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Mar-31-2007 12:19printcomments

Consumer Alert: Buy a Defective Game, Music CD, or Movie at Wal-Mart, Don’t Expect an Exchange or Refund

Wal-Mart takes customer service to its lowest levels, when they accuse a reporter of burning a computer game, then trying to exchange it for the SAME game.

Walmart protesters
Protest at another Wal-Mart store
Photo courtesy:

(SALEM, Ore.) - I went to the Wal-Mart on south Commercial Friday morning and purchased a new video game for my Personal Computer. After getting home, the game would not load or work. After about a half-hour of following the instructions, yes I’m computer stupid, I called the company and asked for help.

The representative told me that I must have gotten a bad disk, and said I should return the game to Wal-Mart where I purchased it for another.

So, I returned to Wal-Mart to explain my situation to the manager from the Electronics Department. With the receipt in my hand, I approached the Customer Service Desk. After looking at the game the employee said, “Sorry we cannot exchange, or refund your money on this game because you may have burned it.”

"Excuse me? The only thing I know how to burn is a good steak! I just want to exchange this game for another copy because the manufacturer told me this one is bad."

But the Wal-Mart employee said federal laws state that they cannot exchange or refund money on movies, music, PC software and games for liability and copyright issues, and if they did, that he or any Wal-Mart associate "could be arrested or fined by the federal government."

For taking back a dud? A failed product?

I said the woman just in front of me returned a movie that was opened and she was allowed to exchange it, so why can’t I? He said because it’s the law. I asked to see a copy of the federal law, or any Wal-Mart policy on this issue, and he could not provide one, just told me to look it up online.

Groups like are trying to
bring about change in the store's policies

I left the store, came back in a few minutes later, and found another manager, explained the situation, and he said “we are protected by the first amendment and the library of congress on this matter, "I’m sorry you're out $20 but we have had this policy for some time and it is clearly marked in our electronics department." I asked him to show me where it is posted in their electronics department and he refused, saying he was too busy.

Customer service takes on a new meaning.

So then I headed to the Wal-Mart on Turner Road , went to their electronics department and asked the associate there if I could exchange a PC game that didn’t work for another one. She said, "absolutely, that is our policy."

So I went out, brought the game in to the customer service desk, and what do you know, the policy changed since I walked outside, "Sorry we cannot exchange or refund your money on any electronics" (movies, music CD’s, computer games) "that have been opened due to federal law." Again, I asked to see this in writing, and again they could not produce anything.

So, the next day I asked my wife to visit the Wal-Mart on Commercial Street with a movie we had purchased there that had been opened. She told them it was skipping, and sure enough they gave her a replacement copy.

Here is Wal-Mart’s Return Policy, it wasn’t on the back of the receipt, or in any department, I had to get it online:

  • BOOKS, MOVIES & VIDEO GAMES: CDs, DVDs, audiotapes, videotapes and video games: Must be returned unopened.
  • Books: Must be returned unused and unmarked.
  • Computer software: Must be returned unopened.

So then I searched for the federal law that prohibits Wal-Mart from replacing my game, and I could not find one. I just found several blogs from people across the country who have had the same problems I did trying to return a game to a store and management telling them that federal law restricts them from returning opened electronic games, music CD, and movies.

I called Fred Meyer, Sears, Best Buy, and Circuit City and all of them said that they would be happy to exchange a game, music CD, or movie that is defective for the same one. And when I asked about the federal law, they all said, what federal law?

Now for those of you who assume that I’m just anti-Wal-Mart, I’m not. My kids have friends who’s parents work there, and I have shopped there in the past numerous times without any problems.

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Ashley Barton October 11, 2015 2:52 pm (Pacific time)

i went to walmart to get money back for a game that doesnt work on my computer and they will not give it to me for that stupid law and they gave me the game game that doesnt work on my pc

nicholas geoghan September 7, 2015 2:21 am (Pacific time)

on 9/6/2015 ran into same problem when trying to return open dvd that didn't work.we did get to see manager who also claimed that it was a state and federal law. on returning open dvd they made us fell like criminal they could not show us any state or federal law when i asked to see it. what they brought out was policy from walmart. about one paragraph long

Monica February 19, 2012 12:14 pm (Pacific time)

Today is Feb. 19, 2012 and I just had the exact incident on a CD. They said that Federal Law prohibits them from refunding/exchanging opened CD's because I may have burned it. I asked for higher management but got nothing. I guess maybe the BBB.

