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May-01-2007 15:01 ![]() ![]() Democrats War Bill Vetoed by PresidentTim King Salem-News.comBush vetoes the Democrats War Funding Bill.
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Just after 3:00 PM Pacific Time, the President went live on TV to say he has vetoed the Democratic Funding Bill and is seeking an Emergency War Spending Bill. He strongly disagrees with the Democrat party's position, "The opinions of politicians for the judgment of our military commanders, so a few minutes ago I vetoed the bill." He says announcing a pullout deadline is illogical. "It makes no sense to tell the enemy when you plan to start withdrawing." "I believe setting a deadline for a withdrawal would discourage the Iraqi people." He says he has invited both sides to the White House for a meeting tomorrow. "Without a war funding bill the military has to take the money out of some other account." Analysts say the President is not budging an inch on a timetable, and the Democrats now need to seek benchmarks. Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed will be making a response in the next few minutes. It is also anticipated that Democrats will bring another bill back without a timetable. Polls support the Democratic leadership on the issue of withdrawing troops. Everyone seems to agree that the money for Iraq will run out in July, that poses a serious problem that has to be addressed. Here are words from the President, issued today:
So after an extensive review, I ordered a new strategy that is dramatically different from the one we were pursuing before. I listened to our military commanders; I listened to politicians from both sides of the aisle. I made a decision. I appointed a new commander, General David Petraeus, to carry out this strategy. This new strategy recognizes that our top priority must be to help the Iraqi government secure its capital so they can make economic and political progress. The Iraqis cannot yet do this on their own. So I ordered reinforcements to help Iraqis secure their population, to go after those inciting sectarian violence, and to help the Iraqis get their capital under control. This strategy is still in its early stages. Some of the reinforcements General Petraeus requested have not yet arrived in Baghdad. He believes it will take months before we can accurately gauge the strategy's potential for success. Yet at this early hour, we are seeing some signs that give us hope. Coalition forces have captured a number of key terrorist leaders who are providing information about how al Qaeda operates in Iraq. They stopped a car bomb network that had killed many citizens of Baghdad, and destroyed major car bomb factories. There has been a decline in sectarian violence. And in some areas of the capital, Iraqis are returning to their neighborhoods with an increased feeling of security. Terrorists and the extremists continue to unleash horrific acts of violence. Al Qaeda is playing a major role. Last week, General Petraeus called al Qaeda "probably public enemy number one" in Iraq. He said that al Qaeda has made Iraq "the central front in their global campaign." And that's why success in Iraq is critical to the security of free people everywhere. There are those who say America is engaged in this fight alone. Each of you here knows better. The Iraqis are suffering a lot, but they're in this fight. I'm impressed by the courage of the Iraqi people. Today there are more than 30 nations supporting the operations in Iraq. I appreciate the 17 NATO nations that have contributed forces or been part of the NATO Training Mission to help train Iraqis. I appreciate Georgia's recent decision to contribute 2,000 troops. America joins in honoring the coalition troops who have been killed in Iraq, and the others who have been wounded in combat. I want your countries to know that the sacrifices made by these brave soldiers are for a noble cause, a necessary cause, and we grieve for them as we grieve for our own. Your countries have risked too much and fought too hard for anyone to dismiss or disregard your contributions. Our nations are standing together in this fight, and I want your citizens to know that America is deeply grateful. America is also grateful for the increasing contributions international organizations are making for Iraq's stability. On Thursday, the United Nations will host a conference in Egypt to sign an International Compact for Iraq -- an agreement that will bring new economic assistance in exchange for greater economic reform. Then, on Friday, Iraq's neighbors will meet to discuss ways to