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May-22-2011 17:58printcommentsVideo

Israel Again and Again Slaps a Cowardly America

Who do you think wants to push Muslims and Christians into a World War III?

israel war crimes
Artwork courtesy of the amazing Carlos Latuff, friend of located in Rio de Janeiro.
To see more of his work, visit: Latuff Gallery

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - No, America, you are not the land of the free, home of the brave. You are not the greatest nation on earth. You are not the superpower you proclaim. You are not the beacon of freedom, equality, and liberty to all. You are not the Promised Land. You are not the democracy of the First Amendment where there is Freedom of Speech, of the Press, of Religion, of freedom to petition and assemble Your President is not the leader of the free world. You do not have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Thus, what will history record of whom and what you are?

What you are in essence and action is a nation of ignorant cowards, SLAVES, to be exact, to the very nation you created and continue to pay for with your tax dollars, weapons, and the lives of your sons and daughters—Israel.

"A shocking crime was committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of all."

--Tacitus, First Century Historian and Senator in the Roman Empire

What you are is a nation of fools according to Israel, “detached from reality”; “delusional”, and full of “illusions”; in other words a nation of mental defects who are unaware of who’s the real boss of this nation and your supposedly elected government.

It’s Israel, Stupid.

But your arrogance and conceit of greatness, of a democracy, of a representative government, a nation where the people freely choose their President and Congressional Representatives, a nation of “American Exceptionalism”, blinds you to the reality that you neither control, own, nor create your own destiny.

Who does? It’s the little nation from afar—Israel.

No candidate or politician can ever hope to be elected without the obligatory visit to Yad Vashem (Holocaust Memorial in Israel) while being forced to wear the mind numbing Yarmulke, and the obligatory pandering and shameful visit and speech to the true altar of “your” government—AIPAC. They’ve been Washington’s real power and policy makers for decades.

As Early as 1957:

“I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy
[in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews….. terrific control the Jews have over the
news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen …. I am very much
concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene
and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don’t approve of.
The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish
people in the country”

–Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in February, 1957
quoted on p.99  of “Fallen Pillars” by Donald Neff

You think you have freedom of speech?

Then why are you and your government so cowardly intimidated and silent to even mention Israel, Jews, or Judaism, in political or personal debates or conversations?   Your knees tremble when these issues come up and you lose your vocal cords while your heart rate and blood pressure rise and your visit to the restroom becomes imperative.

You think you have freedom of the press? You know, the press that’s owned, controlled, and run by Jews. Why is there not one single American Jew, Christian, Muslim or person of any faith on television criticizing Israel? Why? They will lose their jobs a la Helen Thomas, Rick Sanchez, Octavia Nasr, and many, many others, not to mention the many politicians who lost their jobs for daring to speak out against Israel. Try to submit an op-ed to the major papers critical of our government’s Israeli formulated foreign policy in the Middle East.

Do you wonder why Islam and Sharia Law, two unknown subjects to Americans, have become the hysteria du jour and who’s behind it? It’s to distract your short attention span away from the control, theft of money, weapons, spying, and wars you pay and die for Israel’s security.

Who do you think wants to push Muslims and Christians into a World War III?

Do you honestly think your government represents you? Once they arrive in Congress your representatives are immediately welcomed by an army of AIPAC minions to brainwash them and let them know not to ever cross Israel and always vote for anything AIPAC sends. Most of the Legislative Staff in Congress is Jewish. Do you ever wonder why our Congress cuts meals to our children while sending billions to Israel with overwhelming bipartisan support? Look up the Congressional votes on resolutions supportive of Israel. It’s a shocking embarrassment.

For Congressional Votes and Support of Israel visit:

Do you think you have freedom of religion?

Who do you think is behind the push that you, yes you Christians, can’t celebrate Christmas, not even mentioning it by name instead having to use “holiday”? Who’s against school prayers, no displays of Nativity Scene, no courses on world religions, and no school prayers?

It’s not the Muslims.

