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May-06-2012 17:19printcomments

TO: Mossad/Shabbak RE: Your Vendetta against Israeli Nuclear Whistle Blower, Vanunu Mordechai

The very fact that he disappeared from TWITTER and Facebook is no doubt due to pressure from SECURITY/Mossad/Shabbak and their many helpers known as Sayanim, who monitor this reporter.

16 April 2012, Vanunu from east Jerusalem
16 April 2012, Vanunu from east Jerusalem

(CLERMONT, FLA) - On May 2, 2012, Israeli press reported that the Military Censor announced that the Israeli Defense Forces have launched a new system to monitor information on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and news sites.

“The new system will examine information using keywords labeled in advance.” [1]

On 22 April, I TWEETED to Vanunu @vanunuvmjc

@IsraelinUSA @PresidentPeres @netanyahu @whitehouse SECURITY ALERT RE: Israel's WMD and VANUNU


None replied, but my message got through to Power for Vanunu disappeared from TWITTER a few hours after I received this message on May 1st via a private FB message from ·
Vanunu Mordechai

Today they sent first notice, they will renew the restrictions.sent to my Lawyer.
Now you are free,we can close the Cause.either you do it or I will do it. I am going to deactivate my Facebook,very soon.
A few hours later, Vanunu Mordechai’s image at Free Mordechai Vanunu had become a ghost. A few days later I resumed my previous position as lone administrator, but that is another long story and as this is an ongoing series I punt it forward.

Free Mordechai Vanunu currently are 5,536 strong and new members join daily. No doubt the least we are doing is being a gnat in the eye, a mosquito on the neck and a royal pain in the ass to all who want the world to forget that all Vanunu did twenty-six years ago was tell the truth and provide the photographic proof that led nuclear physicist, Frank Barnaby to testify at Vanunu’s closed door trial:

"I found Vanunu very straightforward about his motives for violating Israel's secrecy laws he explained to me that he believed that both the Israeli and the world public had the right to know about the information he passed on. He seemed to me to be acting ideologically.

"Israel's political leaders have, he said, consistently lied about Israel's nuclear-weapons programme and he found this unacceptable in a democracy. The knowledge that Vanunu had about Israel's nuclear weapons, about the operations at Dimona, and about security at Dimona could not be of any use to anyone today. He left Dimona in October 1985." [2]

Now, as Vanunu had sent out less than thirty TWEETS to less than thirty followers, the very fact that he disappeared from TWITTER and Facebook is no doubt due to pressure from SECURITY/Mossad/Shabbak and their many helpers known as Sayanim, who monitor this reporter.

I invite all to read me, but WHY can’t we talk? After all, I have sent YOU via Vanunu’s gmail and yahoo accounts many alerts to my articles about Vanunu with the Subject: SECURITY ALERT!

And here’s WHY I do, what I do and WHY I won't shut up:

“Write about what disturbs you, particularly if it bothers no one else” is a line in “The HELP” by Kathryn Stockett.

When I read it, I took it as a message from God, for that is exactly what i have been doing since THAT DAY we call 9/11

THAT DAY and This 9/11

And after a serendipitous meeting with Vanunu on the first day of summer in 2005, which was five days before I departed back to USA from my first of seven trips to Israel Palestine, we began a series of interviews focused on his childhood in an Orthodox Jewish home in Marrakech. I was most interested in his crisis of faith and culture which began when his family resettled in Beersheba in 1963.

16 Days in Palestine

Vanunu was nine while America was grieving the incomprehensible loss of President Kennedy and I am nine months older than Vanunu. My initial interest was and remains in Vanunu's welfare which requires his freedom from 24/7 surveillance and the right to fade into the world. As a sister/friend, I pray for his endurance in what I see as his crucifixion of twenty-six years because he told The TRUTH about Israel’s nukes and became a Christian-the 'unpardonable sin' for particular Jews.


A few weeks before being kidnapped by the Mossad in 1986, Vanunu stumbled into Christianity and within minutes of emerging from his windowless tomb sized cell on 21 April 2004, Vanunu announced,

"I am not harming Israel. I am not interested in Israel. I want to tell you something very important. I suffered here 18 years because I am a Christian, because I was baptized into Christianity. If I was a Jew I wouldn't have all this suffering here in isolation for 18 years. Only because I was a Christian man."