promote political reconciliation in Iraq, to promote stability in Iraq. These meetings will be attended by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and senior officials from other G8 nations. Iran and Syria have been invited to attend, and this will be an important test of whether these regimes are truly interested in playing a constructive role in Iraq. Everyone in this room knows the consequences of failure in Iraq, and that we should also appreciate the consequences of success, because we have seen them before. Following World War II, many nations helped lift the defeated populations of Japan and Germany, and stood with them as they built representative governments from societies that had been ravaged and decimated. We committed years and resources to this cause. And that effort has been repaid many times over in three generations of prosperity and peace. During the Cold War, the NATO Alliance worked to liberate nations from communist tyranny, even as allies bickered, and millions marched in the streets against us, and the pundits lost hope. We emerged from that struggle with a Europe that is now whole and free and at peace. We look back at that history and marvel at what millions of ordinary people accomplished. Yet success was not preordained, and the outcome was not certain. Only now we can see those eras with the proper perspective. I believe that one day future generations will look back at this time in the same way, and they will be awed by what our coalition has helped to build. They will see that we strengthened alliances, offered new relevance to international institutions, encouraged new forms of multilateral engagement, and laid the foundation of peace for generations to come. These are difficult times. These are tough times. These are times of test and resolve of free people. These are times that require hard work and courage and faith in the ability of liberty to yield the pace we want. And so I thank you for your contributions. Thank you for standing for what's right. Thank you for helping the liberated. And thank you for working for peace. " Articles for April 30, 2007 | Articles for May 1, 2007 | Articles for May 2, 2007 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html Support | |
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Albert Marnell May 14, 2007 7:30 pm (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, You don't feel that what you said to me is personal and insulting? You were implying that my mother may have slept around like a whore and I would not know who my father was. You are the bully and to date I do not think that you have feelings. If you are starting to have some kind of feelings that would be great. It is never too late.
Rosenberg May 14, 2007 7:52 am (Pacific time)
I was only asking if your mother knew who your father was? You don't have to get personal and hurt my feelings. You big bully.
Albert Marnell May 13, 2007 1:08 pm (Pacific time)
You are making fun of adopted people and one of my relatives was the head of one of the largest adoption agencies in New York; nice try. You know nothing of my big DOPE!
Rosenberg May 12, 2007 7:38 am (Pacific time)
Marnell thanks for the great input! You sure have a way of giving your thoughts a special zing. I noticed you talk of your mother a lot, I was wondering, you never talk about your father. Were you adopted? Possibly you do not know your father? Does your mother know?
Albert Marnell May 10, 2007 4:46 pm (Pacific time)
So Rosenberg, Mr.Red, White and Blue, you show your real colors. You want a military police state. I knew that from the beginning. My mother was pro-Hitler so I can read your kind of talk. As she got older she looked at the total view but understandably being a refugee herself from post Great War chaos, many of us learned both sides of the story. The world is never going to be all one way. That is what Hitler wanted and now what our U.S. rulers want. It will not happen and the struggle for it will end in more chaos. The human spirit eventually fights to the death to be FREE from any form of social injustice or oppression which your attitudes seem to be in line with.
Rosenberg May 10, 2007 10:41 am (Pacific time)
Hopefully congress (read far far left demo's) will allow our military to conduct the business only they are qualified to do, unrestricted by the Chamberlin-types, who are so clueless that if they remain in power we as a country will be in a life and death struggle. Though if that happens, at least we can cull the herd of those who demonize our brave military. That would be a positive. A lot of unnecessary carbon-footprints out there!