Visit: Israel to Christians: Christ is a Monkey on a Cross

Many Israeli TV Shows mock and use blasphemous remarks against Jesus and the Virgin Mary, yet not ONE Single Christian church, seminary, university, media outlet, organization, or person has ever gone on TV or wrote an Op-ed to a paper condemning our “closes ally” for this filth.

Imagine if this was on Iranian TV?

See the Videos and judge for yourself, then ask yourself, why are you so cowardly not to respond to this visual and literal neo crucifixion of Christ?

From the Israeli Children TV show "Toffee VeHa-Gorillah" (shown at right) a Girl in Bikini makes fun with a monkey of how Jesus Christ, a Nazi, was Crucified and how all Christians are an Evil People.

Israeli TV Show Blaspheme Jesus and Virgin Mary

Monkey Christ

Jews and Hasidic Gentiles—United to Save America (JAHG-USA)

“Jesus a false Prophet…with an evil agenda”.

However, slam views Jesus, peace be upon him, as the true Messiah, born through a miracle from the Virgin Mary, peace be upon her, and performed miracles during his life.

How can Israeli Jews feel such supremacy and the freedom to blaspheme Jesus, the Virgin Mary, peace be upon them both, and all Non-Jews?

Here’s a Rabbinical explanation?

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,”

According to Rabbi Yosef, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money….This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat….That is why gentiles were created.” --Jerusalem Post; “Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews”; October 25,  2010

Only Israel can slap America’s Presidents, Congress, and the American people over and over and over while they all keep turning the other cheek over and over.

What hold do these Zionists have on our government, our minds, souls, freedoms, and courage to speak and act that we in this alleged superpower are so intimidated, so afraid, so cowardly to even raise a whisper in public about the historical costs to our lives, wealth, worldwide credibility, and our very humanity, by a people we saved in Europe, a people whom we against all divine and human laws gifted a foreign land to them, a nation that wouldn’t exist without our recognition, support, and protection, a nation that commits genocide in our name and with our tax dollars?

Supporting Israel means supporting genocides against innocent civilians, ethnic cleansing, an expansionist military policy that’s based on stealing more land and expelling more people, destroying villages by the hundreds, demolishing tens of thousands of homes, imprisoning hundreds of thousands of people over decades without the rule of law, allowing torture as policy, shooting children in classrooms, stealing drinking and irrigating water for settler swimming pools, building illegal settlements on hilltops, allowing racist settlers free reign to kill, burn, beat, and terrorize families, destroying electrical and water plants, hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, ambulances, and littering lands with cluster bombs to kill and mutilate children.

It means never holding Israel accountable for violating hundreds of U.N. Resolutions due to our, yes you America, vetoes.

It means being subservient to a rogue, terrorist, racist, murderous state whom we have elevated and put on a pedestal for our idolatrous worship.

Here’s the nation we support:

"It is the duty of the [Israeli] leadership to explain to the public a number of truths. One truth is that there is no Zionism, no settlement, and no Jewish state without evacuating Arabs, and without expropriating lands and their fencing off." --  --Yesha'ayahu Ben-Porat, Yedi'ot Aharonot 07/14/1972

Such is our support of Israel against the hapless long suffering Palestinians who by the millions have lived for decades as refugees in squalor camps and impoverished lives because of Israel’s founding, a founding America created. They are homeless and stateless and America is too cowardly and fearful of Israel and organized Jewry to even cast a symbolic vote to support a Palestinian state for the stateless.

Israel has made fools of us, our government, our religions, our beliefs, and everything Americans have come to value about themselves and their country.

America, your new Manifest Destiny, is to serve Israel and only Israel, so help you God.

And so continues the illegal occupations of America and Palestine.


Mohamed Khodr is a political activist who frequently writes on the plight of Palestinians living under the brutal occupation of Israel, U.S. Foreign Policy, Islam, and Arab politics.

