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May-08-2006 23:16 ![]() ![]() PETA Returns to SalemTim King Salem-News.comA yellow bikini clad protestor from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will carry a sign that reads "KFC Tortures Chicks"
(SALEM) - The last time protestors from P.E.T.A. came to Salem, they were assaulted by a man who threw a bucket of hot gravy at one of them, behaving abusively toward a female protestor as he verbally and physically attacked them for essentially, asserting their rights as Americans. He also tried to pick a fight with this reporter. In typical bully fashion, he was tough until he realized that the counter-offer was good. That happened at the KFC on South Commercial last February. Now P.E.T.A. is returning to Salem, and they're doing it with their own kind of fireworks. They will be in front of the KFC at 902 Lancaster Drive in Salem. Local activist Arianna Fenton says PETA is currently campaigning against KFC and asking the company to adopt some minimal animal welfare guidelines for the hundreds of millions of chickens who are raised and killed for their restaurants each year. PETA Campaigner Lindsay Rajt will lead the demonstration in front of the Lancaster KFC on Thursday, May 11th. Lindsay will be wearing a yellow bikini and holding a sign that says, "KFC Tortures Chicks." PETA members say they wil also have a TV screen to show people footage of KFC's alleged cruelty. A PETA spokesperson says they want to ensure that their voices will be heard for the 850 million chickens that they say, are tortured by KFC each year. When the counter-protestor became physically abusive to the PETA members a few weeks ago, we resolved to always cover the activities of this group and others like it, regardless of their point, because we don't want Salem to gain a reputation for being an ugly community where Americans have trouble holding a simple, peaceful protest or demonstration. One interesting fact in the other PETA story, was that none of the PETA protestors I spoke to during the event were vegetarians, and they have no problem with eating chicken. They say they are just disturbed by KFC's methods and practices when it comes to killing the birds and preparing them. This story about the last demonstration and the abusive protestor is in our video section, you can also see the story by searching PETA in our search window. Related: | googlec507860f6901db00.html![]() ![]() ![]() Support ![]() | |
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Valintino August 16, 2007 12:35 pm (Pacific time)
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Arianna F. September 2, 2006 9:02 pm (Pacific time)
Here's the main problem I have with all these "PETA kills animals" statements: PETA DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A SHELTER. Okay? They don't OWN a shelter. Please, give me a PICTURE of this so-called Gas Chamber that PETA owns. It doesn't exist in reality. Look, you can eat meat or not eat meat, I really don't care. You can eat at KFC or not eat at KFC if you want, that's your right. But it's also MY right to express my opinion about what KFC and Yum! Brands does. KFC has been using clever lingo in it's "Animal Welfare" notices since they STARTED boiling chickens alive. What you can't get away from, regardless of what you say, regardless of any point you try to make about how much PETA sucks or whatever, is that PETA has ACTUAL, DOCUMENTED VIDEO FOOTAGE of KFC Chickens BEING ABUSED. It's not a question of meat V. no meat. It's a question of treating the animals humanely. I have said before and I will say again: I'm not a vegetarian. I'm not a vegan. I'm not a PETA member. I am simply standing up for what I believe in. I believe that debeaking by cutting off beaks with hot blades is wrong. I believe that scalding birds to death is wrong. I believe that filling chickens with hormones to make them grow faster, and antibiotics to keep them alive in a situation that would naturally make them die of stress IS WRONG. PETA has never once TOLD people to go out and be violent to other folks. That's not what they're about. What they're about is bringing a better life to animals. I mean, we don't have to kick them and beat them and scald them alive to eat them, do we? In the past, people caught hurting farm animals for their own amusement or benefit were looked so far down upon that it's unheard of that anybody would defend the same behaviour in a corporation. Maybe you people should look at the videos, LOOK how they treat the animals. Just look, that's all I ask.
