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May-13-2010 01:05printcomments

Fallen Angels, Aliens, and Giants: Truth or Tale?

Sumer was the first advanced civilization of human beings on Earth, before the dynasties of Egypt.

The Fourth Kind owl
An owl in the window is a recurring scene in The Fourth Kind.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Recently, I watched the movie The Fourth Kind. While I found the film to be thoroughly entertaining, I immediately knew that the producers claims that the film was based on factual events containing footage from actual hypnosis sessions involving the victims and their therapist were false. In spite of that, what I did enjoy was the fact that the film makers touched on a subject that is of great interest to me, but perhaps not commonly known among the majority of the population.

In the film, residents of a small town in Alaska seem to be having trouble sleeping. They end up seeing a local psychologist who utilizes hypnotherapy to get them to recall the source of their night terrors.

While under hypnosis it is revealed that the patients are being visited and abducted by alien visitors who seem to be subjecting them to a battery of scientific and physical examinations.

Nothing new or original there, but an interesting turn comes about when a non-human voice is recorded in the psychologists house. The voice is speaking in a strange language (as aliens probably would) that is later realized to be Sumerian. At one point in the film, one of the extra terrestrial beings is heard in a recording making references to “our creation” and also stating “I am God.”

This is when I really started paying attention because this plays into a couple of theological ideas surrounding UFO’s and the nature of the beings that pilot them. Currently, more people are probably familiar with the idea that extra terrestrials or “aliens” are believed by some to be angelic or demonic beings that are related to the Bible's account in Genesis 6 of “Giants” or Nephilim (Fallen Ones).

A little background: The ancient civilization of Sumer was located in the region now known as Iraq, and was situated between the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers, an area known as the cradle of civilization.

Sumer was the first advanced civilization of human beings on Earth. Their kingdom flourished about 6000 years ago, well before the dynasties of Ancient Egypt.

The Sumerians were the first to develop a system of writing and record keeping, they had developed an advanced form of mathematics which allowed them to divide into fractions and decimals, and they were also the first to develop a calendar, and were notably keen throughout the region in the area of astronomy.

They drew a model of our solar system with the sun at its center, a fact not known to European or modern scientists until about 300 years ago. They had the first cities and urban planning boards; they had schools which taught language and writing, as well as the sciences of the day such as botany, zoology, geography, mathematics, and theology. Literary works were studied and composed.

There is even evidence that they possessed a rather sophisticated form of technology… what many scholars and scientists believe to be early battery cells have been found throughout the region, they are known as Baghdad batteries and are at least 2300 years old.

Though they were polytheists, the Sumerians had a rather complex religious system in place, much of which parallels Egyptian and Hebraic scriptures. Anyone who has conducted a reasonable amount of study into the religious writings of ancient civilizations would say that it is fair to assert that the Sumerian writings had a great deal of influence on the beliefs of subsequent cultures that emerged from that region.

It is also to be noted that the family of the Patriarch Abraham of the Bible originated from the Land of Ur, which was a city-state of ancient Sumer.

"Fallen Angel" (

In fact, the oldest telling of the Deluge or flood story comes from a Sumerian texts known as the Eridu Genesis. In it, the gods decide to destroy humanity for their defiance, but Enki (god of wisdom) secretly warns a man named Ziusudra, instructing him to build a huge ark and to take mating pairs of animals into it so that the earth may be repopulated after the flood is over.

Another similarity between the Sumerian and Hebrew scriptures comes in Genesis 6, where we see that the “fallen ones” or angels that have rebelled against God, come to earth and procreate with human women creating a race of hybrid, half human, half angelic beings. These are known as Nephilim or Napal (fallen ones) in Hebrew. It was because of this mixing that the Biblical account of the story tells us that God decides to destroy humanity, because they have become tainted with angelic “genes.”

Only Noah was found to be “Perfect in his generations,” or untainted and of pure blood.

In the Sumerian text, there are also a race of beings that come from the skies, they are known as the Anunnaki which translates as “those who came down from the heavens.”

According to the Sumerian mythos, the Anunnaki, being highly technologically advanced, spliced their DNA into the genes of Homo Erectus, producing Homo Sapiens to be their servants.