Albert Marnell May 8, 2007 10:10 pm (Pacific time)
Hannigan, We are two different people with two different eyes and ideas but I see some common ground unless I am taking you wrong. I feel the "War On Terror" is a TOTAL fraud. Most Muslims are peaceful. That term "War On Terror" has no, specific definition or enemy. Terrorist are just that and I also believe with conviction that 9/11 was an inside job. If you care to read it is the website of Alex Jones. If a government does not care about the death estimates of 700k they certainly do not care about a few dirty New start an agenda for The New World Order. I do not believe the story about Fort Dix. Propaganda (Lies) are the most powerful tool in conflict. I know about underestimated death counts because I had relatives in Hamburg when wiped off the map in summer of 43 by RAF and Americans. I hate Janet Reno because of Waco. I used to like Schumer but then saw he goes for majority opinion to stay popular. I like Ted Kennedy and do not see him any different than Laura Bush. She ran over a classmate when she was young, killed him, no charges, her husband to be was a drunk and cocaine user and has the personality of a recovering addict. I do not hate addicts but lived with enough of them to know that the drug is never the problem; a personality disorder or something else is. She could have been plastered and it would have been covered up or not picked up on. Fox is not a news channel, it is a 24/7 propaganda tool for the GOP. (I do know that both parties are beholden to large corporate the two party system is about campaign contributions...the best person does not stand a chance of becoming our leader. This is not a Constitutional Republic and I do not believe in democracy....a terrible form of government...too many people ignored. This country was a Constitutional Republic in the beginning. I had a friend that fled Cuba as a boy. Cuba was run by organized crime. What is worse...Castro or the Mob? I do not like either. Ted Kennedy is obviously guilty of something but I like his position on many issues. I want out of Iraq and the refugee problem we created to be the problem of the U.K. and U.S. Let them come here. PNAC, CFR, TLC, Bilderberg, New World Order do not want borders so let the immigration flow....not smart uncontrolled but that is their long term goal; no more borders. Chaos is already here and I give up on a country that fawns over a Queen....cold blooded murderer. Women fall for that royalty crap more than men. They get star-struck or something else very neurotic. I hate the stealing of wealth through inflation by the Fed.(privately owned corporation, deception used by global bankers to F-anyone they can for continuous power struggle. I like Ron Paul mainly because of his position on global bankers and the "hidden tax" of inflation and a strong currency. The show about Fifth Graders is stupid as is all televison. I agree with Linda Ellerbee and have learned more on the internet then television. I have not had T.V. for a year. Yes I am guilty of going to the library and listening to Bloomberg radio. Bloomberg is ok but is part of MSM. I make faces when I listen to the manipulation and endless Maria Bartiromo type propaganda. I like Maria but not her job description. I do not like Bill Clinton or any of the Bushes. They are both multinational prostitutes. My Godbrother graduated from Harvard with honors and all kinds of special recognition about 27 years ago. Do not assume that people who go to Harvard or any of the so called top schools know what they are doing. Harvard created an ego that made me dislike someone that I used to love as a brother. Now he is always right and has all the answers and given a little time, I can shoot him down verbally. I do like Hillary because of the health care issue but know that her hands are tied. I would rather have a whore for healthcare than unneeded defense against created enemies so that the aerospace trade shows look like end-of-college-career placement-fairs. I am tired of the corruption in D.C. I know an ex-investigative reporter who told me about all the bribery....out of control and if most Americans knew they would revolt. Did you know that in 1812 the British burned the White House and attacked New York and Virginia? Why is Bush pushing the royalty crap? We now have a death bed confession thanks to the son of E. Howard Hunt. The C.I.A. did kill J.F.K. This is important and not long past. I was in Bill Casey's house and met him but no one cares. I knew the company he kept until this day. The important figures are dead or in assisted living for the most part...not all. This is my little patchwork of views, facts, attitudes and beliefs and I apologize to whoever you are unless your are playing a game. If you knew me as my neighbors really do because I live in a relatively crowded condo complex. You would know how respectful I am to 99.9% of the people and how hard I try to work with people when there is conflict. There is one person that I gave up on and consider her to be nonexistent. A sincere apology from her would be accepted. Her adult daughter even tries to be a diplomat with me. So much for now and I know I was all over the place but was not trying to appear to be sophisticated.
Albert Marnell May 8, 2007 8:40 pm (Pacific time)
Hannigan, I will return and want to go over what you wrote. Two things; and correct me if I am wrong; made an anti-Islamic statement and an anti-semitic statement. My best friend is in Turkey. They are a totally moderate Islamic country; nothing to do with the many of the Arab states. I also grew up in a heavily Jewish area and they were as varied and actually more interesting in general than the Christians who were of my original faith. If you are Rosenberg or not; right now I do not care and in all fairness to you and the amount of work you put into writing I will re-read what you wrote. I will be Arnold. I like George Soros. He swayed the Ukrainian elections to the West with his own money and influence.
Hannigan II May 8, 2007 11:05 am (Pacific time)
Mr. Marnell, I do not know you, so what's your beef with my postings? If you see some error of fact, please let me know. I am always delighted to get new information that will help me become a better informed citizen. Let me thank you in advance sir.
Albert Marnell May 7, 2007 10:57 pm (Pacific time)
Hannigan sounds like Rottenburg. Ignore. Probably him. Let him write his brains out and don't bother to read, it is the same old crap.
