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Oct-15-2006 01:19printcomments

Country Superstar Sara Evans Files For Divorce

Her Husband, Craig Schelske, also a native of Salem, is the Chairman of CRAIG PAC, a national political action committee dedicated to electing Republicans at the federal and state level. The couple moved to Oregon in 1992.

Sara Evans and Craig Schelske
Sara Evans and Craig Schelske

(NASHVILLE, Tenn.) - On Thursday, country music singer-songwriter Sara Evans filed for divorce from her husband Craig Schelske.

The couple married in 1993.

Recent events that shed light on the status of her marriage prompted Evans to make the filing, which was registered Thursday with a court in Tennessee, where Evans resides.

A mother of three, Evans felt it was in her children’s best interest that she also withdraw from competition on Dancing With the Stars, an ABC television series that she has been part of this fall, to give her family her full attention at this difficult time.

The 35-year-old Evans says hopes that her fans and TV viewers who’ve supported her in recent weeks and throughout her music career will respect and understand her need for privacy in the face of these recent events.

Schelske, 43, a native of Salem, in 2002 ran as a Republican for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District seat against Democratic nominee Brian Boquist.

Boquist won by nearly a 2 to 1 margin.

Some media outlets are reporting that according to the divorce papers, Evans accuses her husband was emotionally and verbally abusive, drank heavily, and watched porn frequently in their home.

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Sam Donald December 18, 2006 4:26 pm (Pacific time)

Obviously, I am a fan of Sara. Just wondering why people need to act as though they are superstar body guards. This is an open site for all to leave comments. some of you are obsessed and use this to cyber stalk her inside world. Men and women both. A little territorial and predatory towards others on this site. Get a book and read about it. Get help. Sara will do fine. I want to know when this great artist is going to prevail and release new amazing albums. Later my clueless friend. Education may be your savior.

a person December 16, 2006 11:40 am (Pacific time)

I think that all Sarah Evans is trying to do is save her children and thats all that really matters... family

Clueless December 8, 2006 4:46 pm (Pacific time)

It's spelled "obviously" not "oviously." If you're going to criticize someone you don't know at all, "oviously" you're the one clueless about real life.

Sam Donald November 2, 2006 5:58 pm (Pacific time)

Sara Evans understands family. I have been through it all. Why do we criticize her? I am guilty of being negative towards others, but it's in our nature to follow the negative talk. I just thought she was perfect. Now I know she is normal. Some of you really freak out about this debate. The woman who mentioned to everyone "respect and empathize a person personal life is oviously clueless about real life.

Midwest Republican October 19, 2006 1:56 pm (Pacific time)

Don't kid yourself -- this story is acted out in lots of homes across the country. I only wish someone who loves her could have spent these years with her. The memories they made could've been made with someone who would have put her first. What a waste.

Albert Marnell October 19, 2006 10:20 am (Pacific time)

I agree with "get a life." I could never stand staged photos for public relations. I prefer to see them fighting in their underwear and then sitting on the bowl because they are so upset they need Kaopectate.

getalife October 18, 2006 10:12 pm (Pacific time)

yes you all need to get a life and stop worrying about others

Mary Jo Kopechne October 18, 2006 1:50 pm (Pacific time)

I find it fascinating that some posters want to point to the problems with Republicans and morals. Last time I checked Foley only im'd pages and didn't drown them in a river.

Anonymous October 18, 2006 9:35 am (Pacific time)

Does her husband look like Foley in this picture, or have all Republican pervs started wearing the same hairstyle? Curious...

patty October 18, 2006 1:25 am (Pacific time)

do what you gotta do sara for your family, may god bless you all. love ya

a non republican October 17, 2006 10:50 pm (Pacific time)

go figure! another red stater gets busted. was he involed in the teenager like foley? frigigng morons! republicans are uselsss. just look at the turd in charge.

fufubag October 17, 2006 10:30 pm (Pacific time)

dr. sleuth, it is normal for a man to watch porn. But, it might not be normal to want to watch porn if your wife is Sara Evans! Of course, you never know what people are like until you live with/marry them (they can be very crazy behind closed doors, crazy enough to make you want to watch porn and drink heavily...)

Dude Man October 17, 2006 10:29 pm (Pacific time)

Of course the dude is going to watch porn when his wife is busy prancing around with some guy on a tv show. She probably didnt bother to make sure his needs were met, as she held it against him that he had needs to begin with.

Dr. Sleuth October 17, 2006 10:12 pm (Pacific time)

Anti-porn, Odd logic coming form a guy who has lots of porn (your boyfriend). Real men admire each others's schlong and wish theirs was even bigger not matter how big. All men want to be hung like a horse. Your logic makes no sense. Men look up to the bodies of football players, does that make them less of a man? Do you ever admire another womans body, of course you do. We all want to be more attractive and sexy. I wish I could go to the store and get 11 inches, it just doesn't work that way. Get over your homophobia, your boyfriend too, and tell him to stop hiding his porn from you.

Honk On Bo Bo October 17, 2006 9:48 pm (Pacific time)

Too bad indeed that people spend so much time watching porn when they could be watching each other. A lot of woes would be cured if people threw out their TV sets AND computers and actually spent the evening as a family, eating at the table instead of in front of the idiotic boob tube. Whatever happened to playing Risk, Sorry, and Monopoly as a family? Stop screwing with Ipods, Cell Phones, and the internet and spend more time screwing your wedded mate! Oh, and vote for Cthullu, why choose the lesser evil?

dancer October 17, 2006 9:46 pm (Pacific time)

don't worry sara, the dancing wasn't that great, letting it go was best for everyone

Lexington Steele October 17, 2006 9:22 pm (Pacific time)

anti-porn, your husband is probably in the closet.

