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Oct-03-2006 22:00printcomments

OLCC Director Recommends Controversial Salem Strip Club’s Liquor License be Approved

The decision is a blow to those who were fighting to keep Frank Boussad from opening Presley's Playhouse Cabaret in the former Mike's steakhouse, located in a residential part of south Salem.

The former Mike's Steak and Seafood House
The strip club occupies the former Mike's Steak and Seafood House
Photo by: Kevin Hays

(SALEM) - has learned that Oregon Liquor Control Commission Executive Director Steve Pharo will send a favorable recommendation to the Liquor Control Board of Commissioners to grant a liquor license to Frank Boussad who plans to open a controversial strip club in a residential part of south Salem.

Final approval of the liquor license is expected during the Liquor Control Commissioners meeting on Friday, October 13th.

Boussad has been remodeling the former Mike's steakhouse, 3803 Commercial St. SE, to turn it into Presley's Playhouse Cabaret, which will feature nude dancing.

OLCC spokesman Ken Palke said Pharo’s decision was based on the fact that opponents, including the City of Salem, failed to prove any legal reason why the club should not be approved for a liquor license.

“Basically no license refusal criteria applied in this case” Palke said.

On August 28th, the city council voted unanimously to send an unfavorable liquor license recommendation to the OLCC for the following reasons:

"The club will be located within 500 feet in a urban or suburban areas or within 1,500 feet in a rural area of the boundary (measured property line to property line) of a licensed child care facility or elementary or secondary school; a church; a hospital; nursing care facility or convalescent care facility; a park or children-oriented recreational facility; and alcohol and other drug treatment or rehabilitation facility and will adversely impact the facility."

Chairman Brad Nanke also claimed that according to ORS 471.313, the applicant is not of good repute and moral character. The Board felt the presence of a park and possibly other facilities set out in OAR 845-005-0326(2)(a) within the 500-foot boundary of property line was grounds for denial of the license, and that the applicant’s moral character Frank Boussad, who owns Big Shots Bar & Broiler in North Salem, is planning on opening Presley's Playhouse Cabaret in the former Mike's steakhouse, 3803 Commercial St. SE should be examined.

Salem Police Chief Gerry Moore says that these types of clubs that are currently open in the Salem-area do a great job of policing themselves from problems.

The last thing they want is police cars outside their business drawing attention, "It’s bad, really bad, for those types of business," he said.

Opponents of the club say that they are not pro-business, rather they are only looking at the club's existence as a question of morality.

Faye Wright Neighborhood Association Chairperson Julia Allison who led the charge to keep the club from opening said she is disappointed by the decision, but vows to keep fighting to keep strip clubs from opening in residential neighborhoods.

"The laws in Oregon need to be changed, not only to protect our children, but to make the community a better place to live as a whole" Allison said.

Salem Police Chief Gerry Moore says that these types of clubs that are currently open in the Salem-area do a great job of policing themselves from problems.

The last thing they want is police cars outside their business drawing attention, "It’s bad, really bad, for those types of business," he said.

Faye Wright Neighborhood Association Chairperson Julia Allison who led the charge to keep the club from opening said she is disappointed by the decision, but vows to keep fighting to keep strip clubs from opening in residential neighborhoods.

Salem realtor Midge Houck who owns the property just north of the club that includes the South Salem Immediate Care Clinic and Jackson Hewitt Tax Services said the decision shows that state laws are flawed when it comes to strips clubs and their location and operation.

Houck, along with Allison and former Republican State Party Chairman and Gubernatorial candidate Kevin Mannix have formed a Political Action Committee called Oregonians Protecting Neighborhoods.

“This is why we are working so hard to get our initiative petition on the November 2008 ballot, to amend the Oregon Constitution to allow state, county, and city governments to use alcohol regulatory authority and zoning authority to restrict the location and operation of any strip club and any strip act” Houck said.

Houck said another problem that still needs to be addressed is that of parking space at the former restaurant.

When the club opens, Houck said she plans to have neighbors armed with cell phones walking her property looking for club patron's vehicles and having them towed.

“He just doesn’t understand yet just how bad we all don’t want it, and when it opens will are going to make things really tough on him and his patrons,” Houck said.

Houck added that she plans on installing a chain link fence around her properties to keep club patrons away.

To try and solve parking issues, city councilor T.J. Sullivan and the Salem Public Works Department are finalizing a plan to place Ewald Ave SE, and other neighborhood streets that surround the club in a residential parking district meaning those parking on the street would have to have a permit to park.

If they don’t have a permit, they would be towed.

Even with all the media attention that has been surrounding his club’s opening, Boussad still has no comment on the decision, or all the fuss over his new club.

