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May-07-2014 14:20printcomments

The Government Benefits Ship Sailed for Veterans/Widows Alike Long Ago

This time there seems to be some associated deaths with this fudging the numbers.

Veterans and widows

(SNELVILLE, GA) - Anyone listening to the news lately has seen the insidious issues found at Phoenix VA and just as I suggested this is happening in other places. Now Colorado seems to be in the same activity of fudging numbers to make themselves and VA look much much better than they are and achieve their bonus pay. I am quite sure other VA’s are doing the same thing and have been for government propaganda as to how good they are doing.

As I suggest in my white papers this is and has been on-going for decades now in one way or another.

This time there seems to be some associated deaths with this fudging the numbers. Probably more than VA or the biased Media or the Government want to admit in just the Phoenix issues alone.

What is even more totally hypocritical and totally insane is I see Fox News interviewing Principi to comment on Shinseki. Boy if that is not the pot calling the kettle black. That is the ultimate defining and demonstration of HYPOCRISY.

Yes, I have been critical of Shinseki. So far, since Derwinski, he has been the best we have had in at least making some attempts at justice and even fighting totally ignorant of the facts Congress. My criticism is he is listening to the wrong folks and then making bad decisions. Some of them medically not even biologically plausible. Time and time again the fellows like myself have tried to get a meeting with him and of course everyone within VA is untouchable when it comes actual Veterans’ issues.

They keep saying there is nothing they can do with these high level VA management criminals and cannot even fire them. Well yes there is. No different from the EPA when one of it scientific members spoke out regarding the AO issues and was punished. The punishment was she was given a mediocre job rather than her previous job.

You cannot fire the criminal activist within in VA. Why? I have no idea except for the federal union maybe that should be looked at as well. Can you say Internal Revenue Service as another prime example. Or shredding files, Shredder Gate, when the union representative comes before Congress simply states that VA employees need more training. You might want to start out with an employee that knows right from wrong; no matter what VA management directs them to do.

However, to assign them to a new position such as “VA Greeter” or some meaningless job as that; is not out of the question. Then their illegally gotten bonus checks through fraud would go away at the very minimum. Or they can resign. Either way the Nation as a whole is better off.

Then hire someone that might not be the “Brightest and Smartest” since that is what VA excuses are for these bonuses to keep these folks employed but someone with integrity that will support Veterans and Widows “without fraud and criminal actions.” Besides who needs them anyway?

Changing VA Secretaries with the unfettered power they have been given by our own Congress is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The same thing will happen. The ship will still sink and this runaway federal agency will still stump break Veterans and Widows alike for earned benefits by stalling, delaying, denying not only earned benefits for service connection but obviously promised medical care as well.

Why Shinseki has not taken our Veterans offer of a small Veterans Committee that would met with him once a month or so and discuss the issues and problems and indeed “problem solving” is just beyond my comprehension. Why would he deny boots on the ground views and issues of some that have their finger on the pulse of the Veteran issues? Maybe his criminal underlings never told him!!!

Would any of you former military commanders not want first hand intelligence in any issue, war or peacetime, to make decisions and plan strategy and problem solving?

I know this…for any committee to met and discuss the issues it would have to be with him in person. I do not think any Veteran in the entire United States would trust one, not even one, of his VA Benefit Cronies.

Any former staff officers that can get this offer to the General without going through all the VA filters please do so.

While I may not have been 100% in my postings all the time I can say I have been more correct than not. Many many issues I pointed out decades ago in even in what should be “presumptive” have finally come to fruition after decades of government denial and stalling while thousands of Veterans and Widow alike fought the one sided and adversarial system that is Veterans Affairs for benefits promised. Many more issues should be presumptive even now.

I need not tell you the why it took so long as it has in many issues and continues to this day in many similar issues and …still not resolved for the American Veteran/Widow. Congress will do nothing to resolve it.

What I can say is that very few have tried harder to bring to the light of day the issues of the American Veteran vs. the Adversarial Veterans Affairs and indeed the United States Government Executive Branch fraud and cover-ups.

I would suggest that each and every one of you contact your Congressperson and your Senators on these issues. Take ten minutes of your week and a few dollars in postage and send them hard copies of your issues and address what has and is been on-going for decades now. I would include your local newspaper editors as well as major newspaper editors and major news outlets. Get on the phone and call them if you have to.

Demand this Federal Agency be cleaned up, reined in, and fixed once in for all. Not just rearranging the deck chairs.

Yes; I know they, the VA and our Executive Branch of Government, are vindictive and abusive to those that speak out on Veterans Issues even though you are the one the went the distance to protect their rear ends. Some of you have looked death in the face and spit in its eye. This should be no different.

If you do not…there is nothing I or anyone else can do to solve these continual on-going issues.

You have no friends in the media since they will not report the facts. Diane Sawyer years ago at least tried and got no where. You have no friends in the Congress that will do much of anything except express outrage and fake concern. Just look at their 40 year past history of subsiding government fraud.

I know there is nothing else I can do as I have done all I can. Some success and some failures but without support it is time: No; way past time, to throw in the towel.

From Doc Hill VSO- Kerrville Texas - “The American Legion has started the ball rolling ALL OTHER VETERAN'S ORGANIZATIONS need to now step up to the plate and make their wishes, thoughts and needs known NOW. I am sending this to all Veterans, it is not a political thought or anything, it’s about VETERAN'S and their health care, we MUST FLOOD the Senators and Representatives phone lines, fax lines, emails about our displeasure of what is going on within the Department of Veterans Affairs across the country. Now is the time to strike before the next elections to get something done. If you will not help then never complain to me again about what is wrong with this system.”

I agree 100%; except, I would add the local and mainstream media as well.

Not fight and you will continue to:

  • Not receive medical care in a timely manner you earned
  • Not receive quality medical care you earned
  • Face bogus numbers and stalling by VA over and over again to make themselves look good while you languish waiting for medical care as well as other benefits

You will face government collusion in:

  • Command Influence
  • White House interference
  • Scientific misconduct in both Veterans Government Studies as well as VA Veterans Studies
  • A lawless unfettered adversarial VA process

I am shipping hard copies of the following:


House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
335 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Attn: Chairman


House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
335 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Attn: Minority Leader


Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
2157 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515

Attn: Chairman


United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

Russell Senate Building - Room 412

Washington, D.C. 20510-6050
Attention: Minority Leader


United States Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs,

Russell Senate Building - Room 412,

Washington, D.C. 20510-6050,
Attention: Chairman


Congressman Rob Woodall

1725 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Congressman Rand Paul
124 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510

Congressman Trey Gowdy

1404 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Congressman Jim Jordan
1524 Longworth House Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20515

Fox News

Avenue of the Americas

New York NY 10036

ATTN: News Desk


Fox News

Avenue of the Americas

New York NY 10036

ATTN: Gretchen Carlson


Fox News

Avenue of the Americas

New York NY 10036

ATTN: Megyn Kelly



One CNN Center

Atlanta, Georgia 30348

ATTN: News Desk


New York Times

620 8Th Avenue

NY, NY 10018

Attn: Editor


Washington Post

1150 15th St NW

Washington, DC 20017

Attn: Editor


Washington Times LLC

3600 New York Ave NE

Washington, DC 20002

Maybe one day when very few will serve in the military no matter how much is paid the Nation will finally look back and say = Gee we wonder why!





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