Smart Shopper April 8, 2007 10:12 pm (Pacific time)

I have been comparing stores for 45 years. Never shop at Wal-Mart, it is run by evil people and strategy. The interior looks like an old style Soviet warehouse run by brainwashed soldiers.

Citizen April 3, 2007 5:50 pm (Pacific time)

April Woodburn Wal-Mart employee: You reflect poorly as a "spokesperson" for your company. Customer service is still somewhat important. Your rant disregards the news report. It indicated that a return is not "always" accepted, I mean "excepted". Maybe that is what you meant, that they "excepted" the return policy, and that such "exceptions" are always made? - - -

Anonymous April 3, 2007 5:46 pm (Pacific time)

There is an overriding legal issue that requires any goods to properly function in the way they were meant to. Walmart needs to formally apologize for this one. If someone wants free software, they can find it on the Internet. Especially since you just wanted to exchange the software. cry - you are not understanding the message. Being a news reporter and having access to this site does have its advantages. But - PUBLIC DISCOURSE over any problem, with private companies or with, say, the City of Salem police, is a right and an expectation we have in a free society. Cry somewhere else. As a final note: The "written limitation" is for RETURNS. Exchanges due to defects, are not by definition, RETURNS...

Costco Fan April 3, 2007 1:24 pm (Pacific time)

Prescriptions are cheaper at Costco and you do not need a membership for prescriptions. They treat their employees and customers a hell of alot better. The lines at Walmart are worse that Costco, and there is always a hold up because of a screw-up at the Wal-Mart registers. You save no time going there. Boycott it! All they sell is crap that falls apart or there is something else wrong with it. Even the store layout stinks. Boycott, Boycott forever and ever.

uh oh!., April 3, 2007 4:54 am (Pacific time)

turn it Up Bo Didly!.,turn it up!

To Cry More April 3, 2007 4:41 am (Pacific time)

what are you an idot?? He got what he deserved because he didn't shop locally what a load of crap! How was he to know the disc was defective?? Plus if you would learn how to read it says he called Fred Meyer and other stores in town and they would have exchanged the game!

cry more April 3, 2007 1:41 am (Pacific time)

No, I don't work at Wal-Mart. Many other stores have this policy (Fred Meyer). I hate Wal-Mart, but I hate people who go there, get junk products and bad customer service and act outraged even more. You should have spent that $20 in a locally-owned shop. You get what you deserved.

Salem April 2, 2007 9:52 pm (Pacific time)

So Bonnie, can any of your staff research this issue? I feel that the manager should have produced the information in writing for the customer--It would be interesting to see what the real deal is. I find this story to be "newsworthy" because I live, shop and work in Salem, and Wal-Mart is one of my primary shopping stores in my community. Any thoughts?

Human Rights April 2, 2007 6:29 pm (Pacific time)

WalMart sub-contracts with sweatshops in places like Bangladesh and other God forsaken places. They do not own the shops because it is bad PR but they use them. In many of the shops they work the mostly women until they collapse. At thirty five you are fired for younger girls. Go to the non-fiction section of your library for the documentary on WalMart. I do not remember its name but Walmart is certainly in the title. They pay third world wages and they clean up by selling at American prices, just a little below what you have been used to so that you feel that you are getting a deal Their bath towels should sell for 59 cents.

Another Wal-Mart employee April 2, 2007 3:36 pm (Pacific time)

You are all just anti Wal-Mart!! Is this story really news?? I bet most of you could care less if this guy didn't get his $20 bucks or not! It's just another reason for you all to bitch about a great american company, that gives me a good paychack with good benefits for me and my family.

Burnt April 2, 2007 3:15 pm (Pacific time)

Nobody likes a dirty toaster

Vic April 2, 2007 7:58 am (Pacific time)

"Most people who return stuff to our stores do so for drug money" I beg to differ. I just took back a toaster that would not shut off and could have burnt my house down. They took it back , but complained that I hadnt cleaned it better.

Another Wal-Mart employee April 2, 2007 5:59 am (Pacific time)

Most people who return stuff to our stores do so for drug money, it happens all the time. In this case, I think the store employee and manager was more than likely retarted seeing he was trying to replace the game for the same one.