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Brad Nanke is a flubbering idiot. February 18, 2008 7:14 am (Pacific time)

It's not Just Nanke though, the entire council really needs to go...exrcept Bruce Rogers who should step up his voice as you can see it when he disagrees he feels he might get crushed by the current clueless majority. IS THERE ANYBODY HERE THAT CAN TELL ME....PLEASE! What gives nanke the right to say that Mr. Boussard has poor moral character. Perhaps nanke should realize A...strip clubs are legal and protected under the oregon constitution, bud if you got a problem start signing a petition and get the law changed. Furthermore the OLCC grossed over 80 million in profit last year. It prolly paid for your council chair Mr. Nanke. Stop being an idiot now please and understand how the world turns.

Henry Ruark October 7, 2006 6:21 am (Pacific time)

S-H et al: Thank you for challenging reference to "relativism", "gradualism", sending me to check recall --now demanded, at 88 ! As recalled tied to Skinner and "teaching machine" which was foundation for all-things-digital now. Best ref. overall I use is "Questions That Matter - Invitation to Philosophy", Ed Miller; ISBN 0-07-0421870-3rd Ed, 1992; predecessor was IU text. Suggest as basis for dialog when you ID-email to Tim ! Then we "on same page" as in honest dialog, despite too-easy "denunciation" habit here. Regards, and let's go on with this off-line.

Henry Ruark October 6, 2006 11:18 pm (Pacific time)

S/H: Topics you mention only difficult due to space and shadowy aspect of target. Why hide ? Send me emailer via Tim and we can get on with that dialog. Re "invitation", you are volunteer here, just like everyone else... except those of us who sign our stuff. By-line characterizes the responsible reporter so reader can recall demonstrated work, thus evaluate it. Mine right out there "in the open" with staff-note for further information. Those who prefer and insist on avoiding ID usually have good reason to do so...

S-H October 6, 2006 9:45 pm (Pacific time)

I'm becoming more aware now of my cloisteredness. It comes from being all alone with the truth and no one can hear me. You comment that I have no clear understanding to offer and you call it hogwash. You also claim to find difficult concepts such as gradualism and relativism yet you claim to have earned a doctorate. Hank, why would I want to write for you?

Henry Ruark October 6, 2006 8:04 pm (Pacific time)

S-L: "Relativism"? On "slippery slope' ? Sounds difficult to me. Why are you so interested in hog-position ? Have anything to do with that continued-cloisterism ? First rule of communication is know-the-source --which is why reporters use by-lines and build reputations by accuracy and integrity. Wanta get started ? Tell us who you be...and from whence you cometh. My stuff out there for all to see, read, and dialog-over...and I sign it.

Semiheroic October 6, 2006 2:20 pm (Pacific time)

Come on out... to the fire bombing? As for the hogwash comment; you sure you want to take that position? I mean I know I speak for a lot of other people too and you just let them know how you feel about their position too. That's OK, you can do that, but why doesn't the slippery slope of relativism catch your attention? This is the perfect problem for which to use this logic.

Henry Ruark October 6, 2006 10:14 am (Pacific time)

Semilucid: You sure signed it right, but all-else you say is hogwash..or perhaps belly-button drainage ? From past experience, I know that such situations as this sometimes end up in firebomb-throwing, which nobody wants. Re prostitution, never had to so-resort, thank you !! Re Al, he can do ok on his own from previous postings. SO come out from cloisters...or is there reason you must remain-so ???

Semilucid October 5, 2006 10:24 am (Pacific time)

Al, its not an "either or thing" you don't give up one fight because another one exists. But the worst thing is that immorality is just business to you and Hank. The push is to make prostitution safe and legal and you both know it. It starts with a strip club and slippery slopes down. Eventually, it ends in goulish demise.

Mike Jackson October 4, 2006 8:26 pm (Pacific time)

Funny how Portland T-V was all over this story when Kevin first broke this story now there nowhere to be!! Maybe they all got free passes to the grand opening of the club if they didn't do anymore on this story. Way to keep on top of it

Anonymous October 4, 2006 7:02 pm (Pacific time)

Morality smorality. I know where my kids are- do you? Keep them away from the strip clubs... and yourself too! Avoiding temptations may be hard for some, but not all. If this isn't a challenge for you, then what's your hang up? We can't discriminate against "some" business owners, just don't patronize their establishment, as is your choice.

Blackhill October 4, 2006 6:41 pm (Pacific time)

Anonymous: "I don't think opponets of the club should take part in civil disobedience. If they did, and were arrested that would make things worse on them..." If you'll refer back to the article the one thing the club doesn't want is police coming around and scaring off their customers. Civil disobediance worked for ML King and Gandhi. I wouldn't advocate violence, but if seventy or so people were to all sit down in the parking lot of the club in the places where patrons would park their cars, it would be disruptive to the club. That's the key: keep disrupting them. They want to be dark, secret and unnoticed. Keep them in the spotlight. Keep the police coming by. They'll find another place to stretch their web.

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

Al, Floss: Let me toss in one more point: What about profit-making Oregon-based corporations, paying $10-minimum, that "bite" set way back in Depression-days. That's basic status demanding reform in Oregon now.

