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Sep-20-2006 16:52printcomments

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Calls George W. Bush The Devil: White House Silent

Many say it marks one of the few times Bush has been the victim of his own medicine.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The White House is not commenting today over Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's statement that U.S. President George "W" Bush is being a "devil" with imperialist ambitions.

"Yesterday, the president of the US, the gentleman who I refer to as 'the devil' came here, talking to the world as if he owns the world," Chavez said.

The speech by Chavez was made at the U-N. Many comments Chavez made were considered "heated" by the Bush administration.

Describing Bush's tone in a speech from Tuesday, Chavez addressed the UN General Assembly, saying Bush's comments made him sound "as if he were the owner of the world, that is around the time he called Bush "the devil."

The response from the White House? "Not worthy of one" was the answer.

No American officials were present at the UN when Chavez made his statements, only a low level government employee typically referred to as a "junior note taker".

The Venezuelan leader drew tentative giggles at times from the audience, but also some applause when he called Bush the devil.

Former President Bill Clinton says the attack was not necessary and "a mistake." Speaking to CNN after the remarks, Clinton said, "He's not hurting us, he's just hurting himself and his country."

U-S Ambassador John Bolton adknowledges Chavez' right to make his opinion known, but said it was "too bad the people of Venezuela don't have free speech." Bolton echoed White House thinking, in saying the remarks did not deserve a reponse.

But others in the UN laughed and chuckled over the remarks that Chavez made.

Venezuela's leader, who has joined Iran and Cuba in opposing U.S. influence, labels accusations at the administration including, “domination, exploitation and pillage of peoples of the world.”

“We appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our head,” he said.

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Gumpa Johnny September 25, 2006 3:13 pm (Pacific time)

In his speech to the United Nations, Hugo Chávez might not have been too deep into hyperbole when he described Bush as an example of demonic evil.IF YOU'RE NOT PARANOID, THEN YOU'RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION!

Samuel Adams September 23, 2006 9:03 pm (Pacific time)

How dare Rube say that about our troops! They are fighting and dying to protect our freedoms! I certainly don't want to have MY sons or daughters die in a war for a corrupt goernment...let THEM do it, damn it...just leave me and my family out of it!

Albert Marnell September 23, 2006 2:56 pm (Pacific time)

Bingo Rube! Americans are so decent at heart that they can't imagine that their own government is not there for them, it is there for the global bankers, the multinationals and other private interests. They will sell our lives for a penny if it adds to their bottom line.

Rube Luxenberg September 23, 2006 6:58 am (Pacific time)

Pity the duped soldiers of this country as they are slaughtered and maimed for an unjust cause by a power mad administration hell bent on world dominance.

Albert Marnell September 23, 2006 4:50 am (Pacific time)

"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry, and commerce...and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation, and depression originate." ----President James Garfield a couple of weeks before he was assassinated on July 2, 1881. -America wake up. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking corporation that owns the United States. It is not Federal and there is no Reserve. The chairman is picked by the global bankers and the President is told who to appoint. Damn the likes of David Rockefeller. For a detailed discussion of the Fed, please read "They Don't Dare Let Us Tell the People." Read Books by people like Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

Yatata September 22, 2006 1:46 pm (Pacific time)

I think that people are waking up...also I think it's too late. May we all rest in peace.

Darlene kautz September 22, 2006 1:13 pm (Pacific time)

I love to meet chavez some day I would like to meet this man chavez and tell him all About Bush that he is no Good for the U S A we have no jobs / no schools no homes Because the Big ass / high gas fix.

Darlene R kautz September 22, 2006 1:05 pm (Pacific time)

Bush is no Dam Good for the U S A he has so much Blood on his hands he is no Dam Good Bush is the Devil we are going to all Die Because of Bush Dam this man

Johnny Gumpa September 22, 2006 12:37 pm (Pacific time)

Right on Larry and just maybe, just maybe...if the U.S.-funded effort to effect "regime change" in Iran succeeds, he'll wind up on MSNBC alongside Joe Scarborough, or better yet, as one of Chris Matthews' regular Sunday guests, perhaps the long-needed replacement for Andrew Sullivan. In an era in which the boundaries between politics and show biz are rapidly dissolving, the "medieval"-minded Ahmadinejad is on the road to stardom, one way or another. In that respect, he's accommodated himself quite well to modernity. AND it, so I believe it's suitable to say, that it seems like Chavez is doing the same as well, it's just that the people reading the mainstream media who aren't doing online research, with open minds, are the ones who are left bewildered and still in denial over all of this stuff. Ay, I know what I'm talkin' about!

Larry September 22, 2006 12:17 pm (Pacific time)

Yes, that's right Bob an that's also why Ahmadinejad' s visit to America has to be termed an unqualified success. Because he sure didn't sound like Hitler, or act even vaguely Hitleresque, in spite of Sen. George Voinovich's ignorant blathering. Instead, he came across as reasonable, entertainingly argumentative, and disarmingly sincere, even earnest. No wonder the War Party tried to deny him a visa.

