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May-19-2013 16:51 ![]() ![]() ![]() Activist Violently Arrested For Filming At Oregon RodeoSalem-News.comSHARK’S video of horse tripping at the 2012 Big Loop Rodeo inspired Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton to introduce a horse-tripping ban.
(JORDAN VALLEY, OR) - On Saturday May 18th, 2013, SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) volunteer Adam Fahnestock was peacefully sitting monitoring the Big Loop Rodeo when rodeo personnel and a Malheur County Sheriff’s deputy approached him. After a very brief conversation, the deputy suddenly grabbed Fahnestock and threw him violently to the ground where rodeo personnel then also set upon him. Fahnestock was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He is currently being held in Malheur County Jail, Vale, OR on a $1,000 bail. Big Loop Rodeo has been under fire from SHARK recently after documentation of a bucking horse breaking its leg in the arena and numerous horses were filmed crashing to the ground was released after the 2012 rodeo. Filming is permitted at the rodeo and many spectators film the events. It is believed Fahnestock was singled out for attack because Big Loop Rodeo officials are upset over the video of a horse breaking its leg being released, and the disturbing footage of the horse-tripping event went viral creating massive public outcry to ban the event. SHARK president, Steve Hindi said, “This is clearly an abuse of the law and an example of the “good old-boy network" that exists in the rodeo world. We will fight these false and retaliatory charges vigorously and continue to expose animal abuse at rodeos.” SHARK’S video of horse tripping at the 2012 Big Loop Rodeo inspired Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton to introduce a horse-tripping ban. Senate Bill 835 is currently being considered after a public hearing was held on Monday May 13th, 2013. Graphic footage of the incident of the horse breaking its leg can be seen here: Video of horse tripping at the 2012 Jordan Valley Big Loop Rodeo, which inspired SB 835, can be seen here: Source: SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness) _________________________________________
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Anonymous July 5, 2013 9:38 pm (Pacific time)
This is sort of like shooting the messenger isn't it?? If the Rodeo Authority's new they weren't doing anything wrong, they would allow video taping as it would create awareness for their event. Arresting the messenger- and so what if "it's a way of life" Pedophiles have their "way of life too" it doesn't make it right.
Anonymous May 29, 2013 7:08 pm (Pacific time)
Of course not "Horsemen", they call themselves cowboys. A true horseman would never betray a horse.
Anonymous May 29, 2013 4:35 pm (Pacific time)
Regarding Miki's comment (May 21) about his brothers horse Cooper. Poor Cooper! He very well may have a problem with his back and/or poor saddle fit. If this is a gentle, affectionate and compliant horse until he is under saddle it is extremely unlikely that he just likes to buck! And if he's still coming up to people on his own now that he's being used as a bucking horse, he's probably hoping someone will get him the hell outta there! I wonder, did it even cross anyone's mind that Cooper should be examined by a vet for a medical problem? Horses can't tell us something hurts, which is why they will sometimes buck in protest to being ridden when something hurts. Geeez, and you call yourselves horsemen?!
Melanie May 29, 2013 1:27 pm (Pacific time)
Horse Tripping, Calf Roping, Horses being shocked with electric prods, and all manner of injury and abuse are thankfully documented and exposed by SHARK. It's time for a permanent ban on all rodeoes.
Glenn & Debbie May 28, 2013 11:09 am (Pacific time)
We cannot thank SHARK enough about the work it does in exposing the cruelty in rodeos.
Anonymous May 25, 2013 8:03 am (Pacific time)
It is 'MIND BLOWING' that this pathetic 'event' is still tolerated in this state! Rodeo by allowing this is only giving itself MORE OF A BLACK EYE!! There are people who will NEVER ATTENT a rodeo and with this event you have sealed the deal. WHAT PERSON said that this is ok to do to horses and not for a second realize the damage/death that is done. NEVERMIND the torture mentally towards these horses. OR was it some ones idea to do this to either SLAUGHTER BOUND horses (ones owned by kill buyers' with the sickening mentality 'they are going to die anyway'??? However the MOST DISTERBING aspect of all of this is that this 'rodeo' has an audience that takes pleasure in watching this torture? Rodeo in and of itself is a form of torture BUT there are suppose to be RULES!!!! HORSE TRIPPING period has no rules .... they are not CATTLE and therefore anyone with ANY HORSEMANSHIP KNOWS THAT!! END IT NOW!!! It is no longer allowed in California and should be outlawed in every other state that thinks this is entertainment!
Dexter May 23, 2013 7:30 pm (Pacific time)
Actually it's not that easy to take video or pictures of the Oregon rodeo, more so when you arrive with a professional camera and a official press pass! I even tried to use the salem-news press pass, and made a story up that I was sent there on an assignment . The truth of the matter was , I was with a girl that took me there to see the show , and I did not want to leave my professional camera gear in her car. I also thought I could use the camera while being in the rodeo arena , and write a story about that day at the rodeo ( also having extra stock images for salem news would have been ideal as well). I was approached straight away , as I walked through the gate , and asked to open my bag up . I did so with a smile on my face thinking they will let me through after seeing the camera ...but not so . After explaining to them that I was sent to cover a story for salem-news, as well as waving one of my press cards around ( the salem one ) it still made no difference . I was quiet amazed by this reaction . From my work experience in the News Media , an official press card normally gets you in anywhere . The way they were behaving , I think I would have had better chance of entering the White House with my pass! . Their main excuses for not letting me in with the camera and camera bag , was because the sponsors and the owner of that rodeo show were extremely strict on the video and photo images of their show ... To the point they used their " own " photographers to cover their shows for their professional uses. They basically wanted full control of the professional images of their shows. To me this was " backward" publicity /advertising , and made no sense what so ever ! ... Until now . I did enjoy my day there ( would have been better with the camera mind you ), but had no idea any sort of cruelty was going on . Something I would not have expected from the horse loving cowboys.