Al October 4, 2006 4:38 pm (Pacific time)

I never said it was immoral for people to not pay taxes. I meant that it is unfair that so many cash businesses can hide money and some people have to report every dime. I do not think that anyone making under $50,000.00 should pay a dime in taxes. Large corporations should bare the burden of taxes, this systmem robs the working person and gives tax breaks to multi-billion dollar corporations. Floss, that is why I can't converse with you. You make no sense and you do not understand what a person is saying. My point was that just going after a strip club is selectivity, if you are going to do that you have to go after all cash businesses. You always miss the point. I do not even know what in the heck you are talking about. People are so worried about sex when we are occupying a country that did nothing to us. We are killing tens of thousands of innocent people all in the name of profit as per usual.

Floss October 4, 2006 12:13 pm (Pacific time)

Hank, you did't know that about Al? hmmm. You do have a lot of fun with the solutions to this people problem, maybe that's a truer indicator of your motivations than anything else. Notice when morality is explored, the living dead march lock step with their arms raised like they're sleep walking? How about this? Fight FOR morality, appreciate beauty in deeds of excellence, love each other, give to those in need.

Anonymous October 4, 2006 11:22 am (Pacific time)


Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 11:02 am (Pacific time)

Al: Find it refreshing that you seem to equate pizza and take-out Chinese with public morality-problem. But your point re demand for dollars worth further examination -- perhaps Mannix et al can set up $100,000 fee for such license ? Since most of such dollars come "connected", I am informed, that's no problem for those so consequenced, and should deter all others.

Albert Marnell October 4, 2006 8:58 am (Pacific time)

Why is it ok for a pizza parlor or a take out Chinese to not only charge you sales tax but pocket the cash? If you are going to go after cash stashing businesses you can not be selective for a vendetta.

Anonymous October 4, 2006 8:34 am (Pacific time)

Blackhill..while I agree with the the picketing of the club, I don't think opponets of the club should take part in civil disobedience. If they did, and were arrested that would make things worse on them in their fight to have a ballot measure passed that would limit where these clubs are allowed and their operation. If you really want to make live hard on the owner, find patrons vehicles parked where they shouldn't be, like the park just up the road, or at neaby businesses and have them towed. It would be hard for a patron to explain to his wife or significant other why his car was towed and impounded while at a strip club.

Anonymous October 4, 2006 7:49 am (Pacific time)

Hey are these types of jobs what state and city leaders would call "family wage jobs"? If so, why isn't there any offical record of where the money from these clubs in placed in our state's economy?

Anonymous October 4, 2006 7:46 am (Pacific time)

If you haven't been to a Salem strip club before the women for the most part are not what you would call attractive. Some are a little chucky, with the baby strech marks. So I think giving the patrons alcohol is a must for the owner to keep the money flowing in.

Anonymous October 4, 2006 7:22 am (Pacific time)

Perhaps the city could require the club owners keep a number of parking spaces specifically designated as "Short-term Sex act areas" as that might help reduce the used condoms and soiled clothing articles from collecting near the local school bus stops.

Blackhill October 4, 2006 6:18 am (Pacific time)

The objection to the strip club has nothing to do with prudishness. If it were a life drawing class, nobody would bat an eye. To quote a well known politician, "It's the economy, stupid!" The residents don't want a strip club in their part of town because it will hurt the prosperity of south Salem. Strip clubs are the mark of decaying neighborhoods, the seedier parts of town.The residents of south Salem have a right to say NO! Perhaps it is time for picketing, civil disobedience.

Satan O'Leary October 4, 2006 4:07 am (Pacific time)

Morality is minding your own G.D.B. and praising our Lord God George W. Bush, for he will be judged by the quick and the war crimes trial. Our George who art in hell, hollow be thy name, thy kingdom cum, thy will be done... after I put in another porn tape.

Pastor The Butter October 4, 2006 3:56 am (Pacific time)

Maybe Muhammed is coming. Maybe the Hindu God is coming. Maybe Santa Claus is coming to town. He knows when you've been naughty, he knows when you've been nice, he knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why, Jesus Christ is coming to town. Don't forget to pray to the Tannenbaum's because the spirit that keeps it green in the cold winter may put a hex on you. While you are at it burn a few witches, just leave Samantha and Tabatha alone. If you want to see God, drink a half gallon of Bacardi 151, you will see pink elephants too.

What is Morality? October 4, 2006 1:38 am (Pacific time)

It is hard to legislate morality, unfortunately everybody seems to have a slighlly different take on exactly what defines that. I saw a bumper sticker once that seemed to capture the whole thing very well... "Look Busy, Jesus is Coming"

The Lord Jesus October 3, 2006 11:43 pm (Pacific time)

Halleluiah, Halleluiah Now I can stay up late on Saturday and skip that boring church service. Into the 21st century I go. I have returned as the Savior of people dying of monotany in Salem! Praise Jesus! Don't forget Luis, Roberto, Juan, Pedro and Eleanor Roosevelt too.

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