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Nov-21-2011 15:01printcomments

Who are the Warmongers?

Who is honouring and celebrating murderers and baby killers?

Visit Nahida's blog Poetry for Palestine

(LONDON) - Did you ever ponder about the question: Who is promoting America's wars?

Who pushed for the war on Iraq?

Who is pushing for another war on Iran?

Who is promoting concepts of American Exceptionalism., military necessity, and "leadership with muscle"?

Who is indoctrinating American police and public with "educational" programmes of "Law Enforcement"?

Who is fomenting hatred against Islam and Muslims just to conceal their criminality by pretending to be the spearhead fighting the war against terror and extremism?

Who is offering courses in combating terrorism with their "superb anti-terror schools"?

Who is posing as the world leading authority in understanding and explaining "terror" related issues?

Who is supporting a pariah entity and promoting its interests despite all its violations of Human Rights and International Law?

Who are those who hold key positions in USA policy making and Homeland Security despite being advocates and supporters of a supremacist racist Jewish group?

Who is forcing us to go through radiating machines under the pretext of fighting terrorism while expanding and making a fortune in the process?

Who is fermenting by deception, all sorts of wars and conflicts yet deceivingly they pose as the protector of peace and security?

Who is honouring and celebrating murderers and baby killers?

To answer these questions, this might be a good place to start

Then have a look at this

And this

For more than three decades, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs has been a strong supporter and defender of America’s military might – and of America’s
long-standing friendship with Israel. I thank you all for your contribution to the debate
over our nation’s foreign policy.”
~ Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defense

[JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security] created a crucial forum that exists nowhere else that keeps our nation and its leaders focused on the threats, challenges and opportunities that we face from a combination of sworn enemies, emerging rivals and evolving alliances.”
~ Senator Joseph Lieberman

JINSA which claims to have 20,000 members and has a budget of about $4.000.000 is actively involved in promoting and justifying wars of aggression

Henry M. Jackson Foundation- HJF is yet but another organization linked to JINSA. It declares on it's own website: "for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. (HJF) is a global organization dedicated to advancing military medical research. We serve military, medical, academic and government clients by administering, managing and supporting preeminent scientific programs that benefit members of the armed forces and civilians alike."

In their 2010 Annual Report, they describe themselves as a "Global Organization Driven by Singular Mission"

"Since its founding in 1983, HJF has dedicated itself to a clear and noble mission: advancing military medicine. Although much has changed in the ensuing 27 years, the Foundation’s commitment to its mission remains unchanged."

"Does this lust for war and destruction has any ideological foundations?",
one is entitled to ask.

Lo and behold, with only a tiny scratch to the surface in search for answers, you are hit with this:


6) The obligation to destroy the seven nations living in the Land of Canaan;

7) The prohibition against allowing any one of them to remain alive;
8) The obligation to destroy the descendents of Amalek;

9) The obligation to remember what Amalek did;

"A king should not wage other wars before a milchemet mitzvah. What is considered as milchemet mitzvah? The war against the seven nations who occupied Eretz Yisrael, the war against Amalek, and a war fought to assist Israel from an enemy which attacks them.

Afterwards, he may wage a milchemet hareshut, (war of aggression) i.e. a war fought with other nations in order to expand the borders of Israel or magnify its greatness and reputation."

"wars of conquest are permissible. As stated, these are wars against enemies that lie very far from Israel's borders, and as such, are obviously not defensive wars but rather wars motivated by pure aggression."

"....the justification for war is the Jewish people's exercising their divine right to the land of Canaan, "And you shall take possession of the land and settle in it for I have assigned the land to you to possess."

"Rabbi Yehudah identifies wars of conquest and aggression as commanded (mitzvah) and the war against the seven nations as obligatory (chovah)."

Sadly, such ideology is not confined to being dusty theological scrolls kept in attics, or ancient theoretical books used as mythology. Such ideology has managed to produce its own horrific manifestation. It is real in every practical sense; seen, heard, smelled and touched as facts on the ground, and in the most ugly and reprehensible manner, as it poses as an "authority" in ethics slaughtering, maiming and stealing while "blessing" humanity with "Great" lessons in "morality"!

Adherents of such racist and anti-human ideology, while affirming in principle and in practice that wars of aggression are commanded, do not hesitate to agitate the whole world against one quarter of its populations, namely the Muslims. They flood the media with fabricated stories about the "immanent" Islamic "terror threat". They spread the irrational hysteria of Islamophobia and "shari'a-phobia". They keep people hostages, in a perpetual state of anxiety, hate and fear; shackled by the Hasbara-made psychological dungeons of ignorance and misinformation.

They accuse and attack the very book that clearly forbids wars of aggression:You may fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but DO NOT INITIATE AGGRESSION. God does not love transgressors.’ (2.190).

The book which clearly calls for justice even against oneself: “Ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the desires (of your hearts) (4:135).

The book which unequivocally calls for justice even when dealing with aggressors:
"O ye who believe! be steadfast firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, Let NOT a group’s hostility to you cause you to deviate from JUSTICE. Be JUST, for it is closer to piety. Be God conscious; for God is Well Aware of what you do.” (5-8 ).

Knowing all this, Are We Justified to ask questions and search for answers?

Knowing all this, would any true friend of Palestine, would any sane or moral person, want to see the Palestinians forced or coerced to live with such heartless warmongers?