Brian May 23, 2013 4:16 pm (Pacific time)
The way see it rules are rules if you are paying to be on private property then you respect the rules plain and simple , and as far the man from shark just siting there that is a lie and poor journalism when ask to stop videoing he took a swing at an officer ask anyone who was actually there
jillvic May 23, 2013 5:22 am (Pacific time)
The reason that the rodeo people get so violent about it is because they know they are wrong! they know full well that it is blatant cruelty to animals! they cant defend it. How can it still be allowed to continue? Thank you Adam!
Anonymous May 23, 2013 3:07 am (Pacific time)
John on May 20, This is not about feelings, this is about cruelty! Would you like to be hanged in ropes and beaten and shocked? Feel free to say yess. Since you save numbers of people who you dislike, anyone could do the same with you. You like to change the subject about animalabuse and try out your agressive way of showing your dislikes! That is how your kind of people show feelings. Try to see what is happening during these rodeo´s, based on facts and reality. Would you like to switch places with the animals? No, I don´t think so, because you would crie like a baby when people would do that to you! Try to see the terrified, beaten and hanged animals, with broken legs and necks, gasping for air, and scared all the time! That is not normal or natural and that is a fact! You can not hide that with your angry words. It is WRONG! It is called abuse! Do not hide behind your Western Tradition, because real cowboys are real sportmen, and these rodeo´s are o so vicious against animals and people. These kind of people are even afraid of each other and you try to scare people too. Try to be a real man and try to compete real men in football! Do not compete with defenseless, beaten and shocked animals, for that is no sport at all!! And, by the way, many great athletes do not eat meat because it slows you down and it makes you sick of cancer, diabetes and so on! Try a change in your live! Be more kind and social. When you will try to see the beauty of live and nature, than you don´t want to kill it all the time!
Anonymous May 22, 2013 5:31 pm (Pacific time)
Thank you, Adam Fahnestock, for your work to expose rodeo animal cruelty. There seems to be different laws for different folks regarding animal cruelty thereby if it is for entertainment and big profit it is legal, otherwise it may be a misdemeanor or felony. It takes someone like you, as they say in the rodeo business, to man up and expose the cruelty. There should be awards for people like you. You have my greatest respect.
Anonymous May 22, 2013 5:23 pm (Pacific time)
No amount of rationalization can dispel animal cruelty as anything but animal cruelty. Football players have a choice. The horses and calves have no choice. These horses are bred for this particular purpose of abuse for entertainment, actually for big profits. People have to ask themselves would they enjoy being roped and slammed into the dirt, put into the position of breaking a neck or a leg. Animals appreciate gentle, kindness and respect not being the object of ridicule and suffering. Thank you very much Senator Mark Hass, D-Beaverton, for your compassion and for Senate Bill 835 to ban horse tripping.
Mr. Ed May 22, 2013 3:10 pm (Pacific time)
Thank You, Adam for your dedication to exposing this heinous cruelty. Tripping horeses and calf roping needs to end. thank you Adam again and again for all you do to help the animals!
Dave Nickel May 22, 2013 11:54 am (Pacific time)
If there wasn't horse roping in a rodeo, then what would those horses do? They would be slaughtered. This is like football if someone broke their leg in a football game then you people wouldn't try to get rid of the game right? If you have a horse that can't be rode, what else do you do with it? Send it to a bucking contractor so he can do what he loves. Around the rodeo grounds at Jordan Valley there were signs that said no videos permited, and the man that was put in jail broke the law of the rodeo. And he swung at an officer. He had all the right to go to jail.
Miki May 21, 2013 9:24 pm (Pacific time)
Believe it or not there are horses that just like to buck. My brother had a 6 year old horse that was his gather cows, branding, his everything horse but Cooper loved to buck and the neighbors liked to invite my brother to gatherings and brandings just to see what kind of wreck they would get in. My brother is very patient and a good hand with a horse but no matter what he did, Cooper kept bucking. Final ride came when he was gathering cows and Cooper came unwound and left my brother hurting pretty bad. He could not sell him because he did not want anyone getting hurt riding him but he also did not want to send him to slaughter. So he sold him to a stock contractor, that was over a year ago. To this day Cooper goes to various rodeos, bucks off his rider and he is done for the day. There are many anti rodeo people out there but not all animals are forced to perform. Take Cooper as example, without rodeo he would have been sent to slaughter in Canada. Now he gets vet checks, fed well and turned out in a huge pasture when not at rodeos. And if you think all that has mentally scarred him, you would be wrong. He still comes up to any one, any time and is just as goofy as ever.
Paula Denmon May 21, 2013 7:09 pm (Pacific time)
I am copying a message that I agree with, and couldn't say better. AG GAG BILLS SPONSORED BY SUCH AS THE FARM BUREAU, RODEO ASSOCIATIONS AND CATTLEMEN'S AND FARM ASSOCIATIONS THAT ABUSE ANIMALS ARE TO PREVENT THE PUBLIC FROM KNOWING THE TRUTH. This is a perfect example of animal abuse that these bills are trying to hide from the public. Do not let your state pass one of these bills.. THANKS TO SHARK FOR BEING THERE. Adam should not be in jail. We should do everything possible to get him out of jail, and put the animal abusers in jail. First OfF, If There Is A Ban On Videos, TheN There Is Something To Hide And Forget That Traditions Rights Arguments. Animal abuse Is Wrong And Horse Tripping Is Animal Abuse. The Horse Breaking It's Leg Was Horrible And Horses Don't Naturally Buck. Your Little Strap Around It's Private parts Cause Pain. Again, That's Animal Abuse. To Push A Horse To Injure Itself Is Animal Abuse. I Don't Care How Much Of An Argument You Put Up, This Stupidity Needs To Stop. The rodeo Claims About Caring About The Animals Is A Load Of Manure...Lies! This And All Rodeos Like It Should Be Banned In This Country. I Don't Care About Your Fake Traditions Or So Called Rights. Groups Like These Shouldn't Have Rights. They Should All Be Incarcerated!
