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Oct-01-2006 19:43printcomments

The Soul of a Nation Weeps

Passage of a bill allowing torture strikes at the very heart of what America stands for and for many, it is an outward perversion of our ideals and history.

Vietnam Wall art
Dad's Girl by Samantha Anderson

(SALEM) - When American POW’s came home from Vietnam in 1973 telling stories of torture at the hands of the North Vietnamese, President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger used the information as an excuse to welch on a $2.2 billion war reparation which they had agreed to pay the Communist nation. Congress was behind them too, making it clear that Vietnam would get nothing. Yet a quick examination of history reveals that Vietnamese Communists used POW’s as bargaining chips. Had Nixon and Kissinger pushed for the delivery of that money, many Americans could have been freed, and our integrity as a nation would not have come under such scrutiny by the very families that gave the most. In fact, more than 2,500 Americans were unaccounted for when the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam in April 1975, and it is a fact that many Americans were alive and in captivity. These are the men who never came home because their president lied too much, spied illegally, and made false promises that ultimately, befell his Republican presidency. Last week, President George W. Bush applauded passage of a bill that will officially allow U.S. troops to torture prisoners. The "Enemy Combatant Bill" strips detainees of the right to appeal, broadens the President's unilateral powers to decide who is an enemy and which interrogation methods violate the Geneva Conventions. It fatally undermines the War Crimes Act. That's short for coming "full-circle" in politics. The fact that Kissinger is in an advisory role for George W. Bush is already a sore spot for many Vietnam Veterans. The irony is that the man who left Americans in Southeast Asia because others spoke of torture, now works for a president who approves of torture. It may be the ultimate example of "waffling" in politics. More than 300 law professors wrote letters to Congressional leaders, urging that the enemy-combatants debate is "an urgent test of our nation's constitutional and democratic values." It isn't a blame game for Republicans either, Democrats like Harry Reid laid down in the sand once again and allowed the passage of legislation that firmly defines the fact that the United States has done what many see as an "about face" on the spirit of humanity. John McCain was tortured as a POW in Vietnam, yet he and his GOP colleagues allowed the Bush agenda item to gain momentum and traction, then the Democrats turned the light green. To many observers, the courageous military officers and Pentagon lawyers were outwardly betrayed, after fighting for months for the rule of law. The U.S. Constitution is now well on its way toward becoming an unrecognizable document. The controversy behind the president's "Enemy Combatants Bill" is one that will never go away or be silenced. People may be nodding their heads now, but in their hearts they know what torture is; everybody knows, yet like the Germans of the 1930's, the popular American’s choice is to go with the system and embrace the unpleasant as long as it doesn't affect them personally. Only time will tell the eventual outcome of this scandal, one of several heating the water around federal Republicans right now, and the timing couldn’t be worse for them; Congressman Mark Foley’s emails soliciting young, underage boys, Bob Woodward’s new bombshell book State of Denial that looks at the alleged botching of the Iraq War, and a new intelligence report Republicans are trying to keep from surfacing that indicates things in Iraq are far worse than anyone can imagine. It is unfortunate that neither Democrats or Republicans prevented the administration from sanctioning the use of torture, and it may take a revolution to change the spirit of what we have become. ======================================================== Tim King is a former U.S. Marine who has spent much of the last twenty years researching and reporting stories about U.S. military history and operations.

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Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 6:25 pm (Pacific time)

Nomad: Better look before you leap...there might be a Marnell down there just waiting for your arrival...

nomad October 4, 2006 4:07 pm (Pacific time)

Oh my God. I just can't take it! I'm going to jump of a friggin' clif!

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 11:49 am (Pacific time)

Eq et al: Long ago learned that "objective" is almost always deceptive maneuver to cover heavy resort to what writer felt was "balanced" --ending up in distortion by choice of content-emphasis, even without language manipulation so easy-to-do. This longtime veteran of media wars has worldwide reputation for integrity -- only substitute for "objectivity" and "balance" which are entirely subjective, while integrity ("moral soundness", "unbroken completeness") are observable and evaluation "with own eyes" is possible. Try it on this series.