The Sumerians were great at keeping records, excavations of the ancient site shed light on the amazingly advanced civilization of Sumer and with it, thousands of clay tablets containing not only public records of commerce, marriages and military actions, but also advanced astronomical calculation systems and of the written history of the Anunnaki themselves!

It is apparent from detail in those records that the Sumerians believed that the offspring of these aliens were real flesh and blood members of their society.

One of the most impressive finds was a sealed nine foot by six foot room in Sippar holding a set of 400 clay tablets containing an unbroken record of the history of those times neatly arranged on shelves. Like a sort of time capsule.

The recovered records place the location of the Anunnaki laboratory where the first humans were literally produced in east central Africa in the same location on the map where the mitochondrial DNA “search for Eve” places the first woman Homo Sapiens and in the same time-period.

The writings also include detailed descriptions of our solar system matching what we now know and beyond. It describes the orbit of a tenth planet between mars and Jupiter. They say that this planet, called Niburu (which means the planet of crossing) was thrust into our solar system and collided with a planet called Tiamat.

The remaining bulk of Tiamat became Eridu or the Earth, and the fragments that were left became the asteroid belt. Niburu took orbit in retrograde, in an elongated orbit around our sun and passes between mars and Jupiter approximately every 3600 years.

Have you or someone you know witnessed or experienced something unexplainable or paranormal? Do you have a story/experience that you would like to share?
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According to the texts, this information was given to the Sumerians by the Anunnaki, who came from the planet Niburu. It is believed by some that this information prompted scientists to search for the unknown planet that they refer to as planet X.

This also ties in with 2012 theories, some believe that 2012 actually marks the approximate time that Niburu will cross through our solar system again, an event that would cause many anomalies in the earth, as the planet likely has its own magnetic poles and gravitational pull which could interfere with those of the earth, causing natural disasters. Another interesting note is that throughout The Fourth Kind, the arrival of the beings is somehow connected to the appearance of an owl outside of the witnesses' homes. The Sumerian deity Moloch was depicted as an owl and is named as one of the greatest warriors from among the fallen in John Milton’s Paradise lost.

Whether these similarities are coincidental or not, the result of my own overactive imagination making connections were none are, possibly a side effect of too much study, only the film writers and producers can say, but what about you? Do you believe in the possibility of the existence of extra terrestrial beings?

What of the Sumerians? How did they learn about our universe and solar system without the use of a telescope? And how were they able to draw detailed and precise maps which depicted the position and sizes of the various planets in relation to one another? Is it possible that they were visited by interplanetary beings who taught them sciences? If so, what does that mean to us today?

If there are such beings, do they mean us harm or are they just examining us the same way that we examine wildlife?

Abducting them out of their natural habitations and dwellings and inspecting and tagging them, releasing them back into the wild with implants and identifying marks that help us track them and monitor their migration and mating patterns... makes you wonder...

Bernard Powell is a local author and independent publisher; a devout student of religion, mysticism and the language of occult symbolism. He has had a life-long interest in all branches of the paranormal; and is also the founding member of a Salem-based paranormal research society called OPHIR (Occult & Paranormal House of Investigational Research).

You can visit their site at or you can contact him directly at:

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Kevin Quinn January 2, 2012 9:03 am (Pacific time)

They found the Ark of the Covenant where Moses placed the 10 Commandments, in a cave under Golgotha.

Virginia jarvis October 13, 2011 11:47 pm (Pacific time)

"By their fruits ye shall know them." so said Christ as a help in determing who's who and what's what. I see that evil proceeds from many institutions and philosophies, and what may have started out as pure or devine can be corrupted and misused. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty". I believe it was Patrick Henry a Revolutionary War hero 1776 that warned us. Things have gotten to such a pass that it is now more important than ever to be on guard and check and recheck your sources and observations.

Aussiedove August 17, 2010 6:45 pm (Pacific time)

The Book of Jubilees also has great detail on this subject & needs to be read in conjunction with Genesis & enoch.