Wisconsin May 15, 2006 12:50 pm (Pacific time)
I find it hard to find any group credible when they attack another group for performing the same actions as they undertake.Peta kiils animals to cut down on the population of them,this has never been denied.Stray dogs and cats will be gassed and Peta will be happy to do it for the "good of the population".I understand this theory and I agree with it.I do have a huge problem with anyone that believes in this,carries through with this and preaches this,but then attacks hunters for doing the same thing.How can Peta be right when they kill animals to control a population but then when hunters do the same thing the hunters are monsters and need to die.(some extreme supporters chant this)If you are in favor of Peta killing animals in there gas chambers,well then you need to be in favor of hunters carrying on the same acts.Peta can not be trusted in any sense of the word simply for the words or there own leader.If the words of a leader dont mean what they say,then how can the goals of the group ever be held up in the light of day.
Editor May 15, 2006 10:53 am (Pacific time)
No editing has taken place, regarding your posts. Think about it... I believe there are far more anti-PETA comments at this point than the opposite.
Don B May 15, 2006 10:46 am (Pacific time)
OK "editor" I see thatyou have still to put up the FULL emaisl sent in to you. I've seen the original emails and I've seen what you post. For you information you picking and choosing what to post in order to make your arguments effective and that as we all kknow is bad journalism. And of course PETA doesn't have a peta sponsored shelter. why would they need it, they kill 90% f the animals they get their hands on. do hat math
Kerry May 15, 2006 9:35 am (Pacific time)
I'm fully aware of the Center for Consumer Freedom, but the fact is they just gather information to present its research on PETA and I myself have dug into various sources such as the 2003 issue of the New Yorker, which I have a PDF file of it on my website.
DJDomain May 15, 2006 8:51 am (Pacific time)
Excuse me, but you have been proven to be a hypocrite Editor, BadAttituud's complete statements have been kept on our forums, the contents of which contain nothing offensive or derogatory, and make a clear argument. Your choice in censorship shows that not only which side of the issue you are on, but that you are incapable of refuting the arguments given, so you have edited out the main body of the post to leave something you can handle, rather poorly at that. Editor May 11, 2006 10:56 am "As for the KFC policy, have you put any effort into researching that? I understand PETA has." The head members of PETA are well aware of KFC's policies, but the general public has no interest, which is why PETA is capable of getting away with spreading lies and propaganda. KFC and the parent company YUM do not have poultry or a single slaughterhouse amongst their assets, they purchase chicken meat from local suppliers, whom follow the proper welfare guidelines. When presenting an argument, a person making a claim must look at all aspects, including at what the opponent claims. You are rather rash in your belief in that Medium Rare made hollow claims without looking into the matter. Editor May 9, 2006 5:58 pm " I wrote that story and it isn`t about sticking up for PETA..." "...they have a few small points to make about the way KFC kills your dinner..." You do read through your posts to make sure that anything you claim doesn't contradict an earlier statement, right? Arianna F. May 13, 2006 2:36 pm "Are you aware, by the way, that the Center for Consumer Freedom is sponsored by meat-packing factories, big tobacco companies and other places that are known for causing harm to animals? You can't say that they're unbiased." Neither can the same thing be said about you. The CCF may be sponsored by businesses that have animals and animal by-products in their operations, but when they make a claim they give several external sources proving it correct. As for , CCF has given the details, the death figures are based on government records, and the pictures are from the police investigation.
Editor May 14, 2006 8:27 pm (Pacific time)
We post everything that comes in as long as it isn't profane or overly offensive to our visitors.
Badattituud May 14, 2006 6:40 am (Pacific time)
Editor, I hope you were not addressing me.. I noticed that most of my response was deleted. I would have rathered you hadn't put any of my post up if you were going to butcher it like that. I included FIVE links with my response. Two were from VDACS with an explanation of what it is. only one link was to a CCF site, the link to the scanned image of PETA's 1995 form 990. The other two were scanned PETA tax returns and a scanned copy of the sentencing memorandum written by the judge who presided over Rodney Coronado's 1992 trial. You claim you haven't gotten very far with your web research, which is a real shame. I tried to help by providing you with links to irrefutable information (court documents, etc.) The Virginia figures were very relevant, as PETA is headquartered in Virginia and as such is required by law to report to VDACS. It is a government agency and therefore unbiased in their presentation of these figures. I have not in any way implied that these were national figures. When/if a police officer goes awry, that officer is disciplined. I suspect that if a police officer is to stand trial for his or her actions, the police department does not pay for the officer's legal defense, but that is only my supposition. I have to wonder what that has to do with the price of tea in China, however. Hinkle and Cook are currently standing trial and a verdict has not been given, as of yet. Ingrid Newkirk did not deny that the animals were killed, only condemned in her press conference the method of disposal. As for the gag order, that was your assertation, as as such, the onus to substantiate is on you. I would think that you would know that. I fully expect this reply to recieve the same treatment you gave my first one, but never fear, they are cross posted in their entirety in another location.