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The West Is Dead December 21, 2015 10:51 pm (Pacific time)

This article is SPOT-ON. I've lived in this MASSIVE LIE known as the "United States" for far longer than I'd like to admit. I was -- sadly -- born here. But I figured out long ago that "America" is NOTHING but a Jew-run cesspool of lies, filth, and degeneracy. "America" is inhabited by about 300 million [mostly] morons that essentially act EXACTLY like Jews, but are too STUPID to even realize that they do so. They're also too stupid to realize that they will never be accepted by those very same [frauds that call themselves] Jews, WHO CLEARLY HATE THEM. These same idiots also actually believe they're "free" -- because the Jews' very own Plastic Talking Heads on the Talmudvision have told them so -- over and over -- all their pitiful, deluded lives. There is nothing more disgusting than a slave that is too stupid to even realize he is a slave. They believe, apparently, that since they don't have iron bars in front of them, they are somehow "free". Americans are FAT, LAZY, UNEDUCATED, BACKSTABBING, APATHETIC, AMORAL, GODLESS, MAMMON-WORSHIPING dregs. I should place particular emphasis on that adjective, "uneducated", for they actually believe they ARE educated, when in reality they are nothing but INDOCTRINATED EMPTYHEADS. The same holds true, sadly, for most of the "West". The sooner this cesspool ROTS INTO OBLIVION, the better. And those chickens clearly ARE coming home to roost, aren't they? Americans LOVE living in a world of deception. And God help you should you point out to them this simple fact; or should you point out the REALITIES of their world... for they will immediately -- and permanently -- shun you. PERFECT. Ask me if I care. I want NOTHING to do with these wretches. Hang yourself, America. Go ahead-- hang yourself... along with your big-daddy-overlord *false* state of "Israhell". Get it over with. The REAL World is waiting.

Lee May 27, 2011 1:36 pm (Pacific time)

"Buy a history book?" You have got to be kidding! If I did I sure wouldn't find any history of the so-called "Palestinian people," unless I bought it from a textbook store in the Arab-occupied territories in Israel.

BTW, your manners leave much to be desired, especially for someone who runs an alleged newspaper.

Editor: An 'alleged' newspaper, aha ha ha- that is a good one.  Here you go Lee:

 The Palestinian people (Arabic الشعب الفلسطيني‎, ash-sha'ab il-filastini) are an Arabic-sspeaking people with family origins in the region of Palestine.  Since 1948, they have been referred to as Palestinians (Arabic: الفلسطينيين‎, al-filastiniyyin), but before that they were usually referred to as Palestinian Arabs (Arabic العربي الفلسطيني‎, al-'arabi il-filastini). During the period of the British Mandate, the term Palestinian was also used to describe the Jewish community living in Palestine. The Israeli Philparmonic Orchestra was founded as the Palestine Orchestra, and the Jerusalem Post newspaper was founded as the Palestine Post.

The Greek toponym Palestini (Παλαιστίνη), with which the Arabic Filastin (فلسطين) is cognate, first occurs in the work of tthe Greek historian Herodotus, active in the middle of the 5th century BCE, where it denotes generally the coastal land from Phoenicia down to Egypt.  Herodotus also employs the term as an ethnonym, as when he speaks of the 'Syrians of Palestine' or 'Palestinian-Syrians', an ethnically amorphous group he distinguishes from the Phoenicians  referring to the Aramaeic Samaritans led by Sanbalat and appointed by the Persian kings and the Arabs in Jerusalem referred to also by Ezra (the Bible) The word bears comparison to a congeries of ethnonyms in Semitic languages, Ancient Egyptian Plst or flst, Assyrian as Palastu, and the Hebraic as Plishtim, the latter term used in the Bible to signify the Philistines.

Syria Palestina continued to be used by historians and geographers and others to refer to the area between the Mediterranean sea and the Jordan river, as in the writings of Philo, Josephus and Pliny the Elder. After the Romans adopted the term as the official administrative name for the region in the 2nd century CE, "Palestine" as a stand alone term came into widespread use, printed on coins, in inscriptions and even in rabbinic texts. The Arabic word Filastin has been used to refer to the region since the time of the earliest medieval Arab geographers. It appears to have been used as an Arabic adjectival noun in the region since as early as the 7th century CE. 