Aussiedove August 17, 2010 6:46 pm (Pacific time)

The "Book of Jubilees" is another excellent reference. It is the Genesis account given to Moses on Mt Sinnai

Anonymous May 24, 2010 5:12 am (Pacific time)

This is a very interesting subject, and I’m glad it was brought up. I believe the biblical account is true; (Gen 6:1-8) the sons of the [True] God did come down and have sexual relations with the daughters of man, (It is mentioned in more detail in the Book of Enoch), the sons of the [True] God is mentioned again at (Job 1:6), this term does not differentiate good from bad, because even Satan proceeded to enter among them. (Matt 22:30) Jesus did in fact say the Angels are not given in marriage; you have to remember these Angels we are talking about where being disobedient to the [True] God and didn’t obey his will and purpose for them. As far as the Sumerians and their knowledge, it is quite easy to understand that this information was given them by these fallen Angels, so that it could be used to confuse in the last days. Also just as Satan wants more than anything to be worshiped, so do his fallen comrades.

Pavel Smutny May 21, 2010 8:53 am (Pacific time)

I think that there are true angels, archangels and also one group of extraterrestrials -watchers who were sent to Earth for take care, to help to first modern people/Adam's relatives,.... Enoch is writing how watchers defiled themself with Earth's women and also Enoch is in another part of his book writing how he was traveling through one from many heavens where watchers - Egregors were mourning about their destiny, deads. There is old book about UFO, extraterestrials writen by Julius Obsequinus Liber prodigorum 4th. century A.D.,..also Titus Livius wrote about UFO,.. Tuli's paper from 13th century B.C. is about one UFO watching in Egypt,..So why to discuss about if there are or if there are not extratertestrials. It was prooved many centuries, thousands years ago. It is how to discuss if 1+1=2,,...or if not. If mathematician have been discuss till now if 1+1=2 so no multiplication, division, no more advanced math we have now,...Pavel Smutny

Anonymous May 21, 2010 8:53 am (Pacific time)

I think that there are true angels, archangels and also one group of extraterrestrials -watchers who were sent to Earth for take care, to help to first modern people/Adam's relatives,.... Enoch is writing how watchers defiled themself with Earth's women and also Enoch is in another part of his book writing how he was traveling through one from many heavens where watchers - Egregors were mourning about their destiny, deads. There is old book about UFO, extraterestrials writen by Julius Obsequinus Liber prodigorum 4th. century A.D.,..also Titus Livius wrote about UFO,.. Tuli's paper from 13th century B.C. is about one UFO watching in Egypt,..So why to discuss about if there are or if there are not extratertestrials. It was prooved many centuries, thousands years ago. It is how to discuss if 1+1=2,,...or if not. If mathematician have been discuss till now if 1+1=2 so no multiplication, division, no more advanced math we have now,...Pavel Smutny

Anonymous May 18, 2010 12:35 pm (Pacific time)

"Jesus plainly stated that angels neither marry nor given in marriage since it is God that joins male and female together: and if angels are not given in marriage, then neither are fallen angels and they certainly would not be called the "sons of God". So when the sons of God took wives for themselves, they had to be of the godly line of Seth in marrying outside that line for them to take "wives" for themselves." Poppycock! More deception from the great deceiver himself! The Book of Enoch was the first book to deal with the Nephillim and the final judgment. It does not contradict what Yeshua said because he himself went down into Tartarus and ministered to the Nephillim before he arose from the grave. In fact, the reason they were considered fallen is precisely BECAUSE El Shaddai did not ordain wives for them and yet they took Adam's daughters. The church cut Enoch out of the Bible in order to ensure that the greater mass of humanity remains in apostasy and abject sin, thus deserving to be under the church's control. No true church of Christ would festoon itself with worldly riches...

get ready May 17, 2010 12:39 pm (Pacific time)

this is a great clear, easy to read article. fallen ones did mate with women, did create a horrible race of giants. god heard mans cry and told them they will parish, and the off spring will stay on earth. he also said the fallen ones will be bound for 70 genorations after the flood. which is up about now.. read enoch, it was qouted in the new testament..