Makyui May 14, 2006 12:57 am (Pacific time)
Ahem. Let it be known now that KFC already HAS "minimal welfare guidelines". PeTA is wasting its time and money.
Arianna F. May 13, 2006 2:36 pm (Pacific time)
Are you aware, by the way, that the Center for Consumer Freedom is sponsored by meat-packing factories, big tobacco companies and other places that are known for causing harm to animals? You can't say that they're unbiased. I actually did the research you asked of me, and I found out something that I didn't even know. Peta doesn't even HAVE an official Peta-sponsered shelter. This is backed up in actuality, as well as by Peta employees. But, by all means, keep up your peta kills animals crap. By the way, I'm not going to take at face value any comments by a guy who is an administrator for something called "expose peta". You can't be unbiased.
Editor May 13, 2006 1:49 pm (Pacific time)
So, you want me to visit a site in Virginia to back up your POV? The first thing I noticed, is that the site is citing things that allegedly happen in Virginia, then you are imply that those are national figures. Typical agenda-driven stuff that is highly inaccurate just based on the context does not count. I have been cruising the Web trying to verify your claims, and I'm not getting very far with it, instead I learn that there are two sides to the story you suggest. I'm wondering if you rely on some other agenda driven airwave “sourceâ€? like Limbaugh or Savage. I have no doubt that PETA shelters kill animals; that is a no-brainer. That is what shelters have to do sometimes. On the site, someone suggests that PETA should buy a piece of land and let the animals live out the rest of their lives. Come on? As an Oregon State Police volunteer, I was called out and directed to dispatch an elk that had broken its leg and was in agony. I only had to do it once, but I had no doubt at that moment that I had done the right thing, it has to be done sometimes. No matter what, the people that came out for the recent Salem, Oregon PETA protest were kind and courteous, and while I don`t know for sure, I would bet that their intentions are sincere. People that live to discredit groups by drawing from isolated incidents in the deep south need to branch out a little bit. I wonder what BadAttitude thinks when a police officer in this country goes awry? Do you suddenly go after them with figures from some group in Virginia about how they aren`t doing what you think they`re supposed to be doing in Oregon? Also, I just got off the line with North Carolina's WNCT-TV News and so far I have learned that the people so frequently referred to as the PETA members who “killed animalsâ€? have not been convicted, only charged. There I go, thinking American rights are OK again, innocent until proven guilty. Finally, as for the gag order, I can first see that you are not in my business, or you would know that except for locally owned and operated fast food establishments, no fast food chains are allowed to speak to the media. This is Taco Bell, Wendy`s, Jack in the Box, etc. Why don`t you call the local KFC and ask if the store manager can give an interview, then you`ll know.
Badattituud May 13, 2006 11:07 am (Pacific time)
Dear Editor, I noticed that it has been a couple of days since you posted that you would research into the things that Medium Rare and Kerry have posted. I thought I would provide you with some links to facilitate your research. If you have any questions at all, feel free to pipe up, I'll be keeping an eye out for you. PS.. I would like to see the source cited for your claim that KFC has a gag order placed on their managers. If it's not too much trouble.
Kerry May 11, 2006 1:10 pm (Pacific time)
Editor, you can do all the research you want on PETA and you'll find out quickly that they've euthanized so many animals in ther care. I think there is a bigger story at hand where they were caught dumping cat and dogs which some of them were just puppies into a dumpster -- wheres the compassion in doing this? I've done my research into PETA and their connections to 3 domestic terrorist groups. Its VERY hypocritical to euthanize animals when you claim to fight for their "rights". Its really an oxymoron, which is why i'm for animal welfare.