LFH LFR May 21, 2013 5:46 pm (Pacific time)
S.H.A.R.K. You're GOLDEN man. Keep up the good work!
debbie catalina May 21, 2013 4:46 pm (Pacific time)
Everyone should be asking for the name of the rodeo contracting company that provided those horses that were abused at the jordan loop rodeo horses tripping. Ol buddy Vern is a cattle wholesalerer running about 5000 head over around Crane in the Warm Springs HMA, and 5 will get you ten that the blm provided those horses.....
Sarah May 21, 2013 4:24 pm (Pacific time)
He got violent with the sheriff FIRST this is the most One sided story ever!
No offense, but I don't believe it, the reputation for these places is what it is and all it brings a person who "swings" at a law enforcement officer in Oregon is a big fat prison sentence, so I think they're blowing steam, only it isn't really steam....
Terri May 21, 2013 3:57 pm (Pacific time)
First OfF, If There Is A Ban On Videos, TheN There Is Something To Hide And Forget That Traditions Rights Arguments. Animal abuse Is Wrong And Horse Tripping Is Animal Abuse. The Horse Breaking It's Leg Was Horrible And Horses Don't Naturally Buck. Your Little Strap Around It's Private parts Cause Pain. Again, That's Animal Abuse. To Push A Horse To Injure Itself Is Animal Abuse. I Don't Care How Much Of An Argument You Put Up, This Stupidity Needs To Stop. The rodeo Claims About Caring About The Animals Is A Load Of Manure...Lies! This And All Rodeos Like It Should Be Banned In This Country. I Don't Care About Your Fake Traditions Or So Called Rights. Groups Like These Shouldn't Have Rights. They Should All Be Incarcerated!
mary beth williams May 21, 2013 3:27 pm (Pacific time)
This is disgusting treatment of animals!
Standardbred_Horse_Fan_Club May 21, 2013 2:37 pm (Pacific time)
how sad for those poor horses that trust humans and dont know what to do or how to cope with the pain. what happens to them when they are injured? probably sent to slaughter in Canada since no one wants lame horses. poor, poor babies :-(
It's Simple Really May 21, 2013 1:19 pm (Pacific time)
DO NO HARM This is a way of living. If you put any living thing INTENTIONALLY against it's will, you are doing harm and that's all there is to it. Doesn't matter the political party, or whatever lifestyle, or freedom to film. And living things are not tools. Alive, good. Dead is well, dead. Suffering is NEVER Okay. Even if they don't break ANYTHING this is suffering and it's own kind of torture, plain and simple. You can defend it to the end of time, there is no justification and that's all there is to it.
Beverly Sondej May 21, 2013 12:47 pm (Pacific time)
I think that any activity that exploits animals is just horses feel pain and have mental stress being forced to buck. All animals that are used are being subjected to animal abuse...did anyone see the video of a calf being roped in slow motion? How can that not hurt? I am sick of people thinking that they can use animals in any way they see fit for the sake of making money. It is like going to the coliseum and seeing men fight because they had to and animals that had to die fighting for their lives. I don't think that as humans we have progressed very far. Regardless as to whether or not you felt that the article was one-sided, the fact is that these animals are being abused and I admire the people that stand up for their rights.
Sandy Culbertson May 21, 2013 9:12 am (Pacific time)
As a child I was FORCED to go to Rodeos on a fairly regular basis. I cried at the calf roping and my parents were ashamed of me. Watching these videos reminds me of the blood thirsty Romans. The yelling and satisfaction the spectators get when a horse goes down makes me want to HURL!! There is no excuse for this cruelty. What is it accomplishing? Never, never tell me that the Stock Companies "LOVE" their animals. It's all about money and macho strutting. Don't hand me that "cultural heritage" crap either. They mutilate women's genitals in third world countries ~ so should we watch them do it here? This HAS TO STOP!! I am deeply ASHAMED of Oregon! There should be charges filed against the annual Big Loop rodeo and major civil lawsuits filed against the company that provides the rodeo stock! Freakin BARBARIANS!
DJ: Oregon is nothing compared to the Calgary Stampede, held here every year since 1912!
Sandy Culbertson May 21, 2013 9:06 am (Pacific time)
As a child I was FORCED to go to Rodeos on a fairly regular basis. I cried at the calf roping and my parents were ashamed of me. Watching these videos reminds me of the blood thirsty Romans. The yelling and satisfaction the spectators get when a horse goes down makes me want to HURL!! There is no excuse for this cruelty. What is it accomplishing? Never, never tell me that the Stock Companies "LOVE" their animals. It's all about money and macho strutting. Am I a Vegan? That's none of your GD business!
Michael May 21, 2013 8:17 am (Pacific time)
This is very poor article. Unless you want just one side of the story. Did the writer investigate if the comments about the law enforcement is true? Based on how the article is written, I would say not.I beloved that most LE have video know. Maybe a follow up article should be written. With both sides of the issue along with facts that can be proven.
Tw May 21, 2013 8:07 am (Pacific time)
Horrible people are involved. Everyone needs to protest this cruelty and boycott Oregon to get the message across.
LOGIC May 21, 2013 6:46 am (Pacific time)
Lets clear some issues up here. 1. Not everyone who is Republican is into rodeos or animal abuse. THIS is about animal abuse so liberals and democrats please stop bringing political parties into this. We may disagree on how the government spends it money but we can agree on the heinousness of animal abuse.
2. As for the rodeo fans who keep saying that everyone else does not understand your lifestyle so we have no right to comment because we don't know anything about it, you are idiots too! Whether we understand or not why you are cold to the suffering of animals or why you think tight jeans, cowboy boots and hats make you look good has NOTHING TO DO with our ability to see that you are causing UNNECESSARY SUFFERING to living feeling animals who should not have to suffer such horrific fates for anyone's entertainment! Their injuries and suffering are clear to see and easy to understand regardless of whether or not we "understand" anything else about why you chose such a life.
3. To anyone here trying to convince us that the videos only show the bad parts of the event and not the treatment, you are failing ridiculously so just stop! Everyone knows that rodeo animals are the poor hapless victims of the unwanted or food animal trade and that they, when injured, are not going to receive a Triple Crown winner level of vet care. They are not going to be hospitalized for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of care just to keep them alive for stud purposes. They get a broken leg, they are getting shot. PERIOD. THERE IS NO, I SAID NO TREATMENT FOR A BROKEN HORSE LEG. THEY ARE DEAD!