During the British Mandate of Palestine, the term "Palestinian" was used to refer to all people residing there, regardless of religion or ethnicity, and those granted citizenship by the Mandatory authorities were granted "Palestinian citizenship".[30] Other examples include the use of the term Palestine Regiment to refer to the Jewish Infantry Brigade Group of the British Army during World War II, and the Palestinian Talmud, a section of the Jewish oral tradition originating from the biblical Land of Israel.  

Read to your heart's content:  The thing with you Lee, is that you are the worst kind of liar, you are actually trying, along with your stupid hasbara payroll buddies, to redirect people's understanding of history and to me those are fighting words.  I will always be here to oppose you schmoes with your wanker mentalities.  You are a damned sheep exploiter, that is a pretty sad classification.  

GSR May 25, 2011 2:18 pm (Pacific time)

Usually it is he who pays the pied piper who plays the tunes. With the US, it is Israel that both gets all its money and plays the tune it wants. But what does one expect, the US has an insanely powerful Jew lobby led by AIPAC and tens of millions of Evangelical Christian Zionists who serve Israel because it serves their insane Armageddon dreams. If I was an American I would be ashamed of being bitch-slapped so openly. However, apparently Americans don't seem to have any self respect. Look at how much money they give to Israel and how little they give to their own poor. Yanks- a pathetic cowardly people for sure!!!!

medula May 26, 2011 2:44 am (Pacific time)

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." -Abraham Lincoln

GSR May 25, 2011 2:16 pm (Pacific time)

Usually it is he who pays the pied piper who plays the tunes. With the US, it is Israel that both gets all its money and plays the tune it wants. But what does one expect, the US has an insanely powerful Jew lobby led by AIPAC and tens of millions of Evangelical Christian Zionists who serve Israel because it serves their insane Armageddon dreams. If I was an American I would be ashamed of being bitch-slapped so openly. However, apparently Americans don't seem to have any self respect. Look at how much money they give to Israel and how little they give to their own poor. Yanks- a pathetic cowardly people for sure!!!!

Lee May 25, 2011 1:31 pm (Pacific time)

BTW, for the record, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86 passed on December 16, 1991, revoked Resolution 3379.

Lee May 25, 2011 1:22 pm (Pacific time)

Mohamed your ignorance of the "Palestinian" people is par for the course for most Americans, or for most of the world for that fact. There never was a so-called "Palestinian" people, and "Palestine" was a territory, not a nation. The so-called "Palestinian" people ...

Editor: Hey man, just shut up and get the hell out of here.  You and your agents of deceit are peddling pure bullshit and we won't be having it.  This is a venue by and for honest people.  Buy a history book.  

May 24, 2011 5:40 pm (Pacific time)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379
(November 10, 1975)


RECALLING its resolution 1904 (XVIII) of 20 November 1963, proclaiming the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and in particular its affirmation that "any doctrine of racial differentiation or superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous" and its expression of alarm at "the manifestations of racial discrimination still in evidence in some areas in the world, some of which are imposed by certain Governments by means of legislative, administrative or other measures",

RECALLING ALSO that, in its resolution 3151 G (XXVIII) of 14 December 1953, the General Assembly condemned, inter alia, the unholy alliance between South African racism and Zionism,

TAKING NOTE of the Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace 1975, proclaimed by the World Conference of the Intenrational Women's Year, held at Mexico City from 19 June to 2 July 1975, which promulgated the principle that "international co-operation and peace require the achievement of national liberation and independence, the elimination of colonialism and neo-colonialism, foreign occupation, Zionism, apartheid and racial discrimination in all its forms, as well as the recognition of the dignity of peoples and their right to self-determination",

TAKING NOTE ALSO of resolution 77 (XII) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its twelfth ordinary session, held at Kampala from 28 July to 1 August 1975, which considered "that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regime in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a comon imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being",

TAKING NOTE ALSO of the Political Declaration and Strategy to Strengthen International Peace and Security and to Intensify Solidarity and Mutual Assistance among Non-Aligned Countries, adopted at the Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Non-Aligned Countries held at Lima from 25 to 30 August 1975, which most severely condemned Zionism as a threat to world peace and security and called upon all countries to oppose this racist and imperalist ideology,

DETERMINES that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.