Editor May 11, 2006 10:56 am (Pacific time)
Hey Medium Rare… This is starting to remind me of the last presidential election where John Kerry`s war record was assaulted by a man who`s governor-father got him a nice non-combat role in the national guard. You would have us believing that PETA is doing all kinds of awful things to animals? I am going to verify the things you wrote and we`ll see where that leads, and I will share that information for our visitors. You don't have to like them or what they do, I just don`t see the point in making animal welfare activists sound like animal cruelty people, that just plain doesn`t make sense, like the way John Kerry was treated, it borders on outlandish.. I guess if you throw out misinformation loudly enough, it can be effective, that still doesn't make it true though. As for the KFC policy, have you put any effort into researching that? I understand PETA has.
Medium Rare May 11, 2006 8:23 am (Pacific time)
PeTA started out the year with just 7 animals in their shelter and ended it with 2 dogs left. They euthanized 1946 animals plus an additional 141 wild animals. That doesn`t sound very caring.--- Arianna wrote:� Jory could have been seriously burnt and hurt; the owners of the furs are only getting red paint on their dead animal carcasses.� --- Have you ever had paint splash in your eyes? Note that fur is also not the carcass (emotional writing tends to stretch the truth), the carcass is the remains.--- Arianna wrote:�All I care about is ending the torture of the chickens.� --- You are aware that KFC does have an animal welfare policy, right?--- Arianna wrote:� Gassing chickens is a painless human way of killing them. PETA promotes this because they realize that not everybody in the whole world is going to stop eating meat.�--- So, when PeTA says protest the gassing of animals, that is good ? When PeTA says gas the chickens, that is good? Odd, isn`t it?
Medium Rare May 10, 2006 6:19 am (Pacific time)
Arianna wrote:â€? we aren't officially affiliated with PETA. They help us to organize people and facilitate our ralleys.â€?--- You may not be “officiallyâ€? affiliated with PeTA, but let`s not mince words, you are affiliated with them if you receive that kind of support from them---. Arianna wrote:â€?(which still makes no sense, by the way. PETA is out to HELP animals, and couldn't possibly gain anything from hurting or murdering them.)â€? --- PeTA had a 90.7% kill rate in 2005 and this information is available in their VDACS declaration. Note that this info is not from an anti-PeTA site, but from VDACS directly (
Kerry May 9, 2006 9:54 pm (Pacific time)
Arianna I think your getting PETA confused with most animal welfare groups when they are a animal rights group. The goal of PETA is not so much to improve the welfare of animals, but a cloak for a bigger agenda of 'weeding' out animals for food, entertainment, clothing, animal exprimentation, etc. I've done much research into PETA over the past few months and find them to be a radical front for the Animal Liberation Front they have been known to support numerous domestic terrorists who are anarchist leftist extremists. PETA has also been known to exploit its female members by using their bodies to get their messages out like a unruly cult. Here's a few quotes from the senior members of their organization I strongly suggest finding another group and on a side note KFC doesn't raise chickens, they buy them from suppliers whom of which they have no control over the way they raise their chickens, but I can assure you places like Tyson have animal welfare guidelines in place. In fact check out this thread sometime, a spokesman talked about his experiences in a Tyson slaughterhouse whom of which KFC buys their chickens. Tyson Slaughterhouse Senior Quotes: * “If we really believe that these animals do have the same right to be free from pain and suffering at our hands, then, of course we`re going to be, as a movement, blowing stuff up and smashing windows. For the record, I don`t do this stuff, but I do advocate it. I think it`s a great way to bring about animal liberation … I think it would be a great thing if all of these fast-food outlets, and these slaughterhouses, and these laboratories, and the banks that fund them exploded tomorrow. I think it`s perfectly appropriate for people to take bricks and toss them through the windows, and everything else along the line. Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it.â€? -- Bruce Friedrich, Vegan Campaign Coordinator, PETA, Animal Rights 2001 Convention (July 2, 2001) * "A burning building doesn't help melt people's hearts, but times change and tactics, I'm sure, have to change with them. If you choose to carry out ALF-style actions, I ask you to please not say more than you need to, to think carefully who you trust, to learn all you can about how to behave if arrested, and so to try to live to fight another day." -- Ingrid Newkirk, President, PETA, Bite Back Magazine ( February 2003) * "That's a very nasty and bad word and it shouldn't be in the article. I can't stand to hear that word. If you put that cult stuff in, nobody will take what we do seriously." -- Ingrid Newkirk, President, PETA, The New Yorker (April 14, 2003) "Until your daddy learns that it's not "fun' to kill, keep your doggies and kitties away from him. He's so hooked on killing defenseless animals that they could be next!'' -- PETA Flyer 'Your Daddy Kills Animals' reported in Asbury Park Press, (September 23, 2005) If you wish to contact me further Arianna feel free to email me at
Arianna F. May 9, 2006 9:08 pm (Pacific time)
For heaven's sake! How many times do I have to say, "WE are peaceful. WE don't assault people. WE don't abuse animals. WE are just trying to stop KFC." STOP comparing US to what PETA may or may not have done in the past. WE are individuals who are trying to make a point about cruelty to animals. Nothing less, nothing more. As both Jory and I have said, MULTIPLE times, in our interviews with the press, in our comments, and in person, we aren't officially affiliated with PETA. They help us to organize people and facilitate our ralleys. That, by no means, makes us hardcore PETA supporters. Look, it's not about supporting PETA or not supporting PETA. It's about supporting what PETA is trying to DO, which is END THE CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. If you are too dense to realize that all WE REALLY CARE ABOUT is the ANIMALS, then I don't know what more I can say. All I care about when going to these ralleys is not some underground agenda to hurt people and secretly kill perfectly healthy cats and dogs (which still makes no sense, by the way. PETA is out to HELP animals, and couldn't possibly gain anything from hurting or murdering them.) All I care about is ending the torture of the chickens. You don't seem to care about that. And you can't equate throwing scalding hot gravy at a protestor to PETA's act of throwing red paint on fur coats. Jory could have been seriously burnt and hurt; the owners of the furs are only getting red paint on their dead animal carcasses. Besides, PETA was actually protesting something -- ripping the skin off an animal so you can wear the pretty part of it's corpse -- and the guy who assaulted Jory was just trying to hurt him. You guys seem to hold that jerk up as a hero, at the same time admonishing PETA for allegedly doing the same thing? Make up your mind. And please, please, please, cite your source. Other than the propaganda site,, please. Oh, and don't compare us to NAZIs again. NAZI's killed more 6 million people. PETA protests animal cruelty. There is no parallel. Gassing chickens is a painless human way of killing them. PETA promotes this because they realize that not everybody in the whole world is going to stop eating meat. Their crusade is not to stop the world from eating meat, but to beg the slaughterhouses to at least provide clean, healthy, liveable conditions for the animals, and kill them quick and painlessly. Please, just attempt to view it from our point of view. I've never thrown paint on anybody. I've never thrown a single punch at anybody ever, let alone at someone for disagreeing with me. Again, please stop comparing us to individuals you've heard about. Most of us aren't like that, and we certainly aren't. We're here for the animals. That's all. Seriously.