4. Please also give up on trying to convince us that "you rodeo" people care about and respect your animals but that accidents happen and some animals get hurt and it can't be helped. The inarguable truth is that IF YOU REALLY CARED FOR AND RESPECTED THESE ANIMALS YOU WOULD NOT PUT THEM IN ANY SITUATION THAT COULD POTENTIALLY HURT THEM SO BADLY. This is something called LOGIC. I know you are unfamiliar with the term since it eludes you in every one of your emotion-driven pro rodeo all-caps rants! I had a horse when I was younger and I lover and respected her. As such, I would have NEVER done anything to her that had the likelihood of causing her pain. THAT is care and respect. PLEASE STOP PRETENDING YOU HAVE CARE OR RESPECT FOR ANIMALS! People care about their children which is why every time one gets hurt doing anything, suddenly there is a new law or piece of protective equipment to keep them from getting hurt again. Rodeos have no such protection so your concern is not evident.
Mary Alice Pollard, CVFA May 21, 2013 5:07 am (Pacific time)
An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language. Those who support this horrific cruelty need to look into the eyes of these animals and understand, and hopefully then feel their pain. I have worked along side of veterinarians at rodeo's - you people don't see the half of what happens to these animals. Count yourselves lucky - it has stayed with me for life !
Lea Buijsse May 21, 2013 2:55 am (Pacific time)
You are great to be that determind to prove what is wrong! Keep up with the good work, You told the world what kind of cowards these kind of cowboys are and what kind of evil and cruelty they want to hide!
These cowboys think that they are great, but what is there so great on shocking, beating, bitting and hanging defenseless animals? These corrupted rodeo´s have to stop! Please follow the next link to watch more cruelty with the rodeo´s because Coca Cola is sponsoring these events;
Lea Buijsse May 21, 2013 1:08 am (Pacific time)
Just by accident I watched the videos´s of SHARK on you tube. All my life I take care of horses and other animals! What these rodeo´s show is cruelty and evil. Not based on a single incident but every event and each year! Much cruelty is proved and shown. These events are not based on Western Tradition, but based on coward behaviour against animals! Because, how can treat an animal this, way, shocked, beaten, bitten, tripped and hung up in ropes! That is not a sport, that is evil and not a fair play. The animals are unarmed and freightend! These rodeo´s are bad advertisement for the USA!
Mike R May 20, 2013 8:58 pm (Pacific time)
This is not horse tripping. Its actually called Big Loop, thus the name of the rodeo. Its actually a very rare event and it is a cultural thing with a lot of tradition. The lasso the cowboys use is huge, 20ft in diameter. But you are all right it should be banned. So should the traditional hunts of endangered species that native Americans are allowed to do. We should also ban eating all meat cause cattle and chickens are treated much worse than these horses. Anyone seen how they slaughter cows? If you eat meat you are all about animal cruelty. A horse is an animal. It is here for us to use. Either as food or a tool. These horses are treated with the utmost respect and the last thing anyone wants for a horse to get hurt. But it happens. What is the difference between a cow and a horse no one complains about treatment of cattle because they are food.
Joe May 20, 2013 8:50 pm (Pacific time)
You would only see the crash not the injuries or treatment
James H May 20, 2013 8:45 pm (Pacific time)
This is horse tripping.
I heard a lot of "they say" in your report. Now that you said, I'll say. Horse tripping is not a part of "STD "horsemanship practices". I've gone to rodeos all my life and since they started doing this mess, well, it just disgusts me. Donkey roping is another one. I guess they do that in Texas. This is intentionally hurting the animals and they aren't built for makin em fall like that. It's just like if someone tripped you and you fell to the ground and got hurt. Now I'm not saying horses are people but my father always taught me to respect animals especially horses because they make good companions. Theres a line when we shouldn't cross when we work with animals. At least that used to be standard practices.
Editor: I checked your link and it doesn't seem to lead to any particular video, please feel free to resend, thanks.
John May 20, 2013 8:32 pm (Pacific time)
Hey Anonymous, Its all about you and your feelings, dam anyone else's rights. People like you wouldn't help a homeless man. But will whine and cry over a person putting up a cross on there own land that you find offensives. Yah I got your number.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 6:37 pm (Pacific time)
What a disgusting event. If there were nothing wrong with what they're doing they would have no problem with anyone videotaping the goings on! As for the videos posted of prior "events", the footage doesn't lie. Thinking this arrest is actually a huge blessing in disquise for all rodeo animals, horses in particular! Love all the attention and publicity being brought to light because of it! This should certainly help pass laws against this kind of horrible animal abuse for entertainment. There simply is no way to justify this organized animal abuse! Real working cowboys don't treat stock in this manner. Only weekend cowboy wannabees commit this kind of abuse.
joe May 20, 2013 6:20 pm (Pacific time)
Fahnestocks video only shows part of the picture not the whole thing. If he were to show the whole rodeo and not only the part that got your panties in a knot it wouldn't be that bad. When he eddited it to only show the one animal getting hurt it gets one sided. Why didn't he show how the animal was treated after it got hurt? It's like filming a car wreck, showing the injured people laying there saying they will be left for dead.
Do you need to show a whole war to see one battle within that war? I do love the analogy, you compare horse tripping to crash scene gawking?
Anonymous May 20, 2013 5:15 pm (Pacific time)
Your an ignorance is impressive. let me guess you're a vegetarian to write because that would be animal cruelty and disrespect just as bad or worse than what's being done these videos quit being a hypocrite and get over your s***...
We have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say, sorry.
E. George Strasser May 20, 2013 5:14 pm (Pacific time)
The blatant cruelty exhibited towards animals must stop. It just shows how rotten these people can be for a few dollars.