JustsayNO April 1, 2007 8:43 pm (Pacific time)

Wal Mart sucks, and everyone will lose in the end by supporting the local and family owned business killer that is Wal Mart. In time you will all see this effect, unfortunately many Americans are complacent and lazy and don't learn until it is too late.

Adam April 1, 2007 7:52 pm (Pacific time)

This is a very concerning story, considering I just bought a PS2 game at the one on Turner Rd. today, and have not tried it yet. Here to hoping it works. As for the "federal" law, that's bogus. Most company's policies state that you may return electronic media for another of the same. I've even done this exact thing before at Wal-Mart, and they've let me. I wonder when they threw their real policies out the window, and implemented these?

Dale Corvallis April 1, 2007 7:23 pm (Pacific time)

Fine there are copyright laws but it's NOT going to get Wal-Mart or an employee arrested. And what does the 1st amendment have to do with returning items. Seems Wal-Mart has lowered their education level to duhhhh!! I guess the employee was happy to get his $20 bonus check, let me see what is that in pesos???

Another Walmart employee April 1, 2007 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

I used to work at Walmart working at the return desk at the south salem walmart reffered to in this story. I know we were trained to not take back open CD's DVD'S, computer games and other software related to copy right laws. Yes, there are "copyright laws," but I was told most important is to maintain customer service. Since most of the business is built on return shoppers, and it cost more to get new shoppers in to the store then we need to keep the shoppers loyal, customer service is most important. I always returned defective merchandise since walmart gets their money back from the company when its defective. On a personal note, this should have never happened, it should have just been exchanged for the same item. Its too bad that they gave you such a hard time, did you talk to the store manager (for the South Commercial one)Mark? He would make sure your taken care of!

Kim Brownley April 1, 2007 5:51 pm (Pacific time)

If that person named April is real, with her lack of spelling ability and low brow, abusive attack, then she does all WalMart foes a favor by showing us where the real problems are...

Robert April 1, 2007 4:36 pm (Pacific time)

Did you even read the story April? The product sold by Wal mart was defective. The manufacturer of the product told him to return it to Wal Mart for a non defective product. It seems wal marts employments standards are low as well

April Woodburn Wal-Mart employee April 1, 2007 4:20 pm (Pacific time)

Why is this guy complaining. We at Wal-Mart always except returns. You people make me sick. You all shop at Wal-Mart because we have the lowest prices. Boo-hoo if he didn't get his $20 bucks back I bet he did burn a copy of it, like they said he did, it happens all the time.

DV April 1, 2007 12:55 pm (Pacific time)

It may be only $20 for the one time but how many times do the refuse to refund defective products? I'm sure it adds up to a bit more than 20$

Troy G. April 1, 2007 12:31 pm (Pacific time)

I've been waiting for some pathetic walmart employee to jump in. Slamming a news story that advises the community of a local business's dirty dealings... not news? Yes it is, and I for one appreciate the story Salem-News, thanks!

cry more April 1, 2007 12:14 pm (Pacific time)

You have to be kidding? This passes for "news." So you are out $20. You probably spent more than that in time crying over some game. BREAKING NEWS: WAL-MART SUCKS. Nice exclusive guys.

gifts April 1, 2007 11:12 am (Pacific time)

I had problems returning a slowcooker and expresso machine given to me as gifts. All I asked for was store credit. After calling a manager over, they did give me credit a half hour later. Afterwards I walked over and saw the products on their shelves. It is sad that customer service is a low standard and ever since then, I avoid shopping there.

Me Too March 31, 2007 8:39 pm (Pacific time)

I had a terrible problem returning one of their bathmats made for 2 cents in sweatshops. They charged $9.99 and actually laughed at me at the return desk and had another customer chime in. It took a very, very long time for them to show me some respect. I had to call the executive office in Bentonville, Arkansas. It all cost me more than the mat but I wanted to send a message. It was horrible. I avoid Wal-Mart like the plague. By the way Costco beats out Wal-Mart on prescriptions by a long shot. You do not have to be a member to use the pharmacy at Costco. Just tell the people at the entrance that you are just filling out prescriptions.

Allen March 31, 2007 4:10 pm (Pacific time)

Another good reason why I seldom visit Wal-Mart.

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