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Sep-01-2011 20:34 ![]() ![]() 'O... Bless Thee O Israel'Nahida Izzat Salem-News.comChabad "at home" in The White House...
(LONDON) - The Zionist-controlled media is heaving with anti-Islam, anti-Shari'a propaganda and incitement for racial and religious hatred. A permanent bombardment of accusations, lies and forged evidence deviously presents Islamic Shari'a as a set of rigid and cruel laws, and Islam altogether as a backwards primitive system that aims to impose itself over the entire world. 6) The obligation to destroy the seven nations living in the Land of Canaan; 7) The prohibition against allowing any one of them to remain alive; 8) The obligation to destroy the descendents of Amalek; 9) The obligation to remember what Amalek did; ***** Mishneh Torah, Chapter 1, Halacha 1 Israel was commanded to fulfill three mitzvot upon entering the Promised Land: a) To choose a king, as Deuteronomy 17:15 states: 'Appoint a king over yourselves;' b) To wipe out the descendents of Amalek, as Deuteronomy 25:19 states: 'Erase the memory of Amalek;' c) To build God's Chosen House, as Deuteronomy 12:5 states: 'Seek out His Presence and go there.' ***** Mishneh Torah, Chapter 1, Halacha 2: “Amalek’s seed should be annihilated before the construction of the Temple” “A king should not be appointed from converts to Judaism, ‘You may not appoint a foreigner who is not one of your brethren.’” Mishneh Torah, Chapter 1, Halacha 4: “This does not apply to the monarchy alone, but to all positions of authority within Israel. A convert may not serve as an army commander, a leader of fifty, or as a leader of ten. He may not even supervise the allocation of water from a stream to various fields.’Appoint a king over you from among your brethren.’ This implies that all appointments must only be ‘from your brethren.’” We may not appoint a woman as king. When describing the monarchy, the Torah employs the male form of the word king and not the female. This principle also applies to all other positions of authority within Israel. Only men should be appointed to fill them. Neither a butcher, barber, bath-attendant, nor a tanner should be appointed king or High-Priest. This is not because of an inherent fault, but because their professions are less prestigious, and the people will always treat them lightly. A person who has served in one of these professions for even one day, is disqualified for the monarchy. ***** 'He (the king) should not amass many wives' Deuteronomy 17:17. The Oral Tradition states that he may take no more than eighteen wives. Anyone who rebels against a king of Israel may be executed by the king. Even if the king orders one of the people to go to a particular place and the latter refuses, or he orders him not to leave his house and he goes out, the offender is liable to be put to death. The king may execute him if he desires, as Joshua 1:18 states: 'Whoever rebels against your command ... shall be put to death." Similarly, anyone who embarrasses or shames the king may be executed by the king as was Shim'i ben Gera. ***** The property of all those executed by the king, belongs to the king. Similarly, all the treasures belonging to the kings of the kingdoms which he conquers become the property of the king. ***** A king should not wage other wars before a milchemet mitzvah. What is considered as milchemet mitzvah? The war against the seven nations who occupied Eretz Yisrael, the war against Amalek, and a war fought to assist Israel from an enemy which attacks them. Afterwards, he may wage a milchemet hareshut, (war of aggression) i.e. a war fought with other nations in order to expand the borders of Israel or magnify its greatness and reputation. [ Beautiful, isn't it !!!!! ] Mishneh Torah, Chapter 5, Halacha 3 The king may burst through the fences surrounding fields or vineyards to make a road and no one can take issue with him. There is no limit to the road the king may make. Rather, it may be as wide as necessary. He need not make his road crooked because of an individual's vineyard or field. Rather, he may proceed on a straight path and carry out his war. It is a positive commandment to annihilate the seven nations who dwelled in Eretz Yisrael as Deuteronomy 20:17 states: 'You shall utterly destroy them.' Anyone who chances upon one of them and does not kill him violates a negative commandment as ibid.:16 states: 'Do not allow a soul to live.' The memory of them has already been obliterated. Similarly, it is a positive commandment to destroy the memory of Amalek, as Deuteronomy 25:19 states: 'Obliterate the memory of Amalek. It is also a positive commandment to constantly remember their evil deeds and their ambush of Israel to arouse our hatred of them, as ibid.:17 states: 'Remember what Amalek did to you.' The Oral Tradition teaches: ...Remember' - with your mouths; ...Do not forget' - in your hearts.' For it is forbidden to forget our hatred and enmity for them. All the lands which Israel conquers in wars led by a king and approved by the court are considered as conquered by the people at large. Thus, they have the same status as Eretz Yisrael which was conquered by Joshua in every regard. This only applies if they were conquered after the conquest of Eretz Yisrael as described in the Torah. It is forbidden to leave Eretz Yisrael for the Diaspora at all times except: to study Torah; to marry; or to save one's property from the gentiles. ***** [ and here, look how kind, graceful, and peace-loving they are, the kind of peace that they offer Palestinians, day-in and day-out ]