Hannigan II May 5, 2007 9:30 am (Pacific time)
In fairness to the democratic candidates, asking one to name his/her favorite moral leader would be like asking the president of Iran to name his favorite Jew. (Answer: George Soros.) Not a fair inquiry. It is really sad that the democratic party cannot field some better candidates. Lieberman would be great, even Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer or Barara Boxer, Patty Maurry, or even Carl Levin! I guess we can keep our fingers crossed and hope someone in the Democratic Party will come around and get with it. We need to win and get back to the pre-911 mentality and treat the war on terror as a criminal action, it is not a war! The Muslims are peaceful, why can't people see that? Maybe get Janet Reno as Secretary of State and Ted Kennedy as Sec. of Defense. Bill Clinton could be our roving Goodwill ambasador dispensing moral values as only he could. Now those fine leaders could really get America back in the groove.
Hannigan II May 5, 2007 9:12 am (Pacific time)
Many of our presidential candidates are setting us up for a big fall people, so listen to what they are really saying, not what you want them to say. The not-visibly-insane Democrats all claim they'll get rough with the terrorists, but they can't even face Brit Hume. In case you missed this profile in Democrat machismo, the Democratic presidential candidates are refusing to participate in a debate hosted by Fox News Channel because the hosts are "biased." But they'll face down Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! At this, even Hillary Clinton was thinking, "Come on, guys — let's grow a pair." Obama was asked to name "America's three most important allies around the world" — a question rejected as "too easy" on Fox's new game show "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" Any politically savvy 11-year-old could have named Britain, Australia and Israel. B. Hussein Obama answered: "the European Union." Which is (a) not a country, and (b) not an ally. What was his next guess? Epcot Center? In addition to not being a country, the "European Union" happens to be composed of people who hate our guts. It is the continent where lunatics are the friendly, pro-American types and the rest are crazy Muslims. Obama did eventually mention Japan as an ally — along with China and Afghanistan — which would have been a better answer to the question: "Who are America's four or five most important allies?" But at least he named a country that could conceivably be called "an ally."
Rosenberg May 4, 2007 7:00 pm (Pacific time)
As much as I am dissatisfied with the Warren Report, and other reports, dealing with JFK's assasination, it no longer is all that important because of the current climate and the war footing we're on. It's too bad the public schools do not provide instruction on how Chicago politics allowed for the wrong person to win in 1960. If the vote went properly, Vietnam never would have happened and Castro would have ceased to exist in 1961...the world would have been a much better place...and Ted Kennedy would never have gotten away with murder, or his nephew with rape, or his other nephew, and on and on...
Albert Marnell May 3, 2007 11:06 am (Pacific time)
Hank, Rosenberg does not want to see a total perspective, the long range plans and the real beneficiaries. He comments to disrupt and as you said in anther commentary is a perpetual teenager and age (guess) 60 plus that is not a good thing. We all have to let go of what we did as youth and young people. Our bodies have changed our awareness of what we though was should change. Keeping the same attitudes of a 16 year old is pathetic. Living in an isolated environment even overseas is pathetic. Being around a conflict does not mean that you know that the conflict is about. We are not in Afgahnistan for altruistic reasons. If there is an enemy, the U.S. created it in the late 70's and even earlier. We created the Taliban. The names change but ultimately trying to get these tribal groups under some order is just a pretext for occupation, base building, resource manipulation and confiscation. Call it what you want. It is the same crap of Vietnam. Since the C.I.A. was created, it has done nothing but create false flags and conflict not for the American people but because Congress-(the public speaking whores of the military industrial complex tells them too). It is so easy to be in the business of conspiracy, lies and funding conflict overseas. The people in the C.I.A. are no different than other intelligence. I do not like calling them intelligent because they are not. They are just thugs and had to join a gang with less honor than any organized crime. The world is not what I thought it was and neither are people. Honesty is not a valued commodity. Real bravery is speaking up without a military complex backing you officially although there is always conflict among themselves internally. As the explosive revelation of E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession, in which the former CIA agent and Watergate conspirator admits that he was part of a CIA conspiracy to assassinate JFK, continues to rage across the Internet, the establishment media remains almost mute on what is undoubtedly one of the biggest stories of the decade.