Deanna R May 20, 2013 5:12 pm (Pacific time)
I spearheaded the campaign to stop horse tripping in Mexican rodeos in Texas during the early '90's which resulted in legislation banning the practice. I also assisted the California and New Mexico bans and more recently, horse advocates in Nebraska. I am appalled to see American cowboys practicing their own hybrid version of this horrific event. Horses, with higher center of gravity and longer legs are far more vulnerable to grisly injuries and death from tripping or roping or whatever these cretins want to call it. I hope the legislators will do the right thing and put an end to this cruelty.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 5:05 pm (Pacific time)
You state in your article "Filming is permitted at the rodeo and many spectators film the events." Yet, the excuse that the rodeo officials are spitting out is that cameras are NOT allowed. Hmmmmm
The treatment of animals in rodeos is pure and simple cruelty. There is no doubt in most people's minds. The rodeo hacks don't want people who may not be rodeo fans to see the facts. If I were a coward (like most of them are), I would not want the facts and pictures to be out to the public either.
The bottom line is that we as Americans can photograph or videotape anything we want because it is a free country and the laws are orchestrated this way. A photographer can't attend an event like this and sell the footage, but they can record and air on YouTube in a non-commercial format. Remember that Oregon still allows field burning also, and that is a very intense subject with the farmers. Sadly, the smoke blew across the I-5 one day and a terrible deadly crash happened. Oregon is roughly 20 years behind as an average rule, though the Internet is changing the scene a little at a time.
annonimous May 20, 2013 4:56 pm (Pacific time)
The horse was a terrible accident. I have been to many many rodeos and never seen one animal injured. Only people. I have, however seen a horse running free in a large pasture, step in a gopher hole and break it's leg. Honestly, the calf roping I never have agreed with and generally leave during that portion.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 4:28 pm (Pacific time)
Anonymous May 20, 2013 4:10 pm (Pacific time)
I would say that the behavior that the rodeo persons showed is consistent with rodeo behavior... not good.
Shane May 20, 2013 4:08 pm (Pacific time)
I have to agree with the "poor journalism" comments as there are quite a number of incorrect statements made in the article. No matter what your agenda or bias may be, journalism should be about the facts. You missed the bar with this article as your portrayal of the incident is very slanted towards the anti-rodeo contingency. Really this article should be in an editorial section.
Susan May 20, 2013 4:05 pm (Pacific time)
Whatever you want to call what is done to horses in these 'shows' -- roping, tripping, whatever, it is inhumane. Why do humans think that we can use and abuse these majestic animals for our entertainment? I am ashamed to be part of the human race for its' inhumanity to innocent and powerless animals.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 3:56 pm (Pacific time)
Animal cruelty is rampant with American rodeos which is a shame!! It is a spectator and participant travesty!
Brad Connor May 20, 2013 3:47 pm (Pacific time)
Right wingers like rodeos, air shows, and sending their sons off to unjustified wars started by THEIR political party, the piece of crap republicans. Those aren't "family values". Oh, and Christ was liberal.
Elaine May 20, 2013 3:47 pm (Pacific time)
People talking about others not interfering with their way of life, their traditions, and their livelihood are making the same arguments that slave owners made. I'm grateful to Sen. Hass for standing up for what's right, and I'm grateful to the Salem-News for alerting us to this.
Nannette Morgan May 20, 2013 3:46 pm (Pacific time)
I grew up in a ranching community. The man who gave me my first horse 55 years ago, never, ever, abused horses in this manner nor would he think it was acceptable, JEREMY. Furthermore, why do humans feel that inhumanity to animals is acceptable in sport? I think there is a special place in Hell for those who partake in abuse of any of God s Creations. What will they say when God asks them Why?, on their judgement day? God calls us "to be GOOD stewards of all that He has given us". I am sorry Adam was attacked and jailed. It just demonstrates their cowardness!
Anonymous May 20, 2013 3:42 pm (Pacific time)
The Jordan Valley Big Loop was cancelled last year due to a horse virus that was going around in the area. So I'm not sure how your video can be from the 2012 Rodeo.
Joe May May 20, 2013 3:40 pm (Pacific time)
I believe the ban on video was because of people like Adam Fahnestock. They record things like this out of context and show it to people who are clueless hoping to get a reaction. These horses are caught not tripped. These men and women devote their life to the care of these animals. There is a real life purpose for every event in a rodeo, Including horse roping. Rodeo is a way of showing the skills of their trade to their friends and neighbors. If you knew the rules that these events are governed by, you would see that intentionally doing harm to an animal is strictly forbidden and penalties are imposed. As for Adams "violent" arrest it wasnt violent untill he made it violent. Someone should tell him taking a swing at a cop is a bad idea no matter where you are.
Nannette Morgan May 20, 2013 3:38 pm (Pacific time)
This is should be mandatory for all sponsors and rodeo fans to watch! I m so sorry Adam was attacked and placed in jail on behalf of preventing animal abuse. He s a courageous man. I am so disgusted with man s inhumanity to God s creatures who depend on us. We are called to be good stewards of them. I believe there is a special Hell for people who abuse these animals full well knowing how much injury they inflict. I wonder what they will tell God on their Judgement day?
ONE SIDED! May 20, 2013 3:36 pm (Pacific time)
TO THOSE WITHOUT A CLUE... May 20, 2013 3:35 pm (Pacific time)
Take a deep breath man, three spewing comments in a row? I have some insight for you, you are not making your side of this issue look better, not at all.
BIG LOOP LOVER! May 20, 2013 3:31 pm (Pacific time)
Anonymous May 20, 2013 2:51 pm (Pacific time)
First of all wher the e you say video is allowed your wrong the are signs all over saying videoing is prohibited to you that don't kjow what that means. I mea ns you can't use a video camera at this evening. Second the cowboys that participate in rodeo care more about theys animal then any activis group will ever care. No on what's to see anything get hurt but it does happpen and note that there were a lot of good men out there to help this animal. But its an animal and it had a job to do and it was doing its job that is what they are for. It gas no felling or emostion.
Right, it just sounds like a rule you would hear in communist China - not the U.S. It is painfully obvious that the rodeo has something to hide or it would not implement such an absurd rule.