True friends of Palestine would NOT defend the rights of thieves, murderers and serial killers to remain on STOLEN Land.

True friends of Palestine would NOT defend racist ideology, by smearing those who expose it.

True friends of Palestine would NOT object to Palestinian aspiration of FULL Liberation.

True friends of Palestine would NOT divert the attention from the Real Criminals only to focus on a vague phantomic concept that can be dropped at any moment after achieving its goals.

True Humanists and True Friends of Palestine would most certainly not shy away from speaking the TRUTH even when it hurts, and even against their own people.


Nahida Izzat is a Jerusalem-born Palestinian refugee who has lived in exile for over forty two years, after being forced to leave her homeland at the tender age of seven in 1967, during the six-day war. She has a degree in mathematics, but art is one of her favorite pastimes. She loves hand-made things and so makes dolls, cards, and most of her own clothes. She also writes poetry, participates in written dialogues and believes in building bridges, not walls.

She started writing when her friends insisted she should write about her memories, experiences and feelings as a Palestinian.When she did it all came out sounding—she was told—like poetry! So she self-published two books: I Believe in Miracles, and Palestine the True Story.

Her dream is to return back home to a free and liberated Palestine.

If you like poetry and are intrigued by the notion of learning more about Palestine, you can visit Nahida's blog Poetry for Palestine for more of her writings; prose, poems, letters and dialogues.

You can write to Nahida :

End Israel's Unwarranted Murder of Kids

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Cassie November 22, 2011 9:57 am (Pacific time)

Editor you wrote the only way to achieve peace was to "dismantle the Israeli and U.S. governments." How would you go about dismanteling the U.S. government? Our congress cannot even get together to cut spending, something that American voters have been requesting, or at least a significant percentage? To take our Constitution and change it would take literally years and years, so are you suggesting something radical? Seems that only some kind of radical intervention could hope to alter the Constitution even a small bit, but to dismantle it would be rather difficult, if not impossible without some serious violence.

Cordell Walker November 21, 2011 6:14 pm (Pacific time)

"Who are the Warmongers?
Who is honouring and celebrating murderers and baby killers?" Most of America saw muslims all around the planet celebrating the war crime murder of thousands of Americans on 9/11/2001, so the answer to the questions posed above by the writer of this propaganda is clear.

 Editor: Geez, I hope you guys all get paid well to write this crap.  Ever heard of the five dancing Israelis?  Ever hear Netanyahu's comments about 911?  You guys who believe this are incredible, there was no connection to Usama bin Laden, the CIA created 'al Qaeda' you're a regular budding ethnic cleanser aren't you?  Sick and uninformed.

Muslims in the last 1300 years have become history's biggest mass murderer, and soon they will cease to exist, including those who support these enemies of mankind, and these war criminals know who they are. Take them out totally is what we will do in the name of Jesus and for our survival via self-defense. These demons must be wiped out! Happy Thanksgiving, and remember to bitch slap an obama supporter...

Editor: So you're suggesting violence while clearly leaving me your identifiable IP?  Listen, I supported Obama strongly and while I have a lot of criticism for the man today, I want to be clear;  I think Jesus would like to slap you.  Creepy stuff man, but as long as your aim is to make Americans look like dog shit then you're a real weiner. 

Anonymous November 21, 2011 5:09 pm (Pacific time)

 Editor: This comment is being included for one reason only, and it is to portray the idiocy of the average uneducated American.  Pure misinformation, pure fear and paranoia, I'm not sure if this one is even dealing with a full set of cards, sort of doubtful, but the moronic aspects do not negate the danger people like this represent.  So now for your entertainment purposes only...

Bad bad Israel. Israel is being threatened by Iran for the longest time, so is the U.S. It OSS time that someone is taking carte of Iran. Not the people but the factories and Miliitary sites. The U.S. most likely not participate. Our President is a Muslim and totally anti Isael. He also does. Not give a damn about our Country. But that's another story. Everyone knows that radicalIslamis barbaric. They are liked animals on a pray. They kill anyone, no regard for life. I'm tired of the liberal journalists who have more sympathy for killers then for a State who is trying to survive.

Editor again: Iran has no modern history of attacking any countries, and for the record, no matter what anyone ever says, Israel is a continually warring nation, it desires to take land that belongs to other people, it maintains apartheid laws and apartheid walls tower over Biblical locations.  There are laws in Israel for Jews, and other laws for non-Jews.  One step short of Nazi Germany itself, that is Israel, it only lacks the actual camps, and doesn't need them as it employs other means for the destruction of Palestinians.  I will personally go to my grave doing everything possible to expose the evil bastards in the Israel government who devastate and ruin everything, including a future for the silenced people of Israel who are humanitarians just like Nahida and I.  There has never and will NEVER be a time that the tactics that the Israeli government uses are acceptable. 

And by the way, in all of history, less than 30 people have died in the heavily touted 'rocket attacks from Gaza' that are in the news every day.  They are an exercise in futility and an expression of anger toward occupation and oppression, and it is sad sad sad that Israel is ruled by selfish greedy thieving tyrants.  There really is hope, but the Bibi is here to serve the devil and nobody else.  The only answer is peace, the only way to achieve that is to dismantle the Israeli and U.S. governments as they exist today.  

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