Editor May 9, 2006 5:58 pm (Pacific time)
Hey Don B... if we have to explain to you that it isn't OK to assault people, it is disappointing. This is the United States; we have certain rights, like Freedom of Speech. I wrote that story and it isn`t about sticking up for PETA, just covering a public event that left many people curious. Corporate KFC puts a gag order on their managers; they can be trusted to serve safe food but not to speak into a microphone. I didn`t make that rule. If the guy who threw the gravy had cared, I would have put his point of view into the story, but he was an ill mannered, obviously sick person that only attacks peaceful protestors. The thing is, the group in Salem is mellow and they have a few small points to make about the way KFC kills your dinner. They have a right and they are using it and you apparently think they shouldn`t have that right, and you call them nazis? I think that has little to do with buckets of blood and harassing big time entertainers who wear mink coats. Note that your comments have been posted for the whole world to see, and that is not a sign that we are trying to suppress information… Tim King
Don B May 9, 2006 3:21 pm (Pacific time)
perfevly healthy dogs and cats they didn;t wait a minuite to kill them, put them in garbage bags and toss them into dumpsters. If anyone of you did any research into this you would see it. hell just do a basic search and you'll find the proof you need. The Center for Consumer Freedom unlike PETA backs up EVERYTHING they say with facts, not emotional twaddle like peta
Don B May 9, 2006 3:19 pm (Pacific time)
Ahh so a guy throwing gravy (hot or not) at peta protesters is not oik, but a petard throwing a bucket of fake blood on models and fashion designers isn't? Wow aren';t we the hypocrites here. The reporter who did this article apparently DID NOT do any research into PETA. Apparently you didn;t realise that peta is the newest version of nazi's. Notice they didn';t hesitate to compare the holocaust to animal slaughter houses and yet they preach that GASSing chickens is OK. BUt when they got their hands on PERSEFTLY FINE AND HEALTHY
Medium Rare May 9, 2006 9:05 am (Pacific time)
A close investigation of PeTA will expose them for being hypocrites and liars. An investigation of their founder, Ingrid Newkirk, may actually scare some people. Read her will. Read some of her public comments. Look at her past in Maryland. Perhaps PeTA might think about selling off their stock in places like Outback Steakhouse. Perhaps they should think twice about taking Ringling Brothers to court for allegedly spying on them, yet they see nothing wrong with sending people to companies with hidden cameras. The list can go on and on. Many a PeTA supporter will shout this down as lies. I guess the truth hurts.
Jory May 7, 2006 12:17 am (Pacific time)
We are not about hate; just the opposite is true which should be evident by our actions; we protest to PROTECT THE ANIMALS whom suffer through horrid lives and deaths in the name of profiteering and entertainment every day. We do not work for PETA, they just help us find each other and keep us up to date on the fight against cruelty to animals. PETA deserves respect for what they do, but not all of us support everything PETA does, and not all of us are vegetarians! What we all agree on is that cruelty and torture of innocent animals is NOT right, and that will never change. If the general public knew they were buying a bucket of torture every time they stepped into KFC, I do not think they would support it either. I believe it was Ghandi that said “The greatness of a nation, and its moral progress, can be judged by the way that its animals are treated.â€? Based on this, we have a lot of work to do and we could really use your help. Whether you are boldly protesting or silently getting petitions signed, it all makes a difference. One common threat joins us together; we stand up for the animals that cannot stand up for themselves. Please help the animals out, E-mail me if you are interested;
Arianna F. May 6, 2006 12:47 am (Pacific time)
What Red Ryderz needs to realize is that it's common knowledge that any organization is bound to alienate people who are too lazy to look at the main intentions of the movement, and those who are alienated are likely to create false propaganda websites, like petakillsanimals, in order to take that organization down. Just think about it from a logical standpoint: Why on Earth would PETA kill animals? How does that make any sense at all? Even if you say that PETA doesn't actually care about animals, what could they possibly gain from killing puppies? It just doesn't make any sense. PETA has no motive to kill animals; no reason to, and no possible gain from it. And the animals that PETA does have to put down in it's animal shelters are usually in such poor condition that they would have suffered a slow, painful death without euthanasia. Remember, the animals PETA confiscates are usually in FAR worse condition that your average ASPCA dog or cat abuse case. While those are important, the animals PETA finds are typically inches from death in horrifying conditions, bodies broken and twisted, bleeding, full of infections, and miserable. Next, ELF and ALF (Animal/Earth Liberation Front) is a terrorist organization. They are terrorists because they use fear and destruction to get people to move over to their belief system. I am not a member of the ALF or the ELF. Neither is Jory. Neither are MOST of PETA's members. But you have to realize that every organization is going to attract screwed up people right along with the healthy, strong, intelligent people. And we all realize that that kind of behaviour from the