Anonymous May 24, 2011 6:32 pm (Pacific time)

Kristina your grasp of history is non-existent. Regarding the North American Indian, there were hundreds of tribes and hundreds more different factions. Physical anthropologists have shown evidence that for thousands of years these different tribes were at war with each other. Ditto for South America, as well as most places on the planet. We also know that as recently as less than 150 years ago Indians were using other conquered tribes as a food source during times of famine, and had engaged in slavery for centuries. When the European came, we did have manifest destiny, and these so-called natives who were killing each other started to have their lives improved. This land belonged to no one when we came, and as what has happened throughout time, we now own it, it is our country. Leave if you don't like that reality. Go to Europe and enjoy the invasion from the south happening there. In due time there will be one final domestic uprising, it will be the final one, and we will be here, and they will no longer exist. God Bless America. Love it or leave it!

Kristina May 24, 2011 4:10 pm (Pacific time)

I fully agree with your article, except for the last part in regard Manifest Destiny and the illegal occupation of America. The invasion of the Native America territory by European settlers was an act of genocide. The Manifest Destiny doctrine was another act of genocide and criminal actions against the people of the Frontier and the Mexican territories. So, who is really legal in the USA territory? Who ever talked in this country for the rights of Native American and Mexican territories before and after the Manifest Destiny? I would say that the situation of the Palestinian in regard Israel is very similar to the situation of the Native Americans and Mexican citizens before and after the Manifest Destiny. They are illegal citizens in their own land. In regard, the unconditional support of the USA establishment to Israel, this is the answer: the Zionist bankers that own the UK and Israel, also own the USA.

May 24, 2011 7:55 am (Pacific time)

Mr Netanyahu’s visit to America was a reminder to President Obama, his administration and all the American people of who’s the boss. It was humiliating for Obama sitting there listening to Mr Netanyahu patronising him saying that everybody knows that the 1967 borders will never happen, what he was really saying is, "You know well, President Obama, that whatever you say will not matter and we will act as we are planning to and you have no choice but to agree with us."  I am ashamed.

USAISRAEL4EVER May 24, 2011 12:39 pm (Pacific time)


Editor: Hey, that's a good one.  You will actually deny what people can see with their own eyes.  Classic.

James May 23, 2011 8:29 pm (Pacific time)

I find it the most difficult thing to be a born again Christian and to half to have some sort of respect for the so-called state of Israel, if you want to be part of any church in the U.S. of A. today. Yesterday I went to what I consider one of the best churches in our area only to hear a visiting minister express his feelings about what Obama suggested this past week about Israel going back to the borders of 1967. One statement that I was familiar with was about the Lord God not being on the political side of either side of the borders. There was the same old adage about Israel is for the Jews, but no mention of the land belonging to the Palestinians before the Balfour declaration. No mention about the costs of American young people to fight those un-Godly conflicts in the Middle East for the sake of Jews that don't belong on that land. Jews are Eastern European converts to Judaism, and for another thing, the greater majority of these Jews today have nothing to do with Judaism or the old scriptures. Satan is alive and living in that unholy land. Anyone with a lick of sense that wants to call the actions of these Jews over the past 65 plus years as an act from the Lord God to protect themselves from what happened during WW2 has not done their homework. I could agree with only one statement that this guy made, that was that their is a big failure of Jewish people to uphold the scriptures to bring blessing upon the earth if they want to call themselves the chosen of God. The Lord God has not broken His covenant with the 'children of Israel', so that would mean that there are still blood descendents of the true Israelites living in the earth today. That does not include anyone that becomes a convert. The joke says, that just because a cat gives birth to kittens in an oven does not make those kittens cupcakes. So also, just because a person or their relatives from the past choose to become Jewish that does not make them Israelites.

