's history and the prescient words of the Founding Fathers, this Op Ed should strike home with solid impact when they DO take time to check it out for truthful content. IF further impact is still needed, see Naomi Klein's new book "SHOCK DOCTRINE", which describes in horrendous detail "the rise of Disaster Capitalism" --starting with Chile and dictator Pinochet. The Bush administration is now appliying these same long disproven economic theories. complete with Constitutional attacks on freedom and more dissent-killing manipulations such as this Congressional act to create fear of consequence in any and all relying on our vaunted "free press", weak as it has now become.

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