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May-04-2008 19:16printcomments

Op Ed: 'That Bull' Might
Just Get to YOU
Without Due Care NOW

Far too many Americans falling prey to racism-virus on vote.


(SALEM, Ore.) - One of my favorite stories is about a well-experienced old farmer breaking in another barn-worker. The kicker comes when he warns his younger friend: “Watch it --that bull is gonna s... right on you !”...but NOT in time!

We can only hope this similar warning IS in time --and will NOW demand your attention AGAIN, before another malignly-historic political smear-campaign can result in a very-similar outcome sure to smear-and-smell our own chapter in American History.

YOU will NOT want to be mis/led and manipulated into letting that happen via YOUR “fair-and-rational vote”. That would leave your own indelible fingerprints right in the middle of that disgusting, unacceptable smear.... As well as making you an accomplice --”unthinking” or NOT !-- of that notorious bull now so well-known to so many thinking citizens.

ANYone following national sources on this election cannot but see the same sequence getting set to take place --again !!-- that wrecked and ruined continuance of America’s last and most historic “achievement for the ordinary people”: The New Deal; substituting “the costly start of the Reagan-Bush I neocon/era” and “its many historic beginnings for now-catastrophic consequences” from which we are only beginning our extremely-painful recovery.

That’s what’s happening as this very peculiar --and perhaps “most fundamentally-climaxing of any political drama since the Civil War”-- winds its perplexing way into our American History.

IF that basically-UN/American action actually is allowed to take place “by citizen misunderstanding”, the overpowering stench may well permeate our chapter in that History, in the same way that perverse-but-potent bull-action did for those two in the barn.

They could clean up both the very-distressed barn-worker and the barn much more easily than we ever can our own “democratic nation, where all are equal under law” --once the bull “drops that bunch” on us --Again!

Fortunately --now that you’ve been well-and-timely/warned about the real “bull-danger” we are facing-- YOU can dodge and avoid any such diverting action in YOUR own way; by thoughtful and undistorted reliance on historical fact-and-full research, garnered from Wikipedia for you, as reported in the preceding Op Ed. (See the 50-odd Internet links listed at Wikipedia.)

The concept of racism is thus well-relegated to history’s dust-bin now, due to ongoing research you can rely on --strong enough even to break through any “denial” you may be having to contend with that “psychotic symptom”, given the fact of bull-influence far outside the barn.

We must never forget that our Founding Fathers most purposely meant their newfound dream of good-and-decent governance to obtain for ALL of our people --that was one of its most powerful innovative impacts: surely further reflected in Lincoln’s illuminating phrasing: “OF the People, FOR by the People, BY the People”. --already a full-century later, which goes to prove up very convincingly the continued economic impact still “bullified” by those who continued to gain by that myth.

That’s WHY we fought that bloody Civil War, long recognized by most historians as a desperate economic struggle far more than a racial one.

That’s WHY Nixon led off his most powerful political manipulation with the same old stupor-making massive-reliance on “the Southern strategy”, now so clearly seen for what its consequences have been --intentional or otherwise. With Nixon one never knew., which is why he was so vulnerable to impeachment, forcing his resignation in the face of sure and damning Congressional action.

That’s WHY, even later, our large cities were --more than once!-- convulsed by civil strife unleashed as many-deprived communicated their frustration --in the only manner still left open to them --after still another century of deprivation forced by the same contrived economic cabal, catering to the same centuries-old contrived myth, maintained for massive economic reasons.

Like any other “psychiatric symptom”, unconscious OR purposely-hidden ”racism” is desperately denied by many suffering from it, now clearly unable --despite overwhelming cultural and social advances absolutely now apparent widely in American life-- to admit in any way to themselves that it is still a motivating force in their own actions; even though its malign affects are being attached most unfairly to one Presidential candidate.

“They” --those so-suffused-- simply never realize how well and thoroughly they have been both badly mis/led and malignly-manipulated by political/cultural forces-applied, via expenditure of many millions of political dollars. (Often “campaign-contribution”-supported by corporate and business interests driven by “profit uber alles” attitudes.)

“They” --those so-suffused-- simply fail-to-see the sabotage they commit to that American-fairness which is the most essential component of our “national exceptionalism_ -- long universally hailed as one of our nation’s greatest achievements.

Full-attention, desperately now demanded in many areas of our American life once dominated by traditional “white mail workmen” --a rapidly diminishing but once-key political force-- is just as desperately needed among many who may follow family-and-friend voting-tradition this time.