Eq October 4, 2006 10:37 am (Pacific time)

He's getting readly to go. The best anyone could ask for. His preconceived ideas will influence his reporting that means more of the same perspective he's been delivering. What would be most effective is if he brought along a three or four well thought out poll questions and conducted a few interviews of people from more than two sides of the issues. Reporting is not just free speech it's almost impossible to be that objective and unless he struggles very hard with it, it won't be of great value to me.

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 9:16 am (Pacific time)

When we characterize media and its denigration we should not overlook public-funded formats ever more important and precious. Here's digital-copy of essential information-connection: VIDEO | Marc Ash Interviews Bill Moyers - Part 1 Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Bill Moyers about his surprising October documentaries, the state of American journalism, and what we can all do to make a difference. Interesting stuff. "Capitol Crimes," part one of the series "Moyers on America," follows the Abramoff money trail. If you want to know how Abramoff did it, what part DeLay played, who's getting hurt and who profited - make sure you're sitting down, and watch "Capitol Crimes," airing October 4 on PBS. This documentary is sobering. Parts two and three of my interview will examine the second and third broadcasts in the series, "Is God Green?" airing October 11, and "The Net at Risk," airing October 18. Stay tuned. -Marc Ash

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 8:54 am (Pacific time)

Al, Uncle, et al: Have four sons, all active now-or-past, "in the media" --and labored for more than 60 years mostly in journalistic enterprise. You are both speaking painful facts fully documented in detail, ongoing accounts every month in major industry sources. That's why print-side now on such rapid decline --they earned collapse by collaboration and perversion of 1st Amendment responsibilities --which is also "why" for sudden rise of digital-direct as you "see with own eyes" now, in Salem-News !!

Uncle Al October 4, 2006 5:08 am (Pacific time)

If the Pope did not dress up like a Christmas Ornament, how many people would pay attention to him? I would like to see him in blue jeans and sneakers so that people can see he is just another man and not a "Touch Tone" to a God. The "Opiate of the Masses" is still in full digusting and ridiculous! It is a real sin to show these kind of people as some sort of Gods. A real snapshot would show them coming out of the men's room with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoes.

Uncle Al October 4, 2006 4:41 am (Pacific time)

Everyone should have to studied the 1941 RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. film "Citizen Kane" by the time they are in high school. Orson Welles knew what media was all about and so did William Randolph Hearst. They both profited from their knowledge of the news business but for different reasons.

Albert Marnell October 4, 2006 4:22 am (Pacific time)

Hank, As Linda Ellerbee said a long time ago (25 years?). "It's only television." I was in the News Room of A.B.C. during a live broadcast with a friend that worked for the station when I was about 23 years old. If you are there and see how things are done, it is really a crime that people count on the tube for their perception of reality. What the public could not see before the 3,2,1 was totally laughable.

Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 2:14 am (Pacific time)

Uncle Al: You need no help for solid comment...only wish to add you are absolutely right on media, control, distortion of news and thus attitudes and information leading to democratic decision. 60 working years in education and media behind that --and library of more than 100 books by those who study this degenerating "free press".

Henry Ruark October 3, 2006 11:15 pm (Pacific time)

"Gentlemen": Forgive misnomer if you can pass mirror-test... Facts are facts, now historical record per Tim's solid statement. We'll "see with own eyes" via his courageous visit --what more can any-of-you ask ? Anyone wanta ride-along and help tote camera-gear ? If any "YOUbigbear !" types wish to volunteer, just let Tim know...

Uncle Al October 3, 2006 11:10 pm (Pacific time)

Nomad, Anti-Al, Eqriddler, Otherside, it does not matter if you are all the same or two people or four or four hundred. You are very childish and do no research. You also sound like 20 somethings with very limited life experience. I have directed people time and time again to non main stream sights to get an education. I have not had television for a long time because it is an insult to anyone with a brain. I am sure that your information comes from the tube and popular opinion. If you let a handful of media moguls control your views then you are real first class suckers, like most Americans.

otherside/anti-Al October 3, 2006 10:50 pm (Pacific time)

No, he's not, I'm your aunti (and your daddy)

Tim King October 3, 2006 10:46 pm (Pacific time)

Otherside, If you honestly think Iraq was not at peace when we attacked it then you are mistaken and maybe you're not able to know or swallow that simple fact.

So let me get this straight; go with Bush's insane, cruel anti-American policies or a love revolution? Hmmm...