crazy ones tends to turn people off to PETA and standing up for animals in general. But that's not what WE are here for. We are normal people, just like you. I've never given a cent to PETA, and I've certainly never given a cent or a moment of my time to terrorist organizations like ALF/ELF. We protest KFC, and other companies guilty of animal cruelty, not because PETA orders us to, but rather, because what KFC is doing is wrong. We affiliate ourselves with PETA only insofar as that they facilitate our action. They organize, they plan, they prepare, and they have the influence to make a difference. They are a major organization with the power to get together thousands of people to a protest, or petition signing. All we really want is not "hate" or "intolerance" to anyone, but Ethical Treatment for Animals. That's all. We would NEVER disregard human rights in order to preserve an animal's rights. That doesn't make sense either. We want people to treat animals with the respect they treat eachother, and that is all. There's no hate involved. And, I was there, sir, at that protest. We were peaceable. We stood, for the most part, silently, and held signs. That is all. The violent attacks were inflicted UPON us. I have never used an "in your face", as you say, "tactic" to harm anyone else in the course of my protests. I have the right to PEACEABLY protest. And I exercise that right as an American citizen. So apart from accusing we ordinary protestors from being involved in terrorist organizations that we have no part of in actuality and saying that people you don't even know (like me) have done ANYTHING violent during the course of a protest, you've offered no real proof or even any real comment concerning OUR protest. And in regards to your "street theatre" accusation, I've never seen that guy before in my life, and PETA didn't even know we were holding a protest, we were merely using their signs because they are boldly written and easy to carry. So, your theory of an undercover PETA member assaulting us is pretty false. That guy was a jerk to us, he hurled garbage at Jory, and was very rude. Besides, if he had been a PETA member looking for press, don't you think he would have waited until the cameras were rolling? Your comments just aren't backed by evidence, and don't make sense. But, by all means, I do encourage readers to look up these so called "assaults on children" and "fake street theatre assaults" that PETA is supposedly "infamous" for. I'm sure you'll find that, despite having a few crazies in the bunch, PETA is truely a good organization with people who really do care about the welfare of animals. Because that truely is what PETA is all about. At least, that's what I'M all about, and what the dozens of other protestors expected to come are all about. It's just for the animals, nothing more, nothing less. That's all, I guess. Sorry for writing a novel. :)
Editor May 5, 2006 11:32 pm (Pacific time)
I'm having trouble following some of Red Ryderz' comments, but I can tell you that I am that reporter, and that loser inside KFC was given every opportunity to take it to the next level with me and he didn't want it. Then he went out and assaulted the protestors. That guy has a right to say what he wants, but I hope you agree that throwing the gravy was too much. That's all I'm saying. As I wrote in the first article when it happened, they could have been protesting something totally different like abortion, and it would be the same, nobody has a right to get physical over it.
Tahler May 5, 2006 11:20 pm (Pacific time)
Wow. What a great article. I really respect PETA and what they do to animals. The type of abuse that KFC allows to happen is sickening. Have you all seen the videos at ?
Arianna F. May 5, 2006 9:27 pm (Pacific time)
As the female protestor who was at the last protest with that unruly guy, I personally hope that all you Salemites (Peta fans or not) will turn out for this protest. They're a lot of fun, and it's a great chance to be an American and speak for what you believe in! If you oppose cruelty to animals, come out! Please! :)
Jory May 5, 2006 8:57 pm (Pacific time)
I am happy to hear that Arianna is still involved in protesting KFC. I have not been able to get into my email account since our last protest, thus; I do not have anyones email address.Please contact me at! Thanks agian Tim, for covering our cause.
Red Ryderz May 5, 2006 3:54 pm (Pacific time)
Funny how PETA thinks it is perfectly OK for their own employees to cruely stuff puppies and kittens into small cages, then slaughter them, dumping the corpses into the trash can. See www.PETAKILLSANIMALS.COM And unless the individual who allegedly assaulted the "protesters" on the street, and supposedly harassed your reporter, I'd say it was probably more of PETA's own propagandizing, using one of its own members to create fake street theater assaults for the media, as they have been infamous for throughout their history. And investigate PETA's harassment of children, their admission of giving money to the FBI certified terrorist group ELF (Earth Liberation Front), known for burning down people's homes, businesses and automobiles. Also, don't forget to cover the physical criminal assaults that PETA's upper echelon commit themselves, such as PETA leader Dawn Carr's criminal assault conviction against Brandy Dejongh, Miss Rodeo America 2000, because she represented something Ms. Carr did not like. It is ironic how PETA's hate and intolerance, criminal assaults, etc. are completely acceptable in the media's eyes, and only become unacceptable when someone starts using PETA's own "in your face" tactics back at them.
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