Given GOP/neocon canny contrivance to cause far-too-extensive coverage of Democratic-candidate involvements on “the race issue”, while very carefully avoiding many more and even worse incidents of similar verbal-aberration via the already-anointed Republican “hero” Sen. John McCain.

The historic facts-on-record for Bush I and II involvements with “The Rev.” Myung Moon, notorious owner of The Washington TIMES. so well reported in “see with own eyes” appended to my preceding Op Ed, is highly relevant here; as our the additional “see with own eyes” links given in the Reader’s Note below.

By reference to these, we carry forward further-yet the ongoing S-N pattern-here of sending you to our sources, so that you can then use YOUR own mind” to evaluate and apply for YOUR own best interests -- without undue “persuasive impact” from what we may think.

We believe that to be of more real value to you than even the best of our cogitations, even after continuing broad consultation with even more and broader sources and situations.

After all, it is YOUR VOTE --and YOU should “make up your own mind” on rational, reasonable, factual, proven --and thus entirely “persuasive” grounds, without our intervention or interference.

Here’s the last-line of my opening-story:

“You’re SMARTER than ANY bull -- aren’t you?”


Reader’s Note:
This Op Ed was triggered by some twenty separate major national sources, from which we might have excerpted many most-telling quotes and parts. We chose to explain to you WHY you need to “see with own eyes” and THEN to cogitate for yourselves materials like this -- well before you cast your American-style “responsible, rational” vote.

Here are “see with own eyes” links to some of the most-helpful:

1. “The All-White Elephant in the Room”; Frank Rich; New York Times;

2. “Obama Faces Test in Asserting His Own Brand of Patriotism”; Alec McGillis; Washington Post;

3. “Critics of Old Guard Take Black Activism Online”; Darryl Fears’ Washington Post; 4. “Who Will Tell the People ?”; Thomas Friedman; New York Times; Quotes are sometimes shortened, condensed, combined for space reasons; verbatim notes and sources are available on request with ID to Editor Tim at

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Howard Kelty May 7, 2008 2:41 pm (Pacific time)

I saw previous comments about letting the POW's go. Below is why we need to rethink that scenario: SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico—The U.S. military is confirming that a former Guantanamo detainee from Kuwait carried out a recent suicide attack in northern Iraq. A spokesman for U.S. military's Central Command told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Abdallah Salih al-Ajmi took part in an attack in Mosul. U.S. Navy Cmdr. Scott Rye says authorities don't know the motive for the attack, which was reported last week by Dubai-based Al-Arabiya television. Iraqi security forces were apparently targeted. The U.S. transferred al-Ajmi to Kuwaiti custody from Guantanamo in 2005. A Kuwaiti court later acquitted him of terrorism charges

Burback May 7, 2008 2:17 pm (Pacific time)

The violent language of the right-wing pundits? How about the violent acts by the violent left, they are the ones who act out. Geez, just because someone does not share your view, you seem to get all worked up. Go to some of these far left websites and see the violent hatred, these people need some intense therapy. When you do a number check, history will quickly inform you that the far left has killed tens of millions beginning in 1917 Russia, and they will continue that violence if they gain power again. They need to be pointed out, then tried, then exterminated, including their spawn. By proper legal methods, of course.

Henry Clay Ruark May 6, 2008 2:07 pm (Pacific time)

The Violent Language of Right-Wing Pundits Poisons Our Democracy By Jeffrey Feldman, Ig Publishing Posted on May 6, 2008 The following is an excerpt from Jeffrey Feldmann's new book Outright Barbarous: How the Violent Language of the Right Poisons American Democracy (Ig Publishing, 2008). "The emergence of a cohort of right-wing pundits who use violent logic, language and arguments in national political debate did not gradually take shape over a long stretch of time, but rose up at a starling speed in the lead-up to the national elections of 2004 and 2006. As the horrific extent of the Iraqi military occupation waxed and George W. Bush's popularity waned, a hitherto sarcastic right-wing punditry seemed all at once to step into a new rhetorical frame. Suddenly, with Bush's re-election in doubt, casualties spiraling out of control, and revelations of U.S. military human rights abuses popping up all over, right-wing pundits shifted their tone from critique to conspiracy. The shift is summed up best by the opening line in Dinesh D'Souza's book The Enemy at Home: "The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11." The book goes on to document deeply by actual quote the specifics proving a tectonic shift in Republican political philosophy, reflected widely among many media pundits, built from clear signals by Bush, Cheney and others ever since their early arrival, and taking motivation from the previous Reagan-Bush I era. ====================================== As if that is not enough, D'Souza's book also accuses liberals of engaging in civil war with the rest of America and of harboring a violent dream that complements the terrorist goals of Osama Bin Laden, yearns for the destruction of U.S. military forces in Iraq and seeks the downfall of the United States. D'Souza's book filled mainstream bookstores, giving scholarly legitimacy to violent accusations of high treason against vast segments of the American population."