If they do not agree to a peaceful settlement, or if they agree to a peaceful settlement, but refuse to accept the seven mitzvot, war should be waged against them. All males past majority should be killed. Their money and their children should be taken as spoil, but neither women or children should be killed, as Deuteronomy 20:14 states: 'But the women and the children... take as spoil." 'The children' refer to males below the age of majority. The above applies to a milchemet hareshut fought with other nations. However, if either the seven nations or Amalek refuse to accept a peaceful settlement, not one soul of them may be left alive as ibid. 20:15-16 states: 'Do this to all the cities that ... are not the cities of these nations. However, from the cities of these nations,... do not leave a soul alive.' Similarly, in regard to Amalek, Deuteronomy 25:19 states: 'Obliterate the memory of Amalek.' When a siege is placed around a city to conquer it, it should not be surrounded on all four sides, only on three. A place should be left for the inhabitants to flee and for all those who desire, to escape with their lives, as it is written Numbers 31:7: 'And they besieged Midian as God commanded Moses.' According to tradition, He commanded them to array the siege as described. [[[ Goodness me, does that not remind us, Palestinians of what they did in 1948 and 1967!!]]] We should lay siege to the gentiles' cities at least three days before the Sabbath. We may engage in battle with them every day, even on the Sabbath, as Deuteronomy 20:20 states: 'against the city waging war with you until you subjugate it.' Our Sages explain: this implies 'even on the Sabbath.' This applies to both a milchemet mitzvah and a milchemet hareshut. ***** Similarly, a soldier may engage in sexual relations with a woman while she is still a gentile if his natural inclination overcomes him. However, he may not engage in sexual relations with her and then, go on his way. Rather, he must bring her into his home as Deuteronomy 21:11 states 'If you see a beautiful woman among the prisoners...You shall bring her into the midst of your home...' Relations with a yefat toar are only permitted while she is in captivity as the verse states ' If you see... among the prisoners.' This license is permitted whether the woman is a virgin or not, even if she is married, for the gentiles' marriages are not recognized. A number of laws are derived from the exegesis of the verse from Deuteronomy quoted above: 'And you desire' - even though she is not beautiful. By the same regard, Moses was commanded by the Almighty to compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to Noah's descendants. If one does not accept these commands, he should be executed. A person who formally accepts these commands is called a resident alien. This applies in any place. This acceptance must be made in the presence of three Torah scholars. ***** Mishneh Torah, Chapter 9, Halacha 2A gentile who worships false gods is liable provided he worships them in an accepted manner. A gentile is executed for every type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would consider worthy of capital punishment. However, a gentile is not executed for a type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would not deem worthy of capital punishment. Nevertheless, even though a gentile will not be executed for these forms of worship, he is forbidden to engage in all of them. We should not allow them to erect a monument, or to plant an Asherah, or to make images and the like even though they are only for the sake of beauty Mishneh Torah, Chapter 9, Halacha 3 A gentile who curses God's Name, whether he uses God's unique name or one of His other names, in any language, is liable. This law does not apply with regard to Jews. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 9, Halacha 4 A gentile who slays any soul, even a fetus in its mother's womb, should be executed in retribution for its death. Similarly, if he slew a person who would have otherwise died in the near future, placed a person before a lion, or starved a person to death, he should be executed for through one manner or other, he killed. Similarly, one should be executed if he killed a pursuer when he could have saved the latter's potential victim by maiming one of the pursuer's limbs. These laws do not apply with regard to Jews. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 9, Halacha 9 A gentile is liable for violating the prohibition against theft whether he stole from another gentile or from a Jew. This applies to one who forcefully robs an individual or steals money, a kidnapper, an employer who withholds his worker's wages and the like, even a worker who eats from his employer's produce when he is not working. In all such cases, he is liable and is considered as a robber. With regard to Jews, the law is different. Similarly, a gentile is liable for stealing an object worth less than a p'rutah. Thus, if one gentile stole an object worth less than a p'rutah and another gentile stole it from him, they are both executed because of it. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 9, Halacha 10Similarly, a gentile who engages in relations with a Jewish maiden who has been consecrated is stoned to death because of her as is the law regarding Jews. If he engages in relations with her after she has undergone the wedding ceremony, but has not engaged in relations with her husband, he is strangled to death as is the Jewish law. However, if he engages in relations with a Jewish woman after she engaged in relations with her husband once, he is sentenced to be executed by decapitation as if he had engaged in relations with a gentile woman. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 9, Halacha 14 How must the gentiles fulfill the commandment to establish laws and courts? They are obligated to set up judges and magistrates in every major city to render judgement concerning these six mitzvot and to admonish the people regarding their observance. A gentile who transgresses these seven commands shall be executed by decapitation. For this reason, all the inhabitants of Shechem were obligated to die. Shechem kidnapped. They observed and were aware of his deeds, but did not judge him. A gentile is executed on the basis of the testimony of one witness and the verdict of a single judge. No warning is required. Relatives may serve as witnesses. However, a woman may not serve as a witness or a judge for them. ***** Mishneh Torah, Chapter 10, Halacha 3 A gentile who converted, was circumcised, and immersed in the mikveh, and, afterwards, decided to forsake God and revert to his previous status as a resident alien is not granted permission to do so. Rather, he must remain as an Israelite in all matters or be executed. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 10, Halacha 5 It has already been explained that gentiles are always executed by decapitation except in cases when one engages in relations with the wife of a Jew or a consecrated maiden. In the latter instance, he is stoned to death. If he engaged in relations with a Jew's wife after they married, but before they ever engaged in relations, he is executed by strangulation. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 10, Halacha 6 A gentile who gave a Jew a blow is liable to die for causing even the most minimal damage. Nevertheless, he is not executed. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 10, Halacha 9 A gentile who studies the Torah is obligated to die. They should only be involved in the study of their seven mitzvot. Similarly, a gentile who rests, even on a weekday, observing that day as a Sabbath, is obligated to die. Needless to say, he is obligated for that punishment if he creates a festival for himself. The general principle governing these matters is: They are not to be allowed to originate a new religion or create mitzvot for themselves based on their own decisions. They may either become righteous converts and accept all the mitzvot or retain their statutes without adding or detracting from them. If a gentile studies the Torah, makes a Sabbath, or creates a religious practice, a Jewish court should beat him, punish him, and inform him that he is obligated to die. However, he is not to be executed. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 10, Halacha 11 The Jewish court is obligated to appoint judges for these resident aliens to judge them according to these statutes so that the world will not become decadent. If the court sees fit to appoint the judges from the resident aliens themselves, they may. If it sees fit to appoint them from among the Jews, they may. Mishneh Torah, Chapter 10, Halacha 12 If there is a dispute between a Jew and an idolater: If the Jew will fare better according to their laws, they are judged according to their laws. When the judgement is rendered, the judges explain: 'Your law obligates this judgement.' If the Jew will fare better according to our laws, they are judged according to Torah law. When the judgement is rendered, the judges explain: 'Our law obligates this judgement.' It appears to me that this approach is not followed in regard to a resident alien. Rather, he is always judged according to their laws. ***** Mishneh Torah, Chapter 12, Halacha 1 Do not presume that in the Messianic age any facet of the world's nature will change or there will be innovations in the work of creation. Rather, the world will continue according to its pattern. Although Isaiah 11:6 states: 'The wolf will dwell with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the young goat,' these words are a metaphor and a parable. The interpretation of the prophecy is as follows: Israel will dwell securely together with the wicked gentiles who are likened to a wolf and a leopardMishneh Torah, Chapter 12, Halacha 5 In that era, there will be neither famine or war, envy or competition for good will flow in abundance and all the delights will be freely available as dust. The occupation of the entire world will be solely to know God. Therefore, the Jews will be great sages and know the hidden matters, grasping the knowledge of their Creator according to the full extent of human potential, as Isaiah 11:9 states: 'The world will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the ocean bed." End Quote![]() . -- “To smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in unparalleled beauty.” ~ Jonathan Azaziah “When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest.” ___________________________________
She started writing when her friends insisted she should write about her memories, experiences and feelings as a Palestinian.When she did it all came out sounding—she was told—like poetry! So she self-published two books: I Believe in Miracles and Palestine, The True Story. Her dream is to return back home to a free and liberated Palestine. If you like poetry and are intrigued by the notion of helping the Palestinian people and learning more, you can purchase Nahida's books, I Believe in Miracles and Palestine, The True Story by visiting: I Believe in Miracles: a Collection of Palestinian Poems ISBN 13: 9780954839109 | ISBN 10: 0954839102 £12.99 paperback Nahida Izzat (2004) You can write to Nahida :
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