Jeremy May 20, 2013 2:37 pm (Pacific time)
You know there is good and bad in everything we do. Take for instance a mom disciplining her child for making a bad decision. Horse training is delicate matter in which a 100-250 pound human is trying to teach an 1100+pound animal to listen, oblique, and work with there trainer for a purpose. I feel sorry for the people in which the most physical work they do in a day is walk to the coffee shop. Rodeo is a way of life to a lot of people and a way to show there skills for which they've worked a lifetime to master. These competitors at rodeos are some of the most passionate animal people you will ever meet. They work, bleed, and give there lives to there families, to the land, to there animals, and most of all God. It's a shame that people have to try to take this hard life away from them. There is danger in every day life for every creature, man or animal. Cars kill people, work accidents kill people, the way we treat are neighbors and friends hurt each other. In rodeo just the same as any other activity there is a risk for both animal and human. It would be nice for somebody to really study and investigate a story before they write an article like this.
No way May 20, 2013 1:24 pm (Pacific time)
Good evening every people espacially Tim King ( here from 80000 miles it is Night )
I find a very good news website upon Bollyn or Zianari have recently posted article upon international news and one in very good on econy and zionsm
May Tim become editor wtih all others in order to get more visibility to Salem news !
Thanks for the good wishes!
Jennifer May 20, 2013 1:05 pm (Pacific time)
I love Rodeo and was raised on a ranch.. I dont support shark at all but I also dont support the big loop for the same reasons shark is posting these videos.but would also like to point out stock contractors take very good care of thier stock. better then what Shark and Peta have portrayed. and you have your own practices under scruntiny . so if you are opening that door open it all the way. those who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.
Ever hear the saying, "Don't attack the messenger"? Publishing a news release is not throwing stones.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 1:00 pm (Pacific time)
This is journalism of the worst kind. A true journalist would have made an attempt at gaining the opinion of both sides. Why is it ok for MR. SHARK to make inflammitory comments? If I made this tryp of alligations against his organization I would be criticized. Salem-News appears to represent all that is wrong with Oregon.
It's kind of funny that you say that when we are approving your insulting comments and also offered to carry a news release from "the other side". is all that is right with Oregon, which explains our constantly growing local and worldwide following.
Mike May 20, 2013 12:52 pm (Pacific time)
Whether people want to admit it or not, one thing dictates everything we do. That thing is money. These horses are worth so much money and take souch money and time to raise that it makes zero financial sense to purposefully hurt them. They are used for entertainment, which bottom line is making money. If your horse breaks its leg that is present and future money lost. No one at these rodeos wants a horse to get hurt. Accidents happen and that is exactly what happened here, an accident. It goes against common sense and the all mighty dollar to say this is purposeful.
Laura May 20, 2013 12:33 pm (Pacific time)
I see, so you are not professing to be a NEWSpaper that accurately reflects to that public the goings on in our world, but instead are a publication put out to further an agenda. I'm sorry, I guess I should have done a more thorough investigation of your publication before assuming that it was journalism. I have since read several of your replies to the comments received and it has became even more obvious that I was wrong. I will expect less of you now. Your rant back to the Anonymous post comes to mind, don't you think that the organizers of the event were advised that they had a legal right to post those signs and enforce them, with the help of law enforcement? And don't you think that the Malheur County Sheriff's Department were acting based on the law? I did not have an agenda (as you apparently do) when I originally commented, now I do.
Thank you.
Rant? We're not ranting, not at all. I understand you are willing to say anything to justify your position, but to most people, it doesn't look so good.
Voice of the Rodeo May 20, 2013 11:57 am (Pacific time)
Screw the horses, we use them to make a living, they aren't animals, they are tools and yes we break their legs sometimes but it isn't on purpose it is just something tyhat happens. Damned liberals, mind your own business, if I want to break my horse's leg I'll dammed well do it and you won't be able to stop me.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 11:40 am (Pacific time)
Oh boy that is quite a skill for young children to watch!!! Surely you have to be kidding>>> OH MY GOD... Unbelievable......
Debbie May 20, 2013 11:38 am (Pacific time)
How on earth can horse tripping be fun to watch, please explain it for me??? Cause I am at a loss... What has happened to this society that we have become SO VULGER to actually invite danger in hurting horses by doing this??? Absolutely sick is what it is>>>>>>>>>>
Lori O'Harver May 20, 2013 11:16 am (Pacific time)
Very poor journalism. You should be ashamed.
Really? I don't think so at all, and that is a last ditch effort always - to revert to calling an article that doesn't match your lifestyle "poor journalism." By the looks of things it is anything but....
Anonymous May 20, 2013 11:04 am (Pacific time)
Man, I was there. When there are signs saying "no videoing" literally 15 feet apart along the fence, and you are still videoing. That's called breaking the rules. I was happy when everyone there hooped and hollered when these so call animal right activists were removed from our rodeo grounds.
OK, my thought is that I have been to a lot of different weekend outdoor activities and absolutely nobody tells a spectator they can't take pictures or roll video, hell people do it today on phones! There are also hidden cameras that you guys would never be able to find, what will you do then, ban sunglasses? The mere fact that you tried to disallow video cameras moves you from suspicious to guilty. If the injuries rarely happen, then what are you worried about? Why are you trying to control the liberties of Americans if your sport is ethical? No way, you are trying to keep it hidden from public view and you failed, and you will fail next time too. I am speaking directly to the photography aspect, I've carried a video camera all over Iraq and Afghanistan covering the war and showcasing our troops in dangerous areas, combat zones; those people who protect my right to be an American and take pictures of whatever the hell I want. I don't have an opinion on the horses, but as the editor of I call foul on your "no video" rules, they are perfectly ridiculous and something I'd expect in the Ukraine, not in America.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 10:54 am (Pacific time)
I like how a bunch of people who know nothing of our lifestyle can comment. Nobody likes to see a horse get hurt, but it rarely happens. You need to leave hard working people alone! The facts in this article are sadly misleading! Nobody is going to be arrested for a peaceful demonstration. I'd like for the people who were there to tell what really happened!
