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Sep-03-2007 16:50printcomments

Oregon Man Leaves Baby in Nevada Brothel Parking Lot

A security guard at the Mustang Ranch heard the small girl crying in a car.

Police say Lucien Hoffman of Bend, Oregon, was attending a private function inside the brothel when he left his two-year old alone in the car, in 95 degree heat.
Police say Lucien Hoffman of Bend, Oregon, was attending a private function inside the brothel when he left his two-year old alone in the car, in 95 degree heat.
Photo courtesy: Storey County Sheriff's Office

(VIRGINIA CITY, Nev.) - A Bend man is in custody for leaving his two-year old girl alone in an automobile at a Nevada brothel for more than two hours. Deputies investigating the case at the Mustang Ranch say the outside temperature was 95 degrees.

Detective/Sergeant Kenneth Quirk with the Storey County Sheriff's Office, says they were called out Sunday evening to investigate a report of the little girl left unattended in the parking lot of the Mustang Ranch Brothel.

The Mustang Ranch is located in the McCarran area of Storey County. Sgt. Jason Dias with the Sheriff's Office in Storey County, says the toddler was reportedly crying when security guards noticed her unattended in the vehicle parked in the brothel parking lot.

"Security Guards were unable to locate a parent or guardian and reported the incident to the Storey County Sheriffs Office. Brothel employees took the child from the vehicle and took her indoors until sheriff's deputies arrived," Dias added.

He says that once Sheriff's Deputies arrived on scene, the toddler's father was located inside and identified as Lucien Hoffman of Bend, Oregon, who was attending a private function inside the brothel.

Storey County Sheriff James G. Miller says a preliminary investigation concluded that the toddler was left in the vehicle unattended for approximately 2 hours in 95 degree heat.

Storey County Fire Department paramedics responded for medical attention. The Toddler was treated for dehydration and released to the Nevada Division of Child and Family services.

Investigators say Hoffman, who is not married, has joint custody of the child. The Child's mother was notified at her residence in Bend, Oregon.

Hoffman was arrested for Child Neglect and is currently being held at the Storey County Detention Facility on $40,000 Bail.

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January 24, 2009 6:25 pm (Pacific time)

lowly educated people always jump to conclusions instead of letting the law handle it. perhaps the other parent was so called

A Criminal Complaint January 3, 2008 5:59 am (Pacific time)

Lance Gilman Owner of Wild Horse Canyon Ranch Storey County,Sagebrush Ranch Lyon County Susan Austin, GM Wild Horse Nevada brothels have existed as "Boarding Houses." They were subject to constant pressure and attack due largely by the toleration level of elected officials in each local jurisdiction.Las Vegas and Reno found their own reasons to abolish the tolerated houses, rural Nevada found a preferable alternative. Regulate, License, and control the activity.Brothels are highly taxed and are subjected as a privileged business to extremely tight regulation. A new interesting phenomenon has occurred by addressing and regulating the activity of prostitution.Child pornography and child abandonment. To:Storey County officials,Lyon County, Ordinance 336.17, General Prohibitions. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LYON COUNTY, NEVADA, DOES ORDAIN : E. It is unlawful for any licensed operation to allow any persons on the premises except for the owners, licensed employees, working prostitutes, potential customers, or authorized emergency, medical or County agents or employees. Section 20. Criminal Violation -- Penalty. In addition to the other penalties, as herein provided, any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Wild Horse Canyon Ranch 1000 Wild Horse Canyon Rd Sparks, NV 89434 (775) 343-1224 A 2-year-old girl was left in a car in 95-degree heat for two hours outside a brothel Sunday,in Storey County " A security guard an empolyee of Lance Gilman seurity company failed to do his job along with other security officers for 2 hours and allowed a child to gain entrance on the premises September 3, 2007.Security guards admit that they found the 2 year old child on the premises.If brothel security had known that Hoffman brought a child with him, he would not have been allowed in the brothel.Lance Gilman dose not think he should be held liable for this childs injury and belives that it is ok for a small child to be smugled on to his property when the law clearly indicates diffrent that is why Lance Gillman built a $40,00 dollor security gate at the brothels entrance where no one can gain entriance without him or one of his employees letting them in.

k September 9, 2007 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

Editor: No comments with profanity

Joey September 8, 2007 10:42 pm (Pacific time)