On April 30, 2007, the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court, convicted Vanunu on 14 [out of 21] counts of violating a court order prohibiting him from speaking to foreign journalists.

Vanunu was also convicted for traveling from Jerusalem to Bethlehem when he hoped to attend Christmas Eve mass at the Church of the Nativity, his first Christmas after being released from 18 years in jail.

On July 2, 2007, Israel sentenced Vanunu to six months in jail for speaking to foreign media in 2004.

Two days before President Bush's first trip to Israel and a day before Vanunu's appeal was to begin, Israel sentenced him to community service instead.

On Feb. 5, 2008, Vanunu met with prison officials to arrange community service and learned that to his "surprise they say there is no community service in East Jerusalem. I told them the agreement for community service was on this condition that it will be only in the East Jerusalem. They say no one told them about this… I will do community service in the East Jerusalem or the appeal begins and may be the prison sentence."

On September 23, 2008, the Jerusalem District Court reduced Vanunu’s sentence to three months, "In light of (Vanunu’s) ailing health and the absence of claims that his actions put the country’s security in jeopardy."

In November 2009, Vanunu suffered another crisis of faith and “fired God” from his case.

He emailed me the long version of his spin on 1 Corinthians 13, but also went public on his You Tube Channel:

posted a comment

" And if I know all mysteries and all knowledge, and speak in the tongues of men and angels, BUT HAVE NO FREEDOM, I am NOTHING. And if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but have not FREEDOM, I am NOTHING."

vanunuvmjc posted a comment

1 FREEDOM 13:1-13 If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but have not FREEDOM, I have become sounding brass or a tinkling symbol. And if I have prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but have not FREEDOM, I am nothing.

On May 23, 2010, Israel sent Vanunu back to solitary confinement in a maximum prison facility and released him on August 8, 2010.

Vanunu emerged on fire and immediately became active on Facebook. Within a short time had nearly 1,000 Facebook Friends, but soon whittled them down to 46.

I was one of the many he “fired” and how we began conversing again is another long story that I will punt forward.

Vanunu’s appeal seeking to revoke his Israeli citizenship as a way to leave Israel is scheduled for July 2012 and can be read at his Youtube Channel which as of this writing remains online as does his website with his contact info: http://vanunu.com/

On 24 April 2004, Uri Avnery wrote:

"Everybody understands that Vanunu has no more secrets. What can a technician know after 18 years in jail, during which technology has advanced with giant steps?

"But gradually it becomes clear what the security establishment is really afraid of. Vanunu is in a position to expose the close partnership with the United States in the development of Israel's nuclear armaments.

"This worries Washington so much, that the man responsible in the State Department for 'arms control', Under-Secretary John Bolton, has come to Israel in person for the occasion. Vanunu, it appears, can cause severe damage to the mighty super-power.

"The Americans, it seems, are very worried. The Israeli security services have to dance to their tune. The world must be prevented by all available means from hearing, from the lips of a credible witness, that the Americans are full partners in Israel's nuclear arms program, while pretending to be the world's sheriff for the prevention of nuclear proliferation." [2]

Also in 2004, Haaretz reporter, Yossi Melman wrote:

"This is the secret that hasn't yet been told in the affair: the story of the security fiasco that made it possible for Vanunu to do what he did, and the story of the subsequent attempts at cover-up, whitewashing and protection of senior figures in the defense establishment, who were bent on divesting themselves of responsibility for the failure. The 18-year prison term to which Vanunu was sentenced is almost exactly the same period as that in which Yehiel Horev has served as chief of internal security in the defense establishment [who has been] involved in the affair as deputy chief of security at the Defense Ministry, and also after Vanunu's abduction and arrest, as a member of an investigative commission.