Central Oregonian May 20, 2013 10:53 am (Pacific time)
No wonder our state is so liberal. Its easy to make decisions when you get one sided, inaccurate stories like this. Obviously the author wrote what he felt like writing opposed to what actually happened. If your going to write a story, at least have some sort of accuracy instead of just throwing out a bunch of bogus information. Hopefully our government has a little more sense and gets both sides of the story instead of this left sided garbage. And yes it is HORSE ROPING, not tripping.
Laura May 20, 2013 10:52 am (Pacific time)
I have never seen the Big Loop in Jordan Valley. I am not a proponent of either party in this manner but what I am a proponent of is integrity in journalism and in my opinion this involves fairly stating the facts and researching thoroughly the events before printing a story. Has Salem-News done this? Was this information garnered by a reporter that was there at the time? It appears that the only interview given was by a representative of SHARK. Were other people present interviewed? Was the Malheur County Sheriff's office contacted for a statement on the arrest? If they were it is not apparent in this article. It is important that a journalist (none is evident in a by-line) or a journal claiming to be a NEWSpaper is fair and unbiased before printing an article and claiming it as the truth. People depend on facts they can trust in journalism. It appears that regardless of the events and how they happened, the Salem-News has not done a complete, fair and unbiased investigation, therefore should not be trusted either now or in the future, as factual newsprint.
Laura, this was a press release, not investigative journalism. If you want to see that then visit our brand new story today on Diane Downs (EXCLUSIVE: Diane Downs Never Held a Weapon, How Could She Have Shot Her Kids?)
This was a press release, that is why at the bottom it reads: Source: SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness)
Thank you
animal lover May 20, 2013 10:49 am (Pacific time)
shark is a good word for them.. predetor another.. shame on you for going so far as to state this type of event as abuse... pick up a history book, pull your SELF RIGHTOUSE head out of your a##. Animal abuse is a shame, target something else. The word tradition has NOTHING to do with the good o'l boy system Mr Hindi.. Do your home work you fools.....
Taylor Adams May 20, 2013 10:46 am (Pacific time)
No one was treated badly as you say there were signs posted everywhere as to no videoing follow the rules. Theses animals aren't treated badly. If only you would take the time to understand this world you would understand why everyone protects it. Its a way of life and has been for many years. We don't bother you with your ways of life so leave us alone. Is it cruelty when wolves viciously attacked other animals in the wild...the wolves you try to protect that destroy the elk and cattle and numerous other things.
Wolves? Fear of video cameras? What?
Anonymous May 20, 2013 10:36 am (Pacific time)
It says a lot that these people feel the need to try and stop any images of their cruelty from reaching the outside world. Jordan Valley sounds like a real anti-American backwater.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 10:30 am (Pacific time)
I would rather my 11 year old daughter watch these cowboys performing the skills they need for their lifestyle, than watch 99 percent of the programming on t.v.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 10:05 am (Pacific time)
"Filming is prohibited" because you're a bunch of fascist horse enemies and you know your garbage really makes people sick and it hurts everything to do with horses, you're playing a stupid arena game, there is no need, no point.
Sherie May 20, 2013 10:05 am (Pacific time)
Accidents happen? Yes they do but to intentionly through horses to the ground is inviting them! Horse are not cows or goats there bodys are easily injured and this is flat out abuse the bronk that broke it's leg was sad, but I can see how that could be concidered an accidernt but those horses being tripped and falling on the heads with there necks bent under!! That should never be allowed to happen this is not a sport it is abuse shame on everyone of you who support it!
PAL May 20, 2013 9:57 am (Pacific time)
It's disgusting to see such blantant one-sided storytelling passed off as 'journalism'. The man who was filming (even though there are TONS of signs prohibiting filming) tried to PUNCH an officer. Peaceful? The whole reason that filming is prohibited is because it is then edited into the left-wing propaganda that we see posted above. Shame on you, Salem News.
Eye witness May 20, 2013 8:33 am (Pacific time)
I was there-the guy was kindly asked to stop videoing the rodeo as per the signs posted all over the arena. He refused and took a swing at the sheriff-who was just doing his job. By the way-I watched the whole rodeo, photographed all of it, and not a single horse or calf or cow or bull was injured. People need to get their facts straight before spouting off baseless information. Accidents happen, an every time they do, it is felt by the whole rodeo community. I have been to hundreds of rodeos and ropings and have seen maybe 3 horses injured. Jordan Valley has rules in place to make the safety of the horses an utmost priority. Shame on this news outlet for writing such an untrue, inflammatory article!
sad May 20, 2013 8:29 am (Pacific time)
I find it so unbelievably sad that no one takes the time these days to sit down and look at the bigger picture and take in both sides od the story. How many people each year are killed by absent minded drivers? By something as small as a spider? Rodeos are rough yes but the likelihood of your horse breaking its leg just in a pasture ride is just as high as a bronc at a rodeo. The cowboys take better care of the animals then most mothers do of their children. I think people need to stop punishing them for something they have no control over. This is their livelihood. The world is a rough place.
Anonymous May 20, 2013 8:08 am (Pacific time)
My son was a witness to this "violent" arrest. First of all there were signs posted that stated that filming was not permitted. And 2nd the man shoved the sheriff and that is why he was handcuffed. 3 . It is horse roping not tripping.4th) the pictures and video you show is of a bucking horse not a horse that was roped. notice the bucking saddle on the ground. Looks like you are a little one sided on this issue.
jens sigurdson May 20, 2013 7:24 am (Pacific time)
I didn't know that taking a swing at a peace officer was concidered 'peacefully watching'... You learn something new evey day :-)
Anonymous May 20, 2013 7:02 am (Pacific time)
Why don't you get your facts straight before post such lies, and stop feeding off of others. Accidents happen and everyone knows that so dont twist it around to make it out like it happened on purpose. There is a big difference between "roping" and "triping" and those that have seen it in person would understand that fact!! Let the Rodeo and Ranch people live their lives and livihoods like they have been for centuries and you city slickers stay in town and keep out of how the western life style lives!!