Anonymous May 23, 2011 6:27 pm (Pacific time)

Editor I was there and you were what, a toddler? I cannot stand Bush, but dislike Kerry even more because of his statements which were proven to be lies. There are thousands of us Vietnam veterans who have become well informed regarding our war, and have witnessed such absurd comments and comparisons with other conflicts. Your's are utterly nonsense, but mild to what I have observed over the years. As much as I dislike Bush, he was not a draft dodger, but Bill Clinton was as were about 99%+ plus of all the American Jews, many of who write Obama's speeches and guide him down the path he has taken our country. By the way, a good friend of mine, a retired surgeon from Portland served with Kerry for that short time he was in-country, and the main reason he did not come forward in 2004 during the campaign season was that there were already enough Swiftboaters coming forward, but he had two daughters teaching in Portland public schools, and wanted to save them grief, but not anymore. He and several other people who served with him are about to publish another accounting on Kerry and the background of those so-called Vietnam vets who testified in front of congress with him. The majority were not even veterans, much less Nam vets. Oh, I can arrange for you to come talk to a meeting of us Vietnam vets just a ways away from your home (or anyplace you desire), and we'll show you a real good time. You should realize we combat veterans have held every type of civilian job and we know how to find out anything we want. So how about it, want to come talk to us? Bring John Kerry and his Heinz stepsons. You might be surprised what superb condition many of us are still in. We know how to deal with liars, in court or not in court. Legally, of course.

Editor: It is painfully clear that you are a neocon, but are you also an antisemite?  I am very critical of Israeli politics but you cite Clinton's writers being American Jews, so what?  By the way, do your  meetings require white hoods?  Can I bring some WWII, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan veteran friends of mine to the meeting?  I'm excited about this, you will be there right?

Anonymous May 23, 2011 2:59 pm (Pacific time)

There were a few very rare, and isolated criminal acts by U.S Forces in Vietnam,

 (Like My Lai- where hundreds of women and children were rounded up and slaughtered like animals?  There were a few alright, a a few hundred in that single event.)  Please don't minimize the nature of the horrible things that took place to civilians from your easy chair, it make me nervous to even think about.

but it was the North Vietnamese, and to a lesser degree, the Viet Cong, that killed tens of thousands of civilians and also committed brutal war crimes.

 Editor: This is true, people get pretty worked up when their nation is invaded, the NVA was terrible and killed more civilians, but then look at what Sherman did on his march to Atlanta.  Do you see a difference when a nation is engaged in a civil war?  The sick part is that... oh forget it.  It's all sick.

Unfortunately we have some people out there who have no idea what war and combat is on a day to day basis; they seem to enjoy putting out false info, or more accurately, demonstrating their ignorance by not doing the "primary" research. John Kerry was one of the better know lowlife scumbags who did this same lying, and he seems to have his followers that actually think he traveled inside the country where the real war was going on. He spent a little over 3 months in Vietnam, had 3 bandaid wounds which most likely were paper cuts from his toilet paper. Those sissy wounds allowed him to return to the states. Many people who were wounded there, and healed up, got sent back to the bush. We dodged a bullet when that dirtbag lost in 2004.

 Editor: One, at least Kerry served and was in combat, never enough for some, but he was there.  Second, all of the bullshit in the world comes to pass when a Bush supporter slams Kerry over Vietnam, give it up.  Forgive me if I am presumptuous, but the man I assume to be your hero was a full  blown coward, he was an actual draft dodger with his little role in the Texas guard.  Kerry was a military combatant.  He didn't fail and fall down in my book until he was part of the committee overseeing POW/MIA affairs with that scumbag you fail to mention, the old dude from Arizona, land of hate crimes and idiot politicians.