"Shortly after taking office as chief of security at the Defense Ministry, Horev began to take punitive measures to hobble Vanunu. He is responsible for the harsh conditions in which Vanunu was held, which included years in solitary confinement, and the sharp limitations on the number of visitors he could have…[and has fought] a rearguard battle to prevent Vanunu from leaving Israel and to place him under supervision and restrictions that will be tantamount to house arrest. Horev has always been considered the strictest of all the security chiefs in Israel, especially in regard to the protection of institutions such as the Dimona facility and the Biological Institute. He is apprehensive that if Vanunu goes abroad, he will continue to be a nuisance by stimulating the public debate over Israel's nuclear policy and the nuclear weapons he says Israel possesses…all the hyperactivity being displayed by Horev and those who support his approach is intended only to divert attention from what has not yet been revealed: the security blunders and their cover-ups." [Ibid]

I was NOT a reporter in 2005, but I became one after Vanunu told me:

"President Kennedy tried to stop Israel from building atomic weapons. Kennedy insisted on an open internal inspection.

"When Johnson became president, he made an agreement with Israel that two senators would come every year to inspect. Before the senators would visit, the Israelis would build a wall to block the underground elevators and stairways. From 1963 to ’69, the senators came, but they never knew about the wall that hid the rest of the Dimona from them.

"Nixon stopped the inspections and agreed to ignore the situation. As a result, Israel increased production. In 1986, there were over two hundred bombs. Today, they may have enough plutonium for ten bombs a year." [Ibid]

In 2005, Vanunu also shared his dream of, “Leaving Israel. Having a job. A home. A family.”

Vanunu turns 58 this October 13th.

The last time I saw him in 2009, he told me that he endures his open-air captivity by escaping into opera.

"Opera inspires me, it gives me strength. When I was twenty-two I stopped listening to pop; The Beatles, Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan. I like challenges and began listening to opera. It builds skyscrapers in my mind. Opera is nutrition for the brain. Opera enlarges and develops the brain. Opera speaks to my brain…

“Every morning I am in my room until eleven listening to opera. I find ways to enjoy myself as my way of resistance. I transform anger into positive energy."

Vanunu is a fan of Wagner, but this little sister recommends Beethoven’s only opera in which he expressed his dream for humanity-a liberation into true sister-brotherhood.

I also plead with all who have read this far to do something now:

Petition your political reps to help FREE Vanunu and request your Media report on his next scheduled appeal to be heard in July seeking to revoke his citizenship as a way to leave Israel:

16 April 2012, Vanunu from east Jerusalem


June 16, 2009: A Sunday with Vanunu:


March 25, 2009: Vanunu Mordechai J.C.; like a prisoner in a world of mystery: Read more...

May 9, 2011: FAX to President Obama RE: Netanyahu and Peres Vis-a-Vis Vanunu Mordechai

It's a God Thing about Trees, Doors, Day and Vanunu

16 Days in Palestine

March 30, 2008: Orwell meets Vanunu and The Industrial Military Media Security/Surveillance Complex Read more...

November 26, 2008: THE Ongoing NAKBA and Vanunu

March 4, 2011: Before Manning and Assange: There was Vanunu Mordechai

BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu's Freedom of Speech Trial
Mordechai Vanunu's
Trial and My Life
as a Muckraker

I am Eileen Fleming for US HOUSE and I approve of all of my messages.

1. http://www.deliberation.info/israel-military-censor-hits-the-usa/

2. BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu's FREEDOM of SPEECH Trial and My Life as a Muckraker: 2005-2010

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eileen fleming May 22, 2012 5:52 am (Pacific time)

UPDATE: The PR FIRM REFUSED to run my NEWS-PRESS RELEASE with a lame excuse -their Legal team required the "court case number" but I had NO problem locating another news-press release distribution org and so, the update to this story will now go online in a few hours. Much GRATITUDE and LOVE for all your patience and support!

eileen fleming May 21, 2012 8:19 am (Pacific time)

PS: As of this writing the FaceBook Cause to FREE VANUNU is 5,719 strong- and was 5,536 when article posted.

eileen fleming May 21, 2012 8:10 am (Pacific time)

Come Wednesday I am publishing PR NEWS-PRESS RELEASE on this ongoing story.

AND Please check VANUNU WIKI page under "Arrests and hearings"
THIS link is FOOTNOTE 77

But links to my articles @ WIKI have 'disappeared' before.


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