Kathy Snyder May 20, 2013 5:00 am (Pacific time)
I am glad the shark member was arrested .. They sensaionalize random events /accidents and make it sound like it happens each and everytime ... I say arrest more of them.
Pissed and standing for horses May 20, 2013 4:28 am (Pacific time)
Oh yeah, real tough these cowboys, I'd like to break their legs for sport and see what they have to say about it then, yeah, that's right.
Disgusted May 20, 2013 4:24 am (Pacific time)
Mostly by these lame excuses for wanting to keep hurting these animals, 1 out of every 100 horses goes through this according to that last redneck apologist for animal cruelty. Is that not a fairly large amount? Or what? These people are sick, the rodeo is at lame shot a bravado and they're out of sync with the modern society- and willing to arrest a photographer like a pack of Nazi's. Pay attention, American servicemembers lay down their lives so that we can have things like the First Amendment, these eastern Oregon idiots aren't Americans in their hearts or they'd never do such a thing, they belong bars, probably half of them anyway. Can we break the legs of redneck rodeo nimwits instead????
Randy Janssen May 20, 2013 4:01 am (Pacific time)
The leg of the horse was broken in saddle bronc ridding, not horse roping. Saddle bronc ridding happens in all American rodeos. Why not make saddle bronc ridding illegal. Less then 1% of all the animals used in Rodeo and Charreada are injured, Almost 2% of the children in high school football are hospitalized. If Hass is worried about living things, outlaw high school football.
rodeofan May 20, 2013 1:48 am (Pacific time)
Wow. Shame on Salem-News for not reporting TRUE FACTS regarding this very heated and emotional debate.
eye witness May 20, 2013 12:04 am (Pacific time)
I live and eastern Oregon and do not necessarily like this event, just to be clear. On the other hand, the activist was not a singled out victim, many others were asked about video taping. When approached by the officer he became very defensive and unresponsive to the officer. He gave the officer the camera then lunged at him trying to rip it from his hands. I have never been arrested but am assuming its not a good idea. Do not let the article fool you, everyone at the event was very aware of who SHARK was and who they were. They made no attempt to blend in and did everything they could to achieve the most public attention possible. Obviously they did a pretty good job of doing it. Get arrested get the attention you need.
Blackhorse May 19, 2013 11:47 pm (Pacific time)
First read the captions on the videos. The top one was taken a year ago at Jordan Valley not this year. Second you need to understand the difference between Horse Tripping and Ranch Roping. The second video is of HORSE TRIPPING which is not practiced at Jordan Valley. Ranch roping is a method of catching horses in range conditions to doctor or bring in if needed and is done by a two man team. There were signs post on the grounds that video was limited to those taking pictures of family and friends which would account for why and how others were successfully videoing only those that they knew. SHARK was asked to leave and was not compliant with that. Hence the arrest. For those who live here in the Willamette Valley and are so self congratulatory on being correct. Just remember that those people who are not so correct in your eyes are the same people who provide your steak, your lamb and many of the other foods that you eat even if you are vegan. The American farmer and rancher may not live the same life style as those who live in the city but they work hard to provide the food that feed those same people.
Todd May 19, 2013 11:32 pm (Pacific time)
Jordan Valley is one of the few places in Oregon where common sense still rules. The corrupt, liberal west side can slide into the ocean, and nobody will miss them.
elizabeth dana May 19, 2013 11:18 pm (Pacific time)
What human would receive pleasure at the pain of another living being...a Nazi...a Murderer...Child Molester ...and now this...what part of ANIMAL ABUSE do you not get...I am a simple mom who teaches her children to love and respect life....what kind of a man does this to a helpless animal? this is NO MAN NOR ANY SPORT!!!!!!!
Anonymous May 19, 2013 11:04 pm (Pacific time)
I am also going to add that these horses are not breed for this. This is not normal for a horse to sustain this kind of life. They are made to do this by abusive humans who want to exploit the horse at the cost of the horses life; for money. If the horse can outlive this abuse, he/she is then sent to the slaughter house - again for money. Jordan Valley folks, I have news for you THAT IS NOT LOVE THAT IS A SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. PLEASE DO US ALL A FAVOR AND L.E.A.V.E. OREGON. WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW YOU AND WE DON'T WANT YOU IN OREGON.
Jayne Miller May 19, 2013 11:00 pm (Pacific time)
The people of Jordan Valley have proven to all of Oregon that Portland, Eugene, Salem and all of the Western Oregon are far better people. Thank God we have them because Jordan Valley is welcome to leave Oregon. You have nothing to offer us. I thought it was bad when I witnessed the hearing on horse tripping and the Jordan Valley folks were so bizarre and rude that the Senators had to ask them to stop their testimony. I am from Eastern Oregon - I grew up on my family’s 7000 acre cattle ranch and we did not have wing nuts like the folks in Jordan Valley. Time to stop the rodeo’s in Jordan Valley - those people are just out of their minds with evil and were shockingly off their rockers at the hearing.
4th generation May 19, 2013 10:03 pm (Pacific time)
He was arrested for an outstanding warrant and physically assaulting a police officer. Get your facts correct.
Right, and it just so happened to come down after the horse broke its leg and he photographed it? I don't believe ANYTHING about the assault, you think we were born yesterday? Animal rights activists don't assault cops, that is what crooked cops say when they commit a crime and have to cover their asses.
Anonymous May 19, 2013 6:29 pm (Pacific time)
This is sick poor horse is in pain his leg is dangle. at least get a vet out there and gave the horse a pain shot. yes this is Cruelty
Anonymous May 19, 2013 6:03 pm (Pacific time)
welcome to amerika. Adam Kokesh was arrested yesterday at a pro marijuana rally, for doing nothing and is being held in federal prison. Raw milk farmers are being arrested, TSA has almost bankrupted the airline industry and tourism and sticks their hands in people pants because of alCIAda, while giving arms and support to alCIAda in Syria, IRS is...ah never mind. I could write a novel here. But we need to bomb Iran for humanitarian reasons while israel is treating Palestinians like cattle etc...yet again, I feel like I am living in the twilight zone.
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