At any rate in combat bad things happen, but the Americans who fought in Vietnam were a very noble bunch who were tricked by LBJ's bs, and the democratic party. The latter jerks then later cut funding which allowed a cascade effect and the eventual deaths of millions in SE Asia. May all those who cut that funding and their families burn in hell, along with all you draft dodging cowards and John Kerry follower losers out there in your fantasyland.

Editor: Millions would never have died if the US had stayed out of it.  I don't believe it was such a party thing as you imply.  Funding had to be reduced because that war had to end, never should have started.  After all the leader of North Vietnam worked for the Americans during WWII, people forget so damned quickly.  Then the US funded the French return in the post war years.  I too believe that the vast majority of those who served in Vietnam did so with honor, and I also applaud the Vietnamese for kicking the crap out of the Khmer Rouge and then defeating the Chinese when they invaded Vietnam.  None of that backs up the horrible civilian killing aspect of this group, but as I said terrible things happen during invasive, occupational wars.

John Tourian May 23, 2011 12:29 pm (Pacific time)

Brutally honest and factual! As if $80/year AID to genocide-committing Israel since 1948 when Jew US Prsdnt Harry Truman created it, is not enough to continue demonizing decent Arabs-Christians-Moslems, US ‘Gentiles’ (Jew for ALL leprous others) paid for atrocities of Jews Cheney-Bush-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-Murdock-12 tribes: 35K actual dead, 700K crippled, $5 trillion cost, wrecked economy, total loss of trust in US,+ 1½ million Arabs killed! Evil Israel commits atrocities against anybody with impunity since US will cast another of almost all (85%) UN Vetoes to shield it! Since 1948, ALL US Prsdnts (but JFK) are converts from Judaism (Nazi collaborator Prescott Bush clan) or have Jew blood incldng Mr Obama! When US supports evil Israel, ENABLER US is even more evil! Arabs are angry! They know the complicity of their US-puppet rulers! Most of Congress are Jews and belong to Ezra Stiles (Yale University founder) Skull and Bones World Domination Society incldng Kerry family that converted from Judaism! Unrest and violence in US is next! JFK said he will change US Foreign Policy in M.E. He was assassinated by Jew L H Oswald who was shot dead INSIDE Dallas P. D. by cancerous Jew J Rubinstein and covered up by Jews LBJ-Nixon-G.Ford-Connolly-Warren-12tribes. He was shot from the front in the base of his neck in upward trajectory where sat the Secret Service. The response of Jews Bush-Cheney-Paulison-Rumsfeld-Murdock-12-tribe and Congress to the US economic catastrophe caused by the psycho Wall Str CHOSEN Fannie (fitting name) Mae, AIG, Goldman Sacks etc was: bail them out with $20 trillion tax money from US GENTILES! None of the embezzlers was arrested!

Lars May 23, 2011 8:20 am (Pacific time)