Rosenberg May 3, 2007 8:49 am (Pacific time)
Hi HR, I see as usual you offer analysis geared for people unfettered with critical thinking skills. Tim your analysis of Afghanistan is shared by many of my associates. Visiting a country and interacting with the people provides a far more objective way of understanding the situation. Please note that a significant percentage of those in Iraq feel the same way about that country as you do about Afghanistan. These are really tough times, and it will get worse before it gets better...
Hank Ruark May 3, 2007 6:04 am (Pacific time)
Rosy et al: You really should be more careful in written exposure of real views, man ! We know why you felt as now revealed; which cannot help but kill off yr continued "advise" and "report", for most of us.
Albert Marnell May 3, 2007 2:30 am (Pacific time)
Hello Tim, I believe that you only report what is the truth. I am the same way. All of the research that I have done, shows maps drawn up decades ago and the pipelines that are very coveted. I know that your desires are humanitarian. If you have the time watch on google the video lecture that I have been bringing up by Michel Chossudovsky. Over the last few years, before we went into Iraq, I have found and was sent maps of the "stans" and the real reason that we are there. I understand your passion for the area and the people that you have come to know and I know that you are honorable. I have a problem with the greater plan. I am surprised that the pipeline issue is not more in the forefront as should have been in the Balkans which was phase one. I have seen so many documentaries and geo-political articles written by astute people that it is obvious that starting in the former Yugoslavia, the motives were piplines and oil. Control over the Caspian Sea is also strategic for big oil. There have been many C.I.A. operations that have been used to confuse people but the objective was and is control over resources. The corporations that control our government do not care about people like you and I do. They use that as a front to cover their real objectives. I have a problem not with you or the great reporting you did but with the "others". An English woman that I befriended actually in a bookstore started sending me maps right before we went into Iraq. The title was called "Chaostan" and showed what was coming. The dishonesty of the oligarchs and their control over the media is beyond disturbing. Your opinion is never "two cents". It is valuable. The fact that even someone with the experience and exposure to the area that you have had, scares me even more that the resource, pipeline and base issue was covered with Birka's. I am sure that upon closer observation, you know that we are not their for humanitarian reasons although that is a temporary benefit and temporary comfort for a tragic culture clash. In time the whole area surrounding Afghanistan (neighboring countries and such) will have far more bloodshed and misery than anyone imagines. I do not say abandon Afghanistan. I say we should get out of Iraq asap. The war was a fraud. The lies were repeated endlessly. I just want people to know the real reason why we are anywhere and what is coming. If it takes twenty years for peace then something else is going on and that always has to to with black gold or some other commodity or strategic position not for the American people or the Afghan people but for the multi-nationals and money men behind them. Even 5 years will only bide the time before the increasing colonization and expansion in the whole region surrounding for the purpose of getting oil to western markets. The base building is to be permanent and will continue the endless chaos and the fraud of the never ending term "War on Terror". If there is not enough terror people can rest assured that domestic and foreign intelligence will create it. We are not the masters of the world. Haven't we seen enough of that 65 years ago? The domestic neglect brought about by all of this financial resource allocation is devastating to the American people. We built the bases for the training camps when we were in the Balkans. I know that you know that Carter created Islamic terrorist groups to destablize the Balkans so that we could get our feet in the door. Again, it is not the American people but the oligarchs who create conflict with all sorts of intelligence games, the lies and misinformation in the controlled press. I want to protect the people of Haiti and other nations. The oligarchs will be doing and have done operations in Africa to destabilize for long term objectives. Let the oligarchs use their money and lives for all of these things and not take it from the American or British people. As you know, it would take months for a total discussion including the overcharging and kickbacks by private contracting firms. There is also the battle for turf between old Europe and the American-British alliance. The various Balkan states each have a different allegiance to either Germany-France etc. or to the U.S.-U.K. This competition is far more devastating to world stability than can be known. On that note Tim, goodnight to you and your family.