I'm not sure that any of us are clear of that muck you mentioned, in fact I think we're all getting deeper in it every day. I don't know if you are a veteran, but I have great concern for the blatant misuse of our soldiers over there. I say over and over again that anybody who thinks so much of it should be smack dab in the middle of it.

On the contrary, I think its vocal critics should too; so I will embed with the 41st Combat Brigade in Afghanistan later this month. I have been familiar with the grave offenses toward women at the hands of the Taliban and we have done something by moving them out, if indeed we have actually done that. So I'll go and find out and have an even better perspective.

otherside October 3, 2006 10:34 pm (Pacific time)

nomad, you might be right but saying it out loud like that? He needs help so you help him. I'm trying to talk to him.

Mr. Marnell October 3, 2006 10:30 pm (Pacific time)

Nomad, you are Anti-Al, do you really think you're fooling anybody? You are delusional, please get help.

nomad October 3, 2006 6:33 pm (Pacific time)

Mr. Marnell, do you really think you're fooling anybody? You are delusional, please get help.

otherside October 3, 2006 4:47 pm (Pacific time)

I like that Tim, think we attacked a "peaceful nation" So all the support the president got to do all this was what blatant warmongering by our entire country? Not one congressman was criticized for supporting him. No one lost their jobs over this, OK? But who gets blamed at evey turn? I'm just saying. OK? So please look at the Golden Rule again "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I'm against a revolution unless it's a revolution of love. But I really am GLAD I don't have dig in the muck with the terrorists.

ANOTHER SIDE October 3, 2006 2:58 am (Pacific time)


OFF TOPIC October 3, 2006 2:53 am (Pacific time)


Tim King October 3, 2006 12:06 am (Pacific time)

I don't think we should let anybody walk all over us, but how did you miss the part that the question is the other way around? We are the ones who have gone there to attack a country that was peaceful. To answer your question, of course I don't want somebody tortured under any conditions. I could drop way down in the dirt over such a "What if it was your kid" analogy, but I'll stay up here out of the muck. I'll tell you this; my kids are not raised to be bullies, I want them to always know chivalry, to understand the mission set forth for them by their creator. It takes no courage to just bow down and accept anything Bush comes up with. This is a sad, sad time and you are here to stick up for torture. Sounds like bad karma man, a supreme violation of the Golden Rule, that's all I can say.

otherside October 2, 2006 11:57 pm (Pacific time)

Passage means resolve to do the right thing in this case. Besides, torture to guys like Kerry is not enough ketchup, others it might be getting electrocuted every hour for 3 weeks. So it's really a good thing one size fits all. But really, if someone wanted to hurt your child, wouldn't you want to force them to talk if it meant their life or death? There's no receipe for this kind of thing. What about eye for eye? If they bury my kid I bury them. If they burned him first I burn him first too. But lets be humane and not do that and let them walk all over us. Take a look around. Do you see Humvees with dark windows and when the doors open there's two or three with turbines in there? I do. They won't quit until everyone is one of them or dead. They said so to the Pope last week. Cut and run? Run where?

Sue October 2, 2006 4:49 pm (Pacific time)

It is true. Please remember who voted for this bill. Senator Gordon Smith from Oregon did. Thanks to Darlene Hooley and Ron Wyden for standing up to our constitution with a no vote. I urge everyone to find out how their rep and senators voted and voice their opinion on election day. I worry that most people don't understand what we lost with legislation.

Henry Ruark October 2, 2006 7:05 am (Pacific time)

Tim: Your review of historical fact is accurate. Don't forget Kissinger's notorious "salted peanuts" memo, mirroring Nixon attitudes leading to his fateful psychological collapse. IF we as American "sell out" so easily on principles world-recognized as "right", what's left for democracy to do ?

Geli Raubel October 1, 2006 11:33 pm (Pacific time)

The Bush administration has taken the position that it can detain anyone -- anyone, U.S. citizens included -- by, in its sole discretion, labeling that person an enemy combatant.... How can we revolt when GWEN is already in place and ready to use? And concentration camps are ready for us to fill? Yes, people are waking up in droves, but those with advanced knowledge realize it is already too late and only God Almighty Himself could stop what ZOG intends to do.

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