The Israelites were so insignificant and unessential the Egyptians never noticed their existence or bothered to. As a matter of fact, and according to modern archeology, the Israelites were a bunch of herders at the eastern borders of the kingdom with the Egyptians referring to them as the filthy and impure Asians for they were known for their unhygienic outlook and practices and by their notorious reputation as plunderers. (This description still holds true in today's world. It is genetic.). According to the zombie revenge type of Yahweh, the river Nile turned into blood, the land of Egypt had been menacingly fraught with the perils of flocks of frogs, lice, flies, locusts and wild animals and under the abrupt and total shutdown of daylight the first-born of all humans and animals were mercilessly killed by the passing over angel of death. And amidst that horror and disaster the Israelites were busy looting Egyptian treasures while their god was joyfully watching. They had to leave Egypt in a hurry before the pharaoh and his army could catch them and impede their majestic exit. Due to the Hebrew scribes’ lack of geographical knowledge concerning the borders of the Egyptian empire and its sovereignty at the time, and lacking any GPS satellite technology, it somehow slipped their attention that going out of Sinai and entering Canaan did not necessarily mean exiting Egypt, as Canaan was just another Egyptian territory with fortified Egyptian garrisons and check points everywhere. Reviewing that horror stories of the Passover you can’t help but to wonder how ancient Egypt – in the absence of anything like the UN relief efforts in our modern times- ever managed to escape total annihilation and collapse. If those natural disasters ever stroke the land of the Nile simultaneously and in that extreme manner that had been depicted in the Hebrew bible, ancient Egypt would have been wiped off the map permanently or at least collapsed as an economical, military and political power. Historians are inclined to place the exodus at the middle 15 century BC, but curiously enough, Egypt at that time- the new kingdom time- was at its pinnacle of strength and prosperity. During that period of time, ancient Egypt with great kings like Thutmose III, Akhenaten and Tutankhamun reigned over an empire reaching eastward to the borders of Iran and Syria and southward to the sources of the Blue Nile in Sudan. To cut a long story short, and according to archeologists and geologists; the Passover environmental disasters along with the presence of those hundreds of thousands afflicted Israelites is nothing but a myth that runs counter to the archeological truth, environmental geology facts and chronicles of ancient Egypt. And if history stands skeptical about this tale of the Exodus from ancient Egypt, what does that say about the rest of the ancient Israelites’ narrative that happened to depend primarily on this story and regard it as self-evident and totally axiomatic. After thousands of years, the exodus memory had transformed, for modern Jews, into matzah snacks and gathering around the Seder meal while telling the story of the exodus to the children so that it would grow up with them to be retold again to their children. And this is how historical authority is being systematically undermined every passing year at the Passover. And this is why the Jews are absolutely the best storytellers ever.

Matt May 23, 2011 7:05 am (Pacific time)

As of September the US is no longer a broker of peace no longer in the middle ground. Can no longer be the Shepard. The worst thing for Israel was the US to lose it's political capital and become a part of the problem and a overt arm in what the world see as an occupation. The US has used the middle ground to protect Israel and maintain the status quo. It can no longer perform that function. When peace talks resume after the next round of violence and the PLO BDS campaign the US will not be at the table, September is the death of years of a US sponsored peace process. It was always better for Israel to have a friend that supported it as the broker to shield them from adverse implications. After September Hamas which as been seen as a terrorist organization outside of the peace process or liberation seen ideologically intent only on the destruction of Israel, will be see as a legitimate righteous form of resistance with a different objective to how the organization is see today. No peace talks means no sympathy in the wider world to terror attacks against Israel. While Israel had talks with Fatah during the peace process and Hamas conducted terror the world saw the Jews as victims.

tom May 22, 2011 10:00 pm (Pacific time)

What a load of crap. Vietnam, Korea, Bosnia, S. Africa its all Israel?
And what about the arab govts slaughtering their own people in tunisia syria and egypt - not a word. And what about no rights for churches in sadia arabia? no women drivers? The writer is a total bigit

Editor: Tom, the U.S. mass murdered civilians in Vietnam in a long running war that spanned from '64 to '75.  The governments that slaughtered their own in the Muslim nations you reference did so because they have been allies of Israel, do you really not know that much?  Korea wasn't mentioned, Bosnia isn't mentioned, however S. Africa was a legitimately accepted government by the west in an amazingly racist position.  Israel maintains current racist politics.  Saudi Arabia is not a nation I advocate for, they have turned their backs on their Muslim brothers and sisters suffering through a terrible Diaspora.  The Saudi's host the Wahhabi faith and they are the guys who don't allow women to drive, make them wear burqa's; and this country is both Israel and the USA's friend.  I am a writer who specializes in subjects like Genocide and political apartheid and you can learn a few things around here; you really need to, you owe it to yourself.

zenospinoza May 22, 2011 7:33 pm (Pacific time)

ha ha! Netanyahu bitch slaps Obama! ho ho! Obama bitch slaps him right back!

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.


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