Tim King May 2, 2007 11:58 pm (Pacific time)
Hi Albert, I just read your last comment and while you make many points that I agree with, I wanted to state this: that in my opinion the people of Afghanistan will suffer greatly if the Coalition packs its bags and leaves. I understand what you said about oil, and I do not profess to have any personal understanding of Iraq as I have not been there. Afghanistan does have natural resources, no oil from what I gathered, and at this point what resources are there are mostly being ignored. I'm sure somebody has their eye on it no doubt. But I just think that if we stay in Afghanistan for the long haul, twenty years or more, we will have a better chance of keeping the bad guys at bay.
The Taliban really are extremely abusive toward women, and the new government does not do enough to enforce their rights either. But so many people I talked to there said they have never known peace until now, and they meant it.
It isn't totally peaceful, there is plenty of combat between Coalition and Taliban or ACM (Anti-Coalition Militia) and sometimes our side is accused of indiscriminate bombings and that is tragic. But from my personal observations there was no abusive behavior toward the people. Americans drive too fast, but then they are supposed to because that reduces time on the road and the consequent exposure to fatal hazards like IED's. There are always policies and rules that complicate things.
The Afghans told me the bottom line is that if we hang around for twenty years or so, they think they will again have control of their nation. While I always hope and pray for peace, I think that our military presence there is helping a great deal. Just my two cents' worth, see you later.
Albert Marnell May 2, 2007 11:09 pm (Pacific time)
The plan the Pentagon drew up calls for at least another 30 years in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is a code for never leaving. Permanent bases in both countries to guard and take over pipelines, use resources and this sectarian violence is a welcome distraction to the real goal. The administration does not want the fighting and killing to stop. The more Iraqis dead the happier they are. It keeps Americans and Iraqis focused off of the pipelines, resource confiscation, base creation and a permanent presence. We will never leave not only Iraq and Afghanistan but the neighboring countries which already have more than our footprints. This is not for Americans' benefit. You will pay more for energy once it increasingly becomes in the control of the oligarchy in this country and Europe. Get out a map and see the strategic area where Afghanistan is right next to the largest oil reserves in China. This is all part of a long range plan. The goal is to expand for big oil and the military, industrial complex. Actually it is the goal of BP-Amoco, Royal Dutch-Shell (Queen Beatrix of Holland) Lockheed Martin, Boeing and if you do not know the rest, start learning. One source of information is Alex Jones broadcasting out of Austin, Texas. He also made the documentary "Terrorstorm." Go to and click live listening for the radio show. You may not get it live but the program re- broadcasts all day. It's better than bubblevision. If you do not fight this "New World Disorder" your children and grandchildren will have no chance to live better than our parents or even us.
Albert Marnell May 2, 2007 3:19 pm (Pacific time)
Yes Rosenberg, I want a currency that is backed by something other than a printing press. Without a Gold Standard your purchasing power drops and drops. Obviously you know this but because it is coming from me you will have something negative to say. I do not care if they use diamonds, gold or platinum, but a printing press? I also want the government to be in charge of our money not bankers. Unless you own the majority of shares and all the voting stock in J.P. Morgan Chase, you and I are both serfs. I read your dodge-ball thing again. I do not know where you come up with this stuff. I was usually one of the last out and was good at catching the stupid thing. Believe what you like. I just know that too many people in this country ask the question, "Who was Pearl Harbor?" It is almost hopeless which is just a feeling but not a fact.
Rosenberg May 2, 2007 10:53 am (Pacific time)
Federal Reserve huh? Dave I did not want to vote for Bush, it really hurt, but the alternative was unacceptable. Go for Duncan in 2008, unless with possible divine intervention we can get Cheney to run...just kiddin'!
Dave May 1, 2007 8:25 pm (Pacific time)
I honestly could not hate George Bush and everyone who voted for him, more then I do right now.
Albert Marnell May 1, 2007 3:36 pm (Pacific time)
He is just the puppet dictator. Find out who is really behind him. Global Bankers, read about the Federal Reserve System. Go to F.R.E.E. or any google video on the Federal Reserve. The Fed wants the borrowing that gives them the interest on the debt which is taken out of your paycheck like a serf. This government no longer serves the people and I am not taking political sides. 99% of Congress is full of it. I can not believe that someone still listens to his speeches. I just hear the results rather than waste my time listening anymore.
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