Gender Bias! Read this! No charges will be filed against a middle school administrator whose toddler daughter died September 6th, 2007 Could one find a clearer example of gender bias and the female sentencing discount than this? Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby is not being charged with any crime. Let's review:1) Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby left her toddler daughter in her car (in heat which reached 100 degrees) for eight hours while she worked.2) According to police, the dead girl, Cecelia Nesselroad-Slaby, had been left in a hot car on at least three other occasions.3) Security video shows that Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby was able to remember--twice- -to unload the doughnuts she brought for meetings at her job, but nevertheless left her daughter in her car seat. The event is pictured.4) According to press reports, she previously "had been told by a former administrator at her 5-year-old daughter's preschool that the younger sister shouldn't be left in the car by herself."5) Clermont County prosecutor Don White, who will not be prosecuting Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby, was asked whether the woman's other daughter--the 5-year-old who she hasn't killed yet--should be allowed to remain in the family's home. He actually replied--with a straight face on national television-- "I have no reason to believe that she won't take care of this child. " No Charges After Toddler Died In Car Southwest Sep 04 2007 12:17PM BATAVIA, Ohio - No charges will be filed against a middle school administrator whose toddler daughter died last month when she was left in the back seat of her mother's SUV during a heat wave, a prosecutor said Tuesday. Leaving the child in the car for the work day was "a substantial lapse of due care" but did not meet the definition of reckless conduct necessary for prosecution, said Clermont County Prosecutor Don White. Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby, 40, is assistant principal at Glen Este Middle School, about 20 miles east of Cincinnati. Authorities said she left her 2-year-old daughter, Cecilia, strapped into a car seat for about eight hours on Aug. 23 while she was at work at the school. Temperatures outside reached about 100 degrees. (Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Angry in Las Vegas September 6, 2007 7:30 pm (Pacific time)

Carla, First of all, unless it's ordered by the court that the father should have no rights or there is no custody/visitation aggreement, then then the Mother had no choice but to let the child's father have her for his allotted time. The father was G-R-A-N-T-E-D JOINT CUSTODY, which means the court saw no reason before now, to why this man should NOT spend time with his child as long as he was being responsible. The BLAME rests SOLELY on the father who was to be RESPONSIBLE for the child. NOT the mother. I wish people like you would keep their mouths shut when it comes to blaming someone who wasn't even in the SAME state as where the crime occurred, let alone knew what was going on. The poor mother probably found out on the news like everyone else did that HER child almost died because of the father's lack of common sense. You make me sick. To think you actually had children. I sure hope they do not grow up thinking like you do. I feel sorry for them if they do. ***** Now on to more important matters. This father is a jerk and should be strung by his nether regions for being so stupid and not hiring a babysitter for his little girl. She deserves better treatment then what he did to her. I pray for the mother and this poor little girl, and hope for a happy reunion. AiLV

Grandma September 6, 2007 8:02 am (Pacific time)

Carla, you are not fooling me. I can tell by your writing style that you are really a man. That father, if can call him that, should lose all rights to that child.

Carla September 5, 2007 7:26 pm (Pacific time)

Hi, Girls! Please allow me to respond to your queries. Firstly, nope; I'm not high. Never even tried drugs, actually; however, that fact has no bearing in this discussion. Nice, though, how you resort to name-calling, rather than intelligently debating the issue. I do cast blame on the woman, because the baby came from her uterus, and is therefore, her responsibility to protect. There must be an interesting reason why she and the baby's father aren't married, and that might have prevented him from having joint custody. No decent man would do what he did, and I'm guessing that it wasn't the first time that he proved himself a sub-human. The fact that he was visiting a brothel is also curious to me. Apparently (especially based upon your strong responses to my posting), I'm an aberation of nature. I married a good man whom I can't envision frequenting a brothel. Subsequent to our having been married and establishing a firm marital foundation in which to bring up a child, we decided to have a baby, and did so. We don't do drugs, and either my husband or I have been a stay-at-home parent to our daughter. Best wishes, Carla :)

Kristi September 4, 2007 7:23 pm (Pacific time)

Carla-you do realize that if the parents had joint custody and a visitation order was signed by a judge, the woman would be in contempt of court for not allowing the child to attend the visit? Hopefully, any visitation agreement will be modified to allow only supervised visitation...but the woman has little to no say in the matter!

Morganna September 4, 2007 4:48 pm (Pacific time)

Carla, are you dumb as a post? Do you have info the rest of us don't regarding the mom that would allow you to cast blame on her? You're high on something right?

Breanna September 4, 2007 4:39 pm (Pacific time)

Cut him. He doesn't deserve to enjoy carnal pleasure ever again.

Dee September 4, 2007 3:04 pm (Pacific time)

Umm...Carla. Nice way to deflect the blame to the woman. Sorry- but it is the father's fault. He's the one that left the child in the car.

mc September 4, 2007 7:06 am (Pacific time)

Justice would be him getting gets beaten to death in jail.

Neal Feldman September 3, 2007 11:44 pm (Pacific time)

These are the times you really have to lower the bar for estimates of human intelligence. If you can afford the brothel, dude, pay a babysitter ten bucks, geez! Ah well...

Michelle September 3, 2007 7:25 pm (Pacific time)

I hope he loses all his rights too. That's awful.

Carla September 3, 2007 6:44 pm (Pacific time)

You know, every time I think I couldn't be more stunned by how disgusting some people can be, I'm surprised to find that I'm wrong again. That any woman would get pregnant by this "man" is incredible, but to allow him to take her child out of her supervision? I'm flummoxed.

Q Madp September 3, 2007 6:38 pm (Pacific time)

I hope he loses all rights to that child and goes to jail for a long time. Lock him in a hot box out in the sun for a few days also.

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