Bob Bilderballs September 22, 2006 11:12 am (Pacific time)

The great tragedy, today, is that there are no leaders of any stature, either in the political or the intellectual community, with the moral authority to make a difference. The war propaganda coming out of this government and its many supporters in the mainstream media, is slick, it is constant, and it plays expertly on irrational fears and images on a primordial, sub-literate level. They're using the same imagery that worked so well in the run-up to war with Iraq: a mushroom cloud blossoming over an American city, and against this, the backdrop of the "mad" Ahmadinejad, the latest Hitler-of-the- month. Oh and by the way Joey, I really liked your comment.

Joey 'Illuminati' m September 22, 2006 10:49 am (Pacific time)

I really appreciate that the 'Z.O.G.'or zionist owned media actually printed what Iranian and Venezualan presidents and other leaders of the world are saying. 50% of Americans are saying , know and feel the same way and are sharing these concerns everyday, but you don't see their voices speaking in the papers do you? Thank God for world leaders who have the balls to come out with the truth because in this "Land Of Freedom" and democracy we here are being deprived of our own freedom of speech we are being totally surpressed by mainstream media...thank Dog for the internet where truth can be shared....along with the lies of course, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to read between the lines. And if Bush is allowed to sit in a classroom all ther while knowing our people where going to be sacrificed on the alter of the new world order on 911, then why should'nt we be able to remove him of power and replace him with an honest leader....because Al said it best...we are all OWNED by the International Bankers and we are All guilty by consent.

Sami-ul-Haq September 22, 2006 9:34 am (Pacific time)

Dear Presedent Bush, With due respect I would like to say that I do appreciate your mission fight against terrorism and extemesm. Thanks: Sami-ul-Haq Address: Sikandari Koruna Mardan 23200 N.W.F.P Pakistan

Camary Sefton September 22, 2006 8:51 am (Pacific time)

President bush is our leader. People have the right to express their opinion but we as Americans are just making ourselves look pathetic but agreeing and saying it's okay to say these things about our own president.

Richard September 22, 2006 5:12 am (Pacific time)

Bush is the devil hiding in the cloak of religion. Off with his head!!!

Albert Marnell September 22, 2006 3:41 am (Pacific time)

Sanjai, Thank God you see something that others do not. Chavez is full of it but certainly no worse than this administration. They are all full of it and are all puppets of Global Bankers and Multinationals. I will repeat this over and over again because someone may be hearing it for the first time.

Sanjai September 21, 2006 10:38 pm (Pacific time)

I welcome and support the observations made by Hugo Chavez!! Wellsaid Chavez!!

Albert Marnell September 21, 2006 11:43 am (Pacific time)

Steve, I understand your anger. The truth is that Bush represents the multinational and global bankers that put him in place so that the heads of these going concerns can profit privately. All shares of a corporation are ultimately owned by an individual or group of people. There is no more United States since Woodrow Wilson sold the country out to the global banking system called the Federal Reserve Bank. It is not Federal and there is no Reserve. All 12 member bank shares are owned by other banks which are then ultimately owned by individual people. Our destiny as humans is at the mercy of the global bankers. When Wilson sold the country to the global bankers that was the beginning of the end. Also, Bush only represents himself and is just a puppet for the big boys. He does not pick the chairman of the fed, he is told who to pick by the likes of David Rockefeller and other high powered global bankers that own us all. I suggest reading Who's Who of the Elite...Members of the: Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. I believe this book can only be attained on the internet.

Henry Ruark September 21, 2006 9:12 am (Pacific time)

Steve et a: Unfortunately ain't that easy...our huge deficits, built since Bush arrived, leave us hanging on edge of world supply, since we no longer lead in manufacture and/or other major areas. We depend on other nations, and our fiscal security depends on their lending us dollars-back reaped from ongoing trade, as with China. When they decide to "pull the plug" and cash in those chips, then we'll learn costs of Bushiness.

Steve-Albany September 21, 2006 8:33 am (Pacific time)

Well, if Bush, who represents the US of A, is so terrible, then thqt mus mean tha this STUPID DICTATOR thinks the US of A is also "the Devil." It is time to cut off ALL, yes ALL aid of any type to this country. Then, let that be a lesson to other countries. You don't like us, then youdoni't like our $$$ either. GO IT ALONE!!! No more $$$. I am sure we can find lots of uses for the money we would save, right her in the US of A. Starting with proper and adequate funding of Veteran's and Senior services....and..........many others. Wake up all you members of Congress and all our fine elected reps.

Albert Marnell September 20, 2006 8:19 pm (Pacific time)

I think that Bush is far worse than the devil. Why does the mainstream media get on a bandwagon that Chavez is horrible for saying this when I hear Americans say it every day and twice on Sundays?

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