Sara May 17, 2010 6:06 am (Pacific time)

Read the book of Enoch. Those ancient texts bring this all together and tell the story of the watchers. You can read it on line at sacred-texts. com or get it from Forgotten books. The so called "aliens" are demons. They live in another dimension and they come from the center of the earth which is where hell/sheol is located. They are very ancient and advanced and took that knowledge and gave it to man. And they certainly do not have any good intentions because just like satan they hate you and they hate me and they hate the God of Heaven and the kingdon of heaven. And satan knows his time is short and he is pulling out all the stops to deceive people. There is only one God and He is the God of heaven and one savior and His name is Jesus Christ.   

Adam May 16, 2010 7:31 pm (Pacific time)

Great article, containing great touchpoints on great research. To Scott above, your commments are excellent and great points. Although, I would suggest that you take a look from the other side and see some of the Bible research that they reference. Here is an excellent research paper on the interpretation of "Sons of God" from the Bible: ...As this article mentions, the original Hebrew for Sons Of God in Gen 6 is "beney 'elohim"...beney 'elohim is used in several places in the Old Testament and each other time is a clear reference to Angels. Anyway, in my opinion, none of us know exactly what is coming....but be prepared, cause Lucifer is king of deception and how many would lose their religion in the case of "Alien" contact...

Michael Archangel May 16, 2010 3:38 pm (Pacific time)

I believe that aliens are the fallen angels,and they have taught man how to make war and built up their technology. I thought it was really interesting that the Sumerian deity Moloch was depicted as an owl. The secret society of the Illuminati, builder bergs, free masons, skull and bones had a secret meetings, were caught on video worshiping a giant owl. All these secret society's, the giant owl, planet Niburu, fallen angels,Nephilim all have something to do with the NWO and end times.

Scott W. Spears May 16, 2010 2:26 pm (Pacific time)

The actual meaning of the sons of God were of a family reference for the people of Israel in the Old Testament. "Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God." "Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." Jesus plainly stated that angels neither marry nor given in marriage since it is God that joins male and female together: and if angels are not given in marriage, then neither are fallen angels and they certainly would not be called the "sons of God". So when the sons of God took wives for themselves, they had to be of the godly line of Seth in marrying outside that line for them to take "wives" for themselves. Israel in times past were instructed not to marry outside of their nation and so we can see by His grace, how the Israelites were reading the Old Testament as a family history. Another fact that most believers overlook is that children are created and brought forth by the Lord. "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." Basically, readers of the Bible are being misled in thinking that the sons of God were angels or even fallen angels when they were just a reference of the godly lineage of Seth. Usually, outside sources, like the Books of Enoch are to blame for that false view as they read it inbetween the lines of what is plainly stated that it was because of the wickedness of man that the earth was punished. The recap of the Genesis account proves they were just men still. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." And after the flood was the confirmation as well for the reason for the flood, not because of "pollution" in the bloodline. "And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done." Anyway, you should know the correct view of those Bible readings since what you are sharing is the most popular view, but yet not of the truth in regards to God's words. "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. Most believers are not discerning hereseys today.

Jeff May 16, 2010 1:14 pm (Pacific time)

I think an often overlooked possibility is that advanced civilizations may have existed before Sumer...prior to the Great Flood or the melting of glaciers at the end of the last ice age (which may be the same thing), it's possible advanced civilizations existed, but were destroyed by the flooding. Civilizations are typically built near sources of water, and if the water levels rose, any civilizations existing prior to the flood or melting glaciers would have presumably be flooded and still be underwater today. Archaeologists rarely look for dig sites where the old ice age coastlines would be (mainly because it's assumed there would be nothing to look for). Survivors of a deluge would presumably move inland, and may not have been able to bring all their advancements with them. Many people today know how to use a computer, but how many of them could build them from scratch? Many can drive a car, but how many could design one? Early civilivations like Sumer may have been started by people from earlier civilizations that have since been forgotten. But who really knows?

Spectre May 16, 2010 7:13 am (Pacific time)

While I am also fascinated by much of what you wrote here and agree that the possibility is intriguing, my take on the owl sightings in the film was different from yours. I immediately thought of the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter of the 1950's. The family was terrorized by small alien creatures that people later suggested may have been owls. I have seen this suggestion made in other cases of alien encounters as well (that the "alien" was simply a misidentified owl). Anyway, that was my initial interpretation of the owls in the movie, sort of a reverse take on incidents like K-H where the contactees were suggesting owls instead of the skeptics.

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