Kappy May 6, 2008 12:51 pm (Pacific time)

vic. your a fool that clip has been PROVEN to be doctored.. you only make yourself look bad with crap like that.....

Henry Clay Ruark May 5, 2008 1:42 pm (Pacific time)

I-V et al: Yours remains cogent, esp. the last phrase re seeking wide variety of information from known reliable sources. But that is precisely what those suffering "psychotic symptom" of racism never do, since "denial" is far too comfortable. Racism, please note, refers to Hispanic, Semitic, and a variety of other targets, too, for same basic reasons for which "the myth" was first created and is still strong weapon for those who profit via its continuance. It's time we eradicate it from any truly democratic vote preparation, as you surely do agree. Thanks for your continued thoughtful participation; it is the dialog-resulting that is essential here, with the Op Ed a starting point only.

Henry Clay Ruark May 5, 2008 11:33 am (Pacific time)

To all: For reliable bkgrnd on black church realities, basic to any reasonable, rational fully-fair evaluation of Wright-remarks, see NATION, MAY 5: Liberation of Rev. Wright. Please note UCC and National Council of Churches joining in mutual nationwide "sacred conversation" on race relations, Sunday May 18. IF you have lingering doubts re reality of myth-initiation, why not attend and learn ?

Informed Voter May 5, 2008 11:12 am (Pacific time)

I am familiar with the unfortunate situation where we have pundits from all over the ideological spectrum who put out some pretty hateful comments, but that is just the way it is, so the voter should avoid these distractions by concentrating on knowing all they can about the candidates, and to look through the hype. I was somewhat shocked the other day when I saw that Martin Luther King Jr. was pretty much a conservative. So it just goes to show that when the race card is played, look even deeper into the motivations of those who play that card. This election season will probably get more down and dirty than anything that has happened in the past, all the more important to seek out as many sources as possible to help one in their decision-making process.

Vic May 5, 2008 10:47 am (Pacific time)

Henry Clay Ruark May 5, 2008 10:01 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" re whether unfair racism-based campaign continues: Ann Coulter Jokes About Lynching, Still on CNN By Jeffrey Feldman, Huffington Post Posted on May 2, 2008 "As usual, Ann Coulter's newest round of violence-tinged pundit appearances included going on CNN to call millions of Americans "traitors" (treason is a crime punishable by the death penalty) and suggest that Sen. Barack Obama is a covert terrorist assassin. "What did Ann Coulter do this week to earn this right to appear on the most trusted name in news? "She published a weekly syndicated column laced with violent-rhetoric in which she suggested that an Obama Presidency would result in the destruction of the U.S. by terrorists and--she joked about lynching Africa-Americans. "Is there nobody left at CNN who cares about this situation? I mean...why is it that a pundit who jokes about lynching blacks is allowed to appear on the largest broadcast platform in America ?"

Henry Clay Ruark May 5, 2008 9:22 am (Pacific time)

I/Vtr et al: Your points "informed" and reasonable; but missing full appreciation of huge effort now surely underway to divert voters from real issues via resort to racism-appeal. IF you doubt strength of the bull-ish effort, simply "see with own eyes" links-below. DID you GO THERE and then "use own mind" ? Until, unless you DO, you miss opportunity to KNOW how to avoid being "bulled"-again, as happened twice in past eight years--and wrecked New Deal on same race-shoals by same groups, to our growing, desperate consternation NOW. We cannot afford to risk the same tragic outcome again, so extreme care surely demanded. IF they ARE to ignore it, then this warning helpful; IF they are NOT ignoring, might just help them to "see with own eys" --first step in any possible remediation for them.

Informed Voter May 5, 2008 9:04 am (Pacific time)

Bush is not running, so we voter's don't have to waste our time reviewing his background, but those that are running, darn right! I don't believe race is really an issue for this current election. It is, to me, clearly an exercise of looking through all the verbal hype, and see what the candidates have done, not what they say they are going to do. The race issue that is being brought up by some I believe is a distraction people should ignore. Simply look at the candidates background, that's where you will discover just who they are and what they have done.

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