Anonymous October 17, 2006 9:04 pm (Pacific time)

Another Republican Bites The Dust because he was thinking with his "little" head.

Dr. Evolution October 17, 2006 8:00 pm (Pacific time)

Sex is the most powerful driving force behind evolution. Man is genetically programmed to seek diversity to ensure his genes are passed on with his best selection of mates. it is up to his mate to keep him satisifed so he will stick around longer. In a way, this is a sad, but unfortuntely not umcommon ending of a relationship. Both will move on to find new mates to produce new offsprings as evolution continues. It's God's trick. No one escapes.

cara19802002 October 17, 2006 7:57 pm (Pacific time)

I think that Sara did the right thing. She knows that her family needs her and that it would not have been healthy for her to stay in the marriage any longer for the sake of her children. I am a mother of three as well and i know for sure that if i was in her shoes that i would have left him and the show to take care of my family as well. The show isnt more important than her kids and that just goes to show that she is an awesome mother. We love you Sara and you do what you need to do honey to get strong and keep those babies safe.

Heather Kizewski October 17, 2006 7:42 pm (Pacific time)

People should stop talking about it and worry about their own lives. As if it's not a hard enough time as it is on her family. It's awful that anyone would make speculations at all. Worry about yourself and have some respect and empathy for someone's personal life.

anti porn October 17, 2006 6:54 pm (Pacific time)

As my boyfriend says "A man who needs porn is not a REAL man!! 90% of the time they are watching other men's *****! Think about that!

Marie Rajoo October 17, 2006 6:53 pm (Pacific time)

I think that Sara is not doing the right thing. She should make him pay but not by diveorce. But then again she has a life to live and I wish her the best of luck. Trust in the Lord God, and every thing is going to work out the right way.

LMAOROFL October 17, 2006 6:49 pm (Pacific time)

Don't you all think that ABC helped push her out the door for more ratings. I doesn't surprise me that another Republican politcal figure had his dirty laundry aired to the world this week with elections only 20 days away. What republican will it be next is the question?

Fink October 17, 2006 6:47 pm (Pacific time)

I think that Sara is good person.There is no way that she would lie about the things her husband has done. She did the right thing by leaving him. Dancing with the stars will miss her but she did the right things there also. No her and her partner were not to cozy they are simply friends on juvinials would think that she had anything going on with her partner

Brian8474 October 17, 2006 6:01 pm (Pacific time)

Political expose' You rock!! I could not have said it better myself!

Living the Dream October 16, 2006 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

Surprise! Now, how does Craig compete with the fame and fortune of Sara? Poor guy got minimized, then he sought comfort through inappropriate activities. One thing though . . . Don't you think Sara has looked a little too cozy with her dancing partner? I do.

Politcal Expose' October 16, 2006 6:41 am (Pacific time)

People like Mr. Schelske feed from the public trough. Your tax dollars at work. There are virtually no living wage jobs left in the U.S. except military, law enforcement and government related jobs. I see people working like dogs and letting their paychecks get divided up to be sent to the networking bums of our country. They make connections for favors and kickbacks. Forget private sector jobs unless you plan to work 16 hours a day, become fat, eat junk food and die young from an unhealthy life. Lots of luck thinking you are the next Trump. He had lots of help from his father "Fred" and the connections left behind. Bah, Bah, sheep, sheep. This is not the economy of the 50's, 60's or 70's. If Hugo Chavez would run for president I would vote for him. Alot of MSM likes him but know they will lose their jobs if they say so.

Dr. Sleuth October 16, 2006 6:19 am (Pacific time)

If you read my comment clearly, you would see that I said that it IS normal for a man to watch porn. I also hate political action committees. Their motto is, "I will do for you if you give to me."

Not too interested October 16, 2006 5:52 am (Pacific time)

He sounds like he has alot of issues. She will rise with some new guy and he will probably fall into depression, loss of identity as her husband leading to even stupider things in his future. She is very hot and there are many men that would like to dance with her.

A Sara Fan October 15, 2006 10:43 pm (Pacific time)

I second SuzyQ comment. God is with you Sara. Pray a lot and keep your chin up. ;)

SuzyQ October 15, 2006 6:28 pm (Pacific time)

Our hearts go out to Sara Evans and we will keep her in prayer for many weeks to come. Know that your fans dearly love you, Sara.

Man from Maine October 15, 2006 6:01 pm (Pacific time)

What an idiot he is. I don't know how she is backstage but i'd like to find out.

Dr. Doom October 15, 2006 5:38 pm (Pacific time)

I beg to differ, it is normal for a guy to watch porn. Also stop hiring cute nannies as temptation.

Dr. Sleuth October 15, 2006 10:26 am (Pacific time)

It is not normal for a man to not watch porn. Maybe he married her for her big knockers. There is nothing wrong with drinking heavily and what does that mean? What is heavily? Most men are emotionally and verbally abusive so why do most women get married? Isn't it easier to go to the sperm bank or